
The Heralds of Salvation

Of the many Landverses that composed the Devil's world, the Ancestral Land was by far the largest. So large in fact that it accounted for one-third of the Omniverse. All other Landverses orbited the Ancestral Land, forever submissive to the Devil's favorite playground. Each of those verses counted zillions of native lives, each except one: the Slaughter Feast Land. An infinitely large plateau of crystalline red stones, the Slaughter Feast Land had no diversity, no unique life forms, and only acted as a venue for the Omniverse's most sinister game: the Festival of Skulls. Once every 3,600 years, the Omniverse's factions dispatched legions of disciples on this battleground to fight in a grim war that wouldn't end till only one team remained. That team and the victorious faction then received the Devil's blessings, making its overall strength soar far beyond the rest. 

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