
Nine-Tailed Fox In MHA

A Nine-Tailed Fox in MHA, what more do you want? Anyway, MHA belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, okay? I only own the MC that I will create, nothing else. I got the Cover here: https://www.zerochan.net/Kaga+%28Azur+Lane%29

ForgeCoffee · Tranh châm biếm
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87 Chs

Final Lesson By Sensei 3/3

With both Shoto and Himiko having finished their task, it was finally Kaga's turn to finally experience what it is like to kill and get an answer to her question.

Kaga walked up near the body bag but before she could remove its binding, her Sensei spoke,

"Coincidentally, you all went up against the people you were somewhat weak against, Shoto went against a physical-based opponent, Himiko went against someone who can regenerate...but found the weakness, and now it's your turn."

Her sensei didn't speak any further and just gestured to her to continue what she was supposed to do, and with a flick of a wrist, Kaga sent a blade of ice cutting the bag loose.

The man didn't crawl out like the rest...nope...this one hulked its way out of the bag with brute force, nothing related to his quirk.

Kaga like always froze the ground in order to make her own domain, but the opponent in front of her didn't seem to mind.

"WEAK!", the man roared with his hulking figure and proceeded to stomp on the ground enough to bury his feet several inches deep. But that wasn't the effect that surprised Kaga, it was what came with it.

The moment his feet stomped deep into the frozen ground, the earth underneath seemed to have answered his call and began vibrating and effectively shattering the layer of ice on top of it.


'Huh...either a vibration quirk or something related to earth', Kaga thought as she began creating space between her and the opponent.

'Since he called me weak right off the bat, he's either arrogant or short-tempered...let's test it', Kaga thought and decided to pepper the guy with dense balls of ice.





A rain of dense ice sphere kept potshotting the man who just stood there with crossed arms in front of him, blocking the incoming spheres directed towards his head.

"GAHAHAH, WEAK!", he said probably thinking he already had a proper estimation of his 'prey', and began charging towards Kaga completely ignoring defense.

'So you want to go physical? My strongest aspect?', Kaga thought and quickly spun her body 360 Degrees, with this motion her nine-tails which acted as one thick tail whipped towards the hulking figure.


Kaga's tail whipped towards the unsuspecting brute whose each stomp created another fissure of vibration, but before he could even make Kaga lose balance, he was struck at the side of his arm to which it horrifyingly cracked.


With the force from Kaga's whiplash-like tail attack, the man was sent tumbling sidewards obvious to the fact that he underestimated Kaga's only strength to her ice. It was a fair judgment on the rip-off hulk since Kaga's limbs weren't bulky to indicate strength...but they were compact.

If the man actually focused even a bit on defense, he would've at least came prepared to brace for impact, and maybe...just maybe crash in a better position instead of ragdolling his body without balance.

Though his every crash towards the ground sent huge vibrations to his surroundings, greatly mitigating the damage he received when impacting the ground.

'Hmmm...shock absorption? Probably a passive from his quirk, since each time he tumbled from my first strike, there was a strong vibration being transferred to the ground', Kaga thought as she observed the man.

Feeling like she had a good analysis of her opponent, she used [Bo-Bup] to quickly appear on top of the imbalanced man, and went front flipping, causing to send another strong tail whip.


Struck in the head by nine tails worth of pure muscle...and fur, this left the guy disoriented slightly as most of the shock traveled down towards his feet and scattered downwards the ground.

'Not shock absorption...the passive is more like shock transfer', Kaga immediately concluded after seeing how a wide spiderweb of crack appeared under the man, instead of a smaller and concentrated one.

"GRRRR...", the man was furious after being struck so many times by the annoying tails, but Kaga ignored his beastly growls.

Kaga instead of conjuring solid structures of ice decided to constantly release a torrent of cold energy radiating off of her body, quickly changing the surrounding temperature around her to drop especially the 5-meter area around her.

The man has the ability to wave off any type of solid structure easily, but that does not help in cases where a quirk can change the surrounding temperature.

Not wanting to die, he went even crazier in his determination to step the gas on the offense, he rushed towards Kaga as he stood there, seeing her not move he grinned.

Sending a wide left hook to dish out even more power, causes his punch to be slow and easy to read. Without missing this opportunity, Kaga used two of her tails and grabbed the wrist of the oncoming hook.

Pulling the wrist hard, caused the man to lean forward due to the pull and he was already rushing forward, which made him tilt even more.

With his form quickly broken, she ducked under him and proceeded to use a technique from the Renewal Taekwondo, "[Screw Punch]!", she said as she raised her fist upward in a twisting motion.

The punch landed square into the abdomen of the guy, sending him flying into the air while spinning, and since he was airborne he had nowhere to transfer the energy.

Chasing after the man with [Bo-Bup], she appeared on top of the guy once again, only this time his back was facing her.

Grinning at how defenseless her opponent was she used another technique, "[Mach Punch]!", and proceeded to send a barrage of punches surpassing the speed of sound towards the spinal cord of the man.

*THUD!* x???



With multiple punches aiming for the spine, it soon cracked under the sudden pressure which also resulted in great pain, and with the downward force of the punch he was sent rocketing down multiplied with Earth's gravity.



The man's quirk still activated and sent a mini earthquake within the area, although it couldn't save the man anymore since his main supporting bone structure already shattered with the shower of strikes.

Surprisingly the man was still alive, although already on his last breath and could only hold onto his scattering time that was hastily leaving his body and grasps.


Softly landing beside the man as she floated down using her ice technique where she covers herself in a thin film of frost and manipulates it like flying.

Conjuring a lance on her forearm she targetted the man's heart to give a quick death, "Weak.", Kaga said just before piercing the man to copy what he just said moments ago.


When it pierced, Kaga blew out a heavy breath of relief and froze the inside of the man quickly and then shattered it into fine dust...effectively leaving no trace of the man...except a mound of red snow.

'I feel...nothing? That's weird...a bonus I guess? Let's think of this later', I thought and was pulled out of it too by the sound of clapping.




The sound of clapping could be heard, Kaga looked over to her side and saw her Sensei with her two friends clapping, though her Sensei was only nodding in approval.

"Good, but could've been better. You could've used fine snow instead of those ice spheres earlier. With snow, he wouldn't be able to affect it easily...almost like trying to hit a sand dune in a desert.

And with snow, he would've succumbed to the effects of frost even faster, just like what you did in the later stages of the match.

But that's also good, you're experimenting. Remember this, the stronger you get the less would want to fight you, meaning fewer chances to fight. This is also for the two of you, so fight as much as you can when you get the chance.

Especially since you will be attending that UA Hero school when you turn 15, a lot of people will challenge you without the consequence of death. So learn as much as you can.

And with that, our lesson ends here, any final questions or requests?"

Their Sensei advised and offered them the chance to ask a question, the two simply shook their heads but Kaga raised her hand.

"And what would that be, Kid?"

"Attack my current greatest defense as of now", Kaga said seriously, which made Taejin ponder and accepted it in the end.

When Kaga saw her Sensei accept, she began imagining a compressed shield wall, with multiple layers of scales to mitigate any sort of kinetic impact to easily spread the damage.

Taejin was rather impressed with the wall, "Alright, stand back the three of you", he ordered the three as the scene could get messy quickly.

Taejin closed his eyes and began to breathe slowly, placed one arm forward and the other for the optimal balance, and then began to slowly cock his leg back.

"*Breathe in*"




"*Breathes out*"

The moment he breathed out, he released everything at the single point of his toes and proceeded to launch his cocked leg forward.

"Renewal: Recoiless Kick!"



The moment his leg fully stretched out, the air pressure from the kick was so strong that it seemed to have bent space around it, but ultimately destroyed the intimidating wall of ice in front of him.


The shield that Kaga created was rendered useless from an outsider's perspective as it broke spectacularly, shattering into pieces of fragmented ice.

"Huff...Huff", Taejin caught his breath after releasing such an attack, when he looked towards Kaga he saw that she had a downcast expression.

'What's with that look?'

"Kid, tell me, what's the purpose of a shield?", he asked in a serious tone.

Kaga was confused with the question but still answered nonetheless, "To protect."

"Then? Why are you so down? Without the shield, I would've uprooted this entire field, your shield scattered the damage and mitigated 1/4 of my attack's power, and plus you're forgetting the fact that you asked someone like me to actually strike it...you might end up disappointed if someone your age even tried breaking it.

They could probably only knick the first layer with sheer force, but for someone your age to actually try and go through the shield itself, it must at least be a definite weakness of ice. Overall? It was good."

"I see", Kaga said and simply bowed towards her sensei one last time, "Thank you, Sensei!", the other two followed suit.

But before he could leave, he was halted by Kaga, "A farewell gift, sensei", she proceeded to regenerate the stem cells of the old man and also energize the overall cells within him.

With the farewell gift of Kaga, Taejin slowly changed into a younger form of his previously felt, probably around his late 40s.

His previous white-ish grey hair now darkened to one that is close to black but still has that old man shade of grey. "HAHAHA, that annoying backache is gone, thank you", he simply said but Kaga just whispered something back, "Just train my future children, okay? *Giggle*", which earned her a bonk in the end.

"Still too young to think about that, but do take care, Japan seems to have its undercurrents heating up", Taejin said and proceeded to walk away just like every other training session.

"Nee~ What are we going to do with the two remaining bodies? One is a dried-up mummy while the other is impaled like a popsicle", Himiko asked curiously.

"I don't know...it'll probably disappear in the next chapter", Shoto reasoned logically.

"Naruhodo.", Kaga said as she placed her hands upon her chin and started bobbing in agreement.







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