
Chapter 5706: The Power of Destruction

As Long Chen shouted, people seemed to see a purple sun, with thousands of divine lights piercing the sky.


 The violent purple waves washed over the world. At that moment, the sky was cracking and the earth was sinking. Fan Tiande, Li Changgeng and others were pushed back by the terrifying air wave and could not keep their bodies steady.

 "The earth has cracked again..."

 someone exclaimed. Before, the white-clothed Long Chen split the earth in half with a knife, and then the Tianmai Xuanjing repaired itself and it returned to its original appearance.

 Now, under the terrifying breath of Long Chen, it seems that the old injury has recurred and started to tear again.


 The huge waves rolled, the divine sound rumbled, and the sacred dragon blood power filled the entire world and covered the eternal fairy dome. In front of this breath, everyone was as small as an ant.

 At this time, the nine veins merged into one, and the thirteen dragon veins were not enough to look at. They only had the qualifications of crawling on the ground and looking up.

 Long Chen's breath was still surging wildly, and his murderous intent was rising like a volcano. At this moment, he was like an enraged demon in hell, and his breath was accompanied by an endless will of destruction.

 "Long Chen..."

 When Tang Wan'er saw Long Chen's furious look, her nose was sour. No matter how powerful she was, Long Chen protected her as if she were his life, and Long Chen's feelings for her had never changed.

 At this moment, Tang Wan'er's jade hand felt warm. It was Bai Shishi who grabbed her hand. The two smiled at each other. At that moment, they felt a spiritual connection for the first time. Being protected by such a man, life and death seemed to have become unimportant.

 "Is he... crazy?"

 In the distant Protoss camp, Jiang Yue'e stretched out the dragon vein, against the hurricane, and her face was in pain, like a knife cut. The most terrifying thing was that the murderous intent contained in this breath made her soul tremble, and she felt that her will was about to collapse.

 "Long Chen is like this. When his beloved woman is injured, he will... go crazy." Feng Fei resisted the hurricane and said with difficulty.

 "It's just a little skin injury!" Jiang Yue'e screamed.

 "In Long Chen's eyes, his confidantes and brothers are more important than his life. If anyone hurts them, he will make them pay a heavy price." Feng Fei said breathlessly. This breath has already made her very uncomfortable. The

 other powerful people of the God Clan have already retreated far away. They simply cannot bear this terrifying impact.

 "Damn, if there is such a man who loves me, I would be willing to die for him..." Jiang Yue'e gritted her teeth and said.


 At this moment, a more violent air wave hit, and the laws of heaven and earth seemed to break at this moment. Jiang Yue'e and Feng Fei were blown away at the same time. After

 the huge waves raged, the world gradually returned to its original appearance, and people's vision was restored. When they saw the scene in front of them again, they all looked unbelievable.

 The earth was completely torn apart, the crust was completely deformed, and lava was gushing out of the cracks, as if blood was flowing, and the vitality between heaven and earth was rapidly dissipating.

 Looking at the lifeless world, people seemed to be transported to hell, feeling that their lives were slowly withering away, that feeling was despairing.

 "The power of the Heavenly Vein Profound Realm is fading, this world is going to collapse." Someone shouted in fear.

 "It's not time to teleport yet, are we going to perish along with this world?" Someone's voice trembled.

 The faces of the strong men on the periphery were full of fear, are they going to die here?

 "What are you afraid of? Long Chen and the others are here too. What regrets would there be if you could die with such a peerless strongman?" Someone sneered.

 "That's right. It's worth dying to be able to enjoy a battle that will amaze the ages before you die."

 Seeing that those strong men were still surrounding Long Chen in the center of the battlefield, and the battle was still going on, some fanatics took life and death lightly.


 A thunderous cheer erupted in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest. Everyone's eyes were full of fanaticism and admiration. They were completely amazed by Long Chen in front of them.

 At this time, Long Chen's whole body was wrapped in purple divine light. Unlike the previous dragon blood battle body, Long Chen did not have dragon armor on his body. The purple divine light formed a purple gauze dress. As it fluttered in the wind, you could faintly see purple dragon scales appearing and disappearing from time to time. Behind

 Long Chen, thirteen purple dragons formed a pattern of dragons arching a pearl. The thirteen purple dragons, with their heads inside and their tails facing outside, were surrounding a purple pearl.

 The bead was like a purple sun. Its light was not blazing, but rather very soft. One could faintly see a purple tide rising inside, as if it were a world.

 With the blessing of the purple divine light, Long Chen's aura seemed so noble and holy. With his purple clothes floating and his long hair dancing, he looked like an emperor on earth, extremely respected.

 "Oh my god, it's killing me!"

 In the Protoss camp, Jiang Yue'e couldn't help but cover her lips when she saw Long Chen in this state.

 No wonder Feng Fei was in love with this guy. She had warned her to get along well with Long Chen, but not to get too close. Now she finally understood why Feng Fei said this.

 A wife-protecting demon, with such terrifying strength, looked even more handsome under the blessing of the noble purple divine light. Who the hell could stand this?

 Long Chen's whole body was shrouded in the purple divine light, but his eyes were cold. He was aware of the bloody battle outside. When Tang Wan'er and Ah Man were injured, he had been suppressing his anger.

 Now, he can finally release it without restraint. Now is the moment of final reckoning.

 Seeing Long Chen's fierce eyes, the fat woman couldn't help but take a step back. At this moment, she could no longer maintain her previous composure. Long Chen's monstrous killing intent made her feel terrified.


 Dragon Bone Evil Moon appeared in Long Chen's hand, and the purple divine light flowed and slowly poured into the blade.

 "Buzz buzz buzz..."

 The purple breath poured into the black blade, forming a strange purple-black luster. The sharp and bloodthirsty breath was rising. Countless dragon patterns around Dragon Bone Evil Moon slowly lit up, as if a sleeping demon was being awakened.


 Suddenly Long Chen slashed with a knife, but what everyone didn't expect was that Long Chen's knife didn't slash at anyone, but slashed at the void.


 The sky was torn apart by Long Chen's knife, and the sky curtain was separated. What shocked everyone was that behind the sky curtain, there was actually a huge monster hidden.

 As the sky curtain cracked, people could only see the tip of the iceberg at first, and then gradually saw its full appearance.

 When everyone saw its full appearance, they were all shocked. This was a living being, a living being that was so big that it was unimaginable. The monster's body was as small as an ant in front of it.

 "This is..."

 People looked at this figure with horror, and their bodies began to tremble constantly.