
Chapter 5707: Sweeping the Prodigies

"The sea whale clan actually has something as vicious as you." Long Chen looked at the woman's face and said grimly.

 "Sea whale?"

 "The legendary monster that can devour a world?"

 "Didn't they say that the sea whale clan would not leave the sea? How could she appear here?" People were shocked. They only understood the origin of the fat woman at this time.

 At this time, Tang Wan'er finally realized that it was no wonder that her attacks on the fat woman were ineffective. It turned out that her real body was hidden in the sky, and the fat woman was just her clone.


 At this moment, the fat woman's body split into two. She was terrified and pointed at Long Chen. She wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.


 At this moment, the behemoth above the nine heavens also split into two. In the endless bloody rain full of fishy smell, the huge corpse began to fall.

 The corpse was too big. Once it fell, even people who retreated far away would be hit by it.


 However, the purple divine light flashed, wrapped the two huge corpses, and the bloody rain and the corpse disappeared in an instant.

 The terrifying strongman of the Sea Whale Clan was killed by Long Chen just like that. At this moment, Fan Tiande and others were no longer calm.

 They didn't care about Yue Changfeng's death before. That guy's strength was rubbish. It's better to have him without him, so as not to get in the way.

 It's a pity that the strong man of the Demon Clan died, but such a person doesn't know how to cooperate and is of no use.

 But the fat woman of the Sea Whale Clan is very powerful. Even Fan Tiande and Li Changgeng are very afraid of her, and they didn't guess her origin.

 And Long Chen not only saw her origin, but also attacked her unexpectedly and killed her body directly. The death of the fat woman is a huge loss for them.

 "Let's go together."

 At this time, a blood clan strongman, with flames flying around him, burned the power of the sky vein in an instant, and his breath rose rapidly. A meteor hammer whistled towards Long Chen.

 The meteor hammer was bigger than the table. It was a magic weapon made of the core of a star. It was amazingly heavy. Because this blood clan strongman was gifted, he could control such a heavy weapon.

 "Boom boom..."

 The meteor hammer struck, making a piercing sonic boom. The power of this attack was unimaginable.


 However, what shocked everyone was that Long Chen did not use his sword to block such a terrifying weapon, but used his left hand as a claw to directly block it.

 With a loud bang, Long Chen's five fingers were like hooks, deeply piercing into the meteor hammer, grabbing it, and stopping it in mid-air.


 The blood clan strongman was horrified. He had fought countless battles, but he had never thought that someone could catch his attack in this way.

 Long Chen grabbed the meteor hammer with his bare hands and pulled it back violently, just using the meteor hammer to block Fan Tiande's sword.


 With a loud bang, Fan Tian's Brahma Blade was amazingly powerful, and the extremely hard meteor hammer was actually cut into a deep groove by him.


 The owner of the meteor hammer let out an unwilling roar at this time. The power of Long Chen made him fly towards Long Chen involuntarily.

 The most terrifying thing was that no matter how he struggled, the purple torrent around him was surging, pushing him towards Long Chen, which was clearly pushing him to death.


 the blood clan strongman crashed into the Dragon Bone Evil Moon, and the thirteen dragon veins disappeared in an instant and were swallowed by the Dragon Bone Evil Moon, and his soul fire was instantly extinguished.


 Long Chen had just killed the blood clan warrior, a thin and long sword stabbed from behind Long Chen. Long Chen swung the dragon bone evil moon in his hand and slashed the blood clan warrior's body to the back, blocking the sword at the critical moment.

 That was a warrior from the life hunting clan. They originally had thousands of top masters hiding in the crowd.

 However, Long Chen's indiscriminate attack killed them all. No matter how powerful the assassination technique was, it seemed so pale and powerless at this time.

 In the end, only he, a super warrior with thirteen dragon veins, was left. At this time, he found an opportunity to strike, and the timing was just right. However, Long Chen seemed to be a prophet and easily blocked it with his sword.

 The killer of the life hunting clan suddenly felt bad. If a killer's moves were predicted by the opponent, it would be dangerous. He retreated quickly and was about to drill into the void. With a


 sound, the meteor hammer in Long Chen's other hand exploded, forming endless fragments, instantly swallowing up most of the void.


 The Life Hunter, who had just become invisible, was hit by endless horrific fragments, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

 The Life Hunter was not known for its defense. The horrific shock wave formed by Long Chen's crushing of the meteor hammer not only forced him out, but also severely injured him.


 The Life Hunter was horrified, and suddenly felt something was wrong. With a flash, he quickly fled.


 At this moment, a black spear silently stabbed at Long Chen, like a poisonous fang in the dark night, until it approached Long Chen, the tip of the spear glowed, and the power of destroying the world burst out in an instant.

 This was Long Zai Ye's Dark Night Demon Spear, and it attacked exactly what Long Chen had to save. He couldn't let Long Chen kill the Life Hunter. Although he hated the killer, he had to admit that the killer would cause great pressure to Long Chen.

 Now Long Zai Ye has been shocked by Long Chen's power and no longer wants to fight Long Chen alone. As long as he can kill Long Chen, he has already used all means. "

 Dang "

 the Dark Night Demon Spear stabbed down, and just as it was about to pierce Long Chen's body, Longgu Xieyue took a step ahead to block it at his waist. The Dark Night Demon Spear stabbed the blade, and Long Chen was blown away by the force of the spear.

 "Not good"

 Long Zaiye suddenly felt bad, because he found that his power was rapidly fading, and a part of it was actually absorbed.


 Long Zaiye was about to remind him, but it was too late. Long Chen, who was blown away by him, not only avoided the attack of Minglong Tianfeng, but also struck out with a palm, and the void cracked. The desperately fleeing Life Hunter was slapped into a bloody mist by Long Chen

 's palm. The strongest point of the Life Hunters is their assassination ability. They cannot stand the light of day. Once they are exposed to the light, they are basically finished. After

 killing the Life Hunter with a palm, Long Chen spun around, his right leg was like a whip, and then the sound of dragon roars was loud. In the roar of thousands of ways, the purple dragon tail emerged, like a whip of the gods, sweeping across the world.

 At this time, Fan Tiande, Li Changgeng and others rushed desperately to save the man. Now Long Chen suddenly counterattacked, and this move was so powerful that everyone's face changed.

 "The dragon swings its tail"

 Long Chen shouted, and the power of dragon blood burned instantly, and the purple flames engulfed the sky.

 The purple tail passed through the void, the space was deformed, and time was compressed. There were actually several shadows of dragon tails, real and fake, fast and slow, which made people dizzy.


 with a shocking explosion, a large area of ​​time and space runes were flying, and blood mist filled the sky.