

Have you ever thought that beneath the neon city lurks monsters from ancient mythology? Have you ever thought that in the universe above man's head, the deities stands watching man. Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the earth in place of deities? In the societies ruled by humans, there are countless strange events lurking. In those forbidden places of life that no one cares about, live the ancient gods. Helios, the god of light, Hades, the god of darkness, Poseidon, these mysterious gods, where have they gone? In this "human" world, all kinds of "Paranormal event" need to be cleared up.

chihi · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Chapter 23: I Want to Eat You



In a room designed for shooting practice, Monch stood before a well-organized array of various firearms and spoke with a determined tone.

"For high-level mythical creatures, firearms may have limited utility, but for low-level mythical creatures, guns can often outperform traditional cold weapons. This is especially true for newcomers who have yet to develop strong melee combat skills."

Monch continued, "I will impart only two essential skills to you: shooting proficiency and an understanding of the composition principles of firearms. If you don't intend to specialize in firearms in the future, these two skills should suffice."

Yaso nodded in response, a contemplative look on their face.

Monch pressed on, "Now, take this firearm and aim it at the target. Let's see your innate talent." Monch was straightforward and unwavering.

Yaso felt a surge of nervousness, but they took a deep breath, mirroring the movements they had seen in movies and on television. They raised the firearm, aimed it carefully, and pulled the trigger.

With a resounding gunshot, both of their expressions suddenly turned grim.

The shot had missed its mark. The disappointment hung in the air, casting a shadow over the room.

Monch, clearly displeased, walked over to the target and meticulously inspected it, making sure there were no bullet holes. His expression soured as he muttered, "Missing a 30-meter target? This...?"

Yaso, feeling the weight of the moment, gingerly placed the gun down and cleared their throat. "Um... How would you rate my talent?" they inquired with a touch of uncertainty.

Monch's response was blunt, "You? You've got the talent of a fart."

Yaso's face fell, leaving them at a loss for words.


Back at Deanna's big villa, Yaso fell weakly on the sofa, rubbing the corners of his tired eyes.

After one day of training, it can be said that he was tortured both physically and mentally. First, he was slashed by the captain, and then he was beaten into a sieve by a rubber bullet.,

Although he was not tired from the evening firearms class, he rubbed his self-esteem on the ground again and again....

He really has no talent for guns.

After training this night, when he walked out of the training room, Yaso obviously felt that Monch was more tired than him.

In the end, Monch comforted him, saying that this is actually not too outrageous for a novice, so let him work hard in the future.

The east wind and the west wind have slowed down.

"Don't worry, I believe my lack of talent is only temporary. I just need more practice," Yaso consoled Himself.

"Have confidence in both me and yourself. Your marksmanship is excellent, and there's no reason I can't teach me, right?" Yaso tried to maintain optimism.

"Time, it's all about time... Be patient," they reminded Himself.

"Stay positive! I can still hit a target within at least 20 meters, so there's hope," Yaso added, trying to boost his spirits.

Just as Yaso was feeling down, a figure quietly approached him.

"Yaso, isn't it?" Deanna inquired, addressing Yaso.

Yaso nodded, responding, "Yes, that's me."

Deanna offered some reassurance, "It's all right, really. Even though it's tough, it's also fulfilling." Yaso took a sip of tea and glanced around, asking, "Where's Lomi?"

Deanna explained, "She seemed a bit upset that you took her 'group pet' spot and went back to the house to sulk."

"That makes sense. When she first treated me, she always pinched my flesh. I thought it was just a normal part of the treatment process," Yaso realized, touching the green and purple marks on his arm.

Deanna nodded in understanding.

"In fact, the captain is tough on everyone. When I first arrived here, he didn't go easy on me at all, despite me being a girl. He even made me cry," Deanna shared.

"It sounds a bit harsh," Yaso remarked.

"Not at all. It's not cruelty. The decrease in the Night's Watch's death rate in Green City is largely thanks to the captain. One, because of his own strength, and two... He takes responsibility for the other players," Deanna explained.

"The more he pushes you, the more you'll remember the lessons and grow quickly. He'd rather have his team members dislike him than see them perish on the battlefield due to their lack of strength... Do you understand?" Deanna asked, emphasizing the captain's dedication to their training and survival.

"I know."

The corners of Deanna's mouth rose slightly, she touched Yaso's hair like a big sister, and said softly: "Okay, go to rest early if you are tired, good night."

"Good night."

Yaso and Deanna said goodbye and returned to their room, dragging their tired bodies on the bed, looking at the empty ceiling in a daze.

After a while, he slowly got up from the bed again...

Pull out the straight knife in the sheath,

He holds a knife in one hand and a sheath in the other,

He closed his eyes and recalled every technique Eiss used today.,

In the hazy moonlight,

He wields a knife! He wants to be strong!


Location: Green City University of Technology.

The bell rang after school at night, and groups of students walked out of the school gate, talking and laughing towards the school gate.

"Oh, I have to write another paper today, and I have to get it past eleven o'clock..."

"Isn't that right!That stupid teacher asked us to write a thesis again!will they let us live or not?"


Suddenly, a student turned his head and said to a student standing at the end.:

""Jagz, hurry up.""

Jagz After a while, "I'm here."

He accelerated his steps to keep up with the team, still looking around all the time, a little absent-minded.

"What's wrong with you?What are you looking for?"A student named Wilpers asked suspiciously.

"I suddenly remembered that I didn't bring my notebook, it was still in the drawer of the classroom."

"Tell me about your brain, you only know how to pick up girls all day long?You hurry back and get it, I won't wait for you, I'm going to make an appointment with my friends to go to the e-sports hotel to play games, see you tomorrow."

Wilpers carried his bag, waved to Jagz, turned around and left with the others.

Jagz ran quickly to the classroom.

By the time he returned to the door of the school, it had been 20 minutes since school was over, and the students were basically gone when it was time to leave, and the whole school was empty.

"Fortunately, the door hasn't closed yet.Jagz muttered to himself and ran into the school quickly.

The campus at dusk is a bit more silent and less popular than usual.

From time to time, cleaning students came out of the classroom, looked at the time, ran quickly to the door, and passed by Jagz who was returning against the current.

The tall trees on both sides of the road were rustled by the wind, and the residual sunlight that was about to fall into the West Mountain leaked out from the cracks in the leaves, getting darker and less and less....

Jagz quickly ran to the front of their class's building, and in two steps ran to the fourth floor, to the door of his class.

They secretly touch the window into the classroom after school, it is easy to misunderstand, if the class teacher found, it is certainly not a good thing.

So Jagz clung to the wall and planned to wait until the two left.

Two people while talking, while Jagz hiding near the classroom, gradually, Jagz can clearly hear their chatting voice.

"... Therefore, your class must grasp this paper, choose the best paper out, to participate in the city competition."

"I know, teacher, please rest assured." Amedalou said.

Two people walk, the head teacher seems to be walking tired, stopped the pace, put his hands on the corridor railing, rest up.

Amedalou also stopped and continued to speak beside the head teacher.

Their location, of all places, is right in front of Jagz's hiding room!

Jagz saw this scene through the reflection of the window, helplessly rolled his eyes, and simply sat down in place, waiting for them to leave.

"Well, that's all very well. Call them into my office tomorrow and I'll talk to them." The head teacher nodded with satisfaction, turned to Amedalou and said, stepping to leave.

"Class teacher!" Amedalou suddenly spoke and stopped the class teacher.

The head teacher turned around and looked at her doubtfully, "Do you have anything else?" Amedalou?"

In the dusk, Amedalou's face appeared a faint blush, inexplicable pinched.

"Teacher, actually, actually I... I've been meaning to tell you..."

Hiding in the side of Jagz eyes wide, eyes are almost staring off, eyes are full of shock!


He came back for his notebook, and he saw this thing? !

Amedalou has that idea about the head teacher? !

But the class teacher is fifty now! And a bald man!

Does she have such bad taste?

The head teacher, who stood in front of Amedalou, frowned more and more.

"Teacher, actually I... I've always wanted to

Eat you!"

The last three words were uttered, and Amedalou's mouth split in an astonishing arc, as if it had been ripped open!