

Have you ever thought that beneath the neon city lurks monsters from ancient mythology? Have you ever thought that in the universe above man's head, the deities stands watching man. Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the earth in place of deities? In the societies ruled by humans, there are countless strange events lurking. In those forbidden places of life that no one cares about, live the ancient gods. Helios, the god of light, Hades, the god of darkness, Poseidon, these mysterious gods, where have they gone? In this "human" world, all kinds of "Paranormal event" need to be cleared up.

chihi · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 22: Partner

"Then your Divine spell [miracle] belongs to the top reconnaissance and combat auxiliary abilities. Perhaps the advantages shown now are not large, but as your strength grows, it should grow to an extremely terrifying point."

Millon said while recording the information.

"Is there any other effect?"

"My dynamic vision is probably several times that of before."Yaso replied seriously.

"This belongs to the melee killing ability, very good, what else?"

"When I consume a lot of mental power, I can use a ray of the divine power of the god of light Hoder, a very powerful energy."

"Well, the average agent of the gods has this ability, is there anything else?"

"No more."Yaso said.

"...No more??That's all?"Millon raised his head in astonishment.

"That's all the power Hoder, the God of Light, gave me."Yaso replied sincerely, in a sense, he was telling the truth.

Millon frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head one after another, "No, no...This is a Divine spell [miracle], and the abilities shown should be much more than that!"

"You mean... my current ability is not complete?"Yaso was taken aback.

Millon nodded, "Let's put it this way, in a special Pearl elite team, there is an Athena agent. When she first became an awakener, she was only "C-level" and she could blow down a building with one punch and kill the mythical creatures in the 'b' realm with her bare hands.

Although your abilities are good... but they are only good. The most important thing is that what you are showing now is all combat auxiliary abilities!

But... that's the Divine spell of the God of Light!How could it be only this powerful?"

Yaso looked at his hands blankly, "But, I really only feel these abilities."

Millon pondered for a moment and continued: "There are two possibilities now. The first possibility is that when the God of Light chose you as an agent, he only gave you this small part of the ability. At present, I think this possibility is the greatest.

The second possibility is that other abilities of your Divine spell have always existed, but you can't feel it now, or you don't know how to use it."

Finding that Yaso didn't understand, Millon continued.

"Think about it carefully, from childhood to adulthood, is there anything different from other people?"

Yaso pondered for a moment, "My legs can't walk?"

"...this doesn't count."

"In fact, I personally prefer the first possibility. The God of Light did not give you a complete Divine spell in the first place."

Millon sighed helplessly.

After all, it's the Divine spell of the God of Light. It doesn't make sense to be so ordinary. You should be able to fly a group of talents with a casual sneeze.


"In short, I said before that your current [miracle] is probably a high-risk level ability. It seems that you have overestimated you. Judging from your current abilities, it is probably an ordinary level ability."

Millon recorded a few more strokes on the file, and comforted: "But don't be discouraged. As your strength grows, your subsequent abilities will gradually be revealed. After all, you are the agent of the God of Light, and he will not let you lose face like this. ."

Yaso shrugged, "I hope so."

"Now that we have a preliminary understanding of your abilities, we should start training."Millon summarized the documents and quickly designed a training plan for him.

"How to practice?"

"Overall, your current abilities focus on 'perception' and 'prediction'. Relatively speaking, this characteristic ability is relatively easy to train. You only need to let your body and abilities gradually run in."

Millon pointed to the room behind him, "Inside, there is a machine gun equipped with 30,000 ice bullets, which can shoot from 1 to 30,000 ice bullets per second. Although the flight speed of the bullet is slightly slower than that of the real bullet, it is enough for your current state. .

All you have to do is to stand in and use your perception and dynamic vision to avoid the ice bullets as much as possible.

Considering your realm, let's start with 50 bullets per second."

Yaso glanced at the room and nodded, "I see."

Pushing the door into the room, Yaso stood in the center, looking at the honeycomb-like gun holes all over the wall, and an ominous premonition reappeared in his heart....

"Wait, why are there all gun holes under these feet?What should I do if I hit an important place?"Yaso saw the densely packed gun holes under him, only to feel his crotch tighten, and his face changed.

"In actual combat, danger may appear from anywhere, and there is no place where it shouldn't be fought."Millon's voice sounded from all sides, "If you are ready, I will start.""

Yaso slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Let's get started."


Swish swish...

At the moment the beep sounded, in Yaso's range of perception, ice bullets flew from all directions like raindrops, extremely fast, and it was impossible to capture with the naked eye!

Yaso reacted the moment the bullet came out, jumping back and forth for two consecutive times to avoid most of the bullets, but a large number of bullets were shot out, and the angles were extremely tricky!

In Yaso's perception, he can predict that the trajectory of the bullet is true, but the trajectory he can predict at the same time is limited.

For example, let one person catch a rolling table tennis, it is easy to do, if you catch three table tennis at the same time, it is okay.

But if there are twenty table tennis balls rolling in different directions at the same time, the human brain will not be able to react in time and can not accurately judge the trajectory of each of them.

Yaso is also facing this problem.

Within three seconds of the start of the training, he had already received more than a dozen bullets on his body. Although the ice bullets would not hurt people, the pain was still there because of the fast speed.

So, he finally understood the true meaning of this training...

"Damn, why is he beaten again? !"


In the kitchen.

Eiss wore an apron and gloves, walked to the table with a bowl of fragrant vegetables, and gently put it down....

Deanna's eyes widened and she swallowed hard. "Captain, how long has it been since you cooked yourself?" Is the sun rising in the west today?"

Taylor smiled. "Haven't you noticed? This is mostly for Yasso, not for us."

"Uncle Eiss, you are eccentric!"Si Lomi said angrily.

The corners of Ace's mouth twitched slightly, and he said blankly: "I'm just tired of eating lunch and want to change my taste. It has nothing to do with that kid."

"It turned out to be like this."Deanna's eyes lit up

"Then I'm welcome, hehe..."

Eiss spoke lightly:

"Yasso's training isn't over yet, so wait for him."


"It smells good..." Yaso, who was in pain all over, staggered out of the training room, smelling the smell of broth coming from the activity room, and his tired eyes lit up again.

The corners of Millon's mouth rose slightly, "It seems that you were beaten up by Eiss in the morning for nothing..."

Yaso walked straight to the activity room, and just as he pushed the door in, four pairs of resentful eyes swept over.

"..." Yaso felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, "Why...?""

"It's nothing, sit down and eat."Eiss glanced at him and said lightly.


When Yaso sat down, Deanna looked at Eiss blankly, indescribably pitiful.

"Let's eat."Finally, Eiss aid what everyone had been waiting for for a long time.

Several people shot one after another, like wolves who had been hungry for a few days, their eyes were red.

"Deanna, the Night Hunter's catering standards... Are they always this nice? Yasso whispered, looking at the table full of food.

Deanna replied angrily: "I don't want to talk to you now."

After Deanna finished speaking, she thought for a while, and added: "I have to wait until I finish eating before talking to you!"


"Yaso." Eiss called Yaso.

"Yes, captain."

"After training today, have you gained anything?"

"Yes, I have gained a lot."

"Hmm.Eiss nodded, paused, and continued, "Does the body hurt?""

"...it hurts a bit."

"Lomi, after dinner, give Yaso some treatment."

Si Lomi pouted and nodded obediently, "Okay."

Eiss thought for a while, and then added, "You don't need to be completely cured, as long as you can still train tomorrow."



The two forks collided in the bone soup, making a slight noise.The two forks were deadlocked, and no one would let anyone cross that piece of meat.

Deanna and Tayler stared wide-eyed and small-eyed, and they were so deadlocked together, their eyes seemed to collide with a series of sparks in the air.

"Tayler, I saw this piece of meat first."Deanna stared and said.

Tayler said calmly: "I saw it first."

"You let me go."

"I don't."

"Let go!"


Thorn la la la...

The spark of collision between the eyes of the two became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Monch, who had a very low sense of existence while eating silently, stared at the piece of meat, stretched out his hand and touched it around his waist....

Took out a miniature submachine gun,

Put it on the table.

"Let go."He said calmly.



Monch naturally stretched out his chopsticks, took away the biggest piece of meat, hesitated for a moment, and put it in Yaso's bowl.

"Newcomers, eat more and practice guns in a while."

Monch said coldly as he put away the submachine gun.

"What?Oh...Ok."Yaso didn't react for a while, and then looked at Monch who was buried in the meal in a daze....

"Monch, try not to draw a gun on the table next time." Eiss reminded,

"Just in case it had an accident... ... it would be a pity for this table of food."

Monch nodded, "Oh."

Deanna and Taylerlooked at each other, and at the same time obediently lowered their heads to eat.

When Yaso had eaten all the food in the bowl, Monch stood up and walked to his side, speaking lightly.:

"Are you full?"


"Let's go, practice guns."
