
Nexus Bloodline

New Book, Run or Die Runner "All it takes is one birth to alter and destroy the world." The Mysterious Entity murmured. In a world where realms collide and bloodlines hold hidden power, the Nexus Academy stands as a crossroads of destinies. Lennox growing up with two curses caused him to be alone he never expected anything of the world beside wanting to change his life but he manages to grab his thread of nexus, a force that allows them to traverse realms and harness unique abilities in different worlds.

Danger_God · Kỳ huyễn
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95 Chs

Chapter-7 Awakening

The sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the Nexus Academy's training grounds. Lennox stood at the center of the open field after spending days learning about the Nexus bloodline and how it functioned within everyone's body to unlock their abilities. He couldn't wait to try and unlock his own, so he decided to come to the training ground.

All around the training area, other Nexarcs were busy training, either in pairs or alone. Like always, Lennox found himself isolated, as no one ever approached him.


High up in the tower of the Nexus Academy was Valarian, the Nexarch of the academy, observed with keen interest. His expression was a mix of pride and concern as he watched from a distance. He knew that this moment was a crucial turning point for Lennox.

Lennox sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "My mind is fully set on unlocking my bloodline... I've been learning everything for a couple of weeks just for this moment," he said aloud.

Lennox took another deep breath, deliberately shutting out the distractions of the world around him. The rustling leaves and distant sounds of training became a distant hum, creating a gentle backdrop of ambiance. He understood the importance of unlocking his Nexus vein before awakening his bloodline, realizing that harnessing his Nexus energy was the key to achieving his goal.

In his mind, Lennox reviewed the extensive knowledge he had acquired about Resonance Attunement. Instructors at the academy had meticulously taught him and his fellow Nexarcs about this fundamental concept in the Nexus System. Resonance Attunement represented the vital connection between a Nexarc and their unique bloodline abilities, as well as their ability to harness the energies of the Nexus System.

Each Nexarc possessed a bloodline with distinct powers and abilities. Resonance Attunement was the process through which a Nexarc learned to harmonize their inner energies with the Nexus System, enabling them to access and control their bloodline abilities more effectively. It was a critical step in a Nexarc's development, allowing them to unlock the full potential of their bloodline.

Now, it was time for Lennox to put his knowledge of Resonance Attunement into practice. He placed his hands on his knees, palms turned upward, ready to receive the energies of the Nexus threads in the air. With every heartbeat, he felt a pulse of anticipation, coupled with a tinge of worry. If he failed to awaken his bloodline, he would have to return to Earth, a prospect that filled him with a sense of determination and a touch of fear. The stakes were high, and Lennox knew he had to succeed.


Lennox started by regulating his breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly, allowing his mind to slip into a state of focused calmness. As his breath became steady, he turned his awareness inward, seeking the subtle presence of the Nexus energy that permeated everything around him.

In his mind's eye, Lennox visualized the threads of light that wove through the air, shimmering like a delicate web connecting all things. These threads responded to his intent, pulsating with a faint luminosity. Within his mental landscape, he pictured his silver-pale Nexus veins a lattice of intricate pathways running through his body. Each thread of his Nexus veins reached out, delicately touching the surrounding Nexus energy threads. As he visualized this connection, a sensation akin to a gentle hum spread through his body.

The air around Lennox seemed to buzz with energy, and his skin tingled with anticipation. Slowly, he extended his awareness, seeking to align his energy with the vibrations of the world.


As Lennox maintained his focus, a sense of unity began to emerge. He felt as though he was no longer separate from the world but part of a grand tapestry of interconnected energies. The breeze that brushed against his skin carried a faint echo of distant voices, and the sunlight seemed to hold a secret message. In this moment of attunement, Lennox felt a deep connection to the vast, mysterious forces that governed their existence, an experience that filled him with awe and reverence.

And then, it happened the Nexus veins within Lennox's body responded. There was a surge of energy, akin to a rush of warm water flowing through his veins. He felt distinct sensations at different points tingling at his fingertips, a warmth in his chest, a cool breeze against his cheek.

Lennox's eyes fluttered open, his deep obsidian black gaze alive with wonder. He had done it. The Astral Resonance Attunement had allowed him to harmonize his energy with the Nexus threads, awakening his Nexus Points. He felt more in tune with the world around him, more aware of the ebb and flow of energy that coursed through everything. Looking at his hand, he noticed a thin silver line in his arm veins beneath his skin intensify. He was certain he had awakened his Nexus veins.

As he stood up, a smile tugged at the corners of Lennox's lips. His journey as a Nexarc had truly begun, and the Astral Resonance Attunement had opened a gateway to a world of limitless possibilities and the awakening of his bloodline that he felt pulsating inside of him.

Back in the academy tower, Nexarch Valarian wore a smile on his face. He knew that Lennox was special; otherwise, why would he go to him and invite him?

Lennox then followed his Nexus veins, guiding him straight to his chest. He knew that the chest was the Nexus energy core, the place that held the energy and supported every part of his body. In his mind's eye, he watched the Nexus veins as he got closer to the core. Upon arriving, he found an iridescent crystal embedded just above his heart. The crystal pulsed with a gentle glow, indicating it was the Nexus core. At the side of the core, he felt a lump on the line, sensing heat emanating from it.

"There you are, the Nexus bloodline... now it's just a matter of awakening you," Lennox thought. He could feel the dormant power within him, waiting to be unleashed. as he moved closer to the small lump. The heat grew stronger as he focused his nexus energy, channeling more power into the lump. It started to swell until it became too large as it couldn't contain any more energy, causing it to burst open. A wisp of a fire symbol emerged, flying down his veins at a fast speed. The awakening had begun.

"I have awakened... The Pyroclasm bloodline!" Lennox said aloud, his voice filled with surprise. He knew that the Pyroclasm bloodline was associated with fire, one of the main elemental abilities. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as he realized the potential that lay within him.

The air hummed with energy as Lennox extended his hand, palm upturned, fingers spread wide. Above his open palm, a swirling vortex of colors materialized a mesmerizing blend of ethereal hues that danced and twirled. He controlled the Nexus energy, which pulsed with a rhythm that resonated deep within Lennox's core.

As Lennox concentrated, the colors within the vortex shifted and melded into a vivid display of fire. He felt a strong heat emanating from it, yet it didn't burn his palm. The energy pulsed with life, a heartbeat of power that echoed in harmony with his own. The crystal in his chest core lit up azure, illuminating veins all over his body in the same azure hue. His eyes glowed with a wisp of fire in their depths, and finally, his clothing, once black, now bore azure veins of energy.

An azure-colored flame appeared in his palm. Lennox's gaze remained fixed on the fire. The air around him began to shimmer with heat, and a low, almost imperceptible hum filled the air. His concentration intensified, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he willed the flames to grow. 

Lennox started to feel like he was losing control of his fire, but with a final surge of effort, a pillar of roaring fire erupted from his hands. It reached toward the sky with dazzling intensity, the flames twisting and contorting. The ascent was almost overwhelming, the heat nearly searing him, but he held on, his determination overriding the fear. The pillar of fire reached its peak, illuminating the surroundings with its brilliance.

Around the academy The onlookers could hardly contain their amazement. The fire danced and swirled, casting a brilliant display of light and shadow across academy .

As the flames gradually subsided, Lennox lowered his hands, his chest heaving from the exertion.'I had done it i awakened my bloodline and its fire'He thought inn excitement. but he knw. with that blaze of fire, and in that moment, the Nexus Academy knew that a new, formidable Nexarc had emerged.

Nexarch Valarian, his eyes filled with approval. "Impressive," he said, his voice carrying the weight of generations of Nexarcs who had walked this path. "You have harnessed a strong fire within you, Lennox. "


Just as Lennox was about to leave ing ecitment that overwhelm them, a voice cuts through their thoughts."having some fun with your fire, huh?"The voice is gentle, tinged with an understanding that eases the tension in his shoulders.

Lennox turned around to see a girl who stood at 5'7". Her hair, as dark as the deepest abyss, was styled into a sharp, asymmetrical bob that fell just above her shoulders. Jagged green ends, razor-sharp, framed her face, adding to her distinctive look. Her eyes were captivating, a deep shade of green that held an almost hypnotic allure. She had a fair complexion and a slender yet graceful C Cup figure. Her steps were almost soundless, as if she glided rather than walked. She was dressed in the Nexus uniform, wearing tight black jeans and a short-sleeved black blouse.

Lennox tilted his head"Who are you" he asked cursiotly trying to remember this girl he never saw before but he found her very beautiful.

"I'm Kira Nyctosurge, from Grade Two," 18-year-old Kira introduced herself, her gaze meeting Lennox's. She couldn't explain why she felt the need to introduce herself to him, especially since she had never been to the training ground before.

Lennox extended his hand towards Kira. "Well, I'm Lennox, but you can call me Nox," he said, offering his nickname. He had been called Nox by people in the past before he became more solitary. As he thought about it, he realized that Kira had approached him when others hadn't, and she didn't seem bothered by his eye, which intrigued him.

Kira chirped with a quick wit, "Well, Nox doesn't quite fit... how about Twinkle?" Her voice carried a happy tone as she shook Lennox's hand. In her mind, she couldn't help but think, 'Why am I giving him a nickname already?'

Lennox scratched his head and chuckled, genuinely puzzled. "Ha... Why?" he asked, a mix of confusion and amusement in his voice. He had just given her his name, something not many knew, and she was already renaming him. It piqued his curiosity.

"Well, because of your eye color," Kira replied, her tone complimentary.

Lennox paused for a moment, processing her words. "Well, thanks, I guess..." he said, feeling a warmth from Kira's friendliness, especially considering she seemed to accept his eye's peculiarity. He noted that she had a Nyctosurge bloodline, indicating a control over shadows, a fact that intrigued him further.

"You have a unique fire color... that's very rare," Kira said, her tone tinged with slight admiration. In her mind, she pondered, 'I haven't seen anyone besides you with this color fire. Others usually have orange, pink, or gray.' She couldn't help but wonder about the significance of his particular fire color.

Lennox nodded appreciatively, admitting, "Thanks, but it's not as easy to control as I thought it would be." His voice carried a mix of disappointment and determination. Controlling his fire made him quickly tired and often overwhelmed. He feared losing control, worrying that he might burn himself in the process.

"That's the way it is, no bloodline is easy to control, and some are even harder than yours," Kira consoled him. "But I've learned enough to understand that it isn't just about controlling your hands and energy, it's about finding the right connection. Emotions can play a significant role, both for the good and the bad."

Lennox raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. He was eager to learn more about control, asking, "Emotions? How do they factor into this?" He had always felt a lack of strong emotions while controlling his fire, mostly just excitement.

Kira offered him a friendly smile. "Let me show you," she said, stepping onto the circular platform beside Lennox. Her gaze was steady, and in that moment, he felt a growing sense of friendship and trust towards her.