
Nexus Bloodline

New Book, Run or Die Runner "All it takes is one birth to alter and destroy the world." The Mysterious Entity murmured. In a world where realms collide and bloodlines hold hidden power, the Nexus Academy stands as a crossroads of destinies. Lennox growing up with two curses caused him to be alone he never expected anything of the world beside wanting to change his life but he manages to grab his thread of nexus, a force that allows them to traverse realms and harness unique abilities in different worlds.

Danger_God · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter-6 Bloodline Testing

After spending several days diving deep into learning about bloodlines from all around the world and their different types, Lennox started to understand the complexities of their elements and how they could be used.

Getting up from his surprisingly comfortable bed, a luxury he hadn't enjoyed in years, Lennox felt a twinge of reluctance to leave its warmth. However, he knew that achieving the better life he wanted meant he had to stay dedicated. While stretching, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Lennox looked towards the door, no one had bothered him since he arrived here. He cautiously approached and opened it.

In front of him stood an imposing figure: a big, strong man with a bald head, a short beard, and dressed in a Nexus Academy uniform covered in medals. The recognizable Nexus badge was accompanied by a nameplate proudly displaying the name 'Staff Stewart.'

Staff Stewart spoke to Leenox with disdain. "Young man, it's high time you vacate your room. The transport has been prepared and waiting outside for the past ten minutes. Move quickly!"

Amidst the tumultuous events, Lennox was uncertain about what lay ahead that day. "Huh bus, what do you mean?" he questioned, puzzled.

"It's time for your bloodline testing," Staff Stewart replied, scrutinizing Lennox.'I really don't know why the others wanted to wait another 10 minutes for you' he thought.

Being occupied throughout the entire week, Lennox was unaware that he had his bloodline testing scheduled for today. Upon realizing, a mix of excitement and worry washed over him. He hurriedly made his way to the bathroom for a quick shower and dressed in his chosen outfit. As he prepared, he felt a strange sensation, as if his body was warming up after a brief chill.

Once he was ready, Lennox joined Staff Stewart, heading out of his room and into the outdoor area of his dormitory. The moment he stepped outside, he noticed a shift in the air, something subtly different. This change in atmosphere had an immediate effect on his mood, filling him with newfound determination.

"Why are you moving at such a slow pace?" Stewart shouted, noticing Lennox's slow walk. "If you keep this up, the transport will leave without you!"

Not wanting to cause any trouble or arrive late, Lennox hurried to catch up with Staff Steward. Finally, he spotted something truly majestic.

The creature before him had no distinct facial features, but it possessed a radiant orb at its "head" that served as its central consciousness. This orb emitted a soft, pulsating light. Its body was the humanoid shape of a horse, yet it was composed of swirling stardust. Its arms were long and slender, tapering into nebulous wisps. Its legs were similarly nebulous and seemed to float, and it wore a celestial robe made of shimmering material. Each hand had six long, slender fingers, each one ending in a faintly glowing point.

"What is that? It's so majestic," Lennox questioned in surprise.

"That's an Astravars. Your transport. Now, hurry," Staff Stewart replied, urging Lennox to move quickly.

Astravars, these ethereal equines, were far from ordinary horses. They were manifestations of Nexus energy itself, harnessed to serve as swift and dependable mounts for Nexarcs navigating the expansive grounds and realms. Only individuals of significant power could have one, yet the academy seemed to possess multiple.

As Lennox approached the Astravars, he analyzed its body more closely. 'It does look similar to a horse. What a weird creature,' he thought, intrigued and slightly baffled by its otherworldly appearance.

He also noticed that the Astravars already had Nexus students on top its long back, all around the same age as him. Strangely, he didn't recognize any of these students, although their distinct clothing indicated they had come from different academies or realms. Luckily, there were multiple Astravars available. Lennox headed towards the last one, the only one that remained unclaimed.

As Lennox got closer to the Astravar, all radiant orb heads weirdly turned toward him looking straight at him. He looked back at the other students, feeling a strange mixture of anticipation and nervousness welling up inside him. However, before he could dwell on these feelings, he was suddenly engulfed by a warm, flowing energy that surrounded his body. It gently lifted him onto the Astravar's back, along with some other students who were equally excited and scared.

Arriving on the Astravar's back, the Nexarc students began talking animatedly to each other, their excitement filling the air. However, their chatter quickly ceased as Staff Stewart, the authoritative figure, came on board.

"Alright, it's time for us to head to Bloodline Island," Staff Stewart announced, his voice carrying a sense of urgency and purpose.

The Astravar suddenly began to float off the ground, and then it started to move. Its hooves barely touched the ground, leaving trails of sparkling stardust in its wake as it moved.

The students were finally on their way. The ride remained silent during the journey, a stark contrast to the excited chatter before they took off. Whenever a student attempted to speak about bloodlines or Lennox's mysterious buy, Stewart immediately glanced in their direction, silencing them with a stern look.

After a 15-minute journey through the breathtaking galaxy-like sky, the three Astravars arrived on an island far away from the academy.

"Here we are, at Bloodline Island," Staff Stewart said aloud, his voice echoing through the space with a touch of anticipation.

"Bloodline Island" stands as a place of both wonder and trepidation for young Nexarcs Novices. Within this chamber, the Analyzer Stone, a mystical relic of immense power, resides. Its purpose is to evaluate and assess the potential of each student's bloodline, determining their unique talents and strengths.

Suddenly, just as swiftly as they had arrived on the Astravar, they were gently placed back down on the ground. The multiple students walked up towards a large stairway with other staff members watching over them. Upon reaching the stairs, everyone's attention was captured by an awe-inspiring sight: an intricate fusion of technology and ancient mysticism. Towering crystalline pillars surrounded a colossal stone platform at its center.

Excitement filled the air as the students marveled at the advanced technology, a stark contrast to anything they had seen in their own homes. For Lennox, who had spent his life in Mash City, this was a fascinating new experience, exposing him to technology he had never encountered before.

The staff then organized everyone into multiple lines. A professor, a respected expert on bloodlines, took the stage. With a sense of solemnity, he explained the significance of the Bloodline Analyzer Stone and its pivotal role in the development of every Nexarc. The students listened intently, absorbing the knowledge that would shape their journey from there bloodline.

"The Bloodline Analyzer Stone is a versatile and indispensable tool for us Nexarcs in our journey to understand, harness, and master our bloodline abilities," the professor explained, holding up a small, palm-sized crystal with a smooth, polished surface. It glowed softly, imbued with Nexus energy and adorned with ancient runes.

"It's often passed down through generations, becoming a cherished heirloom for those with a strong bloodline heritage," the professor continued, his words filled with reverence for the artifact's legacy.

"The Bloodline test has officially begun. Students in the first round of the test are invited to step forward, every tenth student as a group, and take the stage one after another!"

Ten students approached the stage, their faces etched with nervous expressions. Among them, one student stepped forward and placed his hand on the glowing surface of the Bloodline Analyzer Stone. Instantly, the stone reacted to his touch, its surface coming alive with swirling patterns of light. A soft, melodious hum filled the area, capturing everyone's attention. The intricate dance of lights beneath his palm hinted at the profound connection between the student and the ancient device, emphasizing the significance of this moment for their journey as Nexarcs.

"Jake, the Luminali Bloodline!"

"Sarah, the Aquaflux Bloodline!" 

The names reverberated through the chamber, each announcement echoing with a sense of anticipation as the students stepped forward, ready to showcase their inherited abilities.

On the magic test table, one of the more than ten Nexarcs took charge of a list and announced, The type of magic each student is proficient in is recorded above. More than a hundred students proceeded to the corresponding Bloodline tests.

Soon, numerous test balls lit up, emitting various levels of brightness some dazzling, others faint. With the announcement from the exam table, the first group of examinations concluded. Ten students descended from the stage, displaying a mix of joy and panic on their faces.

The next group ascended the stage and began their tests. Then came Lennox's turn. He stepped forward, feeling a blend of anxiety and anticipation. Placing his hand on the cold, glowing surface of the Analyzer Stone, it immediately responded to his touch. Swirling patterns of light danced beneath his palm, and the area resonated with a soft, melodious hum. Suddenly, a brilliant light illuminated the stage.

"Wow, it's so bright!"

"How extraordinary must their bloodline talent be to activate the analyzing stone to such a remarkable degree!" 

The students marveled at the radiant display, their astonishment palpable as they witnessed the power of the bloodline talents before them, Twenty professors and hundreds of students beneath the stage erupted in exclamations. They instantly swarmed around Lennox, bombarding him with thousands of questions. He felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension, wondering if it was a good thing that he had managed to capture everyone's attention. However, as always, there were those who seemed envious or resentful. Despite this, he answered a couple of questions before the professors intervened.

Afterward, Lennox left the area, and everyone returned to the dormitory. Strangely, no one else had activated the Bloodline Analyzer Stone in the same way he had. He expected someone to come and inquire about his experience, but nobody did. This left him feeling oddly unsettled. Even though some of the other Nexarcs had lit up their stones to a lesser extent, professors still approached and spoke with them. The silence around him raised a sense of unease, leaving him wondering about the significance of his unique encounter with the Bloodline Analyzer Stone.