
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

[1.8] Meeting Silver Girl

A week passed after the martial arts help club activity. The school was closed for two days because all the teachers were in a meeting to organize a visit to the moon.

The members of the helper club are now away from the hustle and bustle of the city. They are at Leonardo's cottage.

Radit, Raka, Leonardo, Fauzan were lying under a tree that was surrounded by a large meadow with flowers, while Steven was in the hut, playing with his laptop.

The cottage is in the forest. The forest was not large, it was just an artificial forest. Next to the forest, not far from there, past the highway, there was a large meadow.

"This place is cozy," said Radit. "Ah... it's too nice," replied Raka who sighed. "Hey, is it okay if we relax here? While the girls make lunch." Fauzan said.

"Take it easy, that's the job of women, we're here to take it easy," Raka said. Fauzan was silent and did not respond.

"Hey, I'm curious, how rich are you, Leo? Yesterday you showed a building, now a luxury cottage," Radit said in confusion.

"I don't know, I never thought about it. I just work as my father explains, and then the money flows by itself," Leonardo said casually while closing his eyes. Radit, Raka, and Fauzan looked surprised, they couldn't reply.

As the four men lay enjoying the coolness of nature, Steven, who was in the hut, should have been busy with his laptop, instead became the slave of the women.

"Wow, damn. A high-tech smartphone just came out, am I going to buy it?" Steven mumbled to himself in the room looking at his laptop.

"Men, all they do is laze around," Amelia said.

"Hahaha... men do like that," Hana said.

Laras is busy peeling the potato skins and ready to put in the batter to make the cake.

"Hana.... Steven is in the room, right?" Amelia said.

"There is, I think he's playing on his laptop, what's wrong?" Said Hana, who was busy sorting out food ingredients.

"Instead of him just staying up there, we told him to cut the fruit," Amelia said.

"Ah, you're right," Hana said, stopping to sort the groceries, and she went straight to the men's room.

Laras is still busy with her cooking. She began to add spices to the food she was making. Amelia immediately felt goosebumps for a moment, what is this strange feeling. Then Amelia looked at Laras.

In the men's room, there is Steven who is looking seriously at his laptop, Hana immediately holds Steven's shoulder.

Steven, who was seriously staring at his laptop, was startled by the touch and he immediately looked back.

"Why are you so surprised? Come on downstairs, instead of staying here with nothing to do, help us out," Hana said.

"Nothing to do? Where are your eyes? Look at this, I'm now following a forum about the latest smartphone technology. Stay away, I'm discussing the fun part," Steven said with annoyance and then looked back at his laptop.

Hana, who was suddenly ignored, pulled Steven's ear. "Hey hey, you said this is an activity, cooking is more important than this vague work of yours." Pulling Steven up from his chair.

"Aduduh... it hurts, let go!" Said Steven who tried to remove Hana's pull from his ear and succeeded.

"If you don't want to, I won't give you lunch," Hana said with a wicked smile.

"Huh.... what!?... Okay okay, I'll help," said Steven who gave up and muttered, "I should have come with the others out."

"Good, now go downstairs," Hana said. Steven went first.

After reaching the kitchen, Steven muttered, "Damn, these women, they love to boss men around." said the helpless Steven.

Hana who heard it said, "What did you say, huh?" Hana said with an annoyed face.

"Ah, nothing, you must have heard wrong." Steven said spontaneously in a panic.

"Ah, Steven, you're finally coming down too." Amelia said.

"Yes, I'll help, so what should I do?" said Steven.

"Oh, you just need to cut the fruits." said Amelia.

"Just these fruits? Okay." said Steven.

Steven then looked at Laras and spoke to her. "Laras, what are you making?" Steven said.

Laras' focus was broken and she replied, "Ah... Steven, I'm making satay sauce." she said.

"Oh, can I taste a little?" Steven said as he looked at the brown liquid.

"It's okay, go ahead." said Laras. Amelia, who saw Steven about to taste Laras' food, tried to stop him but hesitated. Steven then took a spoon and took some of the soup and ate it.

Steven instantly spotted Radit, Raka, Fauzan, & Leonardo on the other side of the calm river waving for him to come over.

"Hey, what's wrong with you Steven?" Amelia shook Steven's shoulder. Then Steven looked back at Amelia and in his mouth released a little of the satay sauce.

Amelia, who saw Steven like that, was disgusted, and she looked at the pot and whispered to herself, "Is it because of this?" she said, on a hunch.

Suddenly Steven ran towards the sink and vomited, Amelia who was nearby immediately moved away from Steven.

"Akh... this is disgusting, why are you vomiting." Hana said.

Steven, who had finished vomiting, turned to Hana for a moment and then continued vomiting.

Hana quickly got some warm water and gave it to Steven, then led him to the dining table to sit down.

Steven slouched at the dining table with a limp, then Amelia asked. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" she said. Steven then pointed at Laras' cooking.

Laras, Amelia and Hana turned to the food. Then Amelia and Hana approached the cookie dough.

Amelia smelled the batter. "It smells normal, like the smell of satay sauce in general?" said Amelia.

Then Amelia poked a little to see how it felt and suddenly gasped. "Hey, what's wrong with you, Mel?" Hana said.

"Laras!" Hana said out loud. Laras spontaneously replied in shock, "YES!".

"What exactly did you put in here?" said Amelia. The curious Hana also poked a little bit of the soup and tried it, immediately she also gasped in surprise at the taste of something that could not be revealed.

"Ah, it's a little meat fish, fruit, and vegetables." said Laras.

Amelia, Hana and Steven were shocked to hear that.

"In this century there are still people who do weird things like comedy comics." Steven said in a weak voice.

"How can satay sauce include fish meat, fruit and vegetables?" said Amelia.

"Laras!" said Hana loudly.

"You can't cook!" he said again.

Laras gasped, "What!" she said.

"You can only help with the cutting." said an angry Hana. Laras was silent and complied.

"Hah, the girls in our club are useless, let me help you make a super delicious dish." Steven said.

The women who heard Steven's remarks were a little annoyed that their cooking skills were so underestimated by Steven who rarely contributed to the helping club.

On the vast grassland, the four men continued to lie.

"Bang, is it time for us to go to the hut?" said Fauzan.

Leonardo looked at his watch and spoke, "Hm, it's already this time, let's go back." he said.

Fauzan woke up Raka and Radit who were asleep.

"Mas-mas, wake up. It's morning," Fauzan said playfully.

"Huh? What time is it?" said Radit. "It's about one o'clock in the afternoon. Let's go back to the hut," said Fauzan.

"Oh...hm...okay," Radit said.

"Fauzan, let's go back first. Radit, wake up Raka who is still half asleep," said Leonardo.

Fauzan and Leonardo left first, leaving them alone. "Raka... Raka, let's get up," Radit said.

Raka's hand lifted up, signaling to be pulled up.

Radit, seeing Raka's position like that, immediately pulled his hand.

"Let's go back," Radit said as he walked after Fauzan and Leonardo. Then, Raka followed Radit.

While heading to the hut, Fauzan and Leonardo stopped and saw a car stopped on the side of the highway. All the people in the car were women.

Radit and Raka, who saw Fauzan and Leonardo stop, also stopped and looked at the car. Seeing that they seemed to be having problems, the four of them approached them.

They approached two girls who were looking at a car engine with the hood open.

"Hi, ladies, are you having trouble?" Raka said. Radit was just surprised to hear Raka say it so easily.

"Oh hello, we are confused because our car engine suddenly stopped by itself," said one of the girls who felt suspicious of the four men who suddenly came to ask.

The women thought it was like they were flirting with her.

"If you don't mind, can I help you? It looks like your car is broken, can I see it?" said Raka.

"Oh yes... please. Please help," said the girl who was still a little suspicious of him.

Raka, Leonardo, and the two girls looked around the car's engine to check which parts had problems. Fauzan himself was confused because he couldn't help much. Finally, he saw a fairly large rock not far from where the car was and sat down on it.

Radit was just confused because he didn't do anything because he didn't really understand either. Then, he looked inside the car and saw two other girls sitting inside. Radit was curious and tried to look inside the car more clearly.

Unintentionally, the girl with silver hair saw Radit's eyes. Then at that very moment, Radit and the girl stared at each other.

The strange phenomenon repeated itself when Radit blinked his eyes after looking into the girl's eyes.

The world stopped instantly, unlike before when it only slowed down. The car in front of him disappeared.

Radit looked confused and looked around. He felt that he was still in the same place, only the car wasn't there. Then he turned his head towards the zebra crossing and the path leading to the cottage.

There, he saw five people walking towards the cottage. Radit looked at them seriously; it was Leonardo, Raka, himself, Hana, and the silver-haired girl.

When the silver girl headed towards Radit, the phenomenon suddenly stopped. He again saw the silver girl in front of him who was staring at him. Now in front of him was only the silver girl who looked into Radit's eyes as before.

Radit was panicking and sweating. The silver girl came out and approached him and gave him water.

"Hi, are you alright? You look pale and you're sweating a lot," said the silver girl kindly.

Raka turned to Radit and spoke. "Are you okay, Radit?" he said.

"Ah...hah...yes. It's okay, I'm fine. Maybe I'm just tired from being exposed to the heat for too long," said a dazed Radit, with a smile to cover his confusion.

The silver-haired girl was a little worried. "Hurry up and drink that water," she said. Radit nodded and drank it.

After finishing drinking the water from the bottle, Radit looked at the silver-haired girl and spoke, "Have we met before?" he said.

Raka while looking at the condition of the car engine also listened to Radit's conversation out of curiosity, because Raka had been with Radit for a long time and had never seen this silver-haired girl.

"Hm....I don't think we've met, maybe the person you met just looks like me. If you say so, I also feel like I saw you not long ago," the silver-haired girl said to Radit.

"Ah...well, maybe I'm just the wrong person. There are many people with similar looks. But I feel very nostalgic when I see you," Radit said with a smile.

The silver-haired girl showed a slightly flushed face when she heard that. "Ah, you can just... don't flirt," the silver-haired girl said a little embarrassed.

Suddenly Leonardo spoke rather loudly, "Problem solved, ladies. Now try starting the car engine."

The girl started the car and it started.

The girls got back into the car and said thank you. The silver-haired girl also got into the car and spoke, "See you if we meet again," with a smile, and then they left.

"Ah...the women are all beautiful," said a mesmerized Leonardo.

Fauzan and Raka reflexively nodded, while Radit continued to look at the car that kept moving away.

Radit, Raka, Fauzan, and Leonardo headed back to the hut. During the trip, Raka spoke to Radit. "Hey Radit, did the phenomenon repeat itself?" he said in a quiet voice.

"Ah, you realize. That's right, it happened again," said Radit.

"Hmmm...." said Raka.

"You don't want to ask for more details?" said Raka.

"I guess we'll talk about that after we eat," said Radit.

Radit knew the truth, Raka was very worried about him. Raka didn't want to make Radit even more weak and tense after the phenomenon. That's why he only asked if there was a phenomenon just now or not, just to make sure.

"If anything happens to you, tell me right away," said Raka, who cared deeply for his friend.

Radit smiled and spoke to Raka. "Thank you, my best friend."

Raka smiled, and said. "You're welcome."

Elsewhere, Gilbert and some club members close to him, went to Leonardo's building and asked the attendant there who had escorted him to his room during club activities.

"Excuse me sir, is Leonardo here?" said Gilbert. "Leonardo Amarta?" said the officer. "Yes, he is!" said Gilbert. "Who are you?" said the officer.

"Ah...sorry, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Gilbert and they're my friends," Gilbert said.

"Oh...I remember you coming here the other day. Hm... but Mr. Leonardo is currently away at the cottage with his club members," said the officer.

"Oh, he's away. Do you know where the cottage is?" said Gilbert. The officer told him the location.

You see, Seranjana City is surrounded by beautiful meadows and flowers.

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