
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.7] Club Activities

The morning after the incident, Radit gave a new surprise in his dream. He said that the boulder that was supposed to pass through the planet Terra the following week, would not happen.

This is because the researchers miscalculated the speed of the boulder. Is that so? For an advanced civilization that has done space exploration, it is quite strange to make such a mistake.

Wait, why do they keep changing their names? Boulders, comets and asteroids?

That's because the object is very strange. It looks like a super-large boulder that looks like an asteroid but also emits light like a comet. This early book does not go into detail about this.

Let it be. Time passed, and by 7 o'clock in the morning, all the members of the martial arts club had woken up from their slumber. Likewise, the auxiliary club woke up from its brief slumber. Leonardo led them to the large dining room. All the hotel and apartment guests gathered there for breakfast.

That morning they were all talking to each other.

"Wow!!! Hm... all the food here is delicious!" Fauzan said while eating.

"Hey, kid, stop talking while you eat," Amelia said.

"I never thought I'd be eating such fancy food," Laras said with a slightly surprised look on her face.

"Ano... Radit?" Hana said looking at Radit.

"Why, Hana?" said Radit.

"Your plate is so full, did you take all the side dishes?" Hana said, looking at Radit's plate full of food.

"Not everything, really. There are some foods I don't like," Radit said while still glancing at some of the food.

"Excessive food is not good for your stomach, you know, Radit," Hana said.

"Hahaha... it's okay, really. While this five-star meal is free, it would be a shame not to try it. Then, why did you take so little food? You'll get weak during training if you eat so little," said Radit.

Hana just smiled while looking at her food, confused about how to explain to Radit. "Um... Radit, understand a little..." Laras said looking at Radit.

"Got it?" said Radit, confused.

"Hey, Radit, you really suck, don't you? You just don't know?" said Amelia.

"Hahaha... already. Looks like our friend doesn't understand women," said Raka.

"I don't understand what you mean," said Radit.

"Yes, even if you explain it, you won't understand. You just continue eating," Raka said.

"You guys are so noisy, huh, huh..." Leonardo said. Radit was only confused because he couldn't understand the meaning of Raka's words.

Then, after finishing his meal, Leonardo stood up from his seat. "After eating and changing clothes, head to the ground floor. After that we will go to school using the bus that has been provided," Leonardo said.

"Wow, crazy. Now we have a private bus to go to school," said an amazed Fauzan.

Some of the women from the martial arts club were mesmerized by Leonardo's wealth, "It's true, I should marry him," said one of the women.

Amelia, who heard the compliments towards Leonardo, was not happy, "Cih, basic matre woman," Amelia said while muttering.

"What are you talking about, Mel?" said Hana, who heard Amelia's quiet voice.

"Nothing. Just talking to myself," Amelia said, her face contorted with annoyance.

After finishing their meals, the club members returned one by one to their rooms to get ready for school. After some time, they all gathered at the bottom of the building and headed to the parking lot to board the bus that Leonardo had provided.

Because of the large number of members, two buses were provided. One bus has a capacity of 25 people.

All 48 members of the martial arts club and the helper club. They all traveled to school on the bus, and on the way, they all chatted with each other. Some time passed and they arrived at the school at 8:45 AM.

The school starts at 9:00 AM, the first break starts at 11:55 AM to 00:25 PM, then the second break from 02:30 PM to 03:00 PM. The school ends at 4.30 PM.

Time passed and they had finished their schooling. They went straight to the bus they had boarded this morning. After they boarded the bus, they headed to the inn.

After arriving, they all went to their respective rooms for a short rest. During the bus ride home, Leonardo informed them that after arriving at the inn, they should rest to recharge before training. At 6:00 PM, Leonardo asked them to gather at the Sports Hall on the 24th floor and also gave instructions to change into their martial arts outfits at the hall.

Time passed and they all gathered in the hall and began to change their clothes into martial arts attire. For the auxiliary club, their clothes were loaned by the martial arts club.

Inside the men's locker room, "Hey Steven!" said Raka. Steven turned his head.

"You have no intention of peeking into the women's locker room? They're right next to us! Look at the top of the room, there's an open gap," Raka said with a grin. The men in the room immediately looked at Raka.

"If you peek, you'll be killed by Amel, bro! Yeah, not just her, probably all the girls there will make you their punching bag," Steven said.

Leonardo replied, "Eh... the chatty woman if peeked at must be shy like a cat," he said.

"Come on, you guys, all you can think about is peeking," Radit said, speaking like an authoritative man.

"Hey...hey...Radit, what are you doing? Next to us is the women's locker room, the paradise of the men's world. In the next room is a world that has not been explored by us and has a lot of treasures stored in it, how come your male instincts don't move? Are you not a man...?" said Raka.

Radit only looked a little annoyed to hear that and seemed reluctant to answer.

"Hey-hey Raka, no need to be lectured like that. He is like this, if there is an opportunity, he is just stiff," Leonardo said.

Raka paused and said, "Ah... that's right, I remember." After a few minutes, the men finished changing and came out.

However, Radit and a few other boys really wanted to see what was in the next room. Since the gap was quite high, they first listened to the conversation from the next room and the men's locker room was instantly silent.

Leonardo, Steven and several other men saw Raka acting strangely. "I knew you wanted to peek but didn't expect you to be so horny," Leonardo said.

"Hey, shut up, come listen!" said Raka in a low voice. "I'll just get out, I still want to live," said Steven.

"Here, this really sounds good!" said Raka in a low voice. Leonardo suddenly followed Raka's behavior. Steven with his curiosity finally joined in the action.

Voices could be heard from the bathhouse next door.

"Hey, is yours getting bigger? You keep eating?" ..... Your skin is so smooth..... Hey, do you have a boyfriend? Gosh, my waist has fat folds, huhu... Yesterday I saw you and your boyfriend go to the movies, what were you doing in there? ... Hey, I saw you that night in the park with your boyfriend, were you doing weird things? .... I didn't do anything there! .... Hey, don't touch that part! .... no ah....."

The voices inside the women's locker room could be heard all the way to the men's room.

"I've always been confused, why do those women always take so long to change? What are they really doing? By the sound of it, it must be something vulgar," said some men from the martial arts club.

Leonardo had a bad feeling and spoke as he left the location. "Okay, I'll go first," he said.

Raka, Steven and some of the men from the martial arts club who were still in the room started to get more and more violent. They began to climb on each other's shoulders, which formed a high pole to be able to see next door.

Hearing Raka's words, Radit and Fauzan wanted to do it too. When Radit & Fauzan had re-entered the room and wanted to join the other men....

Inside the women's room. "I heard a voice in front of this wall," Laras said. Instantly, the women inside fell silent.

"Oh, it looks like a man who wants to die," Amelia said. The women rushed to get dressed.

Then, Amelia and the other women who immediately went to the door of the men's locker room kicked the door with all their might and the men who had started peeping immediately looked at the door and shouted, "Ah, pervert! You were peeping at us!" the men said.

"Woi, that's what we should have said! Women, attack them!" Amelia said, looking at Raka and Steven.

Then Raka and Steven could only gulp and say, "Thank you for the great magical voice earlier."

With their fists clenched, the women started punching the men. The men, panicked by the women, started heading towards them. The foundation of the stairs stepping on each other's shoulders to form a tall human pole finally collapsed.

Then Amelia looked at Radit and Fauzan. Fauzan reflexively spoke. "Ka...Ka...We didn't do it, we were already out and we came back in to get our belts, right, Radit?" said Fauzan in a panic. Radit who heard Fauzan's words immediately reflexively nodded.

"How can I believe you guys who were standing in front of this door at the time of the incident," Amelia said, seeing Radit and Fauzan's panicked faces.

After that the men in the room all came out and they all sat with their heads bowed.

"Amelia, Radit and Fauzan don't seem to be snooping around, I believe, right Hana?" said Laras.

Radit and Fauzan's faces became very happy for a moment because they got help.

"Yeah, Radit and Fauzan won't be snooping on us, but.... might!" said Hana.

Instantly Radit and Fauzan's hearts broke when they heard the word 'maybe' from Hana.

Amelia looked at Radit and Fauzan seriously and said. "Okay, I believe you. You're lucky that Hana and Laras are defending you," she said.

Radit and Fauzan's faces looked calm and sighed.

Raka spoke. "Amel, that guy over there was also there!" Radit pointed at Leonardo.

At that moment Leonardo heard it and then worried and looked back and said to himself, "Damn, you Raka!" Leonardo said and Raka grinned and said "Enjoy this hell with us too."

Amelia and the other women who heard this stared at Leonardo, and eventually Leonardo sat down too.

After that the women immediately lectured them.

The newly arrived coaches who saw them said, "You youngsters," said one of the coaches who works in the Leonardo family.

Then after that they do self-defense training activities.

The club activities continued to repeat until the following week. Time passed and a week had already passed to help the troubled martial arts club.

You know, if volume 1 is a lot of parts of the story that are not explained intentionally.

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