
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

[1.19] Meeting with Gang Member Raka

They had all left for the Central Hospital, taking the route Steven had suggested.

At the very front of the convoy.

"Tablet? Hm... laptop? This is quite interesting," Leaf said as she held Steven's laptop.

"Thanks, I assembled it myself. It's a laptop, but it folds up and scales down a bit so it looks like a tablet too," Steven said.

"Wow... you assembled it yourself. Great, it's strong. It seems to be resilient, thin, easy to carry and also seems to have quite high specifications," Leaf said.

"Thank you for the compliments once again," Steven said.

"No need to be so modest," Leaf said, handing the laptop back to Steven.

Steven again looked at the route to the Central Hospital and also looked at the CCTV that was still active along the road whether the road was closed or not.

After 2 kilometers of travel from the emergency hospital place in the previous chapter, they have entered the low-rise building area, after passing through the city expressway overpass, will their journey be smooth?

They headed towards the center of the area, which was another 2 kilometers away. They looked left and right during the journey.

A lot of people were sitting on the side of the road but the area was rather deserted, it seemed like people had left the place. They also saw many buildings that had been destroyed by large rocks.

During the journey, many roads collapsed. Soon they reached the center of the area. After reaching the central intersection of the area they turned right and continued for 20 kilometers to the downtown area.

"I thought in the middle of the intersection we would be surprised by something again," Gilbert said in the truck.

"Oh, come on, your words always bring disaster," said Fauzan.

"Uh, really?" said Gilbert.

"What did you say the night you were in the hut? You said 'if it explodes it will be exciting' and it happened and it was very bad," Fauzan said.

"Ah, it's just a coincidence," said Gilbert.

Not long after Gilbert's words, there was a sudden boom and immediately the sound of buildings collapsing, vehicles coming to an abrupt halt.

"I told you to shut up," said a shocked Fauzan, holding on to the military member next to him.

"Oh my, what happened?" said Hana.

Shortly afterward, a member of the military suddenly approached the back of the truck.

"What's wrong, why did you suddenly stop?" said one of the military members in the truck.

"The road in front collapsed, and the front car went underground. It's an underground water channel," said a military member who approached the truck.

"Eh... that's Steven's car," said Radit. Hearing that, Radit immediately tried to get off the truck.

But a military member stopped him and said, "Relax... we will also go down, so one by one," said the military member who stopped Radit.

They have gone down one by one.

They approached the place where the road collapsed. Radit and his friends saw the condition of the car that had fallen.

Next to the car were Steven, Leaf, and also 2 other military members standing.

"Are you all right?" said one of the military members who looked down.

"Yeah, we're fine," said one of the fallen military members. Steven looked around at the condition of his laptop.

Radit and his friends saw Steven's behavior with a flat face.

"This kid, everyone is worried about him and he's busy with his laptop. It's like his laptop is more valuable than his life," said Laras, who was upset to see Steven.

"Hahaha... his name is Steven," said Raka.

"Hey, you, it looks like this laptop is really valuable. It's really powerful," Leaf said. Steven, hearing this, was speechless.

"Hey, take the mine and pull this car out," said Leaf. "Yes, Captain!" said one of the military members.

Once the rope was taken, they threw the rope down and tied it to the back of the armored car.

The rope was pulled by an armored personnel tank vehicle.

After some time, the armored car was successfully towed away, and now it was the turn of Steven, Leaf and 2 military members to board.

After reaching the top, other military members tried to start the crashed vehicle and it was still able to start.

After the incident, they continued their journey by circling the collapsed track.

After 5 kilometers from the center of the region, they start to enter the city and after another 15 kilometers they will arrive at their destination.

They had not experienced any problems during the trip. However, at kilometer 6, the road again collapsed quite deeply. Unlike before, this underground waterway was quite high, about 600 meters. They all fell down.

"Akh.... You said something strange again, Gilbert," said Fauzan, who was shocked.

"This time I'm quiet," Gilbert said.

"All of you, come on down," said one of the military members in the truck. Those in the vehicle got out.

The place was very dark and also flooded. The floor was slightly waterlogged, less than ankle high. Those who had flashlights immediately turned them on.

"Woah, it's so high," said Amelia looking up.

"None of you are hurt, right?" said Radit. They all shook their heads.

Steven took out his phone from his smartphone, took a shot of something and then he said, "It's 656 meters high," Steven said.

Everyone there looked up and one of the military members shouted, "Hello there! Is anyone there? Please help us!" he said, but there was no reply.

"Captain, so what do we do?" one of the military members said to Leaf.

"Well, even if you say something I don't know either," said Leaf who was still thinking.

Raka looked around as if he recognized the place. "Radit, do you know this place?" said Raka.

"Hah, how would I know, it's really dark here," said Radit.

"We've been through here, look at the markings on that pole," said Raka pointing to one of the supporting poles.

Radit stared and approached the pole on the site, there was an arrow and the word 'KRR'. "Do you still remember this KRR writing?" said Raka.

Radit was still staring and remembering and he remembered it. "Oh, that's right, I remember! KRR is Kembalinya Radit Raka," said Radit.

Leonardo and Gilbert approached those who were looking at the stanchions. "What are you doing?" said Leonardo.

Radit and Raka turned to Leonardo and Gilbert and said together, "We know the way out!" he said, Leonardo and Gilbert also said together, "Oh! Good then," they said.

Radit and Raka told Leaf that they recognized the place. After hearing Radit and Raka's explanation, she agreed to follow them.

They all carried weapons in their cars as well as ammunition. Their vehicles were abandoned and they all started walking.

Will they be attacked by monsters along the way? Well, we'll just have to read on, we can't predict that either.

They all followed Radit and Raka and walked back carefully to the dark place.

"Be careful, you might slip," said Raka.

"Huah, I didn't slip in the dirty water," said Laras.

"Kyah..." came the sound of Amelia slipping. Leonardo, who was beside her, reflexively caught Amelia who was about to fall.

"Cie...romantic, young man." said one of the military members. Amelia, who heard that, immediately said, "How long do you want to hold me?" she said.

"Yes, sorry." Leonardo said shyly. Inwardly, Amelia said, 'Why is he so shy anyway?' She thought.

They all continued walking.

"Hey, why do you know this place?" asked Gilbert.

"Yes, when we were kids we used to play around here." said Raka.

"Huh, playing here?" asked Leonardo.

"How bleak your childhood was." Laras commented.

"Yes, it's because he's weird." Radit said, pointing at Raka.

"Hey, don't tell me my family is weird." Raka said.

"Well, it's because your family works actually..." before he could say the whole sentence, Radit covered his mouth with his hand because he forgot that it was supposed to be a secret.

"Yeah, it's okay, Radit, we'll find out in time." Raka said. The others just stared at Raka. "So, what does your family actually do, Raka?" asked Steven.

"My family is a big gangster who controls the underworld in this city." Raka said. Others were surprised at Raka's direct statement.

"So what you're saying is that your family takes care of this sewer?" asked Fauzan. "Pffft..." said one of the military members who heard Fauzan, almost laughing.

"Are you stupid or on purpose? He means that his family works in the dark world, dealing with murders, bribes, drugs, and more." Steven said.

"Yes, my family is not that bad, we reduce contact as much as possible with negative things like that. We are more of an underworld watchdog," said Raka.

The other people just listened, no one replied. However, Fauzan replied with a different topic.

"Yes...but that doesn't answer why you're playing around here." said Fauzan.

"Yes, you can see that it smells a bit like that here, but there are also fish here, so we came here wearing tactical gas masks to fish in this large area," said Raka.

"Huh?" the voice of everyone there.

"You guys, you're not called adventurers, you're not called lack of work either," said Leonardo.

They all continued to walk then Radit felt a headache again "akh...." Radit's voice was in pain and fell to sit down.

Hana who was behind Radit spontaneously approached Radit. "I'm okay, maybe it's because this smell makes me dizzy." Radit said looking at Hana.

Hana looked at Radit and noticed that his eye color was different from usual, it was like a fiery white color. "Eh, Radit, your eye color has changed." Hana said.

Raka then approached Radit and looked at his face. However, when Raka looked at Radit's eyes, they looked normal. "There is nothing wrong with his eyes." Raka said to Hana.

"Eh, but I see that his eyes are light white." Hana said while holding Radit's face and forcing him to look at Hana. "Lah...yes, this is normal...." said Hana looking confused.

"Hana, maybe because of all this you look tired." said Laras.

"Ah, yes, maybe I'm hallucinating. Let's go again." Hana said.

Raka and Leonardo considered it an oddity.

They continued to walk following the arrows that Raka and Radit had made as children. Then they found the light and the arrow pointed there too.

Behind the glowing wall, there was a door. "Raka, are there still members of your gang there?" asked Radit. "I don't know, let's check," replied Raka.

Radit and Raka approached her, while the others waited from afar and watched them.

Then, they both knocked on the door. "Hello, is anyone home?" Radit asked.

"The password?" said a voice from inside.

"Uh, there's a password. What's the password?" asked Radit in a whisper.

"I don't know," Raka replied.

"Um... sorry, we fell, the road collapsed and we are trying to get out of this place," said Raka.

"Huh? What nonsense is that?" said a voice from behind the door. Suddenly, one of the people inside peeked out through the doorway and stared at Raka.

"Eh, it's the young master!" said the person who peeked out.

"Eh, you're lying, what are you doing here!" said one of the people inside.

"Quickly open the door," ordered a voice from inside.

After that, the door opened, the people inside looked at Raka. "Oh, right, it's the young master!" they said.

Then, they let them in.

"Young master, why are you down here?" asked one of the gangsters.

"Yes, like I said earlier, we were walking when suddenly the road collapsed," Raka replied.

"Then let's go upstairs, Young Master. You want to leave soon, don't you?" asked one of the gangsters.

"Ok," Raka replied.

"Raka, are you from a gangster family, right? Isn't there anything the military members know about this place?" Fauzan asked.

"Akh... this idiot," Steven said. The gangsters only realized the presence of the men from the military.

"Ah... what do you mean? I don't know this place? Have I ever been here? Looks like we're all drunk. Hahaha..." said Leaf.

"Ah... what do you mean, Koman..." Fauzan, who had not finished his speech, was immediately cut off by Leonardo.

"Oi, come on, let's go upstairs," Leonardo said while forcibly pulling Fauzan.

The gangsters and the military think the meeting never happened.

They had all arrived at the top. Steven opened his laptop again and checked that the hospital was only three kilometers away.

"Ok, it's time for us to go our separate ways, this is it. You guys will head to the hospital while we head to the governor's building," Leaf said.

"Ah, here use this little truck to carry your weapons and equipment, it must be heavy," Raka said pointing to the pickup truck. "Oh, that's very helpful, thank you. We'll return it," said Leaf.

"You guys aren't going to make a scene, are you?" asked Raka who found the sight of the gangsters and the military standing together very worrying.

"We get along, Young Master, look at this," said one of the gangsters while embracing the military member.

"Remember, no war!" insisted Raka. "Yes, already, go," said Leaf.

"See you later," said Radit and his friends who took a pickup truck to the central hospital to see Amelia's sister's condition.

You're almost to the end of volume 1, keep reading!

Nosphirecreators' thoughts