
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[1.20] World Awakening & Change

After the events of the previous chapter, they have all finally arrived at the hospital.

"Thank you, Uncle," said Raka. "For the sake of Tuan and his friend, we are ready to help," said the gangster, and he left.

They looked around the outside of the hospital building. There were so many patients outside the building, even though it was the largest hospital in the city. Because of the large number of patients, the hospital was forced to put up makeshift tents.

"It's not like the hospital was destroyed," Jiyan said.

"Maybe this hospital is protected by the surrounding tall buildings," said Laras.

"In that case, let's go in, we'll meet Amelia's sister," Leonardo said.

They all walked after Leonardo. They headed towards the isolation room where his sister was sleeping.

After walking, they finally arrived in front of the isolation room where her sister lay. "Amel, you've arrived," said a voice.

"Mama!" said Amelia, approaching her and hugging her. "Are you okay, child?" said Amelia's mother.

"I'm fine," Amelia said.

"Thank goodness for that," said Mama Amelia.

"Where's Papa, Ma?" said Amelia.

"He's out," said Mama Amelia.

"Don't you want to introduce your friends?" said Mama Amelia.

"Ah, yes. This is me introducing my friends. You already know Laras and Hana, right?" said Amelia.

"Hello, Tante," Laras and Hana said.

"Yes, I know. He often comes to the house," said Mama Amelia.

"Then, let me introduce you. This is Radit, this is Raka, this is Fauzan, this is Steven, and this is Leonardo. They're members of the club I'm with, Mama. Then this is Britta, this is Jiyan, and this is Gilbert. They're from the martial arts club. And finally, this is Lucia. She's a servant from the Leonardo family," Amelia said. Those mentioned introduced themselves when their names were called.

"Oh, this is Leonardo," said Mama Amelia, approaching Leonardo.

"Amel often tells me a lot about you. If my daughter makes you bothered, I apologize," said Mama Amelia.

"Mama! What the hell," said a furious Amelia.

"Haha... You're not being honest," said Mama Amelia.

"What the hell!" said Amelia, getting annoyed. All of them laughed at the mother and daughter's behavior.

Then, Mama Amelia looked at Leonardo, then sat down and bowed her head. She also told Leonardo to do the same and said,

"Thank you, Leonardo. Because of you, my son is safe. If your servant hadn't been there at the time, my son might not be alive today," said Mama Amelia.

Everyone was surprised to see Amelia and her mother sitting there. Even Leonardo was most surprised and confused about what to do.

"Ah, well, Amelia, Tante, please stand up. This is embarrassing," Leonardo said, persuading Amelia and her mother to stand up.

"But this is all we can do. We can't return the favor with anything else, our house has been destroyed," said Mama Amelia.

"There's no need to return the favor. Amelia is my friend, so it's only right that I help my friends," Leonardo says with a smile.

"Thank you again," Amelia and her mama said. Leonardo could only smile at this.

Then, some of them stared at the glass where Amelia's sister was. "Hey, did she just get burned?" Raka said.

"The doctors said, yes. He was also hit by debris and some of it entered his body. That made it very fatal. The doctors identified that the boulder debris carried an unknown substance that aggravated his condition," Leonardo said.

As Leonardo explained, the atmosphere became visibly serious.

Radit looked seriously at Amelia's sister behind the glass.

Amelia, who saw Radit looking at her sister, looked at Radit's face out of curiosity and something was different. Amelia looked into Radit's eyes and saw something strange. Amelia seemed to see a white light in his eyeballs. Out of curiosity, Amelia called out to Radit by tapping him on the shoulder.

"Radit, seriously look at my sister," Amelia said, but she was surprised by Radit's shocked response.

"Eh....halah!" said Radit's loud voice. Everyone there spontaneously looked at Radit.

"You surprised me," Amelia said. However, she realized that the white light in Radit's eyes was gone.

"What's wrong, Mel?" said Radit.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just curious, you're seriously looking at my sister," Amelia said.

"Well... how do I feel, I feel like I want to cure him," said Radit.

Amelia who heard it was a little annoyed by Radit's words. "Hey, come on, Radit. Don't joke at a time like this, I'll get angry, you know," she said.

"I'm serious," Radit said with a serious face while looking at Amelia's sister.

Leonardo, who heard Amelia and Radit's conversation, began to remember the secret file given by Mart the other day. Then, he started betting on the contents of the file.

"Radit, do you want to come in and take a closer look?" Leonardo said.

"Is that okay?" said Radit.

"Yes, I'll take care of it first," Leonardo said, and went to find a nurse.

Shortly after that, Leonardo came back and said, "It's possible. Come with me for a moment," Leonardo said.

"Wait, me too," said Amelia.

"Me too!" said Raka.

"Okay, fine, let's go," Leonardo said.

"Leo, me too," said Steven.

"Already... mostly. Just this much. Let's go too," Leonardo said.

Then they were told to enter a special room and told to wear gloves and masks, as well as medical hair coverings. Before putting these on, they enter another special room and change into medical clothes, then enter the spraying room, such as disinfectant liquid, naked.

Then wear special clothes and wear masks, gloves and medical headgear.

After that, they wanted to go to the isolation room, and a doctor arrived to accompany them.

"Oh, it's you guys who want to visit someone," said a familiar voice.

"Doctor George!" said Raka.

"Yes, we met again. Looks like you all survived. Are you hurt? Where are the others?" said George.

"We're all fine, Doc. The others are in the general corridor," Amelia said.

"Good, you're all safe and sound. Okay, wait a minute, I'll neutralize myself first," George said, then followed the special hospital rules that Radit and the others did.

After that, they were allowed to visit Amelia's sister's isolation room through a special corridor.

Then they got to the door of the room, which could only be opened using the hospital's doctor ID card.

Radit and the others saw Steven and the others peering through the glass from the common corridor. But their voices could not be heard. It seemed to be a special room for special diseases.

Then everyone in the room looked at Amelia's sleeping sister. Doctor George slowly removed the blanket. They saw many burns covered in bandages, but it looked as if there were more on the back of the body.

Radit at that moment looked seriously at Amelia's sister. Then, Radit's eyes began to display a different color.

Everyone inside saw Radit and observed his strangeness. Doctor George who saw him, wanted to call Radit by patting him, but Doctor George's hand was held by Raka and he shook his head. This means 'leave him alone'. Raka also shook his head at Amelia's mother who was trying to disturb Radit.

Radit's right hand then went up to Amelia's sister's chest but did not touch her. Radit's eyes began to glow whiter.

Leonardo, who saw that and was close to the glass connected to the public corridor, swiftly pressed the button to close the glass.

Doctor George who saw Leonardo's actions then also pressed the glass cover button connected to a special corridor and locked the entrance door using an ID card.

"Hey, why is it closed!" said Steven who was in the public corridor.

On the far side, unnoticed by everyone, there was a mysterious girl staring at the room. But when the glass closed, she disappeared among the crowd.

Then, Radit's left hand also went to Amelia's sister's chest. Everyone looked at Radit's face, they saw him as if he wasn't himself, his eyes looked different and like he wasn't aware of himself or his place, as if he was being controlled.

Radit's hand slowly emitted a white light and slowly pressed it to Amelia's chest. Instantly from Radit's glowing hand appeared white lines throughout Amelia's body like nerves.

Not only that, on the floor they were on, a circle of time appeared with the hands showing 00.00.

Then the hands of the clock pointed to 11.45, after which a large blinding light appeared around Radit's body and Amelia's sister. The circle of the clock also glowed.

The hands of the clock slowly retreated. During the ticking of the hands, the wounds on Amelia's body began to disappear. The hands stopped at 8.55am and all the wounds on Amelia slowly disappeared.

Then all the light and the clock circle disappeared. Radit stood back up as usual but was still staring at Amelia's sister.

After a while he was still silent, Raka beside him ventured to pat Radit.

Then, he patted it and Radit looked at Raka.

Raka looked a little startled by Radit's reaction. "What's wrong Raka?" said Radit. The others looked confused at Radit's reaction as if nothing had happened.

"Let's end it, he's recovered. Let's find some fresh air." Raka said, reluctantly looking into Radit's eyes, because it made Radit confused.

"Come on. Let Amelia and her mother be here together." Leonardo said.

Then Doctor George reopened the access door, and the three of them came out. "Was the door locked earlier?" said Radit.

Leonardo and Raka heard it and did not reply. They left the place and changed back into their clothes and followed the cleaning or re-neutralization procedure.

In Amelia's isolation room, Doctor George checked Amelia's condition. To his surprise, all of Amelia's burns had disappeared. Even the marks from being hit by large pieces of brick debris were also gone. Then Doctor George said, "Amelia and Mom, right?" said George.

"Yes." they both said.

"Your child has recovered." said George.

"Seriously cured, Doc?" said Amelia in disbelief and even Amelia's mother burst into tears.

"Rather than a cure, it's more like a return to normal," said George.

"What do you mean Doctor?" said Amelia's mother.

"Yeah, I mean he's completely healed, no treatment or anything. He's just like he was before." George said.

"But this mother's child healed completely like nothing happened. You have to thank Radit's power." George said once again while showing a slight smile that also showed a sense of fear after seeing firsthand the phenomenon beyond reason.

Radit, Raka, and Leonardo arrived at the place where Steven and the others had gathered.

"You're here! Why was the window closed earlier?" Steven asked.

"Ah...hm, I want to take care of the paperwork first," Leonardo said, walking away from them.

"I also want to go out for some fresh air," said Raka, following Leonardo.

Lucia, who must always be near her Master, also followed behind him.

"What's wrong with them?" asked Laras. "I don't know," said Gilbert.

Radit just stared at the two of them leaving without saying anything. Steven saw the three of them sensing that something was being kept secret.

Then Steven invited Raka to sit on a chair. Actually, Steven himself realized Radit's strangeness, when he came to Amelia's sister. Before the glass of the isolation room was closed, Steven had seen the light in his eyes and hands.

"Raka, what exactly happened?" asked Steven.

"I don't know, suddenly I just got to the room, Raka and Leonardo invited me out and they became silent," said Radit.

'Huh? Just now? He's been inside for over 15 minutes, he just said that?" Steven thought to himself.

"Huh? Just now? You've been inside for more than 15 minutes, and you just said that?" asked Laras, who was listening to the conversation.

'My thinking is the same as Laras', Steven thought to himself in surprise.

"Who are you kidding, I just came in and looked around Amelia's sister and suddenly I was asked to leave," Radit said once again. Laras, Gilbert, Fauzan, and also Britta heard him confused. Steven began to explain to Radit.

"Radit, was there a clock when you changed? If there was a clock, what time was it?" Steven asked.

"Yes, there is, if I'm not mistaken at 02.45 PM," said Radit.

"Now look, what time is it?" asked Steven.

Radit picked up his smartphone and looked at the current time on the screen. "Eh, it's already 3:50?" said Radit.

"Well, that means you've been in there for more than 15 minutes and you said you just got out, that's strange," Steven said.

Hearing that, Hana looked very worried about Radit's condition.

Radit heard that and was confused while looking at his smartphone. After that came Leonardo.

"Come on, let's go eat at the cafeteria," he said.

"Uh...but Amelia and her mama aren't out yet," said Laras.

"They were already waiting at the hospital cafeteria," Leonardo said.

"Leo!" called Radit.

"Come on, hurry up, it's no good waiting for Amelia's mama," said Leonardo who felt like discussing the matter earlier and he was reluctant to talk about it at the moment. Hearing that, the others followed Leonardo to lunch.

They had all arrived at the hospital cafeteria. Radit and the others saw that it was very crowded. However, they were struck by the many empty benches and there was Amelia, Amelia's mom, Raka, and also Doctor George. Then they all sat together.

"Because the food stock is running low, there are not many choices, I ordered all the fried rice. For the drinks, you choose your own," Leonardo said, waiting for the list of drink requests from the others, after which he went to order food.

"I think I see a new face," George said, looking at Britta, Gilbert, and Jiyan to break the serious and tense atmosphere. After George looked at him, Britta, Gilbert, and Jiyan introduced themselves to George.

However, after that they fell silent again until the food arrived and during the meal. After they finished eating, George took them to the top building of the hospital, where there was an artificial garden on the roof. They all went there, except Amelia's mother who didn't come because she wanted to see her husband.

After that, they had reached the top of the hospital building. It was 5:25 PM; it was getting late. The tragedy that had befallen the planet Terra had lasted almost a day. They all stayed up there to rest.

The top floor of the hospital is a semi-open artificial garden, which means it is an open space. The roof of the top floor can be opened and closed.

The walls and roof are all made of clear glass. Currently, it is closed because there is too much smoke pollution from fires in the city.

The place was generally accessible to everyone, but is now only accessible to hospital staff.

Time flies, the clock has already struck 08.00.

"Amel, Raka, Leo, and also Doctor George. Isn't it time you spoke? Do you want to keep this a secret until you die?" Steven said in the quiet atmosphere of the place where there were now only them.

"Well, we have no intention of keeping quiet," Amelia said.

"So what?" said Steven in a slightly harsh tone.

"Steven, relax, don't blame Amel." Leonardo said defending Amelia.

"So what, you're secretly hiding something." Steven said, getting angry.

"Calm down Steven." Radit said and tried to calm Steven down, it seemed to work.

"Steven, if you were in our shoes, you would be like us too. We just have trouble saying it how." Raka said.

"What do you mean, Raka?" said Laras.

Raka looked at Radit before starting to speak. "Radit, how long do you think you were in the isolation room, in Amelia's sister's room," said Raka.

"I think it was less than 5 minutes." said Radit.

Amel, Raka, Leo, and Doctor George were silent for a while when they heard that. "You think so? But there, you've been there for about 20 minutes." Raka said.

Radit, Steven, Laras, Gilbert, Hana, Jiyan, and Britta already understood that because it had been discussed before.

"We already understand that part because we discussed it earlier. But what we want to know is what happened for about 15 minutes," Gilbert said.

Amel, Raka, Leo, and doctor George were silent, at a loss for how to discuss it. However, George spoke at once to explain Amelia's sister's condition.

"For about 20 minutes, we in that room witnessed something beyond human understanding," George said. Others listened carefully to his explanation.

"There, Radit let out a light that was aimed at Amelia's sister. After that, the circle of the clock appeared under our floor." George said, and the others listened to George speak, getting more serious.

"The circle of the clock pointed to 00.00 and then slowly went down to 08.55. During that time, Amelia's body slowly healed from all her wounds." George said. Everyone was focused on seeing doctor George, but in the other focus they didn't realize that Radit was showing supernatural things; his eyes began to glow slowly, and George was still explaining without realizing it.

"You know, when everyone was out there, just Amelia and her mama, I checked on her sister's body condition. Do you know what happened? Everything went back to the way it was!" said George, smiling slightly as he re-imagined the incident.

"What do you mean by 'back to normal', Doctor George?" asked Jiyan, still oblivious to Radit's condition.

"That means his sister's condition is healed, not that he's like he never experienced the whole burn, the debris or the poison from the debris." George said.

The others began to understand what George's words meant. "So that's it, Radit. That's what happened to you at that time...." George said while looking at Radit, but immediately George was shocked and wide-eyed at Radit.

Radit's eyes turned white. Others saw Radit who was so shocked and scared.

Everyone began to realize that Radit seemed unconscious. Everyone began to approach Radit, especially Raka and Hana who were very close to seeing his face.

"Hey, Radit!" said Raka, wiggling his body.

"Radit! Radit!" Hana shouted as she grabbed Radit's hand.

Suddenly, Radit's all-white eyes formed a black iris circle. After random red lines appeared inside the iris circle, a pupil appeared, shaped like a cat's eye. Not only that, after that a yellow line appeared next to the pupil stretching out of the iris circle.

09.00 PM.

Everyone was surprised to see that. Instantly Radit's eyes moved and seemed to look around him. Radit's friends were all speechless and just saw him staring at his surroundings.

Then, Radit looked up at the sky, and right above him was the moon.

Radit's right hand was raised up and his palm pointed towards the sky. A moment later his hand emitted light, at first it was small but slowly and slowly a bright light.

When the light is very bright, it shoots up into the sky like a laser. The lights scattered in lines around the planet Terra and its moon Tritan.




In the era of 2117 on the planet Terra, the creatures there soon entered a new civilization. Where supernatural powers will become normal, fighting monsters becomes a necessity, exploring the world with new terrain due to fatal planetary damage until the world map changes drastically.

People will start exploring new ruins and places to explore a new world, one they never imagined.

Will all these events lead to a better life? Or is this the first sign of bad things to come?

This is the beginning of her long story. Let's close the beginning of this long story. If anyone wants to read the rest of the story, don't leave. I will still continue.

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Congratulations, you have read 10% of the prologue of this story. What do you think of it? Are there any flaws, suggestions, or is there something you're looking forward to? Tell us all about it in the comments section!

Volume 2 will be the start of the fantasy world changing!

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