
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

[1.15] Last Night of Laughter at the Lodge

Radit and his friend started heading to the Leonardo building parking lot. The time at that time showed 5:00 PM.

After reaching the ground floor, Leonardo approached the waiter who was standing near the exit. Leonardo told the others to wait outside, they complied and went out.

Leonardo sent his servant, Mart, to find someone. "Do you remember the last time I went to the cottage?" Leonardo said.

"Yes, I remember, you went with your friend." Mart said.

"Yes, I was with my friend at that time. I was helping a group of girls whose car had broken down. There was a girl with white hair, or maybe silver, she was quite striking. Find out her identity." Leonardo said.

"Yes, sir. I'll find out about him." Mart said. Leonardo immediately left Mart and caught up with Radit.

After that, they went to the mini-bus. Around the parking lot surrounded by tall buildings, Leonardo's maidservant was waiting there.

The maid was Leonardo's personal servant, like Mart. The maid's name is Lucia. They approached the maid.

"Is everything complete, Lucia?" said Leonardo.

"I have, sir. All the equipment is in place." he said.

"Let's all get on board." Leonardo said. Everyone climbed into the back of the vehicle except Leonardo in the front and Lucia in the front to drive.

The mini bus model of the rear passenger section of the seat is on the side, it fits up to 4 people per bench if forced to be 5 people.

Women were on the right side of the vehicle and men on the left. Steven, who got on last, saw that the car was full and said, "Leon, isn't this car full?" Steven said while peeking at the seats.

"Just sit down and lean on the back of the car." Leonardo said.

"Eh...." Steven said reluctantly.

"Or you can sit in the women's section because the seats are longer." Leonardo said.

Steven looked at the women's bench, "What do you want? Where do you want to sit, it's already full. Uh, do you want to be on my lap?" said Laras.

Steven was too lazy to answer, so he looked at the bench, "Move a little." Steven said.

"It's really full, it's cramped, look here." Raka said.

"Do you want to take public transportation?" said Leonardo.

Steven heard that resigned to having no other choice, and he sat next to Laras.

"Why is it that every time I want to go to the cottage, I always get hassled?" said a sullen Steven.

"Ah, it's just your feelings," said Radit.

"Are you ready?" said Lucia. "We are," said everyone at the back.

"Wait a minute, I don't think I've ever seen you drive a car." Leonardo said looking at Lucia.

"Hmmm...never, it's always Mart who drives." said Lucia.

"Well, can you really drive a car?" said Leonardo, starting to get scared.

"Of course you can, just like a motorcycle, especially now that everything is automatic," Lucia said as she stepped on the gas.

"Uh wait, of course it's different!" said Leonardo. Lucia didn't hear him and pressed on.

Time passed, and they arrived safely at the parking lot of Thantie's artificial forest.

The rear passengers got off one by one staggering. Steven, who was sitting on the floor of the car, was worse, after getting out of the mini bus staggering he put his head down and ran into the bushes and vomited.

Leonardo opened his car door but continued to sit. "How did it go? It only took 30 minutes to get here." Lucia said.

Leonardo started to get out of the car but was still staggering "Lucia, good job, later you will get a super delicious special meal from Laras." Leonardo said with evil intentions.

"Hah, seriously sir! Thank you!" said Lucia. Everyone gave Leonardo a thumbs-up salute, except for Laras who was confused and didn't know what he meant.

After all that, they rested for a while. Then, they continued their journey to the hut and it was already 5:30 PM. The peak of the phenomenon occurred at 09:00 PM.

Before walking into the forest, Radit looked up at the sky and stared at the boulder.

The boulder could already be seen with the naked eye without the need for tools. "Radit, let's go," said Raka and Radit obeyed. He started walking after the others towards the hut in the forest.

By then, everyone had arrived at the hut. They all relaxed and prepared food for a midnight picnic later at the highest part of the forest area in order to see the phenomenon.

"Steven, help us cook," Hana said.

"Huh? Why me? You guys can do it," Steven said.

"Come on, Steven. Your cooking is very good, we want to taste your cooking again," said Raka.

"Come on bang, cook again for us who are already hungry," said Fauzan.

Steven looked at the men, "Come on, Hana's cooking is good too. Why should I?" said Steven.

"But your cooking is better than his," Leonardo said.

"I'm sorry if my cooking isn't good," said Hana, feeling annoyed.

Steven couldn't resist their requests and ended up cooking. "I just wanted to play with my laptop. Why did I become a babu like this?" Steven said. Then he looked at Laras who was mixing something.

Seeing that, he distanced himself to avoid being poisoned a second time.

Time passes and the dishes are ready. The food for dinner and for watching the phenomenon is done.

They all started eating the dishes for their dinner. When they were done, they started dessert.

"Lucia, here is the special meal I promised you earlier," Leonardo said.

"Wow, very good. It looks really good," Lucia said. Hearing that, Laras looked very happy.

"Huwa...this food looks even better than the last time I saw it. Will the taste be normal too?" said Steven.

Everyone started staring at Lucia, and then she ate. The first bite made her pause and the spoon in her hand fell.

Lucia in her waking state seemed to be in a huge garden full of flowers. She was sitting in the middle of the flower bed. She felt very calm and peaceful, then suddenly a ladder appeared from the sky. Then, light appeared and a door began to appear behind the clouds.

The silent Lucia suddenly said, "Wow, there's a staircase to the sky. I think I should go there and swim there," Lucia said. Hearing that, Amelia immediately stood up from the dining table and approached Lucia, then shook her body. "Oi, wake up oi! Don't go there! You won't come back!" said a panicked Amelia.

Hana swiftly scooped up Steven's leftover food with a spoon, then forcefully shoved it into Lucia's mouth and started chewing.

Instantly, Lucia came to her senses. "Ah, I'm back," Lucia said, going back to munching on the food Steven had forced Hana to eat.

"Remember, the age-old adage is true: 'don't judge something by its cover'," says Steven.

Hana took Steven's leftovers and gave them to Lucia.

"Sir, this doesn't taste very good! This one tastes better!" said Lucia.

"This is your punishment for driving like a drunk," Leonardo said.

"You're a bad master, but this isn't worth it. The punishment is to eat this strange food," Lucia said, pointing at the poisonous food Laras had made.

"Hey, you. If you can't cook, don't cook! You've never tried your own cooking, have you!" said Lucia who was upset because she had just gone through a life-and-death experience.

"Uh, but I tried it and it was delicious." said a confused Laras.

"Here, eat your food and taste for yourself." Lucia said as she took the poisoned food.

Laras, who was still confused, accepted Lucia's words and ate them. "Um...this is normal. I think it's even delicious." said Laras, who ate casually.

Others saw Laras who ate the food casually and nothing happened, they were confused and stared at Lucia instead. "Uh, why are you looking at me, I'm not lying. This food is poisonous. If you don't believe me, please try it." Lucia said.

Radit, who was curious, took a spoon to try a little of the food whether it was really good or not.

After trying a little, Radit became pensive and started acting like Lucia. Gilbert, who was close to Radit, immediately took a spoon and scooped out Steven's leftovers, then force-fed it into Radit's mouth and said, "It's safe!" Gilbert said.

"Huwah...now my food is the antidote to Laras' food." Steven said.

After Radit came to his senses, he said, "What the hell was that? It's like I'm in a big field of flowers and there's a staircase to the sky, it's calling me." said Radit. "Yeah, right!" said Lucia.

The others began to stare at Laras' food and then looked at Laras who was still eating her homemade food. "This person, his tongue has gone numb?" said Jiyan.

Amelia immediately took Laras' food and took the plate she was eating from and threw it in the trash.

"Uh, what are you doing, Mel!" said Laras.

"This food is unhealthy and toxic, it's not good for the body." Amelia said as she threw away Laras' cooking.

"Uh, but I'm fine. You guys are just weird." said Laras.

"You should see a doctor and have your sense of taste checked." Hana said.

After that incident, time had passed. It was 8:15 PM. They came out of the hut carrying camping equipment and other things.

They headed for the highest place in the forest, which was not far from the hut. They all reached the highest place in the area. They could see the vastness of the forest and could also see around the forest which was surrounded by a large meadow.

They set up tents, rolled out carpets and grills to cook satay and barbecue.

Once that was done, they began to sit on the carpet and small benches brought from the hut. They joke and laugh with each other while waiting for the culmination of the phenomenon.

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