
The Secret of Resurrection

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

The process of conquering Skye had taken a step forward, but Wesley now needed to solve the problem of Phil Coulson. He gave Melinda a look. Melinda understood and followed Phil Coulson to his office again, and Wesley followed.

After the three of them entered the office, Phil Coulson asked, "Can you tell me now?"

Wesley took out a file and handed it to him. There was a thumb drive in it. Then he said, "Take a look first. There's a secret you want to know."

Phil Coulson looked at the file first. There were information on six SHIELD agents. The information indicated that they all had terminal illnesses. They then joined a secret project of SHIELD. After treatment, the terminal illness was cured, but then they all went crazy and desperately drew a pattern without sleep.

The final solution was to erase their memories, but they could no longer carry out the work of agents. All of them changed their identities and lived ordinary lives until today. After reading it, Phil Coulson understood that his resurrection might be related to this secret project.

"Who is in charge of this project?" Phil Coulson looked up and asked.

Melinda said, "Take a look at the USB drive first. There's something you want to know."

Phil Coulson inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and opened it. There was a video inside. When he clicked play, what appeared was actually himself. Phil Coulson in the exchange told everything about this secret project.

"So this is a project for the Avengers. I'm actually in charge of it, and now it's used on me." Phil Coulson laughed at himself, then looked at Wesley and Melinda and asked, "Do you both know?"

"I know best. Nick Fury wants me to come over and help you build a team. Melinda doesn't know much, but she's in charge of observing your situation to prevent you from recovering your memory. You've seen the results." Wesley said frankly.

"Thank you for your help, but why did you suddenly think of telling me all this?" Phil Coulson was puzzled. The consequences were so serious that Wesley chose to let him know. Now his memory is starting to return.

"Because I found a solution. Through the data and video records, the performance of the six agents seems to be a call, but it starts with the secret project you are in charge of." Wesley got up, poured three glasses of wine, and handed them to the other two.

After taking a sip, he said, "This project is based on the body of an alien. This body was discovered by the Germans during World War II. When Hydra was found, it was attacked by Peggy Carter and her men before it could be transported away. The thing fell into the hands of SHIELD, and then a drug was developed."

Phil Coulson's hand shook as he held the glass, and then he asked, "So there's alien stuff in my body?"

"Yes. Actually, you don't need to mind these things. This is no different from the drugs extracted from living creatures. There is no difference between fish oil and GH325. The key is what you think."

"I see. So how do I solve the problem of me going crazy?"

"Then let me continue. This drug uses the blood of aliens. It must contain genetic memories because aliens have abnormally strong vitality. This is also why the drug developed can save you and others. This is the memory carried in the genes, which provides a strong signal to the human brain. Your pattern is like a call, calling you to explore the secret of the pattern."

"You know your secret?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Yes, according to the life experienced by six agents, I found out that someone found the secret alone, and now he is the best one in life. I have been to the homes of three people, and they have all drawn this pattern to different degrees, but one person acted normal. He did not draw the pattern, and he made a model with his actions. At the same time, his performance was the most normal. He has a wife and children and lives the same life as normal people. This means that he did not fall into madness."

"I see. Is that why you said you know the solution?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Yes. Now I'm ready to take you to see it. If I solve your problem, then others' problems can also be solved. They can live a normal life."

"But I haven't fallen into madness yet. Can I?"

"It should be possible, because you may recover your memory immediately after seeing it."

"I see. Shall we go?" Phil Coulson got up and asked.

Wesley nodded. It would be best to get this over with as quickly as possible, because one of the six agents was so crazy that he had turned his recurring memories into tattoos. He was going to be in a frenzy of exploration, and he was going to kill several people in a row. This was the plot of an American drama, and Wesley wanted to stop it. They had all been good agents, and this was too cruel for them.

Melinda didn't go. Only Wesley and Phil Coulson set off in Laura.

Wesley gave directions and the two of them walked all the way to Hank Thompson's house. This person was the only one who had found the secret in his memory. After the two of them got out of the car and pressed the doorbell, a slightly thin middle-aged man opened the door and asked, "May I know who you are looking for?"

Wesley took out his ID. "Agent S.H.I.E.L.D. We have something to talk to you about, Mr. Hank Thompson."

"Okay, please come in!" Hank Thompson gave way to the door.

"No need. Can we take a look at your warehouse? Look at the big model." Wesley shook his head and had no intention of going in. He didn't want to disturb the man's life.

"Sure." This made Hank Thompson even more confused. He closed the door and led them to a warehouse on the side. This was originally a garage. He used the back as a warehouse. The huge model was built by himself in this kind of place.

As soon as he opened the door, he could open it. The huge model took up almost the entire warehouse. Wesley saw a staircase next to it and patted Phil Coulson on the shoulder, indicating that he should go up and take a look. Phil Coulson climbed straight up and looked down. After one look, he froze in place. A large number of memories began to fill his mind and he lost his balance.

Fortunately, Wesley followed and supported him from behind. Then he said, "Have you recovered your memory?"

"Yes, but it's horrible. The director actually resurrected me in this way?"