
New place new me

ill be trying to post 2 to 3 chapters a day _______________________________________ If i managed to survive on Earth why not survive here in this new place thou there will be a lot of adaptating i will do whatever it takes

ondrej147 · Khoa huyễn
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35 Chs

Let's hope they learn quickly

Terence smiled "Well i hope you're a good teacher boss" Ondrej smiled "well ill go tell the girls what needs to be done while you take some of the builders to make the bar" Ondrej said as he said Terence nodded and went to take the people and Ondrej went to the girls and to tell them what will be happening "So we got a situation we need to teach the people how to use guns since most of them dont know how and i don't trust myself enough that i could take out whole army of slavers" as Ondrej said that Clover smiled and asked "Will there be reward for us if we do help ?" Ondrej raised his eyebrow "What would you want ?" he asks as he looks at them both and Clover smiles while going near him and Elize chuckles softly Ondrej just sighs as he figured it now "Look if you want to have something with me then try not to jump me at the same time" he says as he backs up a bit from Clover who grabs his hand and pulls him closer as he looks a bit confused Clover smiled and kissed him deeply bluhsing herself as Ondrej kissed her back they stayed like that for a while before Elize pouted and Clover broke the kiss as Elize went to Ondrej and kissed him as well even thou it was short kiss the girls liked it Ondrej just internally sighed as for him doing everything to wipe out they're enemy was a priority he did like the girls but he had his priorities on beating the slavers, as Ondrej looked at the girls they said in unison "Let's train the people" as they went to take few people to train the scout had arrived at the slaver headquarters.

Scout's POV

as the scout arrived he ran into the bosses tent it was a rather fat guy who had two slaves near him at all times and his military might was around 200 men it could be called a small army, as the scout got to his boss the boss smiled "Did you find them ?" he asked the scout nodded and said "They're led by merciless guy who slaugter all of the people with me and they got people to help them at that base" he said rather panicked and his boss just laughed "We've got enough men to take them on" he said arrogantly "But sir two of them are snipers we can't deal with those plus withina week they could be ready to take us on without a problem" the boss just smiled "Then we have to attack now" as he laughed maniacally his belly moved it was a rather impressive that the slavers were lead by such a fat and ugly person but it was no surprise since most of the slavers didn't really care, as he stopped laughing he said "Prepare all of our army and prepare to march throu the night!" as he shouted the order everyone started to hastily get ready.

Ondrej's POV

the training went rather well since Ondrej, Elize and Clover teached the people who luckily were fast learners and took good care of assigned rifles and were rather fascinated by them thou they dind't deal well with the recoil they quickly got the hang of things since there was a grenade launcher Ondrej asked Terence if he could handle it and Terence just laughed as he stood besides Ondrej at the shooting range "Of course i can handle it boss" he said and smiled "But i will make the shots count" Ondrej smiled "You better do there are only two grenades and we need to make the shots count thou im glad i found the ammo boxes so the people can try the AK-47s and the M16s since it would be shame to have them without ammo also since we don't know when the slavers get here so we'll need a few people to make rounds around the base got it ?" he asked Terence who nodded and said "You're the boss" he chuckled and smiled.

As the night quickly approached everyone was thrilled to get some sleep but also afraid of the sudden waking up that would have to be done if the slavers come as the five people were patrolling the others went to take a nap before they would have to switch as the night went on the slavers marched through the night they arrived around midnight when the people saw them and one of them ran towards the bell shouting "They're here !" as the man did everyone in the base was woken up by a bell Ondrej put up to be rang as Ondrej heard it he jolted up and woke up the girls withou him dressing up he just let the armor engulf him as he ran up everyone soon joined him as he started shouting orders the people on the walls started already firing and the gunshots rang through the night and defeating death screams could be heard as Silver jumped up on the base and howled hearing the people who wanted to hurt his companion/master Ondrej pointed where the people should go and what to do as he did he went to a watchtower which was rather hastily fixed up and looked like it would fall any second as hw got up he started to pick out some of the slavers who were trying to sabotage the wall while he heard Terence fire off the grenades which both killed around 10 or 15 slavers each when the girls arrived they didn't jesitate to just run up to the wall and shoot at the incoming slavers the fight went on throu the rest of the night and the dying slavers were crying for mercifull death which never came the died from bleeding out while the holes they had were bleading they just slowly died as the last remaning slavers tried to flee Silver hunted them down while Ondrej watched if he saw they're boss as the fat man was trying to hide in the forest Ondrej shot of his leg causeing him to fall to the ground squealing like a pig while Ondrej jumped down from the watchtower onto the ground and made it slightly crack as he did so and went towards the squealing pig on the ground witha psychopathic smile on his face.