
New place new me

ill be trying to post 2 to 3 chapters a day _______________________________________ If i managed to survive on Earth why not survive here in this new place thou there will be a lot of adaptating i will do whatever it takes

ondrej147 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Ready for everything

As the girls woke up they cuddled up closer and smiled softly as Ondrej groaned "We got a lots of work" he sighed as the girls just giggled as the door opened suddenly and Terence was standing there chuckling "Fun night boss ?" Ondrej just sighed "Think what you want i want to get the wall done before lunch so move your ass" he said now being rather pissed as he stared at Terence who sighed and scratched the back of his head "Sorry, i didn't mean to make you mad boss" he said apologetically as he left and closed the door Clover said "You didn't have ti vent you're anger on him" Ondrej sighed "You're right but next time ask before you two act again got that ?" he asked while admitting he was bit too harsh on Terence as he pulled his arms out he slapped both girls on they're asses and got up they both blushed as Ondrej just went to get dressed as he smiled a bit "Come on we don't know when the slavers will try to attack us" as he said that the girls got up and started to get dressed while Ondrej just observed the view he now had and smiled as Clover noticed that she blushed deeply and went to him and tried to punch him but Ondrej dodged and pulled her close kissing her softly on her lips and didn't break the kiss untill Clover herself did so she was now looking like a tomato as she was red.

Ondrej smiled softly as he walked out while the girls followed a while after him with Clover still slightly blushing as they got out people were already cutting and preparing trees under the guidance of Terence when Terence noticed Ondrej walk out he came to him towering over Ondrej, he didn't seem to mind this fact as he spoke "Sorry for lashing out on you earlier Terence" he said that Terence smiled "Water under the bridge boss" he said and went back to work with Ondrej following after him to help out as they worked nothig really went wrong and they managed to pull of what Ondrej wanted to build the walls while it was rather early before lunch but as Ondrej sat down the girls went to him again and he just sighed as he didn't know how to deal with them anymore and looked at the sky hoping something would happen to distract them from him or otherwise since he did like both of them but he wanted alone time as well not be surrounded by people all the time so he teleported onto the base and looked around enjoying his solitude knowing that it won't last long he smiled softly and sat there staring at the sky just enjoying himself untill Clover hugged him from behing and Ondrej just leaned onto her softly sighing and said to Clover "Look i like my time alone but that doesn't mean i don't like you okay ?" Clover smiled happily and said softly "Okay" she kissed his cheek as they stayed like this for a while before Ondrej asked "How did you decide that you should go not Elize ?" Clover chuckled nervously as she said "Rock papers scissors" Ondrej chuckled and smiled softly.

As they came down Terence got to Ondrej and asked "Can i talk to you in private ?" he asked and Ondrej nodded softly slapping Clover's ass softly smiling as he went to Terence and waited for him to tell him what he wanted "Look boss we done the walls but not much of the people know how to shoot or use a gun" Ondrej smiled "I'll help with Clover and Elize can teach too we just need the basics so we can survive" Ondrej said and smiled softly.

im sorry that i didn't post today or yesterday but i was bit busy and had zero ideas of how to finish up or write more of the chapters i had planned before so ill be finishing them tomorrow and posting them thank you for you're patience

ondrej147creators' thoughts