

A guy who lied his online friend about his love story . That guy have a fantasy about his love story and about his future , he wants to be an a Drama writer and want a dramatic love story in his life . Then one day he had a fantasy that his online friend called him and tell him about a competition and also having a fantasy about that he meted that girl he also want in his life . Then he got a nap and he wake up , and then things started going like in his fantasy he got a call from his friend about a competition and meted that girl from his fantasy . But now he wants to know how things started going like this , everything from his fantasy coming true , everyone from his fantasy showing in real world , Including Villain Now he doesn’t want everything to go like his fantasy He doesn’t want to lose that girl Do you think he was able to save that girl and himself and found the reasons how things started come true?

Arjun_Sharma_6113 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Still, Not Everything


"So, how's your story going? When you going to upload next chapter." Arjun asks.

"Don't know, I just can't focus on writing" Stella replies.

Arjun asks "Why, is something happened'

"You know partner, about my love life it's complicated. Forget about that, tell me how's your love life going." Stella asks.

"Mi... mine is going good, we are enjoying." He replies while stopping middle of replying and with covering his eyes.

Stella says "Nice I hope you two stay together..."

"Partner let's talk later, Bye" He stops her in middle and cuts the call.

"What I am doing, till when I am going to lie them about this love life. I should tell them the truth, But then they'll also leave me. Like since the childhood I made friends with the help of lie, then they'll leaved me after knowing the truth. I can't lose those guys now, my online family.

I wish this is true, that I have the girl like I want and I wish to win the writing competition and getting the opportunity to do what I want to do. Yaa maybe the competition can come true but Han So-Min, she can't be truth. Obviously the adventure, romance, and the things like this are only my fantasies." He pondered.

"Why he ended the call suddenly, he is right I have to right more chapters" Stella thought and then go to his table and start writing her story.

And here you'll know what's going to happen, Arjun dozed off , wait that's not how I am writing this novel, oops I am sorry for this, but still don't worry readers this is going to happen sometime, maybe this is going to be a surprise twist or maybe not, isn't it interesting if this happens, forget that let's continue story.

"I should also continue my story" Arjun dozed off while thinking this.


Phone is ringing on floor,

"My head it's hurting maybe because I didn't get proper sleep since so many days, Since when I am sleeping." He asks himself.

Phone rings again, he looks at phone

"It's only been 5 minutes" he says

He picks the call

"Partner I have something which I want to tell you...." Stella says with energetic tone.

"Wait it's just been 5 minutes since we talked." He asks with confused face

"Yes it's only few minutes since we talked, but I thought that I should tell you this" She replies.

"Partner, do you want to participate in a novel writing competition, it's a great opportunity for us if we win we can get live adaption of ....." she continues.

"What did you just said, A competition." He asks with a mysterious face.

"Yes a competition it's from trusted app so don't worry app name is webn...." She replies but Arjun stops him in middle.

"I am going to participate in that competition, tell me details later" He replies with a smile at his face.

"Wait, why later" She asks with annoyed face.

"I want to check something" He replies.

"Bye" He says and cuts the call.

"He always cuts the call, now what he have to check." She thoughts with annoyed face but with a smile.

Arjun gets up and came out.

"Wait I am crazy, What I am thinking. No I can't go all the way there just to check this when I know that is not the truth, obviously this is never going to happen this is not anime movie, it's a novel, I mean it's not , should I go and check, I should stop overthinking, it's actually also time to go for a walk, oops it's midnight,

obviously I am not going, it's not like I am going to do this for a girl."

Ok so telling the truth, he is crazy . Wait not again. So its that he said this to himself while walking inside and outside.


The long fields with a road going from the middle.

Arjun is riding his cycle with a speed.

"Stars are amazing today, I mean it's been so much time since I seen that much stars." He thoughts.

He stops his cycle and get off and checks something.

"It's not here obviously what I expected."

"But this stars combination, it's like in my fantasies it's same. I am thinking to much, obviously not everything is true."

He thoughts and drive his cycle to go back.


You think story is not with the same tone like before, you need it's dark, it's just start you have to wait.

".....ahh" Growled in pain.

"I... I am bleeding, what happened" says while growling in pain.

He picks his knifes, The place is darkened because it's night time.

"Is it someone's house" He ponder while walking hardly.

He continue talking

"Wait she...." he says.

"I don't know her, I didn't met her before, then how I know her name she's

Han So-Min".....

So it's the brightness now it's time to move to Darkness.

Thanks for reading my novel and give me some comments to know how'll improve my story and also let me know if you like the thing i done in this chapter i mean talking to you guys in middle of story ,

should i continue doing it or stop it.


Arjun_Sharma_6113creators' thoughts