
Never Underestimate Him

  Slanier Kahan Dalierro is a police officer with rank 100. He is a good man and the good grandson of his grandfather. Behind his goodness is the underestimation of him by the people around him.  The men he trusted betrayed him over a crime. Anger built up in his heart, but the people he trusted were the sons of billionaires, so it's hard to achieve justice. Until he found out that he was the son of the most feared, rich, brutal, and influential man.

Mamano_April · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Chapter 8.

The armed guard looked at them suspiciously, "Take off the clothes that are wrapped around your face. I need to see your faces."

They both looked at each other. Dhamia sighed.

"Hey! Can't you hear me?!" an armed guard angrily asked.

They slowly touched the clothes wrapped around their faces. They were about to remove it, but suddenly, one guard came.

"Hey, Fituso, let's eat. The three guards who will replace your duty will arrive soon," A guard informed the armed guard.

"Okay. Bu-" the armed guard looked at them seriously. Slanier and Dhamia can read that the armed guard was suspicious of them.

The guard pulled the armed guard away from the entrance door. They hurriedly walked away while pushing the trash cans.

The four garbage collectors are awake. They were about to get off the garbage truck to report Slanier and Dhamia, but Dhamia pointed a gun at them.

"I'm pointing a gun at you now; I am not a bad person or even my partner. We will not do anything bad to you. Just cooperate with us."

The four garbage collectors looked at each other. They nodded at the same time.

Dhamia told the four garbage collectors their plan. At first, the four collectors were hesitant, but they also agreed.

A garbage collector picked up Dhamia to put inside the trash can. A collector did the same to Slanier.

They entered the building peacefully.

Two garbage collectors sneaked them into the underground, where the drugs were hidden.

"There's no CCTV in this area. We will drop you off here," One garbage collector whispered to Slanier.

"Got it. Thanks," Slanier whispered.

They were carried out by two collectors from the trash can. They bowed at them.

Slanier and Dhamia breathed a sigh of relief because there was no one inside the underground.

"Dhamia, I feel strange. I feel that we will perish here even if there is no one watching over here."

"I don't want you to get hurt," He added.

He carefully observed the surroundings, which were many layers of drug sacks.

"Stop thinking negatively, Slan. Help me pour gasoline into the sacks. Come on, let's get the gals from our bags."

"Yes, ma'am!"

They were about to open the lids of the gallons, but the sacks exploded one by one.

"Fuck!" Dhamia didn't know what to do, so she approached Slanier. She pulled him closer to the stairs.

"Ma'am! Where does this staircase lead?! Let's get out of here because we might get blown up!"

"Slanier! It's time for us to get the guns out. Maybe when we go upstairs there will be men there."

"I-I'm afraid... But I'm more afraid that you will hurt. Leave me here-"

"No! I will not leave you, Slan! Let's go!

Force your gun to be your friend! You can do it! I trust you!" She pulled him up the stairs.

When they went upstairs, they were relieved because they saw a parking lot.

They both retreated when several men in black appeared. Men in black pointed guns at them.

"Slanier! Let's hide behind the wall, now!"

The men in black shoot at the corner where they are hiding.

"D-Dhamia... I'm scared! I don't want you to die!"

"I'm okay! Calm yourself!"

"Dhamia, We can't handle fighting them! They are too many compared to us!"

"You are not weak; I believe in you, Slan!"

Slanier braced himself. He came out of his hiding place and shot the men in black.

But he fell to his knees when he saw that Dhamia had been shot by a man.

He became even more distressed and felt a pain in his heart when Dhamia smiled at him.


He was about to approach Dhamia, but he suddenly fell down when someone shot him.

His vision gradually darkened. But before his vision darkened, he saw a man who looked like his grandfather.

5 hours later.

Slanier woke up in a bright place. He tried to sit even though he was struggling.

He found out that he was in the hospital when a nurse came in.

"Sir, don't sit down because you are not strong yet."

"Where's Dhamia?!"

"Are you referring to the woman who rushed to the hospital with you? She is also in the room, but her life is in danger."

"WHAT?! I want to see her, ma'am!"

"Sir, no. Please, listen to me."

His tears flowed. He suddenly hit his head because he was blaming himself.

"No! No! She will be okay, right?! Please, tell me! She is my friend! My only friend! Please, do everything to save her! Please! Please! Please!"

"Sir... Trust the doctors here; they will do everything." The nurse bowed. She walked away.

Slanier screamed loudly because he was angry with himself. He cannot forgive himself if something bad happens to Dhamia.

Slanier almost felt ashamed when Rank One suddenly entered the room where he was staying.

"Who do you think you are to let my daughter get shot?"


"You're a stinking piece of trash, Slanier."

"S-sir... I'm so sorry."

"You're such a loser. I don't know why your guardian made you study; you have no brain." Rank one pointed his index finger to his forehead. "When my daughter dies, I will make sure you can't find a job. And even on the farm, you will not be able to get hired because I will use all my connections so that you will have nothing to eat."

"You are worthless, Slan. I hope you're the only one who got hurt! I hope you are the only one whose life is in danger! So that when you die, there will be little to cry about!"

"When my daughter dies, I will make sure to always pray for you and your family's deaths!"

Slanier cried loudly because of the hurtful words of rank one.

"You are weak and stupid, Slanier! Be thankful because I don't have the right to fire you; otherwise, you will be selling drugs right now because of poverty!"

"Sir, I'm sorry if I'm a useless person. But I will pray for Dhamia every second."

"Fuck you! Just die now!" Rank one walked away.

The tears did not disappear from his eyes. Even though he was struggling, he forced himself to leave the room to go to the small church inside the hospital.

After he prayed for Dhamia, he went to the entrance door. He asked the guard who brought them to the hospital. The guard's answer was the masked men.

He wondered who those men were.