
Nerevar Eln : I'm in a Fantasy Beast World

#Beast #Adventure #ReverseHarem #ConciousFL #Nonhuman #R18 #Beauty #Psycho #Sliceoflife #Transmigration #NotsoAnnoying * contains fantasy atmospheres * A woman from the modern world transmigrated into a Primitive beast world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keira was stunned the moment he lifted her into his arms, he was too close...the feeling of his rock-hard abs against her skin, the roughness of his palms that carefully settled on her, and the soft chocolate scent from him. 'Oh gosh he even smells good' like dark chocolatey mix of powdery iris and lavender, with caramelized vanilla, and the velvety cedar added into an intoxicating scent. It's warm, mysterious, endearing, and unique. His scent was literally mouth-watering, It took concentrate afford to not bury her face into his chest and sniffing him like a weirdo. He was beyond alluring, like a puzzle that slowly pulled her into an endless loop of wonder, Like a mystery that sink her down and keep feeding her with distorted obscurity binding her until it's too late to turn back, Like a deadly poison coated in irresistibly sweet chocolate that tempting her to pick it up and taste it... She let her gaze roam over the velvet hair down to the thick, ropey muscles of his strong arms to his incredible onyx scales. They were gleaming like shimmery makeup tempting to the touch It's tormenting the loving hell out of her how hard she try to not let her itching fingers slip away and caress his scale like a mad girl. Yet, for all his massiveness, his movements were gentle and precise. Peering back to his profile, she followed the line of his pointy ears down to the hard cut of his jaw over to his sharp chin and flirtatious soft lips. his skin gleamed in the sunlight except for the matte black, symbol-shaped patterning that coiled on his arms. As she stared, his muscled arms flexed slightly then slowly relax back. Glancing at his face, she found him watching her from the corner of his eye and felt like her heart skip at having been caught ogling. She winched, automatically turned her face away, bracing herself to stop plunging more deeply into his charm. (ch. 57) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *The story's heartwarming but contains 18+ mature contents in some ch. which I put ( * ) behind ch. ** It's not a stressful novel. The story will be smooth, with simple words, a slice of life. ***The female lead is a madly beauty, a bit insane and you will hear from her sometimes. *** It's reverse harem!! [ [ Recommend atmosphere song artists: Celtic woman , Erutan, Jean luc lenoir, Eurielle, Adrian von Ziegler ] ] # All the cover belongs to the author, I'm using Ai to made it, and I changed the cover frequently when I was bored lol #

Bebeto_candy · Kỳ huyễn
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68 Chs


Arel, Frost, Xander, and Xavier used their beast sense to find the direction in which the monsters had escaped. Considering how difficult the task has turned into proving that these monsters were high-level and had a good ability to cover their scent.

As the scent of monsters split into two directions. Frost, Xander, and Xavier went in the first direction and Arel left to search alone in another direction.

When Arel split out of the group, He took off his clothes and transformed. a sharp horn appeared on his head, a pair of huge bat-winged spread out from his back, and a long lizard scaly barbed tail. He was in a half-dragon form avoiding the full transformation as he didn't want to let his enormous body be seen by others. After transforming, his sense of smell became clearer and quickly soared into the sky following the scent.

He found a movement at the far corner of his eyes. Turning that way, he rushed toward that figure. Seeing a giant humanoid with sharp fangs and claws covered in deadly poison. Arel dashed down from the sky, spreading his claws ready to strike.

When that monster felt the danger, it leaped to dodge the attack but too late, there was no chance for him to dodge the claws of a dragon.

The force was filled with Arel's ferocity. The scene of how frightened his mate crying in his arms rising his bloodthirsty rage, how dare this monster attack her when he's away.

Arel's claw relentlessly slashed on its body making the monster lose its balance, Follow by the next dragon claw stabbed deeply through the monster's chest gushing the blackish blood out of its body. He shook his claw out of the monster's chest and used his other claw cut its head, sending the monster to death.



One of the monsters has died. Now, only one was left being pursued by Frost, Xander, and Xavier's party. They followed through the forest until they found its giant figure.

The monster's ready to attack, spreading its claws and running toward the party. Frost transformed into a wolf and leaped to bite the giant's arm, together with Xander and Xavier slashed the monster's body but the strength of the monster was higher, it shook three figures crashing to the ground. Without giving them time, the monster rushed forward, draw up its claw to smash its poison at Xavier who fell down not far from it.

"Xavier, watch out!" Xander ran over grabbed the monster's arm and cut its arm off. The monster cried out in pain, now it's in full enrage charging toward the person who dared cut its arm.

The large arm hit straight to Xander's body, he collapsed on the ground. Frost's wolf form rushed toward the giant, biting on the leg causing the monster to crash to the ground. Xander regained his sense and quickly stabbed into the monster's throat at the same moment when the monster's claw scratched his arm. Xavier ran forward and slashed its head sending the monster to dead.

Xander hurriedly pressed on the fresh wound preventing the poison from spreading.

"Brother! your arm has been poisoned. Let's go back to the tribe" Xavier quickly run to his brother helping him back to the tribe.

"I will go find Arel" frost said and rushed in another direction.



Arel has transformed back to his human form and put on his clothes but the black blood of the monster was still covering his entire arms.

Sniffing the area and found that the monster's smell had disappeared, meaning that Frost's party had defeated the other monster and was ready to return to the tribe.

As Arel was walking back to the tribe, he met Frost who was also covered in blood, not much different from him. Frost followed closely behind him while his mind went deep in confusion 'He kill that high level monster alone?' He didn't know anything about Arel nor his beast or his level.

Beast levels can usually be known by the scent of the beast. But the higher the level, the less scent it will be. As for Arel's case, Frost couldn't get any level-scent from him at all. The scent that came from Arel was empty as a blank space. This meant only two things, no beast level or beyond his recognition.



After they arrived, Arel and Frost went to take a quick shower and went straight to the inn.

Inside the inn's room, Keira was still sleeping and a middle age female was sitting next to her, she was the owner of this inn who Keira met in the lobby.

Arel went into the room and stood by the bed "Thank you Emma for taking care of her"

"It's alright she was sleeping the whole time, she must have been shocked, It was lucky she doesn't have a fever" said Emma, she got up and turned her face to Arel "How are Xander and Xavier?"

"Xander was injured by a monster and Xavier has brought him back to the tribal chief quarter" Frost, who was standing at the doorway, answered her question.

"Oh.." she has a worried expression then she turned to Arel "You are back now so I'm going to check on my nephews"

Arel nodded at her, then Emma hurriedly walked out of the room.


"Do we need to call a witch doctor?" Frost asked, looking at the sleeping Keira. Though he was worried about her condition, he had no right to approach her because Arel was Keira's, only mate. That made Frost have to stand at the door and wait without going further.

"No need" replied Arel, he then went to take the herbs in the animal skin bag and put them in the pot. when the herbal decoction was done, Arel waited until it was cool and brought it by the bedside.

He lifted the sleeping Keira up leaning her against his chest, and feed her the decoction with his mouth. Frost looked at them with jealousy, turning his face away from the scene of this male kissing his beloved.

After Arel finished feeding her the decoction, he laid down on the bed and tugged her into his embrace.

"We need rest, you go out and close the door too" Arel ordered and turned back to stroke Keira's head.

Frost clenched his jaw, inhaled and exhaled suppressing his temper. Quietly closed the door to keep Keira from waking up. Whether how angry he was, he has to be patient.

He then went straight to the counter and rented a room next to them, waiting for Keira to wake up.



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