
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Tranh châm biếm
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141 Chs

Threads of Resilience: The Ericson Kids' Tale

Clementine Pov

I opened my eyes and groaned looking around. I was laying on a bed in a room I had never seen before. I raked my mind until all the memories flooded back to me. 

Clementine: AJ!

I gasped as I tried to jump up but something stopped me. I looked down to see my arm tied to the bed with tape. 

I quickly ripped it off and stood up holding my throbbing head. I looked around realizing I was in a bunk bed. 

No one else was inside the room with me, but there was another bunk bed across from the one I was on.

Clementine: What is this place? Where is everyone? 

I questioned to myself as I walked over to the door.

I tried to open it but it was locked. 

Clementine: Shit!

I yelled looking around for something to help.

I searched the room until I found a tool in a box that I used to open the door. Creeping out into the hallway I looked around but it was just as empty as the room. 

I walked down the hallway and peeked around the corner just as a door creeked open. I didn't want to wait for the person to see me, so I quickly hid. 

A boy who looked like he was maybe 10 or 11, stepped towards the door and gasped once he saw it opened. He pulled a knife out and slowly pushed the door opened more.

I stood up and stepped closer.

Clementine: I'm right here.

I said causing a the boy to raise his hands in surrender. 

Clementine: Drop your weapon.

I demanded. 

Marlon: How about you do the same.

Another voice said as I looked up seeing the silhouette of a person standing in the hallway. He was standing in the shadows of the hallway as he held a bow and arrow at me. 

Sarah: Or, You could get that arrow off my bestfriend, before I blow a hole in the side of your head

I heard Sarah's voice say. 

Sam came running around the corner and right towards me. The boy put his bow and arrow down as the other kid ran to hide behind him. 

Sarah rounded the corner giving the boy a look as she approached me.

Sarah: You okay Clem?

She asked touching my head. 

Clementine: Yeah, where's Lee, Yhwach, AJ, and Kenny? 

I questioned.

Sarah: They're out front. Come on.

She replied motioning for me to follow her. 

Marlon: I'm sorry if we scared you. We just had to make sure you didn't turn. I'm Marlon. This little guy is Tennessee. "Tenn" for short. He's the one that's been takin' care of you. I mean along with your dad.

Marlon explained.

Clementine: It's fine. Thanks Tenn. I didn't mean to scare you either. 

I replied looking down at the kid. 

He kept his head low, and didn't respond.

Marlon: He, uh, doesn't talk much. Clementine right?

Marlon asked.

Clementine: Just Clem.

I corrected as we all made our way out of the building. Stepping outside I finally realized just how big this building was. Kenny sat on some couches with a little boy talking to him, while Lee and AJ stood off to the side looking at something on the ground.

Marlon: So you've been, surviving out there for a while huh? 

Marlon questioned as he stepped next to me. 

Sarah walked away following Sam as I stood looking around.

Sarah: Yeah, we've been on the road a long time

I nodded. 

Clementine: Sarah, where's Yhwach?

Sarah: Yhwach is on the roof.

Sarah replied.

Marlon: Your dad said you're pretty tough. So I take it you know how to handle yourself?

He raised an eyebrow.

I chuckled.

Clementine: Hm, you sound surprised... Like you didn't think I could handle myself.

I smirked turning my head. 

Marlon: No, no.. not at all. Sorry, didn't mean for it to come off that way. Honestly after what he told me, I think you're pretty badass.

He smiled motioning for me to follow him. 

We started walking down the walkway towards Lee and AJ. Tenn ran passed me and over to a girl who was sitting high up on top of the rock wall surrounding their camp. 

She had short pale blond hair and didn't look very friendly. He said something to her and then pointed towards me causing her to sit up.

She looked at me and slowly nodded.

Marlon: It's a good thing we found you when we did. It wasn't easy getting you guys out of the wreck and back here. Walkers were on the way. Your dad wasn't as hurt as you and the other guy so he helped as much as he could. The other guy, well he's a real trooper, he didn't seem to mind the cuts and bruises.

Marlon explained. 

Clementine: The car...was it totaled?

I asked.

Marlon: Yeah...it was pretty bad. It's a miracle you guys are even alive. We had to work fast. I don't know what would have happened if we hadn't seen the smoke...

He went on. 

Clementine: Well thanks. I appreciate it. What is this place anyway? 

I questioned as we stopped not far from Lee and AJ. 

Marlon: As you can probably tell, it use to be a school. Now it's...whatever we want it to be.

He replied. 

I nodded. 

Clementine: And who's in charge? 

He thought for a second.

Marlon: Well ...I am. Probably sounds strange, Kids run by a kid. But I think I'm almost 20 and we do alright for ourselves.

He said.

Clementine: You're about the same age as Sarah. You guys really survived out here with no adults? How did you keep everything in line for this long on your own? 

Marlon: We had an adult here but she went to the garden one day and never came back. We've been on our own since then. But we made it work. We've carved ourselves the perfect camp. Kids are safe here. We make sure of it. Welcome to Ericson's Boarding School For Troubled Youth. Apart from the adults, your group fits that description. It's hard to survive too long these days without being a bit...troubled.

He said.

I chuckled.

Clementine: You've got us confused. We're a group of typical Angels.

I smirked causing him to laugh.

Marlon: Well... We haven't had an adults here for a while, but you and your group are welcome to stay if you want.

Marlon offered glancing from me to Lee. 

Clementine: We appreciate that. Not like we can do anything now that the cars wrecked.

I nodded. 

The kid that Kenny was talking to ran passed me and over towards the gate while Kenny got up, making his way over to Lee.

He tapped Lee on the shoulder and motioned towards me causing him to look up. AJ did the same and ran towards me throwing himself into my arms.

AJ: Clem, You're awake! 

He exclaimed.

I smiled rubbing the top of his head.

Clementine: Ofcourse, Goofball. I'm alright.

I chuckled. 

Lee: How's your head Clem?

Lee questioned lightly touching my bandage wrapped around my head. 

Kid: Yo Marlon! We've got walkers at the fence!

The kid, that had been talking to Kenny before, Shouted.

Marlon sighed. 

Marlon: Shit, I gotta take care of this. Knowing willy it's probably two grandma walkers and an angry squirrel. You got bigger fish. Make yourselves at home.

He said as he walked away yelling at the other kid to get his weapon. 

I shook my head and turned to Lee and Kenny. 

Kenny: This place looks pretty secure, to be run by a bunch of kids.

Kenny pointed out as he looked around. 

Clementine: Marlon is probably the closest to an adult here. He said he thinks he's around 20. He's the leader of this group of kids.

I spoke. 

Kenny: We could stay, and add some extra help. Maybe even teach these kids a thing or two.

Kenny shrugged.

Lee: It would be nice to not have to keep moving. We could fix this place up a little more and call it our home.

Lee added as Kenny and I nodded in agreement.

Sarah: Clem, can you come with me? I wanna look around, this place is huge. 

Sarah questioned as she approached us. 

Clementine: Yeah sure. I kinda wanna look around too.

I nodded. 

AJ: Can I go too, Clem?

AJ asked looking up at me. I nodded and we followed Sarah to the large doubled doors of the school. 

We stepped inside hearing the sound of a piano playing off in the distance.

Sarah: Wow, this place is bigger than Howe's... It's bigger than the Ski Lodge. I don't think I've been in a building this huge, since.... Before this all happened.

Sarah said looking around. 

This place looked more like a mansion to me. Stairs leading up, were directly in front of the door.

AJ: Where is that sound coming from?

AJ asked. 

Sarah: Let's find out.

Sarah smiled as we followed the melody of the piano down a hall. As the sound of the piano got louder, a girl with short, curly, Red hair and Freckles stepped around the corner. 

Ruby: Oh, Hey, You're up. I'm Ruby. You must be Clementine.

She smiled holding her hand out for me to shake. 

Clementine: Yeah, Nice to meet you. We were just following the music.

I told her. 

She chuckled and nodded.

Ruby: That's just Louis. He loves playing the piano. You can go on in. He's cool.

She motioned around the corner before waving bye to us and walking away. 

We rounded the corner to see another set of doubled doors, but they were opened. A piano sat in the middle of the room as a boy played on it. 

There were book filled shelves all around the walls. Chairs, tables, candles. I almost forgot about the guy playing the piano as I looked around until he spoke. 

Louis: You're not dead. That's good.

He said turning his back to the piano to face us.

Clementine: Nope, not dead.

I smiled. 

Louis: I'm Louis. You're Clementine? Right?

He asked.

I nodded. 

Clementine: Call me Clem.

He stared at me for a second and smiled. 

Louis: Clem. It's nice to finally meet you. What brings you and your friends here?

He questioned.

Sarah: We heard you Playing. It sounded really nice.

Sarah spoke up. 

Louis looked at her and nodded.

Louis: Practice makes perfect. Sarah?

He raised an eyebrow. 

Sarah smiled and nodded. 

AJ: And Im AJ.

AJ frowned crossing his arms. 

Louis: Well I already knew your name little man. You haven't exactly been hard to miss since you've arrived.

Louis chuckled. As he turned around continuing to play the same tune on the piano.

Clementine: Know any other one's?

I questioned. 

He stopped playing glancing up at me with a smirk. 

Louis: Well, there is one...

he said turning and beginning to play.

Sarah giggled as he played glancing over at me. I rolled my eyes as he began to sing. 

Louis: Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling, Clementine. You are lost and gone forever, Dreadful sorry, Clementine....

He sang causing me to chuckle. 

Clementine: I actually like that song, I kinda knew you were about to do that though.

I laughed. Louis continued to play a little more as he sang another verse of the song. 

He stopped and Sarah clapped her hands. 

Sarah: You can play and sing, that's cool.

She smiled. AJ nodded agreeing with her. 

Clementine: What do you think, AJ?

I asked touching his shoulder.

He smiled. 

AJ: Its nice. Its kinda loud.

He shrugged. 

Clementine: it is.

I nodded. 

AJ: Loud is bad..

He said looking up at me. 

Clementine: Not all the time, AJ. We're safe in here, the walkers can't hear us. We didn't even know he was playing until we came inside. 

I explained.

Louis slid over on his bench and offered AJ to come press one of the piano keys. AJ looked up at me for guidance and I nodded encouragingly. 

AJ slowly stepped up to the piano and pressed the key before looking at Louis with an unsure look. Louis smiled and guided him to press other keys. 

When AJ did, Louis chuckled.

Louis: You're a natural, Kid.

He smirked. 

AJ looked over at me with a proud smile on his face.

Yhwach stood alone on the roof, his eyes scanning the surroundings with an otherworldly sharpness. In the distance, the melodious notes of the piano reached his ears, a stark contrast to the harsh reality of the world below.

Aizen's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind.

Aizen: Yhwach, these children seem to have created a semblance of peace in this chaotic world. What are your thoughts on this place?

Yhwach: (looking down at the scene below) They have established a sanctuary amidst the chaos. Survival takes many forms, and for them, it manifests as a community of the young.

Aizen: The piano playing below... it's an interesting choice for such a setting.

Yhwach: (smirking) Music has a unique way of soothing the soul, even in times of strife. It's a testament to their resilience.

Aizen: (curious) Do you sense any potential threats among them?

Yhwach: (closing his eyes briefly) Their intentions appear genuine. They seek survival, not conflict. However, the world outside is unpredictable.

Aizen: Creating a sanctuary in the midst of chaos is a commendable feat. It seems these children have adapted to this world more effectively than one might expect.

Suddenly, Marlon ran inside the room asking if we had seen someone named Rosie. 

Louis shook his head.

Louis: No.. we haven't. 

Marlon: Shit, We've got a bit of a situation out there. I hate to ask, you just coming to and all, but we could really use a hand from you and your group. You up for taking out a few dead head's?" 

He asked looking between Sarah and I.

Clementine: Ofcourse.

I nodded.

Sarah: Always.

Sarah added taking out her gun and checking the bullets. 

Marlon: Good, Your dad and his friend are already out there. Let's go. You to Louis! Get your ass in gear.

He ordered before turning away from us. 

Louis sighed with a smirk.

Louis: Okay..

he said as we all made our way outside. Marlon called out for whoever Rosie was as I stepped outside. 

Sam ran up to walk next to me as I approached Marlon.

Kenny: Who's Rosie?

Kenny asked as he and Lee joined us. 

Marlon: My dog. She should be somewhere around here.

Marlon sighed looking around.

Lee: Maybe she got out. You think the walkers got her?

Lee questioned. 

Marlon shook his head.

Marlon: You mean the dead head's? No way, Rosie would tear its head off. She's somewhere around here.

He repeated.

Marlon: We've got people out hunting And their trying to get back in. But the dead head's are in the way. We need to clear a path so they can get in quickly. You guys got weapons?

He asked looking around. 

Lee nodded as he and Kenny pulled out their weapons. Lee handed my gun and knife to me and Marlon nodded satisfied.

Marlon: Good. We're gonna need you to put em to use. There's a lot of em out there. Seems to be a little more than usual these last couple days.

He explained as he looked out the gate. 

Violet: Almost like something drew their attention. Something like...I don't know...an explosion. Or a car crash.

The blond girl from earlier spoke crossing her arms and turning her back to us.

Marlon: Vi...

Marlon sighed. 

Violet: What?? 

She asked as if she hadn't done anything.

Violet: Just saying. 

Clementine: Are you insinuating something? 

I questioned tilting my head to the side.

The girl shrugged. 

Violet: Y'know, Just speculating.

She replied. 

Clementine: Well we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Clementine, and i think you should keep your speculations to yourself next time. If you value the life you breath. I'm not dealing with any bullshit from anyone.

I spoke calmly so I wouldn't set Sam off. 

Lee: Clem..

Lee spoke placing his hand on my shoulder. 

Clementine: I'm fine, Just warning her before she makes a mistake.

I said glaring at the girl as she kept her back to me. 

Louis cleared his throat next to me before speaking.

Louis: Hello, Clementine. I'm Violet. Nice to meet you.

He said sarcastically. 

She glanced back at us.

Violet: What he said.

She mumbled. 

Clementine: The feelings mutual.... Violet.

I rolled my eyes. 

Willy suddenly popped is head from over the lookout area of the wall. 

Willy: Okay boys and girls...and adults.. They're starting to fill in!

He yelled.

Violet opened the gate and we started to move out.

AJ: Clem! Can I go?

AJ questioned causing me to turn and look down at him. 

Clementine: No, Goofball. I need you behind the wall. Get to the lookout and watch our backs. Make sure no walkers sneak up behind us. Okay?

I asked bending down so that we were face to face. 

AJ nodded. 

AJ: Okay, I'll watch your back.

He said running off to get to the lookout. I stood up and followed the group out of the gate with Sam by my side. 

Louis walked up to me and smiled. 

Louis: Don't mind Violet. She uh... grows on you. I promise.

He said holding his weapon on his shoulder. 

It was a wooden chair leg with a few nails in it. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at it.

Louis: Oh this? It's a chair leg, I call it Chairles

He said smiling. 

I shook my head. 

Clementine: Yeah, I noticed. It would be even better if you had longer nails sticking out of the end, so the pointy end of the nail sticks out. Would definitely mess something or someone up if it did. 

I suggested. 

He nodded.

Louis: Hm... Not a bad idea... I'll see about doing that. 

He chuckled. The group fought through the walkers as we headed into the woods. 

As a walker moved towards me, I kicked its leg from under it and drove my knife into the back of it's head.

Louis: Woah! Good one Clem! But it could use a little more finesse , though. Watch and learn.

Louis called out to me. 

I watched as he got one of the walkers attention making it move towards him. He stood near a tree pulling his knife out and cutting the rope hanging from it. 

A huge boulder fell on top of the walker crushing it before it could reach him. He turned and smirked at me.

Louis: And that's how you school a walker. There's a whole bunch of traps laying around this area for these ass hats. They're all marked, so keep a look out!

He informed us that didn't already know. 

With the new information, we fought off the walkers untill Marlon's people could make it through. 

Three kids not much older than me, ran up with weapons and something dead, I couldn't tell what it was.

Violet: Nice timing. We're not gonna be able to hold them off much longer.

Violet spoke to the people.

Girl: No kidding. Where'd all these walkers come from?

A girl questioned looking around confused. 

Marlon: We can talk when we're back inside the gates. Keep an eye out for stragglers.

Marlon replied, turning and leading us back towards the school. 

As I walked, Violet ended up walking next to me. 

Violet: You know, you're not half bad. Considering the circumstances and all...

she spoke after a few seconds of silence. 

I looked over at her raising an eyebrow with a smirk

Clementine: Thanks.

I replied simply. 

Violet: Let's finish these guys off. We don't need them attracting more walkers back to the school.

She said running towards a walker and killing it. 

I looked to the side seeing a walker with an arrow sticking out of it's back, crawling towards me. I walked over to it, stabbing it in the head and looking up to see one of Marlon's people putting an arrow through another walkers head. 

As he bent down picking up his arrow and cursing under his breath. A walker trudged towards him reaching it's bony hands out. 

I whistled to Sam and he charged towards the walker knocking it to the ground as the kid jumped up and spun around quickly. 

He saw Sam struggling with the walker. But before he could react, another dog went charging for the walker clamping it large jaws down on the walkers head causing it to explode in the dogs mouth. 

The dog dropped the walker and stepped away casually as Sam growled down at the walker once more, before making his way back over to me.

Clementine: Woah, You're a big dog. Where'd you come from?

I asked holding my hand out for the dog to smell. 

She growled lightly slowly sniffing at my hand before licking it. Sam sniffed curiously at the dog as Marlon ran up to us.

Marlon: Good girl, Rosie. 

He said catching his breath.

Clementine: This is Rosie? She's huge. The way she bit down on that walkers head... I've never seen anything like it.

I shook my head. 

Marlon smiled.

Marlon: Yep, this is my Rosie. I see you two are making friends.

He chuckled. 

Clementine: Minis the blood, she's cute. I think Sam likes her too.

I chuckled as Sam continued to sniff at Rosie cautiously and keeping his distance. 

Marlon: She's as cuddly as they come. Except when she's mauling walkers, that is.

He said, Rosie barked in response as the guy, Sam and Rosie saved, approached us. 

Marlon: That walker came out of nowhere.

He sighed scratching the back of his head. 

Lee: You're always supposed to watch your back...at all times. Try to keep that in mind next time and everything will be fine.

Lee nodded.

Marlon: Alright, fun's over. Let's get inside, I'm fuckin' starving. 

Marlon called out and we all made our way back towards the school.

Sam and Rosie ran off ahead of us as we walked.

Marlon: How'd it go out there?

Marlon asked his people.

Aasim: How do you think it went?

The boy questioned with an attitude. 

Brody: Be nice, Aasim! 

The girl demanded.

Aasim: No, Brody. The safe zone's nearly dry...we could barely find enough for tonight. We're gonna have to scout out further if we want food for the winter. 

He responded. 

Marlon sighed glancing over at me before speaking.

Marlon: We'll talk about it later.

Aasim: Bullshit. We should talk about this right now! 

Aasim snapped. Marlon pushed passed him continuing to walk. 

Marlon: I said later dammit!

He barked back. Aasim sighed deciding not to argue as he continued to walk.

Louis: Still standing I see.

Louis smiled as he joined Violet and I. I smiled back nodding my head. 

He turned looking at Violet and chuckled. 

Louis: I'd call that a B-plus performance there Vi. You've done better.

He teased. 

Violet stuck up her middle finger telling him to fuck off. Louis placed his hand over his chest pretending to be hurt. 

Louis: B-minus, then. Now, Clem here? That was a solid A. A plus even.

He replied. 

I chuckled. 

Clementine: Damn right. But you two did good too. Don't be mean Louis.

I spoke. Louis laughed shaking his head. 

Louis: Yes ma'am.

He responded, tipping his imaginary hat to me.

Violet: Thanks Clem.

Violet smiled as we entered the gate. AJ ran to me as soon as I stepped inside and hugged me. 

AJ: Maybe this could be our home. They're pretty good.... With the walkers.

He said causing me to smile. 

Clementine: I agree AJ. Marlon said we can stay as long as we need to. So I think we're okay for now.

I said rubbing his shoulder. 

Marlon walked up behind AJ placing his hand on his shoulder causing AJ to elbow him in the crotch.

Marlon groaned doubling over in pain and dropped to the ground.

Clementine: Oh my God. Marlon, are you okay?

I questioned as AJ looked surprised and ran off towards the gate. 

Marlon: yeah... Yeah....shit that hurt.

He breathed out trying to contain the pain. 

Clementine: I'm so sorry. He's been through a lot. You can't sneak up behind him.

I explained. 

Marlon let out a breathy laugh.

Marlon: It's cool... I understand. You guys are safe now. Talk to your boy, he doesn't have anything to be afraid of anymore.

He sighed.

I nodded. 

Clementine: Thanks for understanding, Marlon. I'll talk to him.

I replied. He nodded as I walked off towards AJ. 

He had his back to me as he stared outside the gate. 

Clementine: AJ... You okay?

I asked as I approached him. 

AJ: I'm sorry Clem. I didn't mean to hit him. He just scared me.

He said looking up at me. 

Clementine: I know, but we're safe here. You don't have to be scared anymore. I'll never let anything happen to you, I promise.

I assured him. 

AJ sighed and nodded. 

AJ: Okay, Clem.

Clementine: Now go apologize. And make sure this never happens again. 

I told him. He nodded again and I followed him over to where Marlon was sitting on the steps with his friend Brody.

AJ: What if he doesn't forgive me.

AJ questioned stopping a good distance away from them. 

I bent down in front of him and smiled. 

Clementine: He will. As long as you're Honest. Just tell him why you did it and im sure he'll understand.

AJ looked over at Marlon and took a deep breath. 

AJ: Okay, I'm ready.

He said before heading over to Marlon. 

AJ: Hi, Marlon. I'm sorry I hit you, it's just, sometimes I do that, but I don't mean to, I just get scared. I just wanted to say sorry and i hope I didn't hurt you too bad. Please don't kick us out and let us get eaten by walkers.

AJ spoke. 

Marlon looked over at Brody and smiled. 

Marlon: It's okay little man, I would never do that. But hey, you've got nothing to be afraid of anymore. You're safe here.

He explained. 

AJ came back over to me with a huge smile on his face.

Clementine: See, Goofball. I told you, you could do it.

I chuckled. 

AJ and I walked around talking to everyone and getting to know them while the food was being cooked. I found out that there was a total of 10 kids at the boarding school. 

Marlon, The leader of the group, 19 years old. He seems to be doing a good job but it seems like his group doesn't always agree with most of his decisions. 

Ruby, The medic of the group, 17 years old. She seems angry all the time but shes actually pretty cool once you get to know her.

Brody, The Second In Command to Marlon, Huntress, and fisher woman of the group. I didn't know much about her yet since we didn't really talk.

Aasim, Hunter and Mechanic of the group. 18 years old. He was quiet, pretty much kept to himself and wrote in his journal.

Violet, Fisher woman and Supply runner of the group. 17 years old. She was an asshole at first but she grew on me I guess.

Louis, Hunter and Supply Runner of the group. 17 years old. Likes to play the piano and is a literal goofball. Always cracking jokes and doesn't seem to really take anything seriously.

Mitch, Hunter and Lookout of the group. 18 years old. Likes to play with knives and is actually good with them.

Willy, Patroller, Mechanic, and Lookout of the group. 12 years old. Kinda reminds me of Duck. That's probably why Kenny was so infatuated with him.

Omar, The Cook of the group. 16 years old. Didn't really have much to say. Just said hi and no the foods not done. So that's that.

And Tenn Lookout of the group. 12 years old. Doesn't talk ever.

Everyone was different in they're own way, and they accepted My group and I without hesitation, and didn't judge AJ for his Fear.

We found out that they use to have two more people at the school. Tenn's Twin sisters, Minnie and Sophie. They had lost them a year before we arrived. 

They made a grave site for them where Tenn could pay his respects to his sisters. AJ watched as Tenn placed flowers on the two graves, and wanted to pay respects too. So I let him. 

Violet handed him some flowers and he walked over to where Tenn was and crouched down next to him, placing the flowers on one of the graves. 

Tenn looked up and smiled.

Tenn: Thank you.

He spoke for the first time since I've been awake. AJ nodded and got up as we walked away.

Yhwach stood near the grave site, his piercing gaze fixated on the names carved into the makeshift tombstones.

Aizen: An interesting display of sentimentality, Yhwach. Children mourning children.

Yhwach: Sentimentality has its uses. It strengthens bonds, even among the young.

Aizen: And what is your take on these bonds, Yhwach? Are they as fragile as the lives they mourn?

Yhwach: (smirking) Fragility is a relative concept, Aizen. They may be children, but they've adapted to this world with surprising resilience.

Aizen: (intrigued) Resilience indeed. They've formed a semblance of community, even in the face of loss.

Yhwach: (nodding) Survival takes many forms, and these children have crafted their own. A community born out of necessity.

Aizen: (smirking) The grave markers seem a bit crude, don't they? Matches the situation.

Yhwach: Crude, yet effective. Life here is simple, devoid of unnecessary complications.

Aizen: (musing) True, simplicity can be a strength. But how long can this sanctuary last?

Yhwach: (looking into the distance) The future remains uncertain. We shall see how long their resilience endures.

Aizen: (chuckling) A fascinating observation, Yhwach. Let us continue to observe and see what unfolds. 

Lee and Kenny had made a fire and were sitting by it talking. Willy had moved over by Kenny and was just watching him talk. 

Sarah was talking to Marlon and Brody on the steps, and everything seemed normal for once. If you can call anything normal these days, this would be it. 

Louis: Okay everyone! Foods done!

Louis called out. We all made our way over to the Benches off to the side of the school. Kenny sat with Willy, not surprising. 

Lee, Sarah, Yhwach, AJ and I, sat with Ruby, Marlon, and Louis at a bench as Louis brought us our bowls. 

Louis: Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.

He said comically as he sat my bowl down in front of me.

Clementine: Thank you, we really needed this. Can't remember the last time we had a hot meal. 

I said tasting the stew.

AJ: Mmm, this is really good. 

I nodded turning to look at AJ. 

He picked his bowl up slurping the last of the juice from it as we all looked on. He pulled the bowl away from his mouth revealing a mess of stew all around his mouth and up his cheeks. 

He let out a small burp, lifting the bowl back to his mouth to try and get more. Sarah giggled shaking her head. 

Ruby: aw come on.

Ruby said getting annoyed by AJ's bad table manners. Sarah looked over at her and frowned.

Sarah: Leave AJ alone, he's just hungry. He's never experienced the world before the walkers came. He was born in the middle of it. Cut him some slack. 

She argued.

Lee: Okay, Okay. That's enough girls.

Lee said trying to de-escalate the situation. I glanced over at AJ still slurping at his bowl and let out a burp of my own causing his eyes to widen and He, Sarah, and I went into a fit of laughter.

Ruby: Oh, good Lord. 

Ruby groaned staring at us in disgust. 

Marlon: Enough!

Marlon demanded causing our laughter to die down as we stared at him. 

Ruby: Thank you.

Ruby sighed thankful. Marlon smirked and turned to Ruby, burping loudly causing everyone at the table to laugh excluding Yhwach. 

Ruby got up and stormed away, flipping her middle finger to Marlon as he taunted her.

AJ: Clem...

AJ groaned looking down at his bowl. 

Clementine: What's wrong, Goofball? Still hungry?

I questioned and he nodded. 

Clementine: Here, you can take mine.

I said about to pass him my bowl, but Yhwach stopped me. 

Yhwach: No, you need to eat aswell. 

Yhwach observed the exchange, a faint trace of amusement in his stern gaze. He reached over, taking AJ's empty bowl and exchanging it with his.

Yhwach: Here, young one. Finish this.

He handed AJ his bowl.

Aizen: (within Yhwach's mind) Disgusting display of immaturity. These children reveling in such base humor.

Yhwach: (ignoring Aizen's comment) Their behavior may be crude, but it is reflective of the simplicity they've embraced in this world.

Aizen: (persistently) Simplicity or not, such levity is incongruent with our purpose here. We are not here to indulge in childish banter.

Yhwach: (stoic) Our purpose is multifaceted, Aizen. Understanding the human condition is essential for our goals.

Aizen: (disapproving) Human condition? These trivial interactions hold no relevance to our pursuit of power.

Yhwach: (calmly) Power, too, is derived from understanding the intricacies of existence. These moments, as you call them, provide insights.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Ah, yes. Insights into the profound mysteries of slurping stew and burping. Truly, this is knowledge that will shape the destiny of the cosmos.

Yhwach: (unperturbed) Sarcasm is a tool of the impatient, Aizen. There is more to be gleaned from these interactions than meets the eye.

Aizen: (mockingly) Of course, Yhwach. How could I underestimate the significance of such profound wisdom?

Yhwach: (seriously) Your skepticism blinds you, Aizen. These moments, trivial as they may seem, forge connections that influence the course of events.

Aizen: (raising an eyebrow) Connections? I fail to see how the antics of children contribute to our grand design.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) In unity, there is strength. Even the seemingly inconsequential bonds among these survivors may play a role in shaping the outcome of our endeavors.

Aizen: (dismissing) You place undue importance on sentimentality. Power is what matters, not fleeting connections.

Yhwach: Power alone is not absolute. The dynamics of existence are intricate, and understanding them requires an open mind.

Aizen: Open-mindedness is not synonymous with indulging in the trivial pursuits of mortals.

Yhwach: (looking towards the group) Mortals, as you call them, are more resilient and adaptable than you give them credit for. Our observations will reveal the depth of their strength.

I rolled my eyes and thanked Yhwach as AJ finished off the food quickly.

AJ: I'm all done.

He smiled looking up at me with a messy face.

I nodded looking down at my empty bowl.

Clementine: mhm, me too.

I replied.

AJ: Now what?

AJ questioned looking around. 

Louis: I'll tell you what.

Louis smirked turning his chair around and straddling it.

Louis: Time for something...very important.

He added holding up a deck of card. 

Brody groaned as she passed our table.

Brody: Oh god, goodnight.

She said shaking her head. Lee raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

Louis: Violet! It's time!

Louis called out as Marlon took our bowls and stacked them on top of each other on the ground, next to the table. 

Marlon: What's the game tonight, Lou?

He questioned as Violent joined us at the table. 

Louis: War.

He answered dramatically. 

Sarah: War?

Sarah raised an eyebrow confused. 

Louis: The oldest game around. A game played by man and beat alike. The only game there is.

He theatrically spoke.

I shrugged. 

Clementine: I don't know this game. The only card game I've ever played, had less people

i admitted. 

Lee: It's easy, Clem. It's an old game, all the cards are divided amongst each player, everyone puts a card out, and the highest card wins.

Lee explained chuckling.

Lee: My brother and I use to play when we were younger.

He added. 

Sarah: So what if two people put out the same card?

Sarah asked with interest. 

Violet: then they both put out another card, untill someone gets a higher card.

Violet spoke up. 

Sarah and I nodded understanding. 

Clementine: Okay, so why is this important? 

I shrugged.

Louis: Because the winner gets too ask you guys questions.

Louis smirked. 

Sarah: And if we are one of the higher cards? Then what? We get to ask you questions?

Sarah raised an eyebrow. 

Louis: Yeah, it's only fair.

Louis shrugged. I turned to the side to look at AJ and he wasn't there.

Marlon: Looks like your boy's making friends.

Marlon smiled causing us all to turn, seeing AJ sitting at a table with Tenn. Sam noticed, and went over to lay next to the table they were at. 

I nodded and turned away.

Clementine: I'm glad, This is his 2nd time around anyone his own age. Sometimes he acts more like an adult than a kid.

I sighed. 

Lee: He had to grow up pretty quick, especially in the world we live in now.

Lee shook his head. 

Sarah: Well I think, Clem did an awesome job with him. He's tough just like her. I don't know where I'd be if I never met Clem, that's for sure.

Sarah smiled causing me to smile back.

Clementine: It's nice to see him act like a little boy again. I'm just glad we finally found somewhere that he could actually experience what it feels like to be a kid.

I smiled. 

They all nodded understanding where I was coming from. Marlon nodded to Louis to start the game after he passed out all the cards. 

Louis flipped over the top card and in order, everyone did the same. Violet had the highest card.

Violet: Way to go, me

she smiled.

Violet: My question is for Clem, About AJ.... where are his parents? You two don't really look related and you look kinda young to be a mom so..

She questioned. 

Clementine: They're dead... they were nice people... well for the most part... his mom wasn't at first... but she was just going through a lot that I didn't know at the time. His dad was a really nice man though even from the start.

I explained.

Louis: Makes sense. He's a nice kid.

Louis smiled.

I nodded.

Clementine: For the most part..

I shook my head and chuckled.

Clementine: I raised AJ. Granted I had help along the way, but overall, I'm the one who's taken care of him. So you can say he's my son.

I shrugged. 

We all flipped another card, this time I was the winner. I smiled

Clementine: Okay, worst injury you ever saw?

I asked. 

Violet: I saw a walker get hit in the head so hard, both his eyeballs flew out. Pretty cool. 

Violet chuckled.

Sarah: That's gross.

Sarah shuttered. 

Louis: I saw someone have their intestines pulled out.. like, all the way out. It goes on for a while. We got a lot of guts.

Louis spoke. 

Marlon smiled at Sarah. I glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow with a smirk. 

She pretended not to notice me, but I saw her cheeks turning red as she slightly looked away. We all continued to put our cards out, one by one, Lee won, Then I won again, and then Sarah, untill we got to Louis. 

He sat silently for a second causing Violet to sigh. 

Violet: C'mon, spit it out

she rushed. 

Louis: Well, uh... have you ever...uh ever had a boyfriend?

He questioned. Sarah chuckled giving me a look as Violet groaned covering her face. 

Violet: Oh my God. 

Violet rolled her eyes. 

Sarah: I knew it.

Sarah laughed.

Lee: Boyfriend?... now hold on a minute.

Lee raised an eyebrow. 

Yhwach: (smirking) Relationships, a perplexing aspect of mortal existence.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Ah, the profound mysteries of love and companionship. Truly, these insights will reshape the universe.

Yhwach: (ignoring Aizen's tone) Humans invest considerable energy into these connections. They derive strength and weakness from them.

Aizen: (mockingly) Strength and weakness? How sentimental.

Yhwach: (calmly) Sentimentality is a force to be reckoned with, Aizen. It shapes the resolve of individuals, influencing the course of events.

Aizen: (disapproving) The path to power does not involve entangling oneself in the affairs of the heart.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) The heart, Aizen, is a wellspring of power. It fuels determination and resilience, attributes essential for survival.

Louis: What? It happens. It's a perfectly Valid question.

Louis shrugged.

Louis: You can ask me if I've ever had a girlfriend. I haven't, by the way.

He smiled.

Clementine: Well... there was a boy once. I wouldn't call him my boyfriend but...we did like each other. I was focused on finding AJ at the time.. so I never got the chance to make anything official.

I replied after thinking for a while. 

Violet: What happened to him?

Violet questioned.

Clementine: Nothing. He's still alive as far as I know. He, his uncle, his dad and mom are back at Richmond we were at before finding AJ. 

I answered. 

They all nodded and we flipped a card again. This time, Marlon was the winner. He smiled glancing over at Sarah.

Marlon: Sarah. My question is for you.

He said causing Sarah's face to turn a bright shade of red.

Sarah: Oh... okay..

She smiled. 

Marlon: How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.

He raised an eyebrow leaning on the table. Sarah chuckled.

Sarah: Yeah, it's fine. I think I'll be turning 20 soon, so 19.

She replied with a smile.

Marlon's eyes lit up as he smiled back. 

Marlon: Same age as me. That's great.

He smirked. I chuckled shaking my head as we all turn over another card. Lee smiled as he looked down at his card, he had the highest one. 

Aizen: (annoyed) Yhwach, I must express my dissatisfaction with this situation. Why are we here, indulging in trivial matters, listening to the banter of insignificant mortals? We should be in Muken, overseeing the preparation for our grand design.

Yhwach: (calmly) Patience, Aizen. Understanding the human experience is crucial to our goals. We learn by observing, and their interactions offer valuable insights.

Aizen: (impatiently) Insights? Into what? The inconsequential affairs of these children? Our purpose is far greater than playing witness to their juvenile games.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) Their emotions, relationships, and choices shape the fabric of the world. The threads of their existence weave a tapestry that may guide us toward our desired outcome.

Aizen: (dismissing) Sentimentality and tapestries have no place in our pursuit of power. We should be honing our strength, not wasting time on such trivialities.

Yhwach: (serene) Strength is not only measured in physical prowess. Understanding the motivations and vulnerabilities of those we seek to influence is a form of power in itself.

Aizen: (grumbling) This patience of yours, Yhwach, it baffles me. How can you endure the mundane chatter of these mortals?

Yhwach: (smirking) Patience is a virtue, Aizen. It allows me to see the intricate connections between their actions and the unfolding events. Knowledge acquired through patience is often more potent than the hasty pursuit of power.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Ah, the wisdom of enduring mind-numbing conversations. Truly, the pinnacle of enlightenment.

Yhwach: (seriously) Every encounter holds significance, Aizen. Even in the mundane, we find the threads that shape the destiny we seek.

Aizen: (sighing) I suppose I will have to endure this tiresome ordeal for the sake of our greater purpose.

Yhwach: (smirking) Consider it a test of your own patience, Aizen. There is much to be gained from every moment, no matter how trivial it may seem.

I chuckled shaking my head as we all turn over another card. Lee smiled as he looked down at his card, he had the highest one.

Marlon: Well Lee? What's your question?

Marlon asked.

Lee: What happened to the adults that were here before everything happened?

He questioned.

Marlon: They all abandoned us here when it happened. All except Ms. Martin, our nurse. She was here but one day she went to check on the garden and never came back. We never heard from her again. That's when I was voted as the leader.

Marlon explained. 

Clementine: Do you think Ms. Martin had enough and just .. left?

I questioned. They all shook their heads. 

Louis: No way, Ms. Martin always went to check the garden. And she always came back. If she had left us, surely she would have taken some supplies right?

Louis spoke up. 

I nodded. 

Clementine: Well, for what it's worth, you've all been doing pretty good with this place if you've survived this long without an adult.

I smiled. 

Marlon: Thanks, Clem. I may be the leader, but we all try our best to work together.

Marlon nodded. 

We all turned over a new card, and Yhwach was the winner.

Yhwach looked at the group, his gaze shifting from one survivor to another. Aizen's voice echoed within his mind.

Aizen: (impatiently) Yhwach, I have little interest in posing questions to these children. Let us focus on matters of true importance.

Yhwach: (calmly) Aizen, understanding their perspectives may offer insights we hadn't considered. Do you have a question for them?

Aizen: (sighing) Very well, if you insist on this pointless exercise. ask them what do you believe is the most valuable quality a survivor can possess?

Yhwach: A question for each of you. What do you believe is the most valuable quality a survivor can possess in this world?

Louis: (thinking) I'd say adaptability. Being able to adjust to the ever-changing circumstances and make the best out of any situation.

Violet: (nodding) Yeah, adaptability is crucial. But I'd also add trust. You need to trust the people around you, or you won't make it far.

Marlon: (smirking) Leadership. Someone needs to make the tough decisions and guide the group. It's not easy, but it's necessary.

Sarah: (thoughtfully) Compassion. In a world that's lost so much, showing kindness and understanding to others is what keeps us human.

Lee: (nodding in agreement) I'd say resilience. The ability to bounce back from whatever life throws at you. Without that, you won't last long.

Clementine: (smiling) I agree with all of that. It's hard to pick just one. But if I had to, I'd say resilience too. You can't give up, no matter how tough it gets.

Yhwach: (listening) Resilience, adaptability, trust, compassion, and leadership. Interesting perspectives. These qualities, no doubt, contribute to the strength of your group.

Aizen: (sarcastically) How enlightening.

Yhwach: (ignoring Aizen) The resilience to endure, the adaptability to thrive, trust to build bonds, compassion to maintain humanity, and leadership to navigate the challenges. Valuable insights indeed.

Aizen: (dismissing) I fail to see how these mundane qualities are of any relevance to our goals.

Yhwach: (seriously) Aizen, the strength of survivors shapes the world. Understanding their qualities helps us shape our path within it.

Aizen grumbled within Yhwach's mind, clearly dissatisfied with the direction of the conversation.

To be Continued.