
Chapter 15: Potions

(Okay I want to address 4 issues. Someone was asking as to why the Mc doesn't just use Legimency on everyone. Urm, that's because legimency hurts? Like is is known that legimency can break a person that's why the MC doesn't just mind rape everybody. I also want to say that the Mc can read everyone's mind without damaging it, it just takes a long time, so he doesn't do it, only during of convenient times.

Someone also asked why did the MC go to Hogwarts, he goes there to build connections for his army. He hasn't done so, but will. You have to remember that the Mc has to build his army to fight the devil.

Lastly someone was saying how they didn't like the part about the mother actually being mind raped as an excuse to turn good, and that the mother isn't innocent cause she spoiled the duaghter.

Seems like I have mislead you all this is my bad, it's the father who MAINLY spoiled the daughter. The father was also trying to just be tough on his son but when he realised it Back fired, he tried to change.

Lastly, Rose wasn't fully in a coma, she was awake during those 10 years, woke up 6 months before Hogwarts with the mentality of a 11 year old and starting studying for school while recuperating.

Thank you for the comments and enjoy)

The next, day, the second of September, a Monday, I woke up bright and early. I decided that from today onwards I am old enough to start taking body enhancing potions, and more potent mana enhancing potions.

I went to the huge private bathroom of the Slytherin house and took all these potions.

Why in the bathroom do you ask? Well that's because I also took a potion that will convert all my excess fat which is harmful for my body into impurities, so I will be smelly as heck.

I then took a mana increasing potion. This is the most potent one I have come up with, and I am going to take 5 potions a day. One costs 1,000 galleons, it might seem ridiculous that I am spending nearly 2 million galleons per year, but I ain't skimping on my growth.

In total I am probably consuming 5 to 10 million galleons worth of potions.

What can I say, when you monopolize the potions market of the world you get rich.

I also took,Body enhancement, Magic enhancement, speed enhancement and so on.

I also recently came up with a potion I call,' The effectiveness potion.'

As you can see I am not too good with names.

This potion helps me increase effectiveness of exercise by 5 times.

Also, I theorized that the stronger a body, the more mana one can store, so I am going to push my body to its limit's and beyond, PLUS ULTRA. Wait, Wrong world.

You could see immediate changes in my body, I became leaner, and I lost most far around my belly, and six packs could already seen to be forming, but I won't be happy till I am as muscular as All Might. No that will be too much.

After doing a round of exercise, I went back to my room and got ready for my first class, potions. This will be great.

What I didn't realize was that now in my subconsious, another 5 blue lines were connected to my core, making the total 10, and that my book flipped to a new chapter.


I got to class about an hour early, and saw something which surprised me.

"Sir, what are you doing here so early?" I asked Snape, who was busy setting up the class.

'He sure acts like he doesn't care, but he loves potions huh. If he tries so hard for a subject in which he doesn't want to teach, I wonder how much he will try to prepare during D.A.D.A.'

"I can say the same for you, Mr. Markus. Why have you come to class so early." Snape asked, seems like his occlumency is pretty strong, I can't see any expression, but from his aura I can tell he is surprised.

"Just getting ready sir, it's been getting boring studying potions alone, so I was hoping studying the basics again can help me gain some inspiration." I said honestly. I have decided to leave the path of potions, but I probably already advanced it by a few decades. I still have hundreds of recipes left not released to the world.

If these come out, getting to Dumbledore's level will take only 25 years for even an ordinary wizard. Gods talent is no joke.

I did have to solely study potions, but it paid off.

"That's good Mr. Shawn, even though you know everything, and even if I hate to admit it your knowledge is on par with mine, you still show dedication to your classes. 5 points to Slytherin."

Bruh, who are you kidding, if you were truly honest you will know I am so much smarter than you.

After setting up for the class a whole, Snape left and said he will return after a while.

Well it seems from his aura that I have made a good impression on him.

Soon after students started coming in, it was a mixed class between Gryfindors and Slytherins.

Coincidentally, I was sitting beside Hermoime, and beside her was Harry. To my other side was Rose.

Then came in Snape, with his dramatic entrance.

He slammed the door open, and said," There will be no there will be silly wand waving, or silly incantations in this class," while walking to his podium and turning around with his hands touching each other.

"As such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However for those select few," he said while looking at me instead of Malfoy, then continuing," Who posses the predisposition."

He then adjusted his coat, and said," I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death, or like someone here, fight against it."

Then I saw Harry writing Snapes words down and I wished that I had Popcorn with me.

"Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention."

I seriously wanted to raise my hand and say I do have those abilties, but I can't, need Snape in my plans, so no disrespecting him.

"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood."

I saw Hermoime raising her hand and wanted to laugh so bad.

Harry shook his head signifying that he doesn't know.

"You don't know? Well let's try again, where would you look at if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

"I don't know sir."

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?"

" I don't know sir."

"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything, is it? Mr. Potter?"

"Clearly Hermoime knows, seems like a pity to not ask her."

Everyone started laughing, so did I.


Before Snape could do his thing, and try to embarrass Harry, Rose beside me, said," Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion called the draught of the living dead, a bezoar is taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons, as for monkshood and wolfbane they are the same plant which also goes by the name of aconite, professor."

Now I wanted to see what Snape would do, praise her cause she is Slytherin, or scold her cause she is a Potter.

"Well done, Miss Potter, now as much as I appreciate your answers, I shall have you know that I do not appreciate people speaking out of their turn, so I will let you off with a warning. Now since you were so kind as to state stuff of the textbook, why don't you share more of your knowledge." Seems like he took the middle path, both scold and praise.

(Btw he meat she is stating stuff she memorized from the textbook and not her own input, not that she is reading of the book)

Now, Rose didn't reply, she didn't know the answer. Actually, no first year is supposed to know this answer, only fourth years are taught this part, in a section of, 'Simple ingredients, complex potions.' Seems like Snape wants me to flex my knowledge, sigh.

I raised my hand up, and Snape smirked, seeing as I understand his intentions," Yes, Mr. Markus, what's your answer?"

(Time, for bullshit no jutsu, my signature jutsu during exams)

"A powdered root of asphodel and wormwood infusion can also form a cure for the draught of the living dead, and can also cure minor colds when mixed with a red skinned snakes venom sir. A bezoar can also be artificially made with a dragons tongue and werewolf fangs sir, but this will have 200% more effectiveness then the bezoar taken from a goat. As for monkshood, wolfbane and aconite, they are groomed under different climates sir, so they are not 100% similar. Monkshood, can only be effective when the plant blooms in cold wethers. Wolfbane, can only be effective when the plant blooms on a full moon, and lastly, aconite, is the most common sir, which can be made under any circumstances."

The last part about Monkshood, Wolfbane, and Aconite was stuff even Snape didn't know, so I am pretty proud of myself.

"Wonderful, Mr. Markus, 10 points to Slytherin, and 5 points from Gryfindor for your classmates cheek."

We then split up into pairs to brew the draught of the living dead, me and Rose were together.

I think if I had Snape as a teacher I would have learnt better. Seriously, Snapes type of teaching method is I throw you into the sea with instructions, and I will see if you can swim back out. It only works for bright minds like your truly.

Sigh, next class should be transfiguration, but I won't really care till flying classes on Thursday.

Okay I want to address something, someone was asking why doesn’t the MC just use legimency on everybody, buy you should, legimency, if not used on surface thoughts, will hurt the victim.

There is a reason why snape doesn’t just mind rape everyone.

But I also want to say that the MC can look into everyone’s memories if he wants but he has to be very careful so he needs time.

stay_at_home_pigcreators' thoughts