
Natsume book of friends.

Isnara_sanjo · Hiện thực
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2 Chs

The lost Dairy

A gentle breeze rustled through the dense forest as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows upon the world. In the twilight, a young man named Natsume Takashi wandered along a narrow path, the weight of the Book of Friends heavy in his bag. Natsume possessed a unique ability, inherited from his grandmother, to see and communicate with yokai—mischievous spirits that dwell in the ethereal realm.

Natsume had always struggled with his supernatural gift, as it had caused him great suffering throughout his childhood. But everything changed when he inherited his grandmother's most precious possession, the Book of Friends. This mysterious book contained the names of countless yokai, bound to serve whoever possessed it. Natsume, however, vowed to return these names and set the spirits free from their eternal contracts.

As Natsume continued his journey, a flicker of light caught his attention. He followed the ethereal glow until he discovered a hidden hollow in the roots of an ancient tree. Within this hollow, he found a worn, leather-bound diary—its pages yellowed with age. Curiosity piqued, Natsume gently opened the diary, revealing delicate handwritten entries.

Echoes from the Past.

The diary belonged to a young girl named Saya, who had lived in the same small village as Natsume's grandmother, Reiko. The entries chronicled her encounters with yokai and her attempts to understand and befriend them. Saya's words resonated deeply with Natsume, as they mirrored his own desire for harmony between humans and spirits.

Intrigued by Saya's experiences, Natsume delved deeper into her world, tracing her steps and visiting the locations she had described in her diary. With each encounter, he discovered the essence of the yokai, their stories intertwining with his own. Along the way, he encountered kind-hearted spirits seeking solace, vengeful entities consumed by anger, and lost souls longing for closure.

To be continued....

Go far...To Relate

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