
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Phim ảnh
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The Cat and the Bat meet PT 2

"Well this night has been interesting so far and it's still quite young to even call it a night." Naruto said as he was swinging around after dropping Catwoman and Little One off of one of the rooftops some time ago.

His plan earlier was to head over to Multigon International and snoop around to figure out what dirt he could gather from them to help Selina out on her preservation project. It would've been easier too with his abilities to practically slip right through security and walking through walls, asides from him having to pay attention to security cameras since those don't get fooled at all with his 'memory manipulation. But of course things had to be held off till later for several reasons obviously.

For one, he had to make up for what work he had missed because of Pam's accident that he didn't feel like going to work, which a lot of his employees understood. Sure Naruto did do a lot of progress on Loveless, but he still needed to fill out a whole lot of paperwork and go to meetings that the publisher had to make up for. Even with all that, he ended up getting off of work pretty late.

The last reason was of him going to visit Pam for the second time today. When Naruto got over there, he had told his girlfriend on who Selina was and on how much she cared for the environment. Even though she was unconscious, he hoped she could've heard him explain everything he knew about her with her maybe wanting to meet the raven haired woman sometime after waking up.

With all that, Naruto had changed into his Nobody attire and made his way to Multigon International to get in and do his thing. But things didn't go as planned that as soon as he got nearby he saw Catwoman jump off of the building and eventually fall to her doom because of an explosion on the rooftop she clung onto. He saved her life and once landing on some rooftop, he was greeted again by Little One and eventually the Dark Knight of Gotham. Naruto did want to make a good impression but things didn't go all that well with him thrown off of a building and the silverette snagging the thief and her cat before bolting it.

It's probably going to bite him in the ass with what happened on there but too late now to complain.

"So where should I go to or do next?" He asked himself. "I haven't trained in the past few days and wonder if I have any other skills I have yet to know about. I could do that or maybe find some crime being committed and stop it."

He was going to say more until he saw a shadow move past him causing him to stop swinging around and land on a rooftop. Naruto looked around where it originated from and spotted Batman some distance away from him using his cape as….a glider?

"Huh, now he really does look like a bat there. But question is, where is he going to?" Naruto pondered to himself before a thought came to mind. "Maybe I could follow him and properly apologize for what happened earlier. Don't want the guy on his bad graces now do I."

With his little task set, Naruto ran and jumped off of the building in pursuit of the Bat of Gotham City.


'Wonder why he's here?' Naruto thought to himself as he tracked the Bat to the police station without being seen. It was a tad hard trying to keep a good distance away but not too much so he would lose site of the costumed hero. He eventually stopped as he landed on the building's rooftop and climbed down to what appeared to be Gordon's office through a window.

Naruto got over there quickly and scaled down to be just outside of the Commissioner's window when he listened to the current conversation. Thank Kami that the window was opened or else he would need to phase through just to hear what they were saying.

"But there's nothing here on the schedules." The first voice said getting Naruto to know it was Gordon.

"A last minute change perhaps?" The second was recognized as the Batman.

"I would've been told otherwise."

"...What if it was a military train? Something that the government doesn't want us to know about." Batman said getting Naruto to wonder what they are talking about.

"Then this wouldn't be the first time I'm afraid." Gordon said in a peeved tone before Naruto heard the man start dialing into the phone of his office. "Blasted feds and their secrets."

'Oh I agree with you on that James like you wouldn't believe.' Naruto thought as he remembered past missions he did in the past for Konoha that he was kept in the dark on various details until he was allowed to learn in the end. Like the time he was sent to the Blood Prison without being told on why he was sent there until afterwards. Ugh that sucked big time.

"Then I'll see what I can do on my end Gordon. I'll head over and do everything I can to stop Red Claw." Batman said getting Naruto to be knocked out of his thoughts.

"Then good luck then Batman." The commissioner said getting Naruto to widen his eyes in surprise as Batman was going to exit out of the window and could end up spotted.

'Shit! I need to move now!' He thought before he phasing himself into the building so that he wouldn't be spotted.

Just in time too with him barely going through the wall just as Batman climbed out of Gordon's window and used his grappling gun to head off to the night. As for Naruto, he found himself in an empty office and decided to phase back outside and follow the hero once again to figure out what the hell is going on.

-Border of Gotham City-

It was pretty quiet and dark in the Gotham outskirts with the bridge connecting to the city from the mountains finally repaired after what happened on Christmas Eve. Soon light started to appear in the distance along with a sound growing in volume before a train passed over the completed bridge. The train in question was a militarized transport as it was highly guarded with patrol going through each train car and some in between them.

"You know Frank; when I saw those old recruitment commercials and deciding to join, I didn't expect this." One officer said to his friend.

"Yeah I know what you mean Marcus. I didn't expect we would be protecting this plague."

"But who would want to steal it anyways?" Marcus asked as he used his gun to point to where the plague is being kept. The bio-weapon in question was in a box with the biohazard sign on all sides.

Unknown to them and the other military personnel, once the transport went past a certain point, the tracks shifted before a track speeder went down the train line showing Red Claw with an assortment of goons. Once the speeder got close to the last car, the group jumped onto the back ladder one at a time with only the driver of the speeder left as he pulled back to head back to their hidden base of operations.

Once the terrorist group got on top of the train, one man had pulled out a grenade launcher and aimed at the connecting points between the rest of the train cars and where the plague was supposedly kept. He fired causing the connection to break and many of the military personnel to go into panic to figure out what happened not knowing they were no longer connected to the rest of the train. It wasn't long before one goon had cut open a hole on the top of the one car and dropped in a knock-out gas container as another goon in a rope went to the side and planted a small bomb to the door so they can access it.

As this was going on, Batman saw all this from above and tilted himself downward so he can get in closer from above. Once he got closer, he closed his cape turned glider so he could aim his feet towards a pair of goons and knock them off the train. He was successful causing confusion with the other Red Claw henchmen while only having Red Claw herself be mildly surprised before going through the broken door of the train car.

Soon a sound filled the air, asides from the moving military transport, causing Batman and the goons to look back to see a motorcycle come out of the forest below. It soon flew into the air just as the clouds parted to get moonlight to appear to reveal who was coming after them. The goons didn't know who the man was but Batman did….. well somewhat.

From what Nobody was riding was a motorcycle of an interesting design, probably custom made, of its black covers with some steampunk like designs with the handlebars being oddly placed on the grips.

'I'm so glad I researched motorcycles prior to today or else I wouldn't be able to make this sweet baby.' Naruto thought as he sped closer to the military transport. He felt accomplished to him crafting this beauty with his powers as it was a pain in the ass to get this right.

But hot damn it was completely worth it, especially now.

As he got closer to the train, he jumped from his motorcycle as it fell onto the train tracks and dispersed into wisps of black and white smoke before landing onto the train top with a roll. When he got up, Naruto made a pair of Escrima sticks and did quick successions of smacking the nearby goons' heads around. This was before he started hitting their hands to disarm them of their weapons on hand.

Not missing a beat, Batman engaged his own set of thugs as he threw the first punch towards the thug on his left before countering the one coming to him on his right by ducking and giving him an uppercut. This was before he grabbed the man's head and slammed it against another goon as he dashed to the next set of opponents that weren't remaining on the train. The Caped Crusader made quick successions with each of the goons with elbow strikes towards several areas of the body when quickly switching from opponent to opponent. Even dodging the various hits on his person with minimal ease since none of them had training on how to properly fight it seems.

Nobody blocked several punches and kicks with his weapons on hand before he ducked from a few opponents and spin kicked a few of them to get them off of the train. He even ducked several times before he headbutted them, quickly grabbing their heads and slamming them down on his knee before he threw them at the other thugs that were engaging against Batman.

"Hey goonies! This is gonna hurt." Naruto said with a hidden smile as he threw the sticks at the remaining thug's heads to knock them off the train.

Once things were clear, Naruto turned to see Batman staring at him.

"I could've handled them."

"I know but where was the fun of you hogging them all." Nobody retorted as he saw one thug grab a woman's arm and pulled her up. "Huh, seems we missed one."

"Red Claw! Watch out!" One of the goons called out to warn his boss.

"Red Claw? A woman?" Batman asked in surprise while Nobody was mildly surprised that the leader of this raid was a woman.

What, he had to fight against women back in his home reality so he wasn't sexist or that closed minded on the idea. Hell that Konan woman was a founding member of the Akatsuki terrorist organization for crying out loud.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Red Claw said as she had the plague's container in her hands.

"Not at all." The Dark Knight said as he got closer to her. "I'm an equal opportunity crime fighter."

"While I'm against hitting a woman, I'll make an exception with you." Naruto stated as he copied Batman's current action.

"Stay back!" She yelled as she pulled out the bio-weapon from it's container. "In my hand is the ultimate equalizer and it kills indiscriminately."

"But you'll die too." Batman stated to her as a helicopter quickly came their way as a rope ladder fell down from its door.

"Along with everyone else within a ten mile radius, but would you take that chance." She said as she grabbed ahold of the ladder before being lifted up into the air. "Come on, I dare you to call my bluff."

He couldn't do a thing as her laughs were slowly fading away into the distance. With his plan of catching Red Claw failed, he turned around to see Nobody still standing there.

"I thought you would've left by now." He questioned the helmeted stranger.

"I would've, but I wanted to apologize about earlier on that rooftop."

"And you followed me here….just for that?" Batman confusingly asked.

"Well….yeah. I wanted to make a good 'first impression' but I ended up botching it with my 'card' gimmick."

"And why did you do that if you wanted to make a good 'first impression?'"

"Would you believe it was a spur of the moment." Naruto said with a shrug while all he got in the end was a glare. "What, I'm telling the truth and Catwoman just followed through with what was on her mind I guess."

Feeling unsatisfied with not getting a response from the man, Naruto decided it was time to leave.

"As much as I would like to stay and chat more, I've already said my apologies and ready to go home now. I'll see you later Bats." Nobody said as he ran towards the end of the train car.

"Nobody wait!" Batman called out but it was too late as the man jumped off of the moving military transport. He was surprised to see what happened next as black and white wisps appeared underneath him to form the same motorcycle as before. He grabbed the handles and sat down before the motorcycle landed on the train tracks and sped off to god knows where.

"This night has been full of surprises isn't it." The Batman said to himself before radioing his old friend/butler to send over the Batplane to his moving location so he can inform Commissioner Gordon on what happened in person.

-Next Day, Spiral Publishing-

*Groan* "I really hate back up paperwork." Naruto muttered to himself as he filled out paper after paper from the stacks that were on his desk.

"I understand your pain Granny, even if it's just a fraction." He said as he started going over another document. "Now I just wish I could get drunk to ease the pain."

"Sir, your 12:30 is here." Jillian said over the intercom speaker confusing the silverette.

'I don't remember making any appointments for today.' He thought before pressing the intercom button. "You can send the appointment in now Jillian."

"Will do."

*Sigh* "Might as well use this as a break from my workload." Naruto said before the door opened to see a rare sight. He interlaced his fingers and narrowed his eyes slightly before addressing the person

"…..Not that I mind you showing up here Kurama but why are you here?"

"What….Can't I come on by and visit my old 'landlord' for a nice chat?" The redhead replied with a whine.

"Right…...I expect some ulterior motive behind all of this since I distinctly remember you saying you're too busy with work to even try and chat with me in person."

"And I was right, but today is one of my rare days that I can do whatever the hell I want." The hybrid said as he made his way to the available chair in front of the publisher's desk. "So yesterday I thought it would be nice to come on by to chat with you."

"Ok….." Naruto drawled out before stretching a bit. "So, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Well I heard of what you did last night from one of my sources and I gotta say I'm pretty impressed on what you did."

"And how would you know that Kurama?" He asked since it seems impossible for anyone to know what happened on that train…..unless….."You have someone at the GCPD don't you?"

"Yup I do." Kurama said with a fox like smile. "But the real question you should be asking is: Where don't I have someone at?"

"So I take it you're inside man eased dropped on Gordon's conversation with Batman I take it?" Naruto asked while rubbing his eyes in slight frustration from both the paperwork and Kurama dropping these little bombs.

When he looked back at Kurama, the hybrid had Naruto's notebook on hand and reading some pages out of it.

How the fuck did he get his hands on it?

"I gotta say Naruto" The redhead said as he turned the page. "These sex scenes are really good. You should probably publish this."

"Hey! Give that back!" Naruto said as he dived towards the crime lord only to be intercepted with a boot to the face.

Though it didn't stop the silverette from flailing his arms in hopes of reaching his notebook.

After another minute of doing this action, Naruto decided to stop and went back to his seat with the footprint on his face.

*Sigh* "Would you please give that back?"

Kurama smirked at Naruto and handed back the notebook before replying. "Now wasn't that hard?"

"Bite me."

"Nah I don't swing that way. You would obviously know that since we last saw each other."

As he was putting away the notebook into his desk, Naruto had a question on mind that he wanted to ask. Naruto was going to find his former tenant about this but seems too good to pass up now.

"Well since you heard what happened, you might know who Red Claw is right?"

"Obviously." Kurama stated before adjusting in his seat. "So what would you like to know?"


-Skyline Towers, Night-

"I regret demanding to learn everything 'fuzzbutt' knew about Red Claw." Naruto tiredly said as he got back to the towers after a long day from work.

Naruto expected the conversation to last for a little bit of time but it turned out to last several…. hours….. long. Because of that, he was held back on his workload and had to stay in late to get it all done.

He did learn why Red Claw was in Gotham that it dealt with retrieving a bio-weapon that Interpol had taken from one of her labratories back in Eastern Europe. She had been tracking down her plague for months to intercept the transport to do god knows what with it. The terrorist had to nab it outside of Gotham City before it made its way to some heavily guarded facility where it could be studied and then disposed with. Even some unique information that Multigon is working for Red Claw behind the scenes.

Naruto was all fine and dandy with learning just that information….. but Kurama wanted to fuck with him in the end and started giving him unnecessary information that had lasted way too long.

"Why would he even tell me how much of a sex life she has….or lack of one…..or why he thought that was quite necessary…. I need a drink…. Nevermind I can't get drunk….. I hate him so much right now." He said as he pressed the button in the elevator for his floor, only to realize he pressed the one below his.

"Maybe I could go see Selina and ask how her date with Bruce went." He said to himself since he honestly didn't get her phone number yesterday.

Once making it to her floor, he went up to the door and was about to knock until he heard Shizune screech.

'Is she in trouble?!' Naruto thought as he was going to barge in until he heard someone's voice on the other side.

"I'm not here to hurt you." The voice said to Shizune. "Red Claw is after you and Catwoman."

'Is that Batman? And did he say Red Claw is after Shizune and….. Catwoman? Doesn't he mean Selina?'

"Catwoman? What are you talking about?"

"Shizune, you need to tell me where Selina has gone to. These people are killers."

'Catwoman's Selina?!' He yelled out in his head as he was shocked to hear this.

"She's….. She's gone to the Multigon site." Shizune said getting Naruto to go in alarm on that tidbit.

Not wanting to hear anymore, he rushed towards the stairwell and ran up to his loft so he can quickly change into his Nobody attire before heading out.

He needed to save Selina! He can't have another friend's life be at risk like this!

While getting dressed into his attire, his cellular phone went off and quickly answered it.

"Hello, Naruto Uzumaki speaking."

"Naruto, thank Kami you answered."

"Shizune what's wrong?" He said as he obviously knew what was wrong but had to keep up an act here.

"I was attacked in the loft not too long ago."

"Wait what?!" He yelled out but not too loud just in case so Shizune doesn't hear him from above. But he was surprised on that bit of information.

"Luckily Batman was there to stop the assailant. But the reason why I'm calling is if I could stay in your loft for the rest of the night."

"Why would you want to come here?"

"Batman suggested I go someplace safe until this thing blows over and your loft is the only place I could think of right now."

"Sorry but I'm not at my apartment right now since I'm still at work." He lied to her so he can get to the Multigon site quickly without her needing to find him. "But you could access my loft. You just need to find my spare key in the potted plant outside."

"Ok, I'll do that." With that she hung up getting Naruto to finish getting dressed and used his phasing ability to go through the patio door before jumping off to swing his way out of the city.

-Multigon Site-

"Have to be careful now. There are guards everywhere." Catwoman said to herself as she quietly made her way through the forested area when she got closer to the clearing.

Seeing a man patrolling nearby, she snuck up from behind and knocked him out before hiding him in the bushes. She kept doing this to some of the guards near the edge of the forest so she could maneuver better when finding a way inside of the abandoned military complex. Eventually she did find an air duct cover some distance away but without any guards patrolling nearby had let her take her time in opening it.

After navigating through the air ducts, she soon made it to the inside of the hangar and saw a lot of commotion going on with the men still doing patrols while loading and unloading certain goods.

"Well this seems interesting." Selina muttered as she landed softly onto the rafters above and pulled out her camera to start taking photos. "These will probably enhance the photos for the resort brochure."

She was too focused in taking many of the photos that she didn't realize someone sneak up from behind until it was too late as one of the guards grabbed her camera causing her to look behind her in shock.

"Well what do we have here? One hell of a very, naughty pussy cat where she doesn't belong." The man said with a lusted gaze as he and his partnered looked up and down her form.

Too bad for the two guards; a shadowy figure came from behind and knocked their heads together, rendering them unconscious. Selina soon realized who her savior was and voiced her thoughts.

"And here I thought you didn't care after what happened last night." Catwoman said to the Dark Knight.

"Come on." He said as he grabbed her arm and started to run. "We need to get out of here."

"We? But what about you?"

"I need to take care of something here."

They would've continued onward until metallic bars slammed down from above blocking their path before several guards aimed their assault rifles at the two.

"Hello you two. Welcome to my comfy 'resort'" Red Claw said as she came up from behind her goons.

The two masked individuals turned around to run the other way but more of Red Claw's guards were right there blocking their path.

"I hope you enjoy your very, short stay."

-Moment's Earlier with Naruto/Nobody-

"I hope I'm not too late in getting here." Naruto said as he approached the site on his motorcycle before slowly coming to a stop some distance away so he won't be heard by any guards. Once stepping off, the vehicle slowly dispersed into black and white wisps as Naruto started walking towards the clearing. He would've walked further until he saw a mountain lion chewing on a corpse of a dead goon.

"Uh….nice lion." Naruto nervously said as he backed away slightly as the lion only stared at him for a few moments before resuming back into it's meal.

"Ok, seems I'll need to watch where I step now." He said as he fiddled with his helmet a little to get the multi-vision function to activate. With these mountain lions running around, he would need to watch his step more so he won't cause any problems with them.

The Multi-Vision function was quite interesting to find out on his own during training one night as it wasn't shown in the manual that came with the suit. The function allowed him to switch between Thermal/Infrared, Night and Electromagnetic Field visions on the fly instead of fiddling through his helmet manually. If he was able to see the helmet from the outside, he would've been greeted with seeing three white dots on his visor; one for each eye placement while the third is located on the forehead.

Once he got it activated, he was soon greeted with seeing some highlighted foot imprints on the snowy ground with one that stood out as it had a heel on the end.

"Catwoman…. no Selina, must've been here. Don't know how long ago but at least I got a trail." He said as he followed her footprints while making some adjustments when some mountain lions crossed his path. Eventually he found an air duct with it showing signs it was fiddled around and broken so someone could access it before he decided to enter it.

He would've walked through the front door and used his memory manipulation on the guards but Naruto guessed that there would've been security cameras by the entrance, reason why he is sneaking the same way Selina did.

Once navigating through the air ducts, he wound up inside of the complex where he saw the hangar. When he dropped down, Naruto was able to spot a handful of guards walking about in the center of the room and its borders with his elevated position. He ducked down as he followed where Selina's footprints went before realizing another pair walked alongside hers.

Naruto looked closely into the shoe imprint next to Selina's to see….'A bat symbol? He put a bloody bat symbol on the bottom of his boots?'

Ok….who does that? Sure he had heard of the man having his 'batarangs', his 'batmobile', his 'batplane', so on and so forth. But does the guy even go far as to have like 'bat toilet paper' or a 'bat toothbrush'. Does the guy even embroider everything in a bat theme of sorts?

'Focus Naruto. You can ask about his extreme bat fetish idea later. For now need to find them both.'

Getting out of his thoughts, Naruto followed the trail as he ducked behind several walls so he wouldn't get spotted by any guards. He would only allow a few mess ups so he could quickly use his memory ability on them, but if he used it too much for a set period of time will start causing him to strain for a while. Eventually making it the stairs, she went down to the lower level before seeing their highlighted imprints go around a corner where a few guards were stationed.

'Time to start clocking them out for the evening.' Naruto thought as he crouched down to out of their line of site. As he got closer, he soon saw an air duct by their feet.

"Gonna need to sneak up on them and make them go away for a moment.' He thought as he got as close as possible and waited for them to possibly turn around so he could work his magic. Patience was truly a virtue that after a minute both of them turned around getting him to use his silence ability to quietly sprint towards them and aimed his palms to the back of their heads getting a faint glow from them.

"You will not see or hear me for a few minutes." He said getting the command into their minds that they won't be seeing him for that designated time and it's all he needs.

Naruto crouched down and forced open the air duct cover and crawled inside before placing the cover back into place. With that, he followed the duct till he had to climb up and saw gaps towards the bottom to see the highlighted prints. He soon came to an end as he saw the footprints end at a doorway and assumed the two were in the next room.

He was right as he kept crawling to see Batman and Selina tied up together in chains while he saw Red Claw at the doorway.

"You must be suprised to see the accommodations here, courtesy of your US Government." The Russian terrorist said with Mr. Stern not too far behind her with the bio-weapon container in his hands.

"They've built this top secret complex to hide officials in case of a nuclear fallout. But since you've been so interested in our plague Batman," She said as she pulled out the weapon from its container, "...we've decided to give it to you."

"Then what would you use to blackmail Gotham if you would use it on us?" Batman questioned

"Why risk carrying such deadly contents when a placebo would do." Red Claw said with a sadistic smile as she pulled out some little container. "By the time they realize the vial is a fake, we'll be league's away and they can't do a thing about it."

As she said that, she pulled off the top of the little container to show a little air pump and filled it up with some liquid contact before putting a drop of it on the bio-weapon causing it to fizzle signaling its starting to activate.

"Soon…..this will fully activate in a matter of minutes." She said as she made her way to the room's door. "Mr. Stern, sound the alarms. We are leaving and need to seal up the compound."

"We wouldn't want the plague to affect the precious wildlife, now would we? Only the vermine is all we want to kill." The chairman said as closed the door to the room.

The two struggled in their bindings as it was really hard for them to break free.

"What I wouldn't give to sink my claws into them."

"If only I could get some slack then I could get us out of here." Batman said as he tried every trick he could think of to get themselves out of their bindings.

"If this was rope I would help out more but these chains will be impossible for me to cut through."

"Maybe I could be of some assistance." A voice called out from above getting the two animal themed people to look up to only find Nobody crouched down on the rafters.

"Hello." He said as he gave them a two fingered wave.

"How did you get in here?" Batman surprisingly asked him and Selina wasn't any better as she thought the same thing.

"I have my methods." Nobody said as he jumped down from his hiding spot before coming up to them. "Now let's get you guys out of this."

He grabbed ahold of the chain and the two animal themed people expected to feel a tug towards the helmeted man's direction. To their surprise they didn't feel a thing as they saw him pull the chain through them.

"H-How?" Selena asked while Batman was running thoughts in his head on how that was possible.

"No time you two. We need to go now!" Nobody said just before the alarms for the military facility blared to life. With the sudden alarm going off made all of Red Claw's goons to abandon what they were doing and run as their lives depended on it

It wasn't long for the three masked individuals to make it to the hangar to see everyone running out of the compound.

"You need to get her out of here." Batman said to Nobody.

"Not without you we're not." Selena said to the hero before he shook his head.

"I'll be right behind you two, but I need to destroy the plague." He said before looking back at the other two. "Now please go!"

"You heard the man." Naruto said as he grabbed Selina's hand and they both ran towards the hangar door while Batman ran towards the fuel tanks to take care of the bio-weapon.

As the two drew closer they saw the door barely closed.

"We're too late!"

"No we're not! Keep running! Trust me!" Naruto called out and she complied with his hand still gripping hers.

Before realizing, she ended up outside with her looking back in shock as she walked through the hangar door. She tried to reasonably think of an explanation when they were surrounded by Red Claw's forces with their guns aimed at them.

"Oh I don't have time for this." Naruto growled out as he let go of Selina's hand and focused power into both of his hands to form 'Void Rasengans' causing everyone to stare at the display in mixed reactions. Before any of the goons knew it, they were blown away when Naruto tossed the attacks at them.

Naruto grabbed Selena's hand and ran far away from the facility before making it to the nearby cliffs. Naruto willed his 'grappling scarf' into existence and used it to easily get him and Selena to the top without much effort. When they made it to the top, they heard a loud noise coming from the facility below to see a fuel tanker crash through the hangar door.

"That must be Batman." Nobody said getting Selena to nod before they saw a fiery trail following the tanker as the vehicle went towards the several military helicopter. It crashed into them causing the tanker and helicopters to explode before everything else in the facility and clearing soon followed.

Nobody and Catwoman saw it in concern as they searched for Batman with their eyes before they heard helicopters behind them.

"Get down." The helmeted silverette said as he pulled the environmentalist down to hide them as they saw police helicopters fly above them.

"This is Gotham Police Commissioner Gordon! We have you all completely surrounded! Give yourselves up!" James called out from the helicopter's intercom as the helicopters kept their spotlights on the many goons down below.

"Seems that this 'resort' is really going down under." Selina said before getting kicked to the side knocking Nobody off the cliff.

"You! This is all your fault you bitch!" Red Claw yelled out as she kicked Selina again.

"For years I have built my criminal network! I have brought down countries to their knees! And now it's all ruined all because of you interfering!... You!... Environmentalist!... Whore!" The Russian woman yelled out as she kept kicking at Selina.

She aimed another kick at Selena but a hand grabbed ahold on the offending limb.

"Hey!" Nobody said as he tightened his grip. "It's not nice to hit a defenceless woman you muscle bound bitch."

Before the terrorist knew it, she was thrown into the air and fell down the cliffside with her possibly having several broken bones at the end of it.

"You ok?" Naruto said in concern as he looked over her for any signs of injuries.

"I'll be fine. The armor I have in this suit helps." She admitted before shifting a bit to feel a bit of pain.

Seeing this, Naruto pulled out a medical pack from his belt and injected a mixture of morphine and painkillers into her to help with the pain.

She moaned in relief in this action. "Thanks. Seems I needed that."

"Your welcome." Nobody said before he looked towards the facility to see a shadowy figure. "Seems that Batman survived."

Hearing his statement, Catwoman looked down below and saw his figure in front of the roaring flames of the military base.

"We should head back to Gotham now." Naruto stated as he focused his powers to conjure up his motorcycle.

"My my. Aren't you full of surprises Nobody." Selena said as she looked at the vehicle in wonder.

"It's apart of my charm apparently." He said to her as she sat down onto the ride and hugged him from behind as they rode back to Gotham.

-Gotham City-

The two rode on in silence as they made their way back to the gothic city as they were tired from today's events. Eventually the motorcycle came to a stop several blocks away from the Skyline Towers so that Selina wouldn't suspect Nobody on him knowing her place of residence.

"Thanks for the ride….and for saving my life several times now." Selena said as she got off of the ride. She did miss the contact though as she felt his form nicely from what she could tell from his suit.

"No thanks are needed Catwoman. As long as you're safe, I'll be thankful in the end."

"Why are you so concerned for my safety?" She questioned him. "Are you someone I know?"

"Maybe….Who knows." He said as he reved up his ride before taking off. "After all, I'm just a Nobody!"

Selena Kyle was soon left all by herself before she muttered something towards him without knowing. "But you're Somebody to me."

With that, she walked home not knowing that she will soon be brought into police custody by the Dark Knight for her actions.

-Moment's later, Naruto's Loft-

"Man what a night." He said to himself as he walked into his apartment through his patio with his attire on. He checked the rooms where Shizune was sleeping and saw her on the couch with a sleeping 'Little One' on top of her.

"Well ain't that cute." Naruto muttered as he used his silence manipulation around himself so he wouldn't wake up the two before making his way to his bedroom to change into his sleep wear.

Just as he got out of his Nobody attire, his cellular phone went off and he answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello, Naruto Uzumaki speaking."

"Mr. Uzumaki, this is Dr. Haruno. Something has happened to Ms. Isley." The doctor told Naruto making his heart stop and drop the phone in worry.

-Earlier, Gotham General Hospital-


The sounds of the heart monitor filled the room as Pam's chest was slowly rising up and down with the other machine helping with her breathing.

The many flowers that was brought into her room to help color and lighten up the dreary feel slowly started to move towards the sleeping redhead as pollen came out of them. The flowers slowly dried up and died as their life essences spread over Pamela's form just as the branch of a Sakura tree from just outside of her room broke through a small part of the window to open it up. The same tree limb slowly went towards the botanist as it started to bloom quite early despite it being Winter.

The branch was soon joined by more as they went underneath the coma patient and lifted her to end up disconnecting the various tubes and wires keeping her alive and monitored. Acting quickly before the hospital staff arrived, the limbs drew the botanist outside in the cold air before the ground opened up to have large branches come out and encircle her.

The entanglement of branches shot down back where it came from as some smaller branches covered its tracks by moving the dirt and snow to cover its entrance while the Sakura tree closed the window just as the hospital staff came into the room to see it baren.

Soon…..Soon the Green shall have its Champion.

Soon it shall have its Poison Ivy.

-End Chapter-

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