
Naruto: Two Saiyan Brothers

Two guys just reeincarned in naruto with 3 wishes

SharonMeuToba · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Cap 2

Time Skip 4 Years.

Near a playground where many children gathered in Konoha to play, two brothers who bore a great resemblance to each other faced off. The brothers Keto and Shogeki were fighting with all their might, punches and kicks were dealt with incredible speed. The blows exchanged were so strong that the ground trembled. The children playing in the nearby playground stopped playing and watched the fight.

Keto landed a blow on Shogeki that made him stagger backwards, but Shogeki quickly recovered and counterattacked with a kick that hit Keto squarely, causing him to fall to the ground. Shogeki approached and saw that Keto was injured, his face covered in blood.

"Keto, are you okay?" Shogeki asked, concerned.

Keto wiped the blood away with the back of his hand and stood up, facing his brother with a smile on his face. "I'm fine, you're just too weak to fight with me," he taunted.

Shogeki became irritated and went after Keto again. The fight continued and this time the blows intensified. Keto landed a precise blow on Shogeki, causing him to fall to his knees. But Shogeki did not give up and took the opportunity to kick Keto, making him fall backwards.

Keto quickly got up, with an expression of anger on his face. "You don't know when to stop, do you?" he said as he went after Shogeki again.

The brothers continued the fight, each trying to outdo the other. Keto with his precise and fast blows, and Shogeki with his brute strength and devastating blows. The fight was fierce and both were visibly tired.

Shogeki landed a punch on Keto, causing him to stagger backwards. "You're much stronger than I thought," said Keto, breathing heavily.

"Don't underestimate your brother, Keto," replied Shogeki, with a tired smile on his face.

The brothers stared at each other for a moment, both knowing that the fight was not over yet. They went for the last round, each trying to outdo the other. The sound of the blows echoed through the field as the children watched in silence.

Finally, Keto gained the advantage, landing precise blows on Shogeki, who ended up passing out on the ground.

Keto taunted his brother, saying "I knew I would win, you're too weak to fight me." But after a few seconds, Keto fell from exhaustion, barely able to stand.

At the moment, some of the girls who were at the playground next door approached the two unconscious brothers. They were discussing who was stronger and more handsome, while their mothers were chatting on a nearby bench. One of the girls noticed that the two brothers were unconscious and ran to alert Keto and Shogeki's mother, Ayumi.

Ayumi picked up her unconscious sons in her arms and took them back home. As she walked, she reflected on her sons' personalities. Since they were little, Keto and Shogeki were very competitive and always fighting with each other.

Ayumi always tried to teach them to solve their problems peacefully, but it was not always easy. She knew that deep down, the two brothers loved each other very much, and that fight would not be the end of their relationship.

Arriving home, Ayumi put her sons in bed and began to tend to their wounds. She cleaned the blood from Keto's face and bandaged Shogeki's wounds. As she cared for them, she reflected on what she could do to help them overcome this phase of constant fighting.

The next day, Ayumi called her sons for a serious talk. She looked them in the eyes and said, "I know you are brothers and it's normal for you to fight from time to time. But yesterday's fight was very serious, and I was very worried. I want you to know that I love you both very much and want the best for you."

Keto and Shogeki listened attentively to their mother's words and realized how much she was concerned about them. They knew they had gone too far in that fight and felt ashamed of it.

Ayumi continued, "I want you to promise me that you will try to resolve your differences in a more peaceful way. You are brothers, and I want you to be friends forever. Can you promise me that?"

The two brothers then exchanged glances, having a mental conversation.

Keto and Shogeki stood up and stared at each other for a few seconds until Shogeki extended his hand to Keto in a gesture of reconciliation.

"Come on, bro, it's over. Let's forget about this fight and move on," Shogeki said.

Keto, with a sarcastic smile, shook his brother's hand and replied, "Yes, forget about the fight I won? Easy for you to say."

Shogeki squeezed Keto's hand harder, annoyed by the comment Shogeki stared at Keto while internally mocking him, "You should respect me more, little bro! After all, I'm still your older brother, right?"

Keto, still sarcastically smiling, seemed to understand what Shogeki was thinking and replied internally, taunting, "For someone who learned to talk after me, you're quite communicative."

Ayumi watched her sons' conversation with a smile, but when she noticed the exchange of jabs and sarcastic smiles, she frowned, concerned.

Meanwhile, Shogeki continued to grip Keto's hand harder as Keto fought back, mocking, "Maybe I should teach you how to be a proper little brother."

Keto pretended to be in pain while continuing with his sarcasm, "Ow, ow, ow, you're hurting me. How nice to have such a strong and powerful older brother."

Keto, looking more perceptive, teased his older brother, "Maybe I should show up to teach you a thing or two," inviting Shogeki to another round at the playground.

Shogeki wasn't intimidated and said, "Sure little bro, can't wait," while smiling wickedly and tilting his head to the side.

Observing a crisis of wicked laughter unfolding from her sons, Ayumi sighed defea

As Ayumi watched her children's evil laughter escalate into a full-blown crisis, she sighed defeatedly, yet still concerned about their persistent rivalry.

"Come on, you two, cut it out," she said, trying to calm the situation. "You're siblings, you should love and take care of each other. There's no need to fight and argue all the time."

"He started it!" they both said in unison, pointing their fingers at each other.

And just like yesterday, this day passed with both of them fighting again until they fell unconscious. Little did they know that they were under the watchful eyes of many distinct observers.