
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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474 Chs

Chapter 13

Erase quickly found MiTo Daya.

As he expected, after returning from the mission, Maito Dai ate with guy and they went to practice together, two figures in green tights winding circles around Konoha.

Erase a little thought, and too started to run, after a while he quite "accidentally" crossed paths with MiTo Give his son.

"In training, too, guy."

Erase welcomed Maito guy.

Seeing Erase, guy on the run, raised his thumb and said: "Of course, after dinner, you must run at least fifty laps, this is the power of youth!"

Maito Dai followed his son's example, giving him a thumbs-up and expressing full agreement with his words with a cheerful smile.

This scene attracted strange looks from the residents of Konoha walking down the street.

Erase felt helpless.

He even felt several of the same strange looks on him and vaguely heard something like "Did someone mess with this strange father-son couple", he could only sigh helplessly.

The guy ran to Erase and asked: "...Hey, where's Kakashi? Don't you train together?"

He's like Kakashi always pays much more attention than Erase.

"He must have decided to train alone."

Yeruashi knows that his brother hasn't taken any missions in recent days, since he's not at home, he probably went somewhere to train, they rarely train together at all.

Guy gave another thumbs-up and smiled brightly, revealing a row of white teeth: "That's it...I didn't expect you to do this kind of basic training!"

"the Basics are also important."

Erase smiled and thought: "The other day, during an intense physical training session, I felt a strange feeling, as if there are boundaries in my body that can be broken, I do not know if you feel something like this?"

guy looked at Yeruashi doubtfully: "The border? You mean the limit of physical exhaustion?"


Erase glanced at Daya and she went on to explain to guy: "This seems to be the limit of physical capacity, hmm...it's more like a chain that binds them together...."

Hearing Yeruashi's words, guy showed a puzzled look, but when he was about to ask another question, Dai finally interjected, he looked at Yeruashi in surprise: "This is really the big brother of the famous genius Kakashi, to feel the presence of the eight gates at this age is not something that can be done through normal effort. "

" Eight


Maito Dai is an extremely straightforward person, he smiled and told everything without reserve: "After training the physical body to a certain extent, some people can feel the shackles that limit the physical ability of their body, I call them the shackles of the Eight Gates, breaking the shackles, people can burst out amazing power for a short time."

Heard the words of Dai, Gai looked at him, he had never heard about it, none of the teachers of the Academy never mentioned anything about it.

"Father, do you use this technique?"

"Of course."

Dai gave me a thumbs up: "All these twenty years, I've only been diligently practicing one technique! I planned to teach you this trick when you get a little older."

Yeruashi looked at Dai and asked:

Maito Dai nodded and looked at Yeruashi very seriously: "I would not recommend trying to open the Eight Gates at such a young age, but since you have already felt the presence of the shackles, it means that you are pre-qualified to practice this technique..."

Maito Dai did not even think about keeping it a secret, maybe he always wanted to teach someone this technique, but no one except his own son would even think about learning from the "Eternal Genin", no, they would not even listen to him and take him seriously.

He is without question told the basic points of practice Hachimon Subtly, of Erase almost immediately gained some understanding of this technique.

"Thank the eldest for guidance."

The first erase gratefully smiled, and then bowed seriously, MiTo Give.

Seeing the serious behaviour of Erase, Let smiled and said: "Don't be so polite, after all, you're a classmate of guy's, I didn't expect anyone to want to listen to my instructions, eh youth..."

at the beginning of the sentence, Maito Dai's voice was very cheerful, but by the end, you could hear a note of sadness in it.

Guy looked at his father with a puzzled expression: "dad, What is Eight Gates? Can you tell me


Dai shook off his negative emotions and patted guy on the shoulder: "You haven't finished today's training yet, let's run! After completing the training, I'll tell you a little about it! "

the father and son Pair quickly ran through the streets of Konoha, continuing to collect strange looks from the residents.

Yeruashi wanted to run with them, but when he saw this scene, he shook his head and dismissed the thought.

Not worth.

"I finally got the Hachimon Tonko practice method. It was very simple, as expected, but in any case ... in the future, I must find a way to repay the debt."

After that, Yeruashi returned home and immersed himself in thought, he began to delve into Hachimon Subtly, based on the basic explanation of Maito Dai and his understanding gained during self-study.

The main point of Hachimon Tonko practice is to break the eight fetters that restrict the body.

If you try to forcibly break the shackles, it will definitely lead to damage to the Meridian, so first you need to go through a special grueling training with additional loads.

It is necessary to use weights to constantly keep the body in a tense state, so after removing the weights, the body's fitness to break the shackles of the Eight Gates will improve.

You need to repeat this process over and over again, gradually increasing the weight of the weights.

"You need to buy suitable weights..."

Yeruashi rummaged around at home and found some weights, but their weight was not enough, this is suitable for normal training, but not for the beginning of training Hachimon Tonko.

But weights were not a problem, all sorts of equipment is the last thing that is missing in the village of shinobi, the legacy left by Sakumo so far allows Yeruashi to make such purchases.

After a while, he bought weights, spending not a small amount of money.

Unlike the rock Lee weights from the original, His weights consist of a vest and wrist and leg bracelets, they were sold as a set.

"On what principle are they made? Weight is completely illogical."

After carefully studying the weights, Yeruashi came to the conclusion that this thing is "unscientific", like Kubikiribocho, which is able to recover by absorbing blood, or like Kusanagi Orochimaru, which is able to lengthen to an incredible extent, certain special tools are used to create such things.

"So heavy..."

after Putting on all the weights, yeruashi felt a strong heaviness in his body, even with a simple walk, his body was unstable, after a while, He began to gradually adapt.