
naruto: this uchiha is a bit extreme

Uchiha is driven crazy. Time travel and become Uchiha. Watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the Nine Tails Rebellion has been pinned on our heads, it will really trigger a Nine Tails Rebellion. "Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either Uchiha will be exterminated, or Konoha's high-level people will be exterminated." Konoha suffered heavy losses, and all the major ninja villages were watching? "Cloud Shinobi Village declares war? Are you afraid of them? Declare war directly with the five major powers, no, declare war with the whole world. If you want to fight, fight them all." The internal fighting and war losses were considerable, and there was a lack of funds? "If you don't have money, let the daimyo pay. Otherwise, why keep them? If they don't give it to you, why don't you just take it yourself?" ps: The protagonist may be a little abnormal, normal people should not learn from it.

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64 Chs

Chapter 64: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Sage Body

Yanyin Village.(Otogakure)The returning Uchiha Yunduan ignores the turmoil from the outside world.No matter what, he continued, but Uchiha Yunduan's successive crazy and extreme actions brought him some gains and gave him some certainty about his future actions.[Ding, daimyo and ninjas from various countries in the ninja world think that you are too extreme and get rewards: Sage Body (intermediate) (Chakra strengthening, rapid healing, Yang attribute change), Mangekyō Sharingan evolution (Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan), space channel (Moon). ]Eternity Mangekyō condensed quickly, and the eyes that were originally half-moons were added with black magatama next to each half-moon, like stars.The increased eye power is very terrifying, at least four or five times that of before. Now an ordinary Kage-level ninja can suppress him with just one look.No skills need to be used.Although Sage Body is only an intermediate level and looks very stretched, the effect is already very powerful. The quality of his Chakra has become more "thick" and should now be called "Chakra".And the quantity has also increased a lot, doubled several times. It used to be only a dozen cards, but now it has become more than 70 or 80 cards. With the change in quality, his escape skills can really be used at will, and the power will be stronger than before. big.There are also accompanying healing abilities and Yang attribute changes, which are completely cheating healing abilities.The physical body has also become much stronger, several times stronger than before.My whole body seemed to have transformed, and I felt much more relaxed. Maybe there were some minor problems I had in the past, but they were all gone now.The last space passage (moon) literally means that it can open a passage to and from the moon, which means that he can capture the Ōtsutsuki clan.But there shouldn't be many Ōtsutsuki clan up there now, so some Tenseigan might exist.He may be getting another pair of eyes in his collection.Now he has Byakugan, Sharingan, Mangekyō Sharingan.An extra pair of Tenseigans would be fine, as well as some giant Tenseigans and the like."Sharingan's eye power can now control the nine tailed beasts without any problem.""And this body, according to its quality, if it is an intermediate level, the advanced level should be the level of Senju Hashirama."Then the Sage of Six Paths body should be at a higher level."Uchiha Yunduan estimated his combat power alone.Now he can be considered as living Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama level.It's the kind that turns on Sage Mode.The difference won't be much different.'I wonder if I can beat Payne?''Should I learn Sage Mode now. 'He has never fought or determined his combat effectiveness. He is not sure just based on his memory.But crushing the ordinary Great Ninja Village is definitely not a problem.Let's make trouble first.There is also Sage Mode, which will give him a big increase.But it never came out.Now he 080 has a Sage Body. If a Sage Mode is created, he should be able to learn it.I just don't know which place has the best Sage Mode.Uchiha Yunduan does not have much ill will or good intentions towards various holy places.For him, everything is the same.As long as you don't offend him, as long as you don't cause him trouble, he is still easy to talk to.If you want to go to the Toad Holy Land, you should find Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya.The probability of Namikaze Minato is higher, just threaten it.If you go to Ryūchi Cave, of course the snake you want to look for is Orochimaru.There should be no problem in trading, not to mention there is a passage to the moon.The boast I had with Orochimaru before is now complete.As for Katsuyu's Marsh Bone Forest?That should be Tsunade, but now you can find First Hokage.Threats shouldn't be a problem.Thinking carefully about his path to education, he still had many choices.When Uchiha Yunduan was thinking.There was a knock on the door outside."Come in."Uchiha Yunduan raised his head and spoke.Then I saw Nara Shikaku's pineapple head.Seeing this pineapple head made him feel a little bad."What's wrong with you?"After the other party surrendered, he lost a lot of things for him and Yashiro to cooperate.It was done quite well.Just give him some trouble from time to time.Overall, there is no problem, I really have to leave it to him.That is, nothing good happened every time he came, which already made him feel 'tired'."Hokage-sama, what is going on?""Why do I get so many strange messages when I wake up this morning?""We have declared war on the entire ninja world?"Nara Shikaku was very confused, why did he receive them when he woke up in the morning? The Hokage killed the Fire Country Daimyos, abolished the aristocracy, and started a war trial all over the world?Is this really the time when you wake up and the whole world is your enemy?Are they, with the help of their Hokage-sama, the entire ninja world the enemy?"Well, that's right."Uchiha Yunduan nodded directly.It interrupted Nara Shikaku's various hopes and directly shattered his various ideas."ha?"Nara Shikaku looked confused.Is this good for him?I'm really not afraid of them abandoning their choices and running away."To put it simply, the four major ninja villages plus people from the Fire Nation wanted to attack me last night.""But they were discovered by me and I killed them. I also captured the Kazekage, Mizukage, One Tail and Three Tails.""Some other people ran away, including people from Raikage and Iwagakure, and then I ran to the Fire Country (aibd) and directly killed all the people in Damingfu, and then announced those things.Uchiha Yunduan hesitated and sorted out some things from last night.Maybe explain it to Nara Shikaku."Uh~~""???"What was Uchiha Yunduan doing when he went out yesterday?I thought yesterday was just a daily outing.So many things happened as a result?Really attacked?And then they don't know anything?"Cough cough cough~""Well, what plans does Master Hokage have for the follow-up?"Looking at Uchiha Yunduan's familiar look, Nara Shikaku also digested the news.Although the other party is very extreme in doing things and likes to cause trouble, he still gets things done reliably every time.And now that they have surrendered, there is nothing more to say.I can only obey and help."There should be some people joining us later.""You arrange good people to entertain, whether they are ninjas or ordinary people, and determine their abilities appropriately.""Economy, research experiments, farming, industrial development, mining, no matter who they are, don't underestimate them.""When you meet good talents, you can give them some resources and manpower to try."Uchiha Yunduan hesitated and spoke.Now he wants any talent.Although it may not necessarily be established, it is definitely a good thing to prepare in advance.If we win the war in the future, we will definitely want all of this.If you lose, just resign yourself to fate."yes."Nara Shikaku nodded in agreement.He probably knew about what happened last night.Anyone really wants it. ."Speed ​​up the cleanup of the nobles in the Fire Country.""Let all the free ninjas take action and assign them tasks to minimize local chaos."And try to recruit local useful people. If they don't obey, kill them all. Don't worry about killing people.""I'll let Fugaku cooperate with you later.Uchiha Yunduan took advantage of the situation and spoke.He originally planned to let Fugaku and Yashiro arrange these.Since Nara Shikaku came to the door by himself, it just happened to give him some work.By gathering useful people from the entire Country of Fire, Yanyin Village will definitely be more prosperous by then.Then, with Yanyin Village as the center, it spread out and established a central capital.He didn't care if other peripheral areas should be given up.Just give up first and try again later if you need to.What he needs now is manpower to take over the territory and time to develop his power."yes.Nara Shikaku was also depressed.The direct task hit him on the head.But the current situation is a good thing for their village.With development, the Nara family can also benefit.Soon Nara Shikaku left to make arrangements."There are so many things."Watching the other party's disappearing figure, Uchiha Yunduan also sighed with emotion.But there is no time to rest, after all, there are so many enemies in the world.He rests while others don't. How can they finish the killing by then?"Go check on that guy and hope he calms down."Walking towards the prison outside. .And in the village.Two men, one old and one young, gathered together."Teacher Jiraiya, it's been a long time no see."Namikaze Minato said hello.Actually he didn't really want to see Jiraiya.The main concern is that it will affect the other party's decision.Plus worry about any misunderstandings.However, after the other party found the Uchiha clan and asked to meet him, he still asked the Uchiha people and agreed to meet him."I really didn't expect to see you again.""The thing about Naruto is that I'm sorry for you. It's not just the old man's fault."Jiraiya looked at Namikaze Minato with complicated eyes."Is this the Reanimation Jutsu???"He had only heard of this title, but had never seen it in a real sense.I heard Orochimaru say that."Jiraiya-sensei, there's no need for this. I've already prepared for Naruto."Namikaze Minato shook his head, and if he said he was sorry, he was sorry for Naruto.Everyone has his own negligence, and he doesn't want to affect other people's emotions because of this.His children, to Jiraiya, might just be the children of his apprentice.The relationship between their master and apprentice is close, which is good.He couldn't blame his master for treating his son badly."Let's talk about Teacher Jiraiya.""About Uchiha Yunduan, you were also present last night."The two of them, one old and one young, were communicating here. Jiraiya wanted to know what happened again."He didn't say anything about hiding it.""That's probably it...Namikaze Minato explained the matter directly.Along with First Generation's conversation with him, and Sarutobi Asuma's death at the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen.In addition, the Daming Prefecture was destroyed in the capital and war was declared with other countries in the entire ninja world.There is also the concept that has always been there."It's really extreme.""Either, destroy the entire ninja world, or be destroyed by others?""His goal should be to unify the ninja world.""With this extreme method, it doesn't matter how many people are killed.""Shikaku is right, he wants to completely destroy the original world order., and then create an order that belongs to him. It doesn't matter what name or even ninja is in his eyes."In his eyes, there may only be valuable people who can survive, and there are people who don't matter."Jiraiya scratched the back of his head, feeling a little itchy.It is no longer his place to judge whether it is right or wrong.Because he knew that this was not something he could omit just because he could convince Uchiha Yunduan.The entire ninja world is bound to go to war. Unless there is still a ninja god who can suppress everyone, the direction of the ninja world will be just like what Uchiha said.Namikaze Minato did not express any opinion on this matter.His current situation was already obvious. If he didn't want anything to happen to Naruto, he would have no choice but to follow Uchiha Yunduan into the dark.And he also wants to protect this village.As for Jiraiya, it was his own choice.Uchiha Yunduan didn't pay much attention to Jiraiya's meeting with Namikaze Minato.A ninja from Uchiha asked him before, and he agreed directly.As long as Naruto is not taken away, that's fine. As for Minato, he can control it at any time.As long as Jiraiya doesn't block the road, just pretend he doesn't exist. It's best if he can help. It doesn't matter if he doesn't.Arrive at the place where Luo Sha is imprisoned.The tailed beasts are all doing better than him at this time, One Tail and Three Tails are now honestly restricted in their range of activities.It does have certain rights of activity. As for the Jinchūriki, they have not been eliminated yet.It's just that the seal has been slightly loosened, which is a way of coexistence."Luo Sha, haven't you thought about it yet?"Seeing Luo Sha, this guy is in a very embarrassed state.The bloodline all over my body from yesterday to now, and the stench, make people not want to get close."What's the point."Luo Sha was very depressed.He was even a little inexplicably happy to be used.Feel like you have value.But it was a bit unwilling to use him to do something."Do you want your people to spend their entire lives in the desert?""Honestly surrender and let the people of Sand Shinobi Village be my helpers. This is your chance.""A chance to get out of the desert."Uchiha Yunduan spoke slowly.Not only him, but the Fourth Mizukage also gave the same conditions.But the guy refused directly. He obviously liked the village more than Luo Sha.And because he was controlled by Obito before, he will be controlled by him again later.Yagura now hates Uchiha very much.Therefore, we can only use Luo Sha as a breakthrough point first.Pull the person over first and then talk about it. He doesn't have any sectarian opinions.The Land of Fire is so big that it can barely accommodate Sand Shinobi Village.These words indeed made Luo Sha a little silent.His ideal has always been to perfectly control tailed beasts and have a perfect Jinchūriki.It's about getting the village out of the desert.But he felt that all this was going further and further."You should know that even if your village comes together, you can't stop me."In addition, your village is like this. Now that you and One Tail are gone, what else do you think your village has?""Do you want to watch Sand Shinobi Village be wiped out?""Or do you think I will show mercy??"Uchiha Yunduan looked at it coldly, if it weren't for the lack of manpower now.In addition, puppet technology is indeed useful for some projects, so he doesn't want to pay attention to it.Such a miraculous and controllable puppet, but it is a bit wasteful to use it as a puppet to create machine tools and industrialization.Isn't this reform and change in the world?He has always thought that Sand Shinobi Village is like a group of treasure boys hiding in the desert and wasting their talents.Change your thinking a little, don't always think about fighting, it has already happened.Not even the desert can stop them.If we develop a puppet flying car, train, etc., wouldn't it be able to cross the desert?In fact, there have been things like trains in this ninja world for a long time, but no one thought of promoting them on a large scale.The Kingdom of Wind doesn't know how to introduce it either.Are you so stupid that you know how to fight with others? Even if others are rich, you are also rich?No matter how much money you can make by digging for gold in the desert all day long, whether it is food or water resources, you have to buy it from other places, and the money you make goes into other people's pockets.The Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth are rich in mineral resources and have various characteristics. Not to mention the Kingdom of Water, which has a lot of aquatic products, and the Kingdom of Fire is the richest among them. The land is good and large.There is no shortage of all kinds of things, and there are many people, making it suitable for survival.You are the poorest among the five major countries and you don't have any leverage.Luo Sha felt paralyzed after listening to Uchiha Yunduan's words. Since the other party was so ruthless to the Fire Country Daimyo, it was naturally impossible for him to show mercy to them.Once a fight breaks out, what happened last night will soon happen to them.The returning Uchiha Yunduan ignores the turmoil from the outside world.No matter what, he continued, but Uchiha Yunduan's successive crazy and extreme actions brought him some gains and gave him some certainty about his future actions.[Ding, daimyo and ninjas from various countries in the ninja world think that you are too extreme and get rewards: Sage Body (intermediate) (Chakra strengthening, rapid healing, Yang attribute change), Mangekyō Sharingan evolution (Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan), space channel (Moon). ]Eternity Mangekyō condensed quickly, and the eyes that were originally half-moons were added with black magatama next to each half-moon, like stars.The increased eye power is very terrifying, at least four or five times that of before. Now an ordinary Kage-level ninja can suppress him with just one look.No skills need to be used.Although Sage Body is only an intermediate level and looks very stretched, the effect is already very powerful. The quality of his Chakra has become more "thick" and should now be called "Chakra".And the quantity has also increased a lot, doubled several times. It used to be only a dozen cards, but now it has become more than 70 or 80 cards. With the change in quality, his escape skills can really be used at will, and the power will be stronger than before. big.There are also accompanying healing abilities and Yang attribute changes, which are completely cheating healing abilities.The physical body has also become much stronger, several times stronger than before.My whole body seemed to have transformed, and I felt much more relaxed. Maybe there were some minor problems I had in the past, but they were all gone now.The last space passage (moon) literally means that it can open a passage to and from the moon, which means that he can capture the Ōtsutsuki clan.But there shouldn't be many Ōtsutsuki clan up there now, so some Tenseigan might exist.He may be getting another pair of eyes in his collection.Now he has Byakugan, Sharingan, Mangekyō Sharingan.An extra pair of Tenseigans would be fine, as well as some giant Tenseigans and the like."Sharingan's eye power can now control the nine tailed beasts without any problem.""And this body, according to its quality, if it is an intermediate level, the advanced level should be the level of Senju Hashirama."Then the Sage of Six Paths body should be at a higher level."Uchiha Yunduan estimated his combat power alone.Now he can be considered as living Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama level.It's the kind that turns on Sage Mode.The difference won't be much different.'I wonder if I can beat Payne?''Should I learn Sage Mode now. 'He has never fought or determined his combat effectiveness. He is not sure just based on his memory.But crushing the ordinary Great Ninja Village is definitely not a problem.Let's make trouble first.There is also Sage Mode, which will give him a big increase.But it never came out.Now he 080 has a Sage Body. If a Sage Mode is created, he should be able to learn it.I just don't know which place has the best Sage Mode.Uchiha Yunduan does not have much ill will or good intentions towards various holy places.For him, everything is the same.As long as you don't offend him, as long as you don't cause him trouble, he is still easy to talk to.If you want to go to the Toad Holy Land, you should find Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya.The probability of Namikaze Minato is higher, just threaten it.If you go to Ryūchi Cave, of course the snake you want to look for is Orochimaru.There should be no problem in trading, not to mention there is a passage to the moon.The boast I had with Orochimaru before is now complete.As for Katsuyu's Marsh Bone Forest?That should be Tsunade, but now you can find First Hokage.Threats shouldn't be a problem.Thinking carefully about his path to education, he still had many choices.When Uchiha Yunduan was thinking.There was a knock on the door outside."Come in."Uchiha Yunduan raised his head and spoke.Then I saw Nara Shikaku's pineapple head.Seeing this pineapple head made him feel a little bad."What's wrong with you?"After the other party surrendered, he lost a lot of things for him and Yashiro to cooperate.It was done quite well.Just give him some trouble from time to time.Overall, there is no problem, I really have to leave it to him.That is, nothing good happened every time he came, which already made him feel 'tired'."Hokage-sama, what is going on?""Why do I get so many strange messages when I wake up this morning?""We have declared war on the entire ninja world?"Nara Shikaku was very confused, why did he receive them when he woke up in the morning? The Hokage killed the Fire Country Daimyos, abolished the aristocracy, and started a war trial all over the world?Is this really the time when you wake up and the whole world is your enemy?Are they, with the help of their Hokage-sama, the entire ninja world the enemy?"Well, that's right."Uchiha Yunduan nodded directly.It interrupted Nara Shikaku's various hopes and directly shattered his various ideas."ha?"Nara Shikaku looked confused.Is this good for him?I'm really not afraid of them abandoning their choices and running away."To put it simply, the four major ninja villages plus people from the Fire Nation wanted to attack me last night.""But they were discovered by me and I killed them. I also captured the Kazekage, Mizukage, One Tail and Three Tails.""Some other people ran away, including people from Raikage and Iwagakure, and then I ran to the Fire Country (aibd) and directly killed all the people in Damingfu, and then announced those things.Uchiha Yunduan hesitated and sorted out some things from last night.Maybe explain it to Nara Shikaku."Uh~~""???"What was Uchiha Yunduan doing when he went out yesterday?I thought yesterday was just a daily outing.So many things happened as a result?Really attacked?And then they don't know anything?"Cough cough cough~""Well, what plans does Master Hokage have for the follow-up?"Looking at Uchiha Yunduan's familiar look, Nara Shikaku also digested the news.Although the other party is very extreme in doing things and likes to cause trouble, he still gets things done reliably every time.And now that they have surrendered, there is nothing more to say.I can only obey and help."There should be some people joining us later.""You arrange good people to entertain, whether they are ninjas or ordinary people, and determine their abilities appropriately.""Economy, research experiments, farming, industrial development, mining, no matter who they are, don't underestimate them.""When you meet good talents, you can give them some resources and manpower to try."Uchiha Yunduan hesitated and spoke.Now he wants any talent.Although it may not necessarily be established, it is definitely a good thing to prepare in advance.If we win the war in the future, we will definitely want all of this.If you lose, just resign yourself to fate."yes."Nara Shikaku nodded in agreement.He probably knew about what happened last night.Anyone really wants it. ."Speed ​​up the cleanup of the nobles in the Fire Country.""Let all the free ninjas take action and assign them tasks to minimize local chaos."And try to recruit local useful people. If they don't obey, kill them all. Don't worry about killing people.""I'll let Fugaku cooperate with you later.Uchiha Yunduan took advantage of the situation and spoke.He originally planned to let Fugaku and Yashiro arrange these.Since Nara Shikaku came to the door by himself, it just happened to give him some work.By gathering useful people from the entire Country of Fire, Yanyin Village will definitely be more prosperous by then.Then, with Yanyin Village as the center, it spread out and established a central capital.He didn't care if other peripheral areas should be given up.Just give up first and try again later if you need to.What he needs now is manpower to take over the territory and time to develop his power."yes.Nara Shikaku was also depressed.The direct task hit him on the head.But the current situation is a good thing for their village.With development, the Nara family can also benefit.Soon Nara Shikaku left to make arrangements."There are so many things."Watching the other party's disappearing figure, Uchiha Yunduan also sighed with emotion.But there is no time to rest, after all, there are so many enemies in the world.He rests while others don't. How can they finish the killing by then?"Go check on that guy and hope he calms down."Walking towards the prison outside. .And in the village.Two men, one old and one young, gathered together."Teacher Jiraiya, it's been a long time no see."Namikaze Minato said hello.Actually he didn't really want to see Jiraiya.The main concern is that it will affect the other party's decision.Plus worry about any misunderstandings.However, after the other party found the Uchiha clan and asked to meet him, he still asked the Uchiha people and agreed to meet him."I really didn't expect to see you again.""The thing about Naruto is that I'm sorry for you. It's not just the old man's fault."Jiraiya looked at Namikaze Minato with complicated eyes."Is this the Reanimation Jutsu???"He had only heard of this title, but had never seen it in a real sense.I heard Orochimaru say that."Jiraiya-sensei, there's no need for this. I've already prepared for Naruto."Namikaze Minato shook his head, and if he said he was sorry, he was sorry for Naruto.Everyone has his own negligence, and he doesn't want to affect other people's emotions because of this.His children, to Jiraiya, might just be the children of his apprentice.The relationship between their master and apprentice is close, which is good.He couldn't blame his master for treating his son badly."Let's talk about Teacher Jiraiya.""About Uchiha Yunduan, you were also present last night."The two of them, one old and one young, were communicating here. Jiraiya wanted to know what happened again."He didn't say anything about hiding it.""That's probably it...Namikaze Minato explained the matter directly.Along with First Generation's conversation with him, and Sarutobi Asuma's death at the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen.In addition, the Daming Prefecture was destroyed in the capital and war was declared with other countries in the entire ninja world.There is also the concept that has always been there."It's really extreme.""Either, destroy the entire ninja world, or be destroyed by others?""His goal should be to unify the ninja world.""With this extreme method, it doesn't matter how many people are killed.""Shikaku is right, he wants to completely destroy the original world order., and then create an order that belongs to him. It doesn't matter what name or even ninja is in his eyes."In his eyes, there may only be valuable people who can survive, and there are people who don't matter."Jiraiya scratched the back of his head, feeling a little itchy.It is no longer his place to judge whether it is right or wrong.Because he knew that this was not something he could omit just because he could convince Uchiha Yunduan.The entire ninja world is bound to go to war. Unless there is still a ninja god who can suppress everyone, the direction of the ninja world will be just like what Uchiha said.Namikaze Minato did not express any opinion on this matter.His current situation was already obvious. If he didn't want anything to happen to Naruto, he would have no choice but to follow Uchiha Yunduan into the dark.And he also wants to protect this village.As for Jiraiya, it was his own choice.Uchiha Yunduan didn't pay much attention to Jiraiya's meeting with Namikaze Minato.A ninja from Uchiha asked him before, and he agreed directly.As long as Naruto is not taken away, that's fine. As for Minato, he can control it at any time.As long as Jiraiya doesn't block the road, just pretend he doesn't exist. It's best if he can help. It doesn't matter if he doesn't.Arrive at the place where Luo Sha is imprisoned.The tailed beasts are all doing better than him at this time, One Tail and Three Tails are now honestly restricted in their range of activities.It does have certain rights of activity. As for the Jinchūriki, they have not been eliminated yet.It's just that the seal has been slightly loosened, which is a way of coexistence."Luo Sha, haven't you thought about it yet?"Seeing Luo Sha, this guy is in a very embarrassed state.The bloodline all over my body from yesterday to now, and the stench, make people not want to get close."What's the point."Luo Sha was very depressed.He was even a little inexplicably happy to be used.Feel like you have value.But it was a bit unwilling to use him to do something."Do you want your people to spend their entire lives in the desert?""Honestly surrender and let the people of Sand Shinobi Village be my helpers. This is your chance.""A chance to get out of the desert."Uchiha Yunduan spoke slowly.Not only him, but the Fourth Mizukage also gave the same conditions.But the guy refused directly. He obviously liked the village more than Luo Sha.And because he was controlled by Obito before, he will be controlled by him again later.Yagura now hates Uchiha very much.Therefore, we can only use Luo Sha as a breakthrough point first.Pull the person over first and then talk about it. He doesn't have any sectarian opinions.The Land of Fire is so big that it can barely accommodate Sand Shinobi Village.These words indeed made Luo Sha a little silent.His ideal has always been to perfectly control tailed beasts and have a perfect Jinchūriki.It's about getting the village out of the desert.But he felt that all this was going further and further."You should know that even if your village comes together, you can't stop me."In addition, your village is like this. Now that you and One Tail are gone, what else do you think your village has?""Do you want to watch Sand Shinobi Village be wiped out?""Or do you think I will show mercy??"Uchiha Yunduan looked at it coldly, if it weren't for the lack of manpower now.In addition, puppet technology is indeed useful for some projects, so he doesn't want to pay attention to it.Such a miraculous and controllable puppet, but it is a bit wasteful to use it as a puppet to create machine tools and industrialization.Isn't this reform and change in the world?He has always thought that Sand Shinobi Village is like a group of treasure boys hiding in the desert and wasting their talents.Change your thinking a little, don't always think about fighting, it has already happened.Not even the desert can stop them.If we develop a puppet flying car, train, etc., wouldn't it be able to cross the desert?In fact, there have been things like trains in this ninja world for a long time, but no one thought of promoting them on a large scale.The Kingdom of Wind doesn't know how to introduce it either.Are you so stupid that you know how to fight with others? Even if others are rich, you are also rich?No matter how much money you can make by digging for gold in the desert all day long, whether it is food or water resources, you have to buy it from other places, and the money you make goes into other people's pockets.The Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth are rich in mineral resources and have various characteristics. Not to mention the Kingdom of Water, which has a lot of aquatic products, and the Kingdom of Fire is the richest among them. The land is good and large.There is no shortage of all kinds of things, and there are many people, making it suitable for survival.You are the poorest among the five major countries and you don't have any leverage.Luo Sha felt paralyzed after listening to Uchiha Yunduan's words. Since the other party was so ruthless to the Fire Country Daimyo, it was naturally impossible for him to show mercy to them.Once a fight breaks out, what happened last night will soon happen to them.