
naruto: this uchiha is a bit extreme

Uchiha is driven crazy. Time travel and become Uchiha. Watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the Nine Tails Rebellion has been pinned on our heads, it will really trigger a Nine Tails Rebellion. "Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either Uchiha will be exterminated, or Konoha's high-level people will be exterminated." Konoha suffered heavy losses, and all the major ninja villages were watching? "Cloud Shinobi Village declares war? Are you afraid of them? Declare war directly with the five major powers, no, declare war with the whole world. If you want to fight, fight them all." The internal fighting and war losses were considerable, and there was a lack of funds? "If you don't have money, let the daimyo pay. Otherwise, why keep them? If they don't give it to you, why don't you just take it yourself?" ps: The protagonist may be a little abnormal, normal people should not learn from it.

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64 Chs

Chapter 63: Justice Comes To The Victor Again, The Capital Declares War

"Can't you let him go?""To you, he should be no threat.""Force cannot solve everything."Senju Hashirama is a bit intolerable.And kill just kill, but also in such a special way.It's really a bit extreme. Has this hatred become like this?If this is the case, what's the difference from their previous Sengoku?"How naive, First Hokage."Uchiha Yunduan glanced at him and replied in a good mood."Nothing is unnecessary.""As long as he is alive, he will keep causing trouble for us Uchiha.""The only thing between us is death until one of us disappears completely.""The so-called reconciliation is nothing more than insufficient strength to kill the enemy.""The so-called mutual understanding is nothing more than a compromise that prolongs hatred.""I believe that once most people are strong enough, the first thing they do is to kill their entire clan."Looking straight at Senju Hashirama.This look and the power of his pupils are indeed a bit penetrating.But not to the point of affecting Senju Hashirama.He was just helpless and didn't know what to say. He felt like he couldn't say anything.Moreover, I can't beat him even if I fight him.Watching the quarrel between Uchiha Yunduan and his eldest brother."snort."Senju Tobirama just snorted.I'm not happy about this, but I can't do anything.It is no longer their time.If you mess around, it will affect the living people."Now if you want to say it, it's just that you can't beat it.""Otherwise, you should have taken action immediately. In the end, everything depends on force."Then you keep saying that you don't want to use force to solve the problem. Isn't this contradictory?""The weak prey on the strong, and the winner is king. This is how the world is. Just like this time, justice has come to the winner again.""Hahahaha~~"Uchiha Yunduan glanced at them, his tone was harmonious, his smile was ferocious, and it had 'justice' written all over it.These words made even a guy like Senju Tobirama who has a thorough understanding of human nature feel a little bit uncomfortable.He knew that Uchiha Yunduan either understood nothing or understood everything.Then he finally acted in such an extreme way, killing the entire clan as soon as possible as soon as possible, and killing the entire clan whenever there was an opportunity.This also made him feel a little weak. If he had a bad temper and provoked him, little Tsunade might really suffer."If you don't believe it, just ask that old monkey if he can let it go.""If you give him another chance, can he let it go?""Hahaha.."Uchiha Yunduan's smile appeared, letting people see his cruelty.He knew the truth very well: Tuan would only feel the pain when the knife hits him.People should always remember the harm that others have done to you. If you give up because you beg for mercy or for various reasons, then it can only be said that everything you suffered is deserved.The best way is to complain directly. How others hurt you, you will hurt them back, even in more extreme ways."Uchiha Yunduan, you will regret being so cold-blooded and cruel. Sooner or later it will be your turn.""I am waiting for you."Sarutobi Hiruzen was said to be a bit off guard and not as amiable as usual.Looking at Uchiha Yunduan with a ferocious expression, he almost ate him alive.How could he let go."Whatever you want, I'll wait for you.""But now, I am Hokage, hahaha~~""There is no part for you now."Uchiha Yunduan didn't care and just made a seal.The old monkey who still wanted to continue was quickly sealed and stuffed into the coffin board.The same goes for Shimura Danzō and Uchiha Itachi from afar.Just seal them all up until you need to use them later."First Hokage.""We are sure they are enemies. We can only end it by killing them all.""I have read the history of Uchiha. If you had killed Uchiha Madara and the Uchiha clan directly, there might not have been so many things.Uchiha Yunduan looked at Senju Hashirama who still looked confused."I won't do it."Senju Hashirama shook his head and denied it immediately."But you still killed Uchiha Madara. For the so-called peace of the village, why didn't you use other methods? Did you not want to?""When you cooperated to wipe out all five countries, building a big country might make things like this disappear.""Even the things that Uchiha and Sarutobi Hiruzen are doing now are just small things, and they won't become big things all the time."Uchiha Yunduan's tone was a bit mocking. .People who keep saying not to use force to solve problems end up using force to solve problems."Don't deny it, force is the most effective solution. Either they kill me, or I kill them, until we are finally unified!!""It's useless to drag people from the five major countries into negotiations like you are hypocritical. Their surrender is just surrendering to your force.""Submit yourself to the mighty power of the God of the Ninja World."These words seemed to shatter Senju Hashirama's persistence.It's really hard to explain."Am I wrong?"Senju Hashirama was very helpless.Is it wrong to trust future generations and let them inherit their will?Maybe if you believe in future generations, you have to look at their will?"Brother, don't do so much."Although Senju Tobirama supports him in his heart, he will not come out to slap his elder brother in the face at this time.If it was him, it must have been Susanata Buddha, and the two of them destroyed the Five Kingdoms.There wouldn't be those bastards starting a war after his big brother's death."That's right, you don't have to think so much, they are all dead anyway.""Just watch me come later, now the fun has just begun."I'm going to get busy too.""Hahahaha~~"Uchiha Yunduan smiled, although there were many casualties here.But the game has just begun. ."Nine Tails, come with me to the capital of the Fire Nation.Just lift up the guy who turned into little Nine Tails."What else are you doing?"Senju Hashirama looked on depressedly.This isn't over yet?"Others have given me such a big gift [I can't do nothing.""Going to the capital of the Fire Country is definitely not a tourist trip.""I've always wanted to shoot two Tailed Beast Bombs at Daming Mansion.""What kind of rubbish do you think you want me to give in to?"Uchiha Yunduan grinned, and that cruel smile did not take the lives of the Daming Mansion seriously at all.The other party sent him such a large number of people to kill.He will definitely rush back."What?"Senju Hashirama's eyes widened, he didn't expect this junior to be so outrageous and cruel.This idea had never occurred to him."Ahem, Yunduan-kun, is this too much?"Namikaze Minato also wanted to stop it.This makes Nine Tails send two Tailed Beast Bombs to Daming Mansion, which is too much."I've said it before, enemy, death is the best.""Only when all enemies are dead will the world become a better place."Uchiha Yunduan glanced at it and ignored it at all.Just grab Nine Tails and make him bigger.This little fox also knows who is the boss now.Growing rapidly, this life feels much better than before being sealed."I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. It's time for you to go back.""And you, if you don't want to come with me, wait until you see Naruto before letting you out.Regarding Namikaze Minato's cooperation, Uchiha Yunduan gave a good attitude.But Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were ready to stuff them back as they were used as tools."You guy..."I also want to meet A Gang.""Don't kill too many people."Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama obviously have something to say.But no matter what he said, they were all against him, so Uchiha Yunduan was not ready to talk nonsense with them.Just form seals and stuff them back into the coffin board, make them disappear, and summon them out next time something happens.It's a joke for a ninja to tell you not to kill too many people. Aren't ninjas here to kill people?Jump directly on the head of Nine Tails, this big guy has done something again.Namikaze Minato didn't say anything more and just followed.Rather than being sealed back directly, he still wanted to see Naruto.After getting on the head of Nine Tails, we saw that Nine Tails set off directly.Uchiha Yunduan was touching the little turtle, and there were two people restrained next to him, One Tail Jinchūriki and Kazekage Rasa.And ignored him.His attention was no longer on Namikaze Minato.In the capital of the Fire Nation, it's dark and the moon is full.Tonight is a sleepless night for many people, who cannot sleep at all.Daming Mansion is now in a state of preparation for war.Although many teams have been sent, they are still very careful about other threats.After all, the current 'Konoha' has rebelled, and the only remaining people feel an opportunity or something.It doesn't matter what you do to them at any time."How are Jilu, Kazuma and the others doing over there?""Are you in Yanyin Village?"The Daimyo of the Fire Country couldn't sleep at this time, just waiting to die.Go to bed prepared to receive good news.Tonight, Uchiha will be destroyed, and the Nine Tails will be brought over.As the guardian of the Twelve Ninjas and a member of the Fire Temple, Jilu was also left behind by the Fire Nation daimyo this time.After getting rid of Sarutobi Asuma and Kazuma, he settled on Fire Temple and Jilu.Cultivating such people can also help him.Of course, it's not just the Fire Temple. There are also many ninjas he summoned from other places in Daming Mansion.Let them check and balance each other when the time comes."According to the speed, the war should have started by now.""I guess the news won't take long.""Asuma they will be fine."Di Lu spoke calmly.He was sitting not far from the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, with his hands clasped together, originally meditating.And when he opened his mouth to speak, he suddenly felt a riot outside.It was like a slap in the face.Nine Tails. ""Why are Nine Tails here.""What exactly is going on?"His keen five senses quickly sensed dangers outside, as well as chaotic Chakra.Especially the terrifying and terrifying Chakra of Nine Tails, the evil Chakra is wreaking havoc.Finally condensed into shape.Tailed Beast Bomb. 'The terrifying Tailed Beast Bomb comes directly to your house.Fortunately, the Fire Temple was prepared in advance and was able to defend against the first Tailed Beast Bomb.But even so, this has reached its limit.This is the inherited barrier technique of the Fire Temple. After being called to take charge of the security of Daming Mansion.The enchantment technique was arranged directly here.And now indeedYes, it also had an effect."That's great."Sitting on Nine Tails, watching the frightened people below.Uchiha Yunduan felt it and patted Nine Tails on the head."Give him another shot."Regardless of whether the other party wants peace talks or not, he will not give him a chance."Let them know the terror of tailed beasts.""Let them know the correct way to use the tailed beast."I don't even need to hold the tailed beasts one by one, just play.Nine Tails quickly condenses the Tailed Beast Bomb, and the terrifying Tailed Beast Bomb charges up and explodes.The people of Daming Mansion ran away quickly. Those who were fast and capable ran quickly.But more of them are still among them, and they are all tied up by various things.In the end, all that can be seen is the terrifying Chakra ball.The high temperature and terrifying power erupted from the Tailed Beast Bomb directly shattered the country's pinnacle of power, the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, and their long-standing family into ashes."Boom, boom~~"A terrifying storm swept across the entire capital, and dark clouds rolled over the city.Many buildings near Daming Mansion collapsed.It's like the end of the world is coming, and the tailed beast disaster is not called it for nothing.For ordinary people, this is a doomsday natural disaster."The pseudo-daimyo and other noble groups of the Fire Nation, together with the foreign ninjas, attacked the Hokage and gave them death today."From now on, in the Fire Country, there is only Hokage, no daimyo, and no nobles. Anyone who bullies common people in the name of nobles can be killed.""Anyone who is willing to join the Country of Fire will only be judged on their ability, not their class status. Those who are willing can go to Yanyin Village for assessment. Joining Yanyin Village will provide you with shelter and resources.After sensing that most of the people inside were dead, Uchiha Yunduan stood above Nine Tails.The sound spread throughout the royal capital through Chakra."Today, in the name of Hokage, we declare war on all the people of the Kingdom of Earth, Kingdom of Wind, Kingdom of Water, and Kingdom of Thunder.""Till death...""In the name of the Hokage, order other countries to surrender to the Fire Nation or disband. If they don't obey, it will be like a declaration of war. They will fight until death."This mighty sound was heard by everyone in the capital.Then, everyone was confused.Originally, Nine Tails' attack on the Fire Nation's capital was a mystery.Now, directly declare war on all countries in the entire ninja world?Although the small country wants them to surrender, is there any need to say whether they will surrender or not?This is tantamount to declaring war.Is this such a big deal?Namikaze Minato's eyes widened at Nine Tails, and so did Rasa.The Kingdom of Wind refers to their country, right?Sand Shinobi Village is not called Sand Shinobi Village, it is directly called the Land of Wind, right?Don't take them seriously at all?Luo Sha felt like she was useless."Uh~ Well, Yunduan-kun, is this going too far?""Aren't we going to leave (the good ones) after solving the daimyo??"Namikaze Minato feels like this man surprises him every time.If the news behind this spreads throughout the ninja world, they will be in trouble.It doesn't matter if you want to die, but Naruto is still in the village.What to do then??"I said, this is just the beginning. This will happen sooner or later. I just let him happen first.""Either destroy me, or I destroy them.""We'll have to work harder later, Minato will help.""Let's go."Uchiha Yunduan spoke with a smile and patted Minato on the shoulder.Bring Naruto to Minato, if you don't want your son to suffer in the future, you'd better do your best.Poor Minato, he worked so hard for Konoha when he was alive, and now, it's even more outrageous.Even if he dies, he won't let it go."Uh~~"He wanted to refuse, but he couldn't.Riding Nine Tails back to Yanyin Village, everyone did their own thing. Uchiha Yunduan took Luosha and the others into custody and asked them to contact Sand Shinobi Village and ask them to surrender. "If you can surrender,It's the best thing.As for Namikaze Minato being thrown to Naruto, it can be regarded as fulfilling the previous promise.As for whether to see Jiraiya or not, it's none of his business.This night, the entire ninja world went crazy.Especially after time passed and the news gradually spread.This night was a crazy night. Whether they attacked Yanyin Village and were defeated before they arrived, or whether they were just led by Uchiha Yunduan to stop them, they were killed to the death.The tailed beast was still left with its skin peeled off.There is also Uchiha Yunduan's crazy behavior in the capital of the Land of Fire, directly declaring war on various countries. This is to challenge the whole world. .The daimyo of all countries felt the trembling. The daimyo of the Fire Country were stunned. They all received the news.This means that they may have cooled off and now opened such a hole.What would they do if various ninja villages targeted them?Will this completely destroy the ninja world?