
Naruto: The White Reaper

A man dies after being hit by a truck, but his soul is selected by God to transmigrate into the Naruto universe. A/N: 1. This is my first fanfic, and English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. 2. The MC will have a maximum of two romantic interests. 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, but I'm not sure if I can do gore right though). 4. I haven't read Boruto, so the Boruto plotline won't be considered much here. 5. The MC will be talented but not at an unrealistic level. He will also train hard to become strong. 6. 1 or 2 chapters per week. Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover isn't mine.

DrOctavio · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 3: Awakening!

Chapter 3: Awakening!

Today marks exactly two years since I came to this world.

The first six months were fun, even though I couldn't do anything but observe. It was really funny watching Grandpa try to take care of my body; he clearly had never raised a child before.

I laughed a lot during those six months. It seems Grandpa Seijuro doesn't like having servants, so he bought several childcare books. It was hilarious to see him trying not to smoke a cigar because the books said it was bad for children.

After six months, my body and soul completely fused. It was a bit anticlimactic— I just blacked out, and when I woke up, I was in my body.

I thought a lot about how I should act once the fusion was complete. After all, I'm a 22-year-old man in a child's body. So, I decided to create the persona of a prodigy boy.

By eight months, I could already walk and started pronouncing small words. At one year and nine months, I could speak, read, and write almost perfectly.

In my old world, I would have been considered a genius among geniuses. I remember there was a case of a boy who could read and write at two years old. In this world, it's not much different. Although the reaction of people here is less pronounced, as chakra strengthens the bodies and minds of people in this world, children usually learn to read and write much earlier than those in my old world. So, while a case like mine is rare, it's not considered entirely abnormal.

Grandpa was very happy when he realized my talent. Whenever we walk around the Senju clan complex, he boasts about how his grandson is a young prodigy. Honestly, I think he's exaggerating a bit.

Regarding chakra, I've been getting used to having chakra in my body. It may not seem like it, but it's really strange to feel an energy in my current body that I never had in my past life. I must admit, it's fascinating.

I've been trying to control my chakra ever since I started feeling it, and although I've managed to force the chakra to a point inside my body, I can't make it come out. I think my chakra channels haven't developed enough for me to use it yet, since I'm still very young.

I decided to be patient. I don't know exactly where I was born in Naruto timeline; I only know that the Third Great Ninja War is still happening. So, I am older than Naruto—that's all I can say for sure. I will be patient and gradually increase my strength so that when the situation gets dangerous, I have the power to protect myself.

That was a summary of what happened in the past two years. Now, it's December 31st, and my second birthday. At this moment, I'm having a shogi match with Grandpa.

"Looks like I won again, Fuyuki hahaha," Seijuro said happily.

"Sigh~ As I thought, I still can't beat Grandpa," Fuyuki said, a little disappointed, but in reality, he was thinking: 'Of course you won, old man! Can't you go easy on a kid?! You only taught me how to play shogi two months ago, how do you expect me to play against a veteran like you?! Besides, I'm only 2 years old!!!'

"Well, I think we can stop here. Let's play another game tomorrow. I'll make dinner; we still have to celebrate your birthday.

You can go outside and play a little, but remember to wear your scarf and warmer clothes, it's still snowing outside."


I put on a coat over my clothes, wrapped a scarf around my neck, and left the house. By the way, the clothes I'm wearing are a gray kimono similar to what Tsunade used to wear. It seems this is the Senju clan's style of clothing.

The sun was setting, and a bit of snow was falling from the sky, covering the ground.

"Time to try again."

Ever since winter started, I've been trying to use my chakra to create ice whenever I'm alone, but I have no idea how I should do it.

I extended my hands forward and began to concentrate chakra in them with the goal of using it to create ice from the moisture in the air. I tried to focus as much chakra as possible into my palms and...


Nothing happened...

"As expected, it's not that easy to simply create ice. I'll keep trying. I should read books about chakra usage in Grandpa's office."

Grandpa has an office full of different books. Since I learned to read, he has given me various types of books to practice. Most of them were about the village's history. I think he's already started the 'Will of Fire' brainwashing. It's a pity it won't work on me.

The only strange thing is that I haven't seen any jutsu. Considering he is an elder of the clan, I thought he would have several shelves with scrolls of different jutsus, but I haven't seen any yet.

I kept trying to use my chakra, but unfortunately, I had no success.

"Fuyuki, come to dinner!" Seijuro called me back.

"Okay, Grandpa!"

'I'll try again tomorrow.'

I went inside and had dinner with Grandpa. Seijuro is surprisingly good at cooking; he even made a cake to celebrate my birthday.

I was lucky—Seijuro is a good grandfather, even if his appearance is a bit intimidating. He is tall and muscular, his face usually has a serious and indifferent expression, his hair is gray, and his skin is tanned.

"Grandpa, can I read the books about chakra in the office?" I asked after dinner.

"Are you interested in chakra, Fuyuki?" Seijuro was a bit surprised by my sudden question.

"Yes! Grandpa always says I'm talented for having been born with awakened chakra, but never taught me how to use it."

"Yes, chakra is not a toy. It's like an extra limb. Having awakened chakra is the same as having a weapon inside your body. I intended to wait until you were a bit older to start training you, but…" Grandpa paused to think for a while before continuing: "Honestly, you're already much more intelligent than children your age. So, it would be a shame if I didn't at least teach you the theoretical part of chakra usage. You have my permission to read the books about chakra in the office."

"Thank you, Grandpa!" I said, expressing my excitement.

'Now I can get some idea about how to awaken my kekkei genkais.'

Two weeks later.

I read most of the books about chakra that I found in the office and kept trying to create ice. However, I still hadn't succeeded, although I had managed to make my chakra field visible.

So, I decided to change my strategy. Instead of trying to do it consciously, I tried to shape my chakra instinctively. If Haku could use chakra without any basic knowledge beforehand, I should be able to do it too. And to my surprise…

"It worked!"

A small ice crystal was floating above my hands.

"So, that's what I have to do… I need to fuse the Water and Wind elements' chakra inside my body. I didn't know how to do this fusion, but the kekkei genkai is engraved in my blood and chakra. Somehow, I managed to use it instinctively.

As for the Ketsuryuugan, I've been trying to concentrate chakra in my eyes, but all I've gotten is a headache. It hasn't shown any signs of awakening. I don't know if it's because I'm too young or if I need to go through some trauma, like the Sharingan, to activate it."

Now that I had awakened my Hyouton, I started to think deeply about what to do next.

"Should I tell to Grandpa or not?"

After thinking for a bit, I decided to tell him. The advantages are many, and he has already shown that he can protect me from Danzo, so I don't have many concerns.

"Alright, when Grandpa comes back after shopping, I'll tell him I managed to create ice 'accidentally' while playing with chakra."

After about twenty minutes, Seijuro came home carrying some shopping bags.

"I'm back, Fuyuki."

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Look what I can do!" I said, trying to sound as childish as possible.

I extended my hands, and a small ice crystal formed in my palms.


Seijuro dropped the bags he was holding. He was so surprised that his mouth opened in an 'O' shape. However, this expression lasted only a short time. He soon became serious and put his hands on my shoulders as he spoke.

"Fuyuki, be honest. Did you show this to anyone else?"

"No, I only showed it to you. And you know no one lives near our house. Besides, you forbid me to go too far."

"Great. Stay inside the house and don't go out or use chakra until I return, understood?"


After I answered, Grandpa immediately disappeared from my sight.

'His reaction was a bit stronger than I expected,' I thought, hoping everything would turn out okay.

Meanwhile, Seijuro was running towards the Hokage's office.

'This is an unexpected situation. I'd better talk to Hiruzen to decide what to do… things might get a bit complicated,' Seijuro thought as he started to move even faster.

A/N: I'd like to ask the readers if you prefer the story to be written in the first or third person?