
Naruto: The Strongest Senju

A girl from the modern day is given a chance of rebirth with perks as the princess of the Senju Clan. Will she simply follow the laid out plan or will she make the world look entirely new? Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023 Discord: https://discord.gg/gPa65Uw9fB

Kingkillerdj2023 · Tranh châm biếm
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222 Chs

Chapter 128: Memories

As always, the leaves in Konoha drifted into the winds, as the changes of the seasons spread throughout the Village.

It was on one of these days when the Village was simply dyed in a white color, that a mature woman with blonde hair could be seen sitting at a desk in a building.

The woman had a purple diamond shown prominently on her forehead, with her seeming to be doing some type of paperwork as the day slowly morphed into the night.

It was at this moment that a woman with blonde hair and round glasses opened the door, her face seemingly admonishing the woman at the desk's actions.

"Lady Tsunade, you were supposed to head home around 3 hours ago. What are we supposed to tell Lord Second if he comes and questions why the Head of the Hospital is the only person still working here." Nono said to Tsunade, making the woman put the pencil down as she finally looked up from her desk.

The mature face she had seemed to contain boundless wisdom as she maintained a calm and serene look upon her face.

"This is my last piece of paperwork, I'll be going home once I finish it." Tsunade responded, making Nono decide to stand in the doorway to ensure Tsunade would leave once she finished the document.

Tsunade annoyingly left the office with Nono as she closed down the building for the night.

"Have a good night, Lady Tsunade." Nono said as they headed in opposite directions, towards their respective homes.

Tsunade walked along the path that was filled with snow, though the few Villagers who were out didn't hesitate to excitedly and politely greet her.

Tsunade kindly responded before continuing on her way, with this being a natural occurrence to her at this point.

As Tsunade passed along the path, memories of her life began flashing in her mind like a montage that quickly played.

From her being born and enjoying life with Hashirama, to her losing both of her Grandfathers, to her gaining one of them back and completing her now larger family.

She had long since known the changes that her presence would bring to the World around her, but she no longer cared about the original timeline or how things were supposed to play out.

Instead, she wished to create her own destiny, living how she pleases and doing whatever she views as necessary to protect her new family.

Said family had grown further as Kuna had given birth to a beautiful baby girl named Kushina 4 years beforehand, making all of the family even happier at the time as they then had two small babies to adore over.

Tsunade could only include herself in such a group, as she adored the children so much that she had once sent Jiraiya flying into the Hokage's faces when he took the rattle from Kushina.

However, the two had now become young children, and Tsunade had led the charge in training the two to use their Chakra, though she only trained them in Chakra Control or Shape Transformation.

While both kids hated the idea at the time, they would one day thank Tsunade for such tedious training, or at least that was how Tsunade felt.

But Tsunade snapped out of her daze as she bumped into the door of her home, the calming and beautiful architecture of it still amazing her even at 23 years of age.

Tsunade twisted the door knob and entered into her home, the rich taste of the cooking being heavenly in her nostrils.

She saw varying things, from her mother Ayako playing Shogi against Ashina and seeming to be losing, Haru having a conversation with Tobirama, and Kushina and Nawaki running around the house with Kuna chasing them, all while Mito was in the kitchen cooking.

Nawaki noticed Tsunade out of the corner of his eye, leading him to run at her with Kushina in tow.

""Big Sister!!""

Tsunade scooped them both up with Kuna looking at her with gratitude as everyone else's eyes drifted to her.

Tsunade could only smile deeply at the scene, with her merely saying the phrase which best fit the situation.

"I'm home."

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