
Naruto: The Shinobi Traverser

Toru is reincarnated into the Narutoverse. Although he started from the rungs of society, watch as he step-by-step progresses through the levels of shinobi. [No system/cheats] [No romance] [Male Gray? OC] [Power Fantasy/Progression] ------------------------------------------------------------------- I beg, I just want to write! Do not expect a regular schedule update! Somewhat quality writing IDK, fucking read the book...

Anonrite · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

The Night of Kurama III

Minutes before Kurama's appearance.

Sitting outside near the Hokage's Office. A tall man with dark black hair was sitting at a tea shop calmly. Despite the exterior, the man was impatiently waiting for a big scene to occur.

This was Toru's clone. In the same disguise he would eventually transform into, the Shadow Clone under the Great Transformation was waiting patiently for chaos to ensue.

The clone could perceive the lack of both the Hokage and his pregnant wife's chakra within the building. However, he still refused to take action as he could sense the increased patrol of ANBU guarding the building from the shadows.

This clone had its own separate goals to accomplish before the end of the night. The original Toru would take the responsibility of gathering a pair of Byakugan and setting up to enter Kurama's consciousness. Meanwhile, this clone was tasked with the more dangerous tasks that needed completion. Gathering a pair of Sharingan, stealing the scroll of seals, that contained the village's most forbidden jutsus, and steal a few shinobi clan memories.

It was a heavy list. A lot to be accomplished within barely an hour of action.

Breaking from his tea and thoughts, the earth around shook as a roar bellowed out.

The clone could sense multiple chakra signatures disappearing at a rapid rate from the Hokage's office as they quickly ascertained the seriousness of the Nine-Tails' appearance.

The tailed beast was quick to start its destruction as many of the village's Jonin rushed to subdue it. The figures in the building continued to decrease until only 2 ANBU were left.

'As expected, the main focus is the enraged Kyuubi' The clone thought.

With a ripple of chakra, he strolled into the now empty Hokage's office unhindered. He walked all the way until he approached the remaining two chakra signatures. Two ANBU guarding the main door to the Hokage's personal office, where an abundance of information and data was stored.

"The Hokage is not taking any meetings," one of the ANBU stated, "due to the village's disturbance, we are now under martial law! Return to your home immediately!" The ANBUs stood imposingly to deter any unwanted civilians or shinobi from the empty room.

The clone ignored the command, keeping his steady pace towards the two. The only difference being its change in appearance. Outside the building the clone adorned the tall figure of an unknown man, however the person walking down the hallway was very known throughout Konoha and even the 5 countries. His face was plastered to the huge mountain overlooking the village.

Toru's clone cast his Great Transformation Jutsu to turn into the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Lord Third!" The two ANBU stood at attention.

The clone stood before the two and chuckled lightly, "It seems an enemy has breeched our walls. Go assist your comrades in defending our home." The tone he spoke was light, however it was impossible to not notice the undertone, undeniable, order.

The masked figures exchanged glances and hesitantly responded, "Sir we have been tasked to remain here regardless of the commotion outside. Although we don't know the specific reason for Hokage-sama's order, we will carry out our duty to the best of our abilities." Like honorable soldiers the two ANBU stuck to their positions regardless of the previous Hokage's words.

The clone responded unbothered, "There has been a change in the situation, you aren't privy to such information. For now, follow my order!" He ended the conversation with a slight narrowing of his eyes.

Unable to deny the wishes of the old man in front of them again, the two nodded stiffly before disappearing from the Hokage's office.

'Hmmmm…let's get some nice reading in before the night sets…' The clone strolled into the office at a leisure pace, arms folded behind his back.


The two ANBU continued to jump building from building informing the civilians to evacuate, saving those in need.

"Why did we leave. We are supposed to only take orders from Hokage-sama." The ANBU with the mask of a mouse spoke.

"That's in peacetimes. As of current we don't know the Hokage's whereabouts, and Lord Third still has a remnant of authority in times of crisis. He would also have a better grasp of the current situation than us. Don't have any unnecessary thoughts." ANBU Fox reprimanded the newcomer Mouse of the intricacies of Konoha's policies and distribution of authority.

After a while, the two ANBU made their way to the front line of the destruction. Multiple ANBU, Jonin and lower ranked shinobi lined the roofs of the remaining stable housing, looking on as the Nine-Tails continued its rampage.

"ANBU! Form a barrier to surround the Nine-Tails! Restrict and control the collateral damage. Jonin! Lead your shinobi units to clean up and provide assistance to the Doctors and Nurses. Continue the evacuation efforts." At the front, the visage of the previous Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi stood, adorn in his black-clothed, chainmail armor. He was barking orders, to pass the time until the sealing team arrived to stabilize the situation.

'Dammit! Where is Minato.' Hiruzen worried. He was getting too old to continue protecting the village in a physical manner. He only wished to remain as a political figure, keeping his previous power as Hokage with little involvement in battles.

At the back of the pack, Mouse and Fox exchanged glances, worry filling their eyes.


Three figures appeared beside Hiruzen. Two were kneeling as the other didn't even glance at the old Hokage, simply staring at the Nine-Tails in disgust.

"Hiruzen, I believe you recognize the red pupil in the eyes of the Kyuubi." Danzo spoke softly. He was wrapped in bandages head-to-toe, standing in an unassuming pose, as if he was not involved with the ensuing chaos before him.

He tilted his head slightly to see Hiruzen gritting his teeth as he shallowly nodded.

"Hmph, I've already warned you of the Uchihas. I have my Root ANBU stationed around the Uchiha compound to watch over them until the Kyuubi is under control. It's best they are dealt with after this." With a wave of his sleeve, Danzo turned around disappearing into the night as, Hiruzen gaze focused on the still kneeling figures of two ANBU.

"Report!" His voice sharp.

"Reporting…All residents in the vicinity have been evacuated, however the civilians on the outskirts of the village are still being moved. And the Doctors and Nurses are overwhelmed with the injured."

Hiruzen didn't respond as a calculating light shone in his eyes. After a while he glances down at the two ANBU still kneeling, "What else?"

"S-sir? You dismissed us from our station at the Hokage's Office, shall we return to our guard." Fox asked hesitantly. His heart racing, hoping for his thoughts to be proven wrong.

Hiruzen's brows rose in alarm.

"THERE ARE MULTIPLE ENEMIES!! STAY ALERT!" The crowd of shinobi visibly tensed, as they began to search around for any outliers.

Hearing his words, Mouse and Fox started to shake in worry.

"I haven't visited the Hokage's Office today." Hiruzen spoke grimly, only whispering to the two. Understanding the implication, the two kneeling ANBUs vanished, sprinting in the direction of the Hokage's Office.

The old shinobi clenched his fist, 'We were too vulnerable tonight. There was a leak. Is this the cooperation of multiple villages? The Uchiha? For Minato to be delayed to this extent, there are at least two existences working in tandem against Konoha. One, an Uchiha.' He couldn't do much about the situation, so he directed his attention towards the Kyuubi, unwilling to even cast a Shadow Clone to check on Minato's condition, as if it came down to a fight, he would need all the chakra he had.


Of course, by the time the two ANBUs returned to the Hokage's Office Toru's clone had already copied down the content inside the Scroll of Seals.

Although it took some time to unseal its content then inscribe it onto another scroll, with the remaining time he had to cover his tracks, the clone made a mess of the office, throwing paper and documents every which way to throw potential investigators off his trail, though Toru really didn't care if they found out he was there for the Scroll of Seals.

By the time the night was over, he planned to be outside the village's walls.

The clone was back in its old disguise as the tall, black-haired man. He sensed the gathered ANBU at the frontline dealing with Kurama. He even felt the additional two familiar chakra signatures rushing back to the Hokage's Office.

'Almost done' The clone mused.

Originally, the Scroll of Seals was the only goal at the Hokage's Office. However, he was now walking towards an outer region of the village, with a file tucked beneath his arms, to visit a now declining shinobi clan.

The Kurama clan.

Once famed for their reality altering Genjutsu bloodline limit, named Choumumyaku, he later discovered in their clan files. It allows those who inherited it, to allow their illusions to effect reality. Toru had little use for their Kekkai Genkai, given that the one born with it wouldn't appear until later in canon, and the rarity of the bloodline limit, however they were a clan that surpassed all other in terms of Genjutsu analysis and prowess. Only the Uchiha clan with their basic Sharingan Genjutsu and Mangekyou abilities could have the same esteem in Genjutsu prowess, yet even then the other Dojutsus had the ability to peer through the Sharingan Genjutsus, unlike with the Kurama's clans.

As he walked into the small clan compound, the world around him distorted. The sky and ground inverted.

A voice rang out, seeming to be standing right beside him, "Hmph, it seems the prestige of my Kurama's have fallen to such a degree, anyone believes they can rashly walk in." The voice was aged, filled with dense experience.

Toru's clone smiled greatly in response, "I have come to experience the wisdom of my elders and shinobi of the Kurama clan. Please educate me." The clone was unfazed in the twisting and turning world around him, still walking unhindered.

"Tch, cheeky brat."

Random scents and flavors he smelled and tasted within the Genjutsu. His vision unreliable, blurring then darkening at random intervals.

A sense of danger overcame the clone as it dodged what seemed to be multiple large swords flying towards him. It felt as if he was still in the modern times, experiencing an acid trip.

If anyone in the outside world saw this scene, they would see the clone dodging at great lengths and distances to narrowly avoid the kunai and shuriken being thrown at him.

What Toru's clone spoke of prior was not untrue. Beside stealing the memories of the Kurama clan, he wanted to experience the dangers of their clan's jutsus. It would act as a reference in the future when developing his own Genjutsus, but it would also test how strong his foundation in developing his mindscape.

Most Yin related abilities interacted as a test of each parties' will power and chakra characteristics: density and volume.

Toru currently didn't have much in his arsenal to fight against a Genjutsu reliant shinobi, however, once the clone broke through, what seemed to be multiple layers of Genjutsus, the battle would come to a swift end, as the Kurama clan was not as physically developed nor talented in Ninjutsu as other shinobi clans.

The clone continued walking until he felt the pressure of the Genjutsu world increase dramatically, then suddenly stopped. The Kurama elder continued throwing attack after attack in hopes of killing Toru's clone.

Spitting out obscenities and curses to disrupt his mind. At some point, the angle at which the weapons were thrown increased as more and more Kurama shinobi, those not involved in helping evacuate the village attacked Toru's clone.

These attacks were either disguised as larger, more fearsome attacks in the Genjutsus world, or others intentionally hidden to sneak attack him. The more versatile members occasionally throwing ninjutsu.

The Kurama clan members saw the uninvited man close his eyes while they attacked. Their blood almost boiling at the scene.

In Toru's mindscape, a vast difference could be observed. The clouds in the blue sky were accompanied by black figures, birds, soaring in the air. The grassy plain littered with varying colors, flowers of different origins being grown. One small wooden house, sat in the middle of the field baren. Not yet touched by Toru. However, the development of his environment reached astonishing heights, as all last week the clone focused on making the mindscape what it is today.

Under the effects of the Kurama clan's Genjutsus, there were cracks in his mindscape as foreign chakra attempted to seep in, with the goal to corrupt his mind.

As efficient Toru was with his own chakra control, he had not research nor developed a method that could allow him to take control of another person's chakra. He could, however, brute force his way to break out under the Genjutsus, as was taught in the Academy, but he figured it wouldn't be so simple in dealing with these specialized Genjutsus that attacked all 5 senses.

Thus, the clone controlled the one object, the opposing chakra had no control over whatsoever. His own chakra. He pulled, twisted, and redistributed his chakra within him to separate from the foreign chakra attempting to corrupt him. It was strenuous and a time crunch, he had to quickly manipulate his chakra in a manner that would leave no room for the opponent's chakra to affect him, while sidestepping the thrown weapons.

Yes, he was here to gain the experience of Kurama clan's Genjutsus and memories, however Toru's clone still had other task to complete, and eventually taking damage then dispelling would disrupt the original's plans.

So, after a moment of being under the Kurama's Genjutsus and solidifying his mindscape, the clone surgically removed the opposing chakra in his body, escaping from the dangerous 5-sense Genjutsu.

"Ahhhh~" the clone breathed out. "Thank you!" A mass of chakra strings exploded from his figure charging into the directions of which he felt chakra around him.

"H-how-" The Kurama elder stumbled back, "Impossible…our clan's Genjutsus cannot be dispelled, h-how, w-what are you." The members surrounding the clone felt a sense of dread suddenly.

The clone didn't respond, focusing on directing the chakra strings to their targets

"We still out number him. Attack!" The clan members left their hiding places as they fiercely charged at the mysterious man.

Toru's clone had no hope in fighting against a clan's worth of shinobi at this time. He was underexperienced and too low in reserves. No matter how insignificant the Kurama clan was during this time.

He manipulated the chakra strings to coil around as many members as possible, as he dealt with the untied members single-handedly.

With a body flicker, he landed directly behind the eldest looking clansmen, and used the original Yamanaka Mind Reading Jutsus, frying and incapacitating the old man.

"Elder Fudo!!" Someone screamed, struggling fiercely to escape the hold of Toru's chakra strings.

The elder fell to the ground foaming from the mouth.

In this situation, the original mind reading jutsu was faster and more effective in decommissioning the opponents in this group battle. Until his mental capacities increased, allowing him to digest multiple memories at once, while also controlling the multiple chakra strings. Toru wouldn't be able to use the chakra mind reading strings in battle effectively.

A rush of memories entered the clone's mind. He continued flashing towards the older generation of Kurama's clansmen until the clone flicker to the Kurama's clan main gate entrance breathing heavily. The were at least 5 different lifetimes of memories rushing in his mind. The clones head pounding as it was close to dispelling. He stumbled on the wall of the clan's gate.

As he walked his skin rippled, turning into an older woman, hunched over, using the wall as an assistance to walk.

Freed from his control, the younger generation of the Kurama clan rushed to the sides of the fallen elders. Many were simply incapacitated, while others, due to previous bad health were on the verge of death.

The clone sensed the chakra signatures of the younger Kurama family members rushing around attempting to find his old figure enraged as he sneakily left this region of the village.