
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Tranh châm biếm
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77 Chs

Chapter 27 - Making Mira a Birthday Gift

Left in the laboratory by himself, and time flying by as in a few months Mira's tenth birthday is coming around. Kagami who was waiting on the serum and the machines was holding his chin in front of a digital blackboard. File after file of different ideas were listed as well as many different data the nanobots will transmit back.

However, these weren't all the ideas nor data Kagami has made or stored. For in the corner of the laboratory, he has many file cabinets lining the walls under heavy locks. These files tend to be more sensitive such as his theory of elemental kekkei genkai research as well as Senju, Uzumaki and Uchiha. Which if revealed would send the Uchiha into a fit as well, many just due to the name Senju.

"Mira's tenth birthday is coming up in a few months. So let's get started on her gift." Kagami said as he pulled up the file containing various gift ideas.

From writing books of more advanced elemental transformation training ideas to few books of different D or C rank jutsus he made on whims. It was listed, but since he basically gave her similar ones in the past couple years, he wanted something else. So, he skipped past these gifts and looked at a few different options.

Under such filtering, Kagami looked at a few that spoke to him more than the others. From making a watch that would be considered up in the high end ones in his last life. He also had a few weapons from legends between the two worlds listed, before his eyes landed on one weapon.

A weapon he actually liked in the series due to the absurd feats it did. While it wasn't a full blown tailed beast bomb, it did withstand one from Naruto's Nine Tails Cloak Form. Not to mention it was passed down within the Uchiha Clan for generations before Madara took it away.

The gift he had in mind was to recreate the fable weapon, the Uchiha Gunbai.

Thinking hard as he his mechanical affinity worked in a fury as he began to think how to accomplish it. He began to draw up the plans as well mentally prepare the materials he would need. Kagami soon completed the list and frowned at what he would need: a special and super rare wood that is possibly long forgotten or near impossible to make as well as some chakra metals.

After sorting out the materials he will need, Kagami went to work drawing up the blueprints and size of the Gunbai. For the next few hours he drew the dimensions and made a few adjustments. So by the time he finished Kagami was looking at fairly detailed blueprints of the Gunbai.

'The blueprints are done, now it is time to think about how to get the wood and chakra metal.' Kagami thought to himself.

He did have a bit of chakra metal he looted from the junkyard, but he was still lacking quite a bit of the needed material. However, he could easily get that as he could just buy it from Minato with contribution points if needed. The issue he was having was getting the spiritual wood which needs to be grown in a special way.

Rubbing his chin in a way, Kagami wondered if he could grow the tree needed with wood release. While he wasn't quite proficient in it yet as he yet to study the mysterious energy in depth yet. So it takes far more chakra as most of it goes to suppress the energy.

While thinking of this issue, a few weeks went by in a flash as Kagami continued to work on it in depth between projects and missions. Finally after a month or so, he assumed he created a jutsu needed to create the wood for his project.

"Wood Release: Spiritual Wood Farming."

In the back of the laboratory in the makeshift testing ground, Kagami was sweating heavily. Nearly all his chakra went into this one jutsu as a nine foot tree with a large width appeared before him. It wasn't until he caught his breath did he begin investigating the results and nodded.

The wood wasn't of the highest quality, but it wasn't the worst either. It was instead fairly average which slightly saddened him, but Kagami had a few ideas how to improve a bit for next time. Well if he needed more of this spiritual wood, since the wood before him was fine to use in the gift.

It wasn't until he began chopping at the wooden stump did Kagami realize an issue. The wood was too hard for normal tools and jutsu could barely leave a mark. So after resting and focusing whole heartedly with the help of a shadow clone. They gathered wind chakra and centimeter by centimeter they slowly cut their way through the four foot diameter stump.

"It's so heavy." Kagami's clone complained as he and the original struggled as they carried towards the back workshop.

"Just be happy you don't have to shave it down to shape then infuse chakra metal across it and fit it on the edges." Kagami replied as his face flushed red from the sheer weight of it.

"You're right, I feel so much better." The clone grinned.

In a loud thud as they placed it on the ground and looked at the wooden stump before him. Kagami's mind whirled as he began to mark out the outline and shape of the gunbai. Which didn't take long, as he also marked out the large chunks he could remove.

"Alright we got about a month and half to do this. Let's make every second count." Kagami cheered himself up as he went to lay down and recover his chakra.

In the following days, Kagami and a shadow clone worked shaving the stump away as the closer to the center the longer it took as the wood grew harder. Since what used to be centimeters they could shave turned into millimeters.

Finally after three weeks, they finally gained the rough outline of the fan. So after another three days of sanding it down, Kagami also collected enough chakra metal from the junkyard. Hence after heating the chakra metal up to a liquid form, alongside a shadow clone painstakingly coated the fan in a thin layer reinforcing the already near impossible wood.

On the upside, Kagami's nature transformation skill improved by leaps, not to mention Mira will probably love it. Then he discovered an issue, the fan looks a little plain as he forgot to add small tomoes to it. However luckily it was an easy fix for him so he thought as it took nearly a week to fix.

In the end two mere days remained until Mira's birthday. Kagami finally finished the gunbai as well as gave it a few simple tests. It wouldn't do if an issue appeared while on a mission that could possibly endanger her life.


Two days passed by in a flash and on the day of Mira's birthday. Kagami arrived at her house carrying the gunbai he wrapped up with a pretty bow. Which he totally won't admit it took far longer then needed to tie as he kept messing up.

"Kagami, you're here early." Maru said as he looked at Kagami holding a gift.

"It's already noon though." Kagami blinked.

"Is it? Well come in, Mira is outback training." Maru said as he moved aside.

Arriving at the back where Mira was training, Kagami smiled as she spotted him.

"You're here early, Kagami." Mira said to him.

'Am I always late or something?' Kagami mentally wondered.

Handing over his gift, he watched as Mira gave him a strange look, but soon opened it. There in its glory was his hard work, the Gunbai. Which he wished he brought a camera as not only Mira but Maru looked shocked.

"How did you find it?" Maru asked. "The last time I saw it, it was when Madara left with it."

"I didn't find it, I made it. I'm not sure how it compares to the original, but it shouldn't lose out by much." Kagami said happily. "So do you like it?"

"I love it." Mira said happily as she swung it lightly and a large gust of wind followed.

Thanks for Reading.

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