
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst... ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Hana's Rampage

Atop a far hill, Naruto chuckled as he, Anko, Akari, Izumi, Santa Yamanaka, Kō Hyuga, and the Naruto and Sasuke clones watched the dancing flames, surges of water, crashing earth, and cracks of lightning release themselves upon the village.

"Looks like Jiraiya of the Sannin has decided to get involved. Hana will not be able to best him. Even in a prolonged battle, she would begin to lose against so many jonin and chunin. If the Hokage joins, then I wonder if we will even be able to retrieve her," Anko said.

Naruto stared down upon Konoha. The sounds of battle could be heard even from here. A smile started to form on his face. "Not yet. Let's allow Hana-chan to vent a bit more. If she's like this now, then I wonder how she will perform when all that I need to be done is complete," the former blonde replied.

Akari gently rubbed her arms around his chest and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Why would you have her attack them now though? That will just raise their guard," she said.

In response, Naruto took one of her hands and began kissing it soothingly. "Because, my dear Akari, in destruction there is creation. Konoha will advance its structures, its forces, and its society. When the other nations hear about this, there will be those who seek to exploit Konoha's vulnerability, but if Konoha can stabilize then it'll become even stronger than the other nations could have foreseen," he explained.

"And how does that help you?" Izumi asked.

Naruto stood to his feet. He walked past the group of people that stood with him. As he stared at the scene of a mighty battle unfolding, he held up his hand and clenched it. When he turned around to face them all, a demonic grin appeared on his face. "Because...when my times comes, I'll teach Konoha that no matter how strong they become, no matter how many weapons they build, alliances they forge, countries they conquer, enemies they make, they will not be able to stop me from wringing the necks of every last living thing in that village. I'll have that old fool of a Hokage strapped to his stone head on the Hokage Stone Faces and he will watch as I snuff out his 'Will of Fire' and bury it so far beneath the ground that it will NEVER show its face to me again!" Naruto proclaimed.

Those who heard him speak slowly dropped to their knees and bowed before him. He turned around and stared at the village. Below his feet rested a summoning circle that had been designed just for this very moment for him to see.

"And then, no one will talk about the power of Hope EVER again!"


A crash erupted through the Konoha streets as Hana picked herself up from a collapsed building that she had been struck into. A string of blood fell from the side of her lip as her beastly frame willed itself to move. A harsh growl escaped from her lips as she leaned up. She stared at the hundreds of shinobi who stood upon the neighboring rooftops above her.

Hana gazed at the one who had just kicked her down with brutal force. "My fellow comrade, Hana-san, I would advise you to stand down and return to your senses! I do not wish to hurt you so!" Gai said.

The former Inuzuka was not sure what made her angrier. She wasn't sure if it was the apology that almost sounded sincere, or if it was the fact that he dared her to stand down with her knowing what awaited her. Perhaps, in the end, it didn't matter either way. He pissed her off and her howl of rage was her reply.

Chakra exploded into the air around the wolf hybrid's body. Her claws crushed the ground with increased pressure. In a blaze of speed that left the Konoha shinobi silent, Hana appeared in front of Gai. A clawed strike would have easily taken his head off had he not blocked it with a kick of his left leg. However, an evil, bestial growl appeared on Hana's face. Her claws grabbed Gai's leg and then she swung him until she crashed his body into the roof tiles

"GAH!" Gai coughed. Before he could even catch his breath, his back felt a burning pain as it was ragdolled over the cemented roof again, and again, and again. Each violent swing from Hana cracked the upper stories of the houses they stood on.

"HA!" Gai hollered as his hand landed on the floor. He then swung his legs and kicked Hana in the chest. The force of this kick launched her into the air well above the Konoha populace. She stared down at them like the bugs she thought they were. However, before she could even properly take account of the situation, a rain of kunai and Fuma shuriken were hurled at her.

A deep roar released a gale of wind that blasted each weapon aimed at her in various directions. As the weapons of steel rained down on the village, Hana opened her mouth and released another great blade of white chakra that scarred the very foundation of the village from right to left. She cared not for who stood in her way. Adults, children, shinobi, rich, or poor, they were all eliminated if they were not fast enough to escape the tide of destruction she had caused.

"Baika No Jutsu (Multi-Size Technique): HARITE! (Open Hand Slap)," Hana felt pain across her cheek as her eyes watched the palm of an Akimichi assault. The blast that escaped from her lips curved from the force of the slap. It arched from the center of the village into the northeast of the village hitting the Great Wall of Konoha through its protective sealing array. Jiraiya and the rest of the shinobi watched the blast fly away into the very mountains miles away from the village in a grand explosion that rocked the trees and the ground.

A roar alerted them all as Hana crashed back into the ground below. "You Katon users, get your butts in gear! Rain down hell!" Jiraiya called to them all. Those who were capable of wielding the might of fire release began flying through the handsigns they had used nearly all their lives.

"Katon: Karyū Endan (Fire Release: Dragon Flame Bomb),"

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique),"

"Katon: Gōka Messhitsu (Fire Release: Majestic Demolisher Flame),"

Such techniques under the branch of Katon and so much more were hollered into the heavens as countless shinobi opened their mouths and released a sea of destructive flame into the section of the village that Hana had resided in. Reports had been stated that this section of the village was barren so there was no consequence to this action.

Hana watched the sky in front of her light up as if the sun were mere inches from her face. Then she felt the burning pain of flames drown her body in a sea of fire. Hana screamed whether in pain or in anger as she was constantly assaulted by the heat from the innumerable techniques that flew down upon her. Like the very rain that falls from the sky, they stung her body and the pain receptors in her being. She could smell her fur burning like an animal brought into the might oven.


"GRAH!" Hana bellowed as a layering of chakra began to cover her body. It then proceeded to expand its radius enough that the flames from the hundreds of shinobi populace that assaulted her were unable to penetrate the barrier of energy she had created from the depths of her body.

Jiraiya, Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, Anko, Asuma, and many others watched cracks and booms of lightning and thunder as the barrier stopped any and all assaults from reaching her body.

"She can even produce formation barriers of chakra? What kind of Inuzuka is she?" Kurenai asked. Jiraiya indeed heard the question but did not answer. He couldn't answer it. He already knew the explanation that would follow would upset many people. That is if Hiruzen decided to try to run proper damage control.

"She's...not an Inuzuka. At least not...fully,"

The others turned around and they noticed Tsume and Kuromaru standing next to them. Her eyes seemed laden with a burden heavier than any of them could have imagined. For the matriarch of the Inuzuka clan, when she heard the howls of rage that erupted from Hana's throat, she was not sure whether to feel pride, fear, or unease.

The other jonin were very silent. They were waiting for further explanation, but Tsume didn't offer one. Instead, she turned to the Toad Sannin. "Jiraiya-sama, Hokage-sama is ready. We can execute proper measures now," Tsume replied.


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