
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst... ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

The Demon Within

"Good, because it looks like we're going to need them,"

No sooner than him saying those words did a massive eruption expel from the west side of the village. Everyone watched as a ball of fire dashed into the air. "Here she comes," Asuma said.

"You think she's going to be angry at us for that?" Anko asked.

A roar of rage was her answer as shinobi screamed when Hana began charging down upon them with her body covered in the flames that had burned her previously! She was going to make them pay! She was going to make them all suffer! SHE WAS GOING TO MAKE THEM ALL KNEEL!

"Everyone spread out!" A jonin shouted, but it was too late to say this as Hana drove her body into the buildings that at least three squads of shinobi and kunoichi had been standing. Just before she crashed into the buildings below. Her claws grabbed the faces of two chunin and separated them from their bodies.

A cloud of dust covered the blasted area. Once it cleared, the force of the village saw the wolf hybrid with two decapitated bodies in her paws. Hot steam expelled from her lips and drool slide down her snout. For a moment, her eyes stared at the destruction she had caused. In the recesses of her mind, joy filled her body. For the first time in her life, she...could make her own choice. For the first time in her life, she had freedom. For the first time in her life, she...was what she wanted to be.

A monster!

"Hana! Stop this madness! Look at what you're doing!"

The wolf hybrid turned her head to the voice that pierced through the exploding flames from the burning buildings around her. Far off, she noticed her...mother standing there with Jiraiya and the rest of the exceptional jonin of Konoha. The young female chunin felt her body grow limp. So angry was she that she began to tremble. So maddening was her rage that even greater than her initial transformation did chakra explode so high into the air that it pierced the very storm clouds above. The ground beneath her feet collapsed so strongly that Hana drove herself into an enormous crater.

You. It was all because of you. Everything that happened to here was because of you. Hana did not ask for this. She didn't ask for her life to be turned into some kind of game for those of greater minds to research on. Your fault. Your fault. Your fault. Your fault! YOUR FAULT!

Hana screamed as she clutched her head in agony. Streams of blood fell down her eyes as she stared at her mother. So many family dinners she had held before. What...what had they done to her before? What...had she not known about?

"Hana, I love you! You're my precious daughter, after all," Tsume said as a young Hana laughed with her mother.

"Happy birthday, Hana!" Tsume said as Hana blew out the candles for her sixth birthday.

"Congrats on your field promotion. I know the Hokage chose well. Now that you're a genin, you're a member of the Will of Fire. I'm so proud of you, Hana," Tsume said as she and Hana had their picture taken for the chunin's first graduation from the Academy.

"Look pup, I'm not into the sentimental shit, but...I have never been more proud of you becoming a chunin. The road doesn't get any easier, but I know you've got the guts to succeed. But no matter what happens, I'll be there for you and the Inuzuka clan will be there for you. We're family after all. No one sticks together like we do," Tsume said as Hana showed her the chunin vest she had received for her efforts in the chunin exam. Hana remembered smiling, happier than she had ever been in her entire life.

It was all for you. It was all for Konoha. It was all...for her family. All she wanted was to make them proud. All she wanted was to prove that she...belonged in the Inuzuka family. When people saw her, they would be jealous that the Inuzuka family had someone like her among them. She wanted more of her mother's praise. She wanted...more of her mother's love. She wanted…

"Forgive me, Hokage-sama, but I got your reservations. Kuromaru is my partner, my best friend, and my family. However, at the end of the day, we're still two separate species. That boundary doesn't exist for Hana. She is not fully human, nor is she fully canine either. In order to understand the middle grounds, we're going to have to do things we don't like. For Hana...it should just be...and feel...like a bad dream…,"

"We can't sacrifice the happiness of the populace for the mercy of one. No one is exceptional especially...not a science experiment," Tsume replied.

Hana dropped to her knees as the chakra around her grew so strong that her fur began to glow with an even harsher light than before.


Fuck Jiraiya! Fuck Hiruzen! Fuck Konoha!

You die tonight or Hana would FUCKING DIE TRYING,"

Hana roared with a voice that was no longer that of a beast. It was that of a furious and enraged demon. Pulses of chakra exploded from Hana's body like waves of pure heat. Everyone gasped in shock and fear as the buildings they stood on could hardly hold before such an unholy pressure. Tsume...took a step back.

It soon became known to all that their fears of Hana were founded. Blood poured from her mouth, but it did not fall to the ground like it should have done. Instead, it began to stain Hana's white fur. Stripes of red lined up her body. As if it was obeying some other higher power, the blood collected and collected unit it formed a second tail behind Hana's rear. It then began to flow up her spine. Like the markings of either a clan from a time long gone, or from a time that had yet to come, the blood settled over Hana's forehead and temples. The wolf hybrid stepped out of her crater.

No one blinked, but...only Kakashi and Jiraiya were able to act as Hana suddenly appeared in front of Tsume. "RAH!" Hana screamed as she swung for her former mother's face.

"Tsume, look out!" Jiraiya shouted as he pushed the Inuzuka matriarch out of the way. Before Tsume could even register the push, Hana's claws swiped her face just enough to graze her cheek. Just the swipe was enough to slice into the ground and buildings which laid behind them all forcing the shinobi there to scatter.

Time seemed to resume for everyone as Gai cursed. With a heavy kick, he slammed his foot into Hana's chest. A roar of pain erupted from Hana. The former Inuzuka was sent flying from the rooftops into the streets below. Then, Gai fell to the roof and clenched his leg.

"Heh, my god. I think I just tried to kick an iron mountain. Everyone, I would suggest not trading blows with her. It won't end well," Gai replied.


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