
Naruto: The Chain Demon

Jack, a seemingly average person, becomes bored with his repetitive and monotonous life. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly dies and is reincarnated in the Naruto verse as an Uzumaki. =================== I don't own Naruto. ===================

Fleeting_dreams · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 9- Basic Ninjutsu

[A/N: It's a Fanfiction. Some stuff will be AU.

Some techniques explanation and their uses will be AU. I will try to make them as reasonable as possible.]


"All right, Katsuo. "These are the scrolls for 'Transformation jutsu' and 'Rope escape jutsu,'" his father explained as he handed him the manuscripts.

"Thank you, dad. What about the 'clone technique,' 'Body flicker,' and 'Substitution jutsu'? Aren't those basic jutsus as well?" Katsuo was curious.

"Why don't you also give me the scrolls for those?" "I believe I can learn them," he added.

His father chuckled. "You're correct, my boy. Those are indeed fundamental ninjutsu. However, typical illusion clones only require a little burst of chakra. That would be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut with your chakra levels. It would just be 'A waste of efforts'. When you join the academy, I guarantee to teach you how to make solid clones."

"As for the 'body flicker' and the 'substitution jutsu,' they are 'D' rank ninjutsus. They require precise control over your body's movements. The substitution technique, in particular, is a combination of three basic techniques. So, for the time being, focus on mastering the 'Transformation technique' and the 'Rope escape.' Then you can learn the others."

Katsuo's  mind raced  with  thoughts. 'woah! woah! woah! Hold on,  just  a  second! Did I hear that correctly? Are my ears playing tricks on me?!

Katsuo's mind was racing with ideas.'Woah! woah! woah! woah!'

Please wait a moment! Is that what I heard? Is it possible that my ears are playing tricks on me?!

'Substitution is a ninjutsu of 'D' rank?!-

'What the hellllllllllll.....!'

'Wasn't that only a 'E' rank jutsu that even academy kids could perform?'

'So when did it become a 'D' rank jutsu?'

'What in the world is going on?!'

He paused to gather himself. 'No, no, let's be calm. There's no need to exaggerate. Maybe the substitution technique here is different from the one I know from the 'Anime.' Perhaps it's a more advanced version. Well, whatever it is, I'll figure it out later. For now, I should concentrate on mastering the scrolls in my hands.'

Katsuo looked up, his racing thoughts quieted, and responded, "Sure, dad. I'll begin with these two."


Katsuo then walked straight to his personal training area and began reading the scrolls.

Katsuo's eyes widened in amazement as he read the scroll.

There was a lengthy explanation of the jutsu. The procedure for explaining how the jutsu works. There were also diagrams of the required hand seals and diagrams of the body displaying the tenketsu spots, demonstrating the moulding of the Chakra.

Not only that, also there were sections that explained the uses, limitations, and weaknesses; all in all, it was incredibly extensive.

Katsuo  was  stunned,  to  say  the  least. He  hadn't  expected  such  a  thorough  and  extensive  explanation  of  a  basic  technique.

While  he  was  aware  that  performing  a  jutsu  required  more  than  just  weaving  hand  seals; you  also  needed  to  actively  shape  your  chakra.

The jutsu simply won't work if you don't pour your chakra or if you use less than the necessary amount.

He quickly got over his surprise and read the scroll multiple times to have a better understanding. Then he began to perform hand seals without using chakra to get a hang of it.

It didn't take him more than a minute before he went on to perform the jutsu.


There was a puff of smoke, and in his place stood a tall man with average looks and brown hair. He was dressed casually in a shirt and jeans.

After completing the transformation, I felt as if I had grown taller. I  couldn't  help  but  be  amazed. It  was  like  slipping  into  a  new  skin,  an  alter  ego  that  was  both  fascinating  and  strangely  familiar.

I meticulously examined my hands, my sight going over every aspect of my new appearance. I picked up a nearby kunai and held it up to my eyes, analyzing the reflection.

I compared it to my mental image of myself. It was a near-perfect match. A grin tugged at the corner of my lips as a surge of accomplishment coursed through me. "Looks like the jutsu worked just as I hoped,"."I look exactly like I did when I was on Earth."

I murmured, a spark of joy sparking within me.

Following the initial accomplishment, Katsuo began to experiment with the jutsu, transforming into various objects, animals, and humans to explore the technique's boundaries.

Katsuo, having satisfied his curiosity, concluded, "I see. So that's how the jutsu works in reality. Hmm, rather than just providing an illusion of the desired thing, it actually produces a solid shell around my body in the shape of the image in my head."

"It's very similar to solid cloning techniques." While the solid clone develops an entire chakra body, the 'Transformation jutsu' just builds a solid outer shell that gives me the appearance of the transformed thing."

"It's as if I'm inside a puppet body."

"It makes perfect sense, though." During the 'Naruto vs. Gaara' battle, Naruto turned Gamabunta into the 'Kyuubi,' and the transformed Gamabunta used his tails to uproot the trees and throw towards 'Shukaku,' not to mention he was able to utilize the claws to grip onto the gigantic sand demon."

I still remember that fight since it was one of the most epic battles in the series.

"There was also 'Tsunade,' who used this jutsu 24*7 to appear young."

~"That boing boing was also very appealing."~

*Cough* Ahem!

"As a result, it further solidifies the fact that this jutsu creates solid structures that the user can control."

"For an E rank jutsu, it's surprisingly remarkable."

"However, it does have some obvious limitations." The transformation merely changes the user's outer appearance; it does not change the user's actual body or mimic the qualities of the transformed object."

"Just because I transform into a massive rock doesn't mean I'll be as tough as one." Similarly, transforming a wooden stick into a sword will not provide it with a genuine edge."

"Moreover, I can't transform into something or someone much smaller than my own size. Squeezing my body into a small form isn't something I can manage."

"However, this does not imply that it is universally impossible." There are people in this world who can practically turn their bodies into water or mist. These restrictions may not apply to them."

"Also, other ninjas can easily identify the transformation.since it can't mask the scent and the chakra signature." To maintain the disguise, I need to keep supplying chakra; any disruption can undo it."

"Not to mention, the technique requires a clear understanding of what I want to transform into." It is more difficult to transform into an animal or inanimate object than it is to transform into a human."

"Despite these obvious flaws, I can already see numerous applications for it."

"While I can't squeeze my body into the shape of a small animal, a clone wouldn't be affected because it's essentially made of chakra." In principle, it has the ability to turn into anything."

"Ok, that's it. I may not be Orochimaru, but it's looks like I have to do some Research."



A/N: This chapter is a total waste. I just wasted the whole chapter explaining a jutsu.

Q>> Why did I do that?

A>> Because... I can 😁

>> No seriously, I wanted to make it clear that the MC won't take things for granted. He is a curious person. He won't just learn, He will question, He will understand, He will improve.😌😌
