
8. Chapter 8- Sparring

Now it's finally time for Katsuo's fight.

In the circular sparring area, Katsuo stood facing his opponent, his eyes locked onto his opponent, waiting for the instructor's signal to start.


Katsuo's opponent, Hirato, wasted no time and rushed at him with great speed, launching a straight punch aimed directly at his face.

However, Katsuo was well-prepared and anticipated the attack. With precise timing and swift movements, he skillfully parried the punch to the side, redirecting the force of Hirato's blow.

The force of Hirato's punch reverberated through Katsuo's arm as he deflected the blow. He could feel the power behind Hirato's strike, but he didn't flinch.

But Hirato was relentless in his assault. Undeterred by the initial block, he followed up with a rapid series of strikes – a punch to the chest and a round-house kick aimed at Katsuo's head.

Yet, Katsuo's agility was impressive. He displayed nimble footwork, smoothly backing away to avoid the strike to his chest and effortlessly ducking under the incoming kick.

Katsuo capitalized on his chance, and punched attempting to land a strike on Hirato's head. However, he wasn't surprised when, Hirato effortlessly blocked the attack with skilled precision.

Katsuo didn't back up. Instead, he swiftly followed up with a well-timed side kick aimed at Hirato's midsection. His foot connected with a satisfying thud, but Hirato was equally quick to retaliate.

Hirato countered with a spinning elbow strike, aiming to catch Katsuo off guard. But Katsuo was not so easily caught. With a swift backward somersault, he evaded the elbow strike just in time.

After that they both backed away slightly and took a moment to catch their breathe.

Their eyes locked once again, and without a word, they launched back into the fray.

The sound of fists meeting flesh echoed through the training grounds as the two young shinobi traded blow after blow. Their movements were a blur of speed and agility, their bodies seamlessly transitioning from attack to defense.

The crowd of onlookers watched in awe as the two young shinobi clashed.

From the perspective of the other kids on the field, it appeared as if Hirato was the one who had the upper hand in the spar and Katsuo was just blocking and dodging.

But for an experienced eye, it was not difficult to see that it was actually Katsuo who was controlling the momentum of the battle.

While Hirato continued his relentless attacks trying to overpower Katsuo and push him into a corner, Katsuo swiftly dodged, parried, and blocked the onslaught with minimal effort.

There was not even a hint of struggle on his face, as if he had done this countless times.

No-! No-!~ make no mistake, Katsuo was not a martial genius in his previous life, nor did he have any abundant experience in combat.

He also didn't have any system that could boost his fighting prowess with just a click. In fact, in his former life on Earth, he was just a laid-back office worker with no real combat experience.

What he has now is just pure raw talent. Not only that, he was also born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

His father is the current head of the clan and the leader of the village. This title is not given to any run of the mill shinobi. So, it isn't farfetched to say that his father is one of the strongest shinobi in the village.

There is also his mother, Akari. She was also the strongest kunoichi in the village.

Not to mention, his grandfather was the previous leader of the village. Right now, he is the head elder of the clan.

While he may not have received any heaven-defying system like those often found in anime and novels.

It was also true that he wasn't born with crippled Meridians in the weakest village, in the weakest town, in the weakest country, in the weakest empire, in the...



What I was trying to say is, he is not an 'orphan', he is not 'poor', and he sure as hell is not a 'talent-less' no-name brat.

He is an Uzumaki, known for their unparalleled skill in fuin-jutsu, as well as possessing a robust life force and superior physique.

The Uzumaki blood flowing through his veins granted him extraordinary potential, setting him apart from many others. It was undeniable that he had been gifted with the best genes and heritage one could ask for.

But it wasn't just talent that fueled Katsuo's prowess. There was also an insatiable hunger for more. He had started from scratch when it came to learning martial arts and the ways of the shinobi.

His dedication to honing his skills knew no bounds. While his natural talent gave him a head start, he understood that talent alone was not enough to reach the pinnacle of his abilities.

Every day, after his regular training sessions, he would spend extra hours practicing on his own. He would focus on refining his techniques, pushing his limits, and seeking perfection in every move.

As the spar continued, even for a moment, it never felt that Katsuo was struggling to keep up with his opponent. His movements were precise and fluid, a display of effortless grace. Each punch, kick, and block was executed with such ease that it almost seemed as if Katsuo was dancing rather than fighting.

Katsuo's training had taught him to be versatile and adaptable, and he used this to his advantage. He changed his fighting stance effortlessly, shifting from defensive to offensive maneuvers with seamless grace.

His opponent, Hirato, on the other hand, was growing more and more frustrated with each passing moment. Despite his relentless attacks, he couldn't seem to land a solid hit on Katsuo. Every strike was either dodged or blocked with impeccable timing. It was as if Katsuo could predict Hirato's moves before he even made them.

In contrast to Hirato's growing frustration, Katsuo's expression remained unchanged, calm and composed. His mind was a whirlwind of calculations and strategies, analyzing each of Hirato's moves and finding the perfect counter. He could see the patterns in his opponent's fighting style and used that knowledge to his advantage.

'I don't think he has anything more to show.' it's time to end the battle'.Katsuo concluded in his mind.

If Katsuo wanted to win, he could have already done so, much sooner. But it was just a mock battle; there's no point in showing off. It was a learning experience, and Katsuo wanted to learn everything his opponent had to offer.

Seeing his opponent had nothing new to show, he decided to end the battle.

Katsuo began to seize the offensive. He saw an opening in Hirato's defense and struck with precision, landing a solid blow to his opponent's side. Hirato winced in pain, but he didn't back down. He knew he had to keep pushing if he wanted to break through Katsuo's defenses.

But no matter how hard he tried, Katsuo seemed to have an answer for everything. His reflexes were lightning-fast, his timing impeccable. It was as if he could read Hirato's mind and anticipate his every move.

With each passing moment, Katsuo's aggressiveness grew, and he began to assert his dominance in the spar. He effortlessly countered Hirato's attacks, delivering swift and powerful strikes in return.

As the spar neared its end, Katsuo landed a final devastating blow that sent Hirato stumbling backward. It was a flawless victory, and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.


"Amazing as expected from the leader's son".

"Truly amazing".

As he listened to the murmurs of admiration and compliments directed towards his son, Kenji's heart swelled with pride.

In his heart, Kenji had always believed that Katsuo was special.

Growing up, there were few instances when Katsuo actually cried; otherwise, he was quite composed. While other kids were playing with toys, he would whine to his mother to let him read.

Katsuo was like a sponge, absorbing everything he taught him with incredible ease. Whether it was mastering chakra control exercises or honing his taijutsu skills, Katsuo seemed to have a natural talent for soaking up knowledge and applying it flawlessly.

Kenji couldn't help but marvel at his son's talent. As a father, he couldn't be prouder of the young shinobi Katsuo was becoming. His only wish for Katsuo was for him to fully realize his talents and potential in this harsh world.

~After all there are geniuses all around but only few could reach their true potential ~


A/N: Hit me with some power stones.


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