
Naruto: Summoning Units

Whatupmyfellowkids · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 1: Transmigration

Chapter 1: Transmigration



Hearing the beating of my heart I open my eyes with a loud yawn and an annoying beep rings in my ear.


'Hah, what is is #383539?'

[Host has transmigrated into universe #44827349, otherwise know as the universe of Naruto.]

'What?...What do you mean Naruto? I didn't sign the contract thinking that my first transmigration would be fucking Naruto.'

[The transmigration is completely random, we're just really unlucky.]

Sighing I open my inbox notifications and click on the starting gift character.

[Host has unlocked character unit Bickslow (Pre-Timeskip)]

[Name: Bickslow (Pre-Timeskip)

Potential Unlocked: <0%>

Magic: Soul Possession Magic <Level 0>, Figure Eyes <Level 0>

Magic Spells: Soul Puppets (0/1 Souls Collected)]

'...Why is their a limit on the souls I can collect? If I have a limit on the amount of souls I can collect than this magic will practically be useless, especially if the limit is so low.'

[That isn't the fault of the system rather the magic itself. It's an impractical form of collecting and controlling souls.]

'Why does it say pre-timeskip Bickslow? If I'm restricted to only pre-timeskip untill I can get another unit than I do have a lot of training to do untill I can be comfortable that I won't die from random occurrences. All the members of Fairy Tail got vastly stronger after the timeskip so Bickslow should only be at the level of an A-rank mage before the timeskip.'

[Host only has access to that specific Bickslow. Missions must be completed to get summoning tickets and potential orbs. Host will have more options than just the current character unit.]

I pick myself off from the floor and take a gaze at my surroundings. The only things in the room my body resides in is a small bed with dirty sheets, a small bedstand and a leather coat laid down on the floor.

'Did my body already exist in this universe or was it created once I had arrived, does this body have some type of identity?'

[Your body already existed. You merely replaced the previous occupant.]

I walk up to the coat and look through the pockets, in it I find some identification belonging to the previous owner. Gripping on a year stained photo printed in black and white I see a young couple hugging a small child and in the background is a beautiful tower resembling the effiel tower of my world.

'So these were the previous occupant's parents. Judging by the rock headband on the forehead of the father I assume that my current location is in the land of Earth. It seems like his parents died not too long ago by the tears on the photo, and it also appears that the previous occupant followed in his father's footsteps.'

I grabbed onto the only other thing in the leather coat, a headband with a rock engraved onto it.

'So the previous occupant was at the very least a genin so I'm not starting off as a civilian. My current allegiance is with Iwagakure so I should start to get some information about the current situation of peace between the nations, the system is useless for this as it only allows me access to characters abilities and techniques.'

I pat down the leather jacket to brush off the filth from it and when I pick it up I find a card that was under the coat.

'Kanenda Shuken, age 14, genin rank, no current assigned team, shinobi of Iwagakure. Good, I have a form of identification and with this I can actually go places without any suspicion of my identity.'

I pick all of my belongings and I open the door of the hotel room. In the hallway a young girl around 16 runs by with a basket of dirty laundry.

'How long can I use figure eyes on a normal civilian system?'

[On a normal civilian like her you can use figure eyes to completely control her for 10 seconds.]

With the confirmation that I can successfully use figure eyes I activate magic.

[Figure Eyes]

I gaze my surroundings to see if anyone's watching, in the entire building I see the souls and chakra of 12 people besides the girl in front of me and no one is near nor watching me.

I tap the girls shoulder and look directly at her eyes when she turns to face me.

"Do you need something si-."

Her words are interrupted as I stare directly into her soul.

"Tell me what the current relations between the nations."

The girl responds in a blank emotionless tone, "The 2nd great shinobi war is currently happening."

I walk away from her and as soon as my time limit runs out an annoying beep rings in my head.

[Figure Eyes has leveled up through repeated use. Time limit has increased by 1 second.]

Coming out of the hallway I walk up to the reception at the front.

"Is their anything I can help you with sir?"

I politely smile at her as I think of what's more necessary to know.

"I forget how much time I made the reservation for can you please tell me."

She grabs a list from a cabinet behind her and she looks through it.

"Your name is?"

"Kanenda Shuken."

"Ah yes I have it here, you made a month reservation yesterday."

"Thank you so much for the help."

I wave goodbye to the receptionist and I exit the hotel building.

The sight in front of me is rather strange, every building is made of rock and earth, in the distance a large rock structure resembling the eiffiel tower looms over everything, food stands are spread around the gravel path.

'Damn this is really behind compared to my last world. This place looks like what I imagine Europe looked like in the dark ages.'

I pat the empty pocket of my coat as the realization that I have no money hits me.

'Goddamit I have no money, the previous occupant probably spent all his money on the hotel reservation and food. There two ways I can think of to make money with my current skill set. Doing missions and stealing from civilians by exploiting my magic. Currently I'll just steal from people untill I figure out how to use chakra, I was able to use Figure Eyes because I gained the memories of Bickslow learning to use his magic. Now I need to learn to use chakra because I really don't have any offensive capabilities and I don't have any puppets to put souls in. Once I do steal some money I can buy large toys I can place souls in, Iwagakure should have a cemetery around somewhere so I should be able to get some souls there. Even if there isn't any souls there I should be able to get a assassination mission if I rack up enough completed missions as a genin.'

With that final thought my plan for the next month would be set in motion. I needed to learn how to use chakra, gather information, and collect souls as well as level up my current magic.

(1 Week Later)

I wave hello to the receptionist in the shinobi library of Iwagakure as I place scrolls down on the counter.

"Happy to see you again Kanenda, have you already finished reading all the scrolls you checked out?"

"Of course Miza-san, I'm so happy for the help you provided me this entire week you really are an angel if you need any help you can just ask."

"Haha, it's my job to help other people Kanenda, it's been my dream to become a medical ninja to save the lives of others, unfortunately I didn't have the aptitude to become one."

"You should try again Miza-san your certainly smart enough to compete with any shinobi."

Miza-san only chuckles before teasing me, "You certainly aren't."

I lean down to meet Miza's eyes with my elbows resting on the counter.

"Well I have you to cover me, don't I Miza-san?"

She blushes a dark red as my face gets closer to her.

"You really need to stop teasing me Kanenda. Didn't you come here to learn jutsu, if you don't stop I'll kick you out."

Miza shouts with her arms flailing at me in an embarrassed tone. I grab her arms and I pull her over the counter into my chest causing her to rest on my body.

"Don't worry Miza-san we can afford to spend some quality time together can't we? Just you and me, comforting each other with the warmth of our bodies."

Miza melts once she comes in contact with me and I slowly bring my hand up her thigh as she shivers in excitement. In slow movements she grinds her lower body down on me as she looks up at me with intense emotions. Miza presses her breasts against my chest as her breathing becomes heavy and she brings her lips to mine.

'Hah, I'm going to enjoy this.'

(1 Week Later)

Sweat pours down from my body as I pant from exhaustion, the pattern on my eyes fade and they return to their natural black color and the doll mark on my face disappears.

[Figure Eyes has leveled up through repeated use. Time limit has increased by 1 second.]

[Figure Eyes has reached level 10. 5 potential orbs has been collected. 95 more potential orbs are required to complete unit Bickslow (Pre-Timeskip).]

I tap on the mission tab and I look through all of them.

'If I'm correct then I should get a summoning ticket once I max out Bickslow. If I get 5 potential orbs everytime I get 10 levels then I need to max out both of my magic. I currently still haven't leveled up my soul possession magic because I haven't found any wandering souls around here. At the very least I've made some progress with Figure Eyes as well as learning some non-elemental jutsu. I have body flicker, transformation jutsu, body replacement jutsu and the basic clone jutsu under my belt. So basically I'm at the same level as the average genin except for my op hacks that allows me to control people's body and now I'll exploit that to the extreme. I can now control civilians for 20 seconds, genin for 10 and chunin for 1. I can't even control jonin whatsoever but I've looked at the potential tab for Bickslow and once I do fully max him out I should be able to control jonin to some degree. Not to mention the benefit of getting to 50%, access to eye magic. Eye magic boosts reaction speed and analyzing ability basically making it a knock off sharingan. It allows me to break past the limit that I can react to making my reaction speed faster than everyone without a dojutsu.'

'The missions I can complete are all either really difficult or take a lot of time. Most of the missions are focused around my character unit Bickslow so it's necessary to focus on completing him rather than developing my own jutsu. After all Bickslow's magic is better version of puppetry in this world. The souls that I capture have all of the abilities and strength as the original person. This makes it incredibly op, all I need to do is kill someone and collect their soul.'

I get up from the ground and I take a stroll through the village of Iwagakure. In one of the market stands I see a creepy wooden doll with no face and no features other than a carved smile.

"How much is this doll sir?"

The old man standing behind the wooden pedestal grabs the doll from it's stand.

"It's 500 ryo, I'm surprised that anyone would want to bye this it's my granddaughter's first time carving a wooden doll."

I hand over 500 ryo before grabbing the wooden doll from the old man.

"I like this doll, tell your granddaughter that she should continue making them. I'm sure a lot of people would something as unique as this."

I go back to my hotel room with the doll in hand and a sinister smile plastered on my face.

'Time to take the soul of some unfortunate person.'

Don't think I'll ever make anymore chapters for this.

Whatupmyfellowkidscreators' thoughts