
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

chapter 4

Kurama sat at the dining room table smiling at Naruto as he played with his slice of birthday cake. Tsunade sat across from Naruto with a smile on her own face as Jiraiya had Ma and Pa sitting on his shoulders watching the young tadpole.

Naruto smiles and giggles as he takes a handful of cake into his mouth as he smiled looking up at Kurama. "Rama." He said as cake flow from his swinging hand.

"Yes Naru?" He asked with his own smile.

"Milk Pwease." Asked Naruto as he saw his small sippy cup.

Kurama chuckled as he helps Naruto drink some milk.

"He is growing fast." Said Ma as she smiles down at the little boy.

"That he is Ma. Soon he will become our summoner as his father was once." Said Pa with a smile.

Jiraiya just nodded his head as he listens to the two toads talk. 'He looks so much like both his parents.' He thought to himself.

Village Gate

At the village gate Maze and the others walked up with black hoods pulled up. She looked at the Hyuuga and Nara that sat there in silence.

"State your business." Said the stolid Hyuuga.

Maze pulled her hood back and glared at the pale eyed man. "We are returning form a long S-rank mission." She told them as she tossed them a small scroll.

The Hyuuga caught the scroll and looked it over and turned to the sign out log and found the team and signed them back all in. "Hokage-sama will be excepting your group." He said as he glared at Maze.

Maze winked and blow the man a kiss as she turned to the others. "Come on let's head to see the old man." She told them as they all walked into the village.

The small group made their way though the village streets as many looked around. The Angels watched the villagers. As the demons just smirked as they watched a few pass them. After a few minutes they had made it to the center of the village and there was a large tower before them. This was the Hokage Tower.

They entered the building and made their way up the stairs. Before them was a young woman siting at a desk before a large double oak door to her left. "May I help you?" She asked.

"We are here to see Hokage-sama." Said Maze as she glared at the woman before her.

"I'm sorry but Hokage-sama is busy." Said the woman with a smirk.

Maze arched her eyebrow at the stupid woman. "The Hokage needs to see us. For we have returned from a SS-rank mission and anything you say doesn't mean shit to me." She told the woman.

The woman glared back at Maze. "I don't give a damn. You're not getting in to see him." She growled out. That was her biggest mistake she had ever made.

A body flow thought the double doors as Maze as growling and holding one of her many knives. "Bitch! You will not be stopping me from seeing Hokage-sama." She growled out at the fallen woman as said woman slowly pulled herself up into a sitting position.

Sarutobi sat there smoking his pipe looking over a stack of paper at the sense before him. Clearing his throat, he looks at them. "What is going on here?" He questions the two women as the others stand at the door as Maze was getting ready to attack once more.

"Hokage-sama. We have return from our long-term mission and we have gathered information that not even Jiraiya has even caught wind of." Said Trixie as she grins at the man and pulls out the scroll from Maze's bag and hands it to the old man.

Sarutobi took the scroll and opened it and looked it over and his eyebrows have raised even higher as there was information for Akatsuki. A group that was slowly building with S-rank criminals and one of the reported members is/was Madara Uchiha. A chill ran down the old man's body. He looked over at Maze.

"Maze that is enough. Tell me how you got this information?" Demanded Sarutobi.

Maze stopped her slow stalk and looked over at the man. "A man claiming to be Madara approached out little group and asked if we would like to join his little group of criminals. I questioned him about what the goal was, and he told us that he was going after the tail beast. That meaning my so to be sister-in-law is in danger." She told the old man as a frown married his face.

With a deep sigh he looked at the small group. "I hate to inform you. But your brother and his wife died 3 years ago." He said as he raised his hand to stop anyone from talking. "Their son is still alive and is being raised by Kushina-chan's brother Kurama. But I will feel much better with you there with him. Making sure that young Naruto will grow up a loyal ninja to our village." He said with a sad smile.

They looked to each other and nodded their heads. "Where are they staying?" Asked Maze as she already knew but she had to play the fool and worried sister of the late 4th Hokage.

"They are staying at the Uzumaki compound." Said Sarutobi as he dismissed them all.

12 years later

It has been 15 years since the Kyubi attack and the birth of young Naruto.

Said Teenager was standing in the middle of the training field of his family compound. He was standing their panting heavily as he was glaring at a young girl before him.

"Come on Naru-chan. You can do better then this." Said Trixie as she taunted him.

Naruto closed his eyes as two wings sprouted out of his back. One black and once white. He cupped his hands together and a golden glow was coming from his hands. "Heavenly starlight!" Said Naruto as a wave of golden stars shot from his hands. He had a strange bloodline that he didn't need to do hand signs for his attacks. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Trixie's eyes widen as the wings had popped out of his back. She turned her head to look at Amenadiel who was looking at the boy with wide eyed as well. "How can this be?" He questions as he walked over to the boy.

Naruto fell on his ass as he felt a weird weight on his back. "What is happening and why are you guys looking at me that way?" He asked.

Just then Amenadiel unsealed his own wings for Naruto to see them. Naruto looked at his uncle with wide eyes as well. There was wings behind the man. "Naruto you have some how manage to awaken your angel/devil blood." He said with shock laced voice.

Naruto felt behind him and felt his wings. "What the hell am I going to do now?" He asked in shock of what happen.

"We will train you to use them. Nothing has changed." Said Amenadiel.

Naruto nodded his head to this. Sakumo walked over to them as he held the shadow clone of Naruto with wings as well. "It appears they all sprouted wings like the original." He said as he looked at the boy.

"Sakumo-sensei why didn't you let my clone pop?" Asked Naruto as he saw the clone was passed out from his training.

"It would have overloaded you even more then if I did allow him to." Said Sakumo as he studied Naruto.

Naruto nodded his head to this as he falls backwards. His wings still out and behind now under him. "This is too much. My father is truly Lucifer Morning Star the fallen angel who is the king of hell and my mother chose to go with him after she died." He said.

"Stop your bitching. You have class in 30 minutes and today is the big day." Said Maze as she stepped out of the shadows. She had to attend a council meeting along with Kurama for they are the respected clans. For Naruto need to be a Chunin to attend them and he was just going to finish his time at the academy.

Kurama fallowed behind her looking pissed off. "Those bastards. I should have just ended them all while I was there. It was had saved me a lot of time and grief." He growled out.

Everyone turned to look at the two new arrives. "What happens sissy?" Question Trixie as she walked up to Maze and hugged the demon woman.

Maze glared at nothing. "The civilian council has let it leak out that Naruto is the jailer for the 9-tails." She said with anger and rage.

"It appeared to be one last gift from that bastard Danzo who had several sleepers in the civilian council." Said Kurama.

Sakumo raised an eyebrow to this. "How was this posable. I killed that bastard when Naruto was only 5?" He questions.

"It appeared he had a time delay seal on a couple of those fools, and it was to trigger on graduation day." Said Maze as she wanted to dig the man back up and kill him over again.

"Well there isn't anything we can do about it now. I just need to hide these wings and get going after eating something. "Said Naruto. He was taking this better than anyone of them could except him to.


All the clan children and a few civilians all gather into the classroom. Naruto sat in back with his back to the wall as he watched his and Sasuke's fan clubs fight with each other. 'Are they ever going to stop and take being a shinobi more serious?' He asked to himself.

'I don't think they every will. Not until they have that one mission.' Said Kurama as he was laying out in the Academy training ground enjoying the sun on his skin.

Shikamaru walked into the classroom with Choji right behind her. She went to her normal seat next to Naruto and Choji took the sit next to her.

Naruto looked over and smiled at his two best friends. "Hey guys." He said as he watched Ino make her way up to them as well.

"Hey Naru." Said Shikamaru as she smiled at him. There was a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Hey Naruto." Said Choji between bites. He was eating a new flavor of chip this morning. Wasabi BBQ.

Ino walked up to them. "Hey guys." She said to her friends.

"How's it going Ino?" Asked Naruto with a smile as well.

With a sigh Ino sat down in the chair a row below her friends. "Not good. Sakura thinks I still want Sasuke and every time I tell her I don't. She says I'm lying and trying to lower her guard." She told them.

"troublesome. Doesn't she see that he likes guys." Said Shikamaru with a smirk on her lazy lips.

Everyone laughs at this.

"True. He was checking me out yesterday while we all ran laps." Said Naruto as he shivered.

The small group of friends laugh even more as they see Hinata enter the classroom and walk over to her friends. "Hey guys." She says as she sits down next to Ino.

"Well enough about the teme. Is everyone ready for today?" Asked Naruto as he grinned at his friends.

They all nodded their heads. Today was the big day. The day they made their dreams come true.