
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

chapter 5

Flash back

It was the eve of Naruto's 5th birthday when Sakumo felt several familiar chakra signatures. Quietly and quickly he slipped out of his bedroom. But he still held his bottle of sake in hand. Just incase he need to play the fool.

Just outside of Naruto's bedroom stood three figures. With the faint flicker of Naruto's nightlight, one could see that they had on white masks with 'NE' on them. These are Danzo's personal foot soldiers. They had a mission from their master to take a poor helpless child from his bed in the middle of the night. Something these bastards did all the time.

Rounding the corner Sakumo grinned to himself. 'Really you old bastard. You're finally making your move on the boy?' He thought to himself as he played the part of the drunker uncle walking down the hallway. "Take one down and pass it around. 20 bottles of sake on the wall." He sang as the three now identified Root Anbu looked towards the drunkard coming their way.

The Root Anbu looked at each other and used their Anbu sign language to talk with each other as the one that appeared to be female turned back to Sakumo.

Sakumo walked closer and smirked at the "female" Root Anbu. "Well darling it is nice to meet you in this dark and empty hallway. Do you come here often?" He asked her.

She slides her hand behind her back and seconds later she pulled out a kunai and lunged at the 'drunkard' that was walking her way. Using his sake bottle he caught the tip of the kunai in the mouth of the bottle and pushed it into the wall as it smashed, and she lost her grip on the kunai.

Her eyes widen behind her mask as she felt something impact with her stomach. She was feeling pain she had never felt before and something sharp was being pulled away from her stomach. Looking down at the hand she saw wolf like claws being pulled out of the hole that was her stomach once was. Slowly she looked back up at the man before her and saw his eyes flashing yellow as they look like wolf eyes as his face and body shifted from man to a wolf like creature. From behind him came three red eye wolves like hellhounds. Growling at the two other men in the hallway threating the child that just lied behind the door. For the Root Anbu did something smart by closing the door not to wake or frighten the child before they could take them.

The two male Root Anbu pulled their kunai and attacked the wolf hellhounds. Thinking that the wolves were genjutsu. They we're sadly mistaken. As the lead wolf jumped on the man standing next to the wall ripping out his throat. As the other two stopped lowering their heads as they growled at the man. He flew though several hand signs as he cupped his hand in front of his mask where his mouth is and breathed out a large fireball. "Giant fireball jutsu." He cried out. Fear was lacing this man's voice as he didn't know what he was fighting. The hellhounds stood their ground as the ball of flames blow past them. The Root Anbu's eyes grew wide as he saw that the Hellhounds just stood there licking their lips as they both jumped at the stunned man.

Screams could be heard though out the house as Kurama ran out of Naruto's room as he had placed a silence seal on the boy's door blocking all sound from waking him from his slumber.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Demanded Kurama as he saw the hellhounds feasting on their kills and Sakumo was biting out the throat of the woman as he though her body to the hellhounds.

"Danzo." Growled out werewolf from of Sakumo as the others came running down the hallway as well. They all stopped dead in their tracks as they heard the name of the man, they knew they would have to kill to protect the boy from the evils that would ever come from that man.

Kurama growled out as he heard the name. "That bastard. I knew he was planning something from the last council meeting." His yoke was bleeding out of him as a crimson aura slowly surround him as he was ready to transform into his 9-tails from.

"Calm yourself Kurama. Your going to hurt Naruto with your rage." Said Maze in a sickly calm voice. This stopped the chakra beast to pause and look over to the bedroom door he had came out of. With a deep breath his aura faded and slowly nodded his head to the demon woman.

Sakumo grinned with blood dripping from his fangs as he looked at Maze. "It appears it is time to take out the old bastard." He said in a dark growly voice as he kept his werewolf from.

Trixie walked up to them and held a small grin on her lips. "Time for operation mummy disposal?" She questioned them both.

Both Maze and Sakumo shared a knowing look. They both looked at Trixie and nodded their heads as the Angel's just stood there looking at the trio as they wondered what they were up to.

"What is happening?" Question Amenadiel as he held a confused expression on his face matching the other two.

Trixie turned to the Angel's and smiled at them. "Lucifer had given us a mission to kill Danzo if he had ever tried taking or hurting Naruto." She told them as she told her adult from and turned to the other two.

Amenadiel looked on with shock as Azrael felt sick at the idea. Even though she was death and had seen many dead bodies. But this just upset her. She didn't know why. But it did. Uriel just shrugged his shouldered at this. He could careless about this man Danzo. He had sowed his own fate with this planned kidnapping. I guess being an Archangel he could careless if human's dead or lived. All he cared about was his mission and that was all that mattered to him. He does love his nephew but the old man. He didn't care whatsoever.

"Do what you must." Said Uriel as he turned and open the door of Naruto's room as he walked into the boys room and closed the door behind him. But before he closed it, he spoke. "I will stay with him tonight to make sure no others come for him while you three, maybe you four. While you take care of the trash." The door closed on his words and he walked over to the recliner in the corner of the boys room and sat down and watched his nephew sleep as he was lost in his own thoughts. 'This child is going to be every special. Being human and half angel. Something that hadn't been seen in a very long time and the last half breed had gone mad with power at a young age. But in these past five years he has done nothing to show he thirst for power or any of what the last one did. Maybe he is what this world needs and will bring forth peace that was spoken about from the ancient prophets.' He was pulled out of his muse as Amenadiel walked into the bedroom.

"I know what you are thinking about brother. I believe Naruto will be different…." Said Amenadiel as he trailed off as he looked over at the sleeping from of Naruto.

"I know. He is. I believe he might be the one that the ancient prophets that would council father." Said Uriel as he was there in the chamber along with Lucifer when the ancient prophets would speak in tongue about.

Amenadiel nodded his head to his brother's words. "I know. I was there for a few of them." He said as he placed his large hand on Naruto's black hair and gentle ran his fingers though the boy's locks.

Azrael looked at the door were her brothers had vanished behind and turned to the three before her. "I will stand watch out here while you are gone." She told them.

They nodded their heads as they turn to Kurama. "Are you coming with us?" Asked Sakumo.

Shaking his head, no Kurama spoke. "I am not able to go. The base is too far, and I would lose control over my power." He told them as he sat down in the hallway and looked up with a sad expression on his face.

The three nodded their heads as they vanished down the dark hallway to go have an old bastard meet his end. Maze vanished into her bedroom and changed into a tight black leather outfit and sealed away all her fun toys. As Trixie fallowed suit and vanished into her room and changed into black leather pants and black tank top with a studded belt with leather gloves with 1-inch spike on her knuckles. She as well quickly sealed away her weapons as well.

Sakumo stood leaning next to the front door. He already had all his weapons and he was going to have fun with Danzo before he killed the mummy of a man. He stood straight as he saw his two friends and demons. "About time you two got dressed." He told them both with a smirk on his face.

Maze smirked at him. Using her left hand, she cupped his face and gently slapped it. "Oh, Sakumo you know I have to look good for you." She told him as she walked past him as she swayed her hips as she walked pass.

He just smirked as he bowed allowing Trixie to pass him as the girl giggled at him. "You two should just hook up and get it over with." She told him as she ran away from him laughing as he tried to catch the girl into a bear hug.

Danzo's Root Base

Danzo as he sat at his office desk as he looked over the missions he would be assigning to his agents. He glanced over at the clock on his wall. It was already 2am and his team had yet to return from bring him his prize. "They should have been back by now. Those fools watching over the boy shouldn't have given them that much trouble." He said to himself as he placed down a file labeled 'Uchiha'.

Just then he heard a knock at his office door. A smirk slowly crossed his lips as he was finally going to reap his reward.

Just then the door open and a body flew past his head and crash into the concrete wall with a sickling crushing sound as the body slowly sild down the wall. There in the doorway stood a wolf like beast standing on its hind legs. His single eye opens wide with shock. "Kyubi?!" He quietly questions to only himself.

The wolf beast stepped into the man's office and was fallowed behind by two women. One he knew as Maze Namikaze. But the second one he didn't know. But there was something in her eyes that he knew he saw before. But where he didn't know.

The beast spoke in a growled voice. "This bastard is mine. He will pay for what he did tonight and what he did to me so long ago." He told the two behind him.

Maze just nodded her head as Trixie stood back crossing her arms with a childish smile as she shifted back to her child form. This made Danzo's eye to widen. For now, he knew who this girl was and if he could get his hands on her. She would be very valuable to him and his plans to take over the village along with the other Hidden Villages he had his single eye on.

"So, the Kyubi has finally taken over the boy?" Asked Danzo as he glared standing up from his desk and his chair falling behind him.

A laugh escaped the beast mouth. "You damn fool. I am not the Kyubi. I was one you murdered. For you saw me too weak to defend this village. For I scraped my mission to save the lives of my comrades for death. For that you made it look like I commend suicide. Where my young son was the one to find my body." HE told the bastard before him.

There was only one man that he had done that too. That man was known as the White Fang Sakumo Hatake. But this beast couldn't be that man. For he was long dead.

The beast before him smirked as four hellhounds came walking him and stood side by side with their master with arms or other body parts in their mouths.

"Yes, Danzo. Its me Sakumo Hatake." Said Sakumo as he transformed into this original self and then back to his werewolf form.

"But how are you alive? I killed you myself." Said Danzo with fear lightly lacing his voice. A man who was proud of himself for not showing emotions like fear since he was a young man. Now that pride was gone. It was all over the floor as he pissed himself.

Sakumo smirk as he licked his huge fangs as he fell unto all fours as he slowly stalked his prey. Only to wrinkle its nose to the smell of the old man's foul piss. "Aww… Danzo your taking all the fun out of this. I thought you would put up more of a fight for me and not act like a feeble old man before me." He said in a deep and dark voice with a guttural laugh.

Danzo reached for his walking cane. Hidden within the shaft of the cane was a long sharp blade. He pulled the blade out and tried to swing it at the werewolf before him. But sadly, the blade shattered in Sakumo's mouth as it fell to the floor in many tiny pieces.

Before Danzo ever knew it. His head was in the mighty jaw of Sakumo as he bit down ripping the head from the stump of a neck as the body fell over still moving trying to crawl away. As that was the last action the old man was doing before, he was gone to become a pile of hellhound shit as Sakumo spit the head out of his mouth to his hounds.

Trixie choose this time to speak up. "I found several rooms with children locked up in groups of 6. I believe there are about 60 kids in total. It looks like he was trying to restock his ranks with them. Many told me they are orphans, and several have also told me that he kidnapped them from their clans." She told Maze and Sakumo as he turned back into the new form of the man he is now. He was cleaning his mouth with a towel he pulled out of nowhere.

"Well it looks like we have a small problem here then." Said Maze as she looked over at Sakumo. The tall man just nodded his head. For this little new little piece of information, they would have to inform the Hokage.

With a sigh Sakumo turned to the doorway. "Let's gather up the children and head to the Hokage tower and wake that old fools ass up." He said as he vanished into the hallway as his hellhounds where busy cleaning up the bodies of all the Root agents.

Trixie just smiled as she just skipped down the hallway after the man as Maze turned around and crouched down and looked at Danzo's head. She was going to be need this. So, he quickly pulled out a storage scroll and sealed the old bastard's head away and looked over at his desk and began sealing away all his files for she was going to be need this to have some type of upper hand.

After 45 minutes all 60 children and 3 adults well 2 and 1 child. They slowly made their way to the center of the village. Several small kids held their teddy bears or held the hands of the other child as some cried and sniffed. This caught the ears of several Anbu as Ino and Weasel appear before the group.

Sakumo stopped while he was holding a little girl with pale eyes in his arms. This little girl was the heiress of the Hyuuga clan that had gone missing earlier this week and next to them was several other clan heirs that had gone missing as well over the month. Naruto was going to be the final clan heir that was going to be kidnapped and brainwash and then returned as they had been lost in the vast woods surrounding the village.

"Ino's eyes widen as he saw who the man was carrying. "Where have you found all those children." He demanded as Weasel pulled out a kunai ready to fight the man for his little brother who was sitting on the man's shoulders.

"I will explain once we get to the Hokage-sama's office. For I do not wish to repeat myself. If you need to get several medic's and the parents of the clan children here." Said Sakumo with authority in his voice. Both young men nodded their heads and vanished as the group condition their track to the old tower.

There standing outside of the tower where about 20 Anbu medics. Their eyes widen in fear as they saw the shape of how the children where in.

"Let's get them out of this cold air and into the office. There you can look them over in better lighting and take them to the hospital for those who need it." Said Maze as she was holding a young blonde hair girl in her arms.

"Hai ma'am." They said as one.

They enter the building as they began hearing running footsteps coming their way. Shaking it off they made it into the Hokage's office as the doors where thrown off the hinges as all the parents of the clan heads children.

Behind them was the Hokage looking at them with shock in his eyes. "What is happening here and what is this about missing children." He questions as he pushed past the parents as the medics looked over the children and tried to take the children away from their parents for just a few moments just to check on them.

Maze stepped out of the shadow and turn to the old man. "Hokage-sama we have to talk to you about something that happen tonight as we hope that we wouldn't be punished to much for our acts that happen when we were in an angered state of mind." She told him as everyone turned to look at her with a puzzled expression on their faces.

"What are you talking about Maze-chan?" Sarutobi asked in a grandfatherly voice.

Take took out a scroll and walked over to the old man's desk as he sat down and open the scroll and channeled chakra into it and the head of Danzo popped out before him. His eyes widen as well as those who saw this. The children couldn't see what was happening for everyone was blocking them from the gruesome sight that was on the desk. Maze quickly resealed the head before one of the kids could see it.

"We killed Danzo tonight. For he sent his little Root Anbu after Naruto as he slept." Said Maze as she turns to Sakumo.

"I heard sounds coming from the hallway down from my bedroom and thought that Naruto woke up and so I went to check on him. To only find three Root Anbu standing outside of his room. They were there to take him to their 'Master'. So, I played the fool of a drunker and made quick work of them with the help of my summons." Said Sakumo as he smirked slightly.

All eyes turned to the man with shock and fear.

Shikaku Nara studied the man before him. "What summons do you have?" He asked.

"Hellhounds." Said Sakumo as he grinned at them as two hellhounds appeared next to him with flames licking their paws and tails. "These are my summons." He told them as everyone took a step back away from the beast before them.

Trixie walked up to the hellhounds and hugged one of them as it licked her cheek. "They are only deadly if you provoke them or their master." She told them as many just looked at her with aww.

"Also, Hokage-sama I have all the files behind all the kidnapping and planned assassination list of several clan's and/or clan heads for several clan elders are not happy with their clan heads." Said Maze as she smirked at the Hyuuga head and Uchiha heads.

The room exploded into an uproar from all the Clan Heads demanding all this information so they know who they will be killing for this.

"Calm yourselves. I will be going over all these files and I will be handing them off the respected Clan heads." Said Sarutobi. This calmed them down.

"Hokage-sama. What will happen to the other children?" Asked Trixie as she looked at the kidnapped and orphan children that they had no clue who their parents are.

He looked at all the children and sighed. "We will do blood work and see if we can find any family they may have, and I have a felling some of these children are going to lead to answers of several unsolved murders in and around the village and several other villages." He told them. "But for tonight we will find them all beds and go forward in the morning."

"Hokage-sama. I and several others will start the blood work on the children and take them to the old hospital and have them stay there for the night and have several others watch over the children." Said Hawk as he was holding a little girl with bubble gum pink hair.

He nodded his head as several other Anbu appeared in the office and the children slowly begin vanishing form his office. Only leaving the Clan heads and children and the Namikaze trio.

"I guess it is pointless in going home." Said Sarutobi as he sighed and looked at the files before him.

"If you would like Hokage-sama. I can help you with all these files we took from Danzo tonight." Said Trixie with a gentle smile.

Shikaku sighed. "Troublesome. I will help as well. The quicker we can get this taken care of. The sooner we find out who has sold us out to that old bastard. He walked forth and took a sizeable stack of files and sat at a desk off in the corner as Trixie took one as well and settle down on the floor next to the old man's desk.

It was already 4:30am and Maze and Sakumo went home as some of the wives got to work and make tea/coffee and food for trio working hard for them and as a thank you for the return of their children.

End of Flashback

Naruto sighed as he saws Mizuki peeking into the room and looking over at Sasuke and then over to Naruto. 'Something doesn't feel right about the way he is looking at us.' Thought Naruto as Kurama open his eye looking at what his vessel was looking at.

'Keep an eye on him for he stinks of snakes.' Said Kurama as he looked up at the classroom window Naruto was sitting at.

"Alright people. Today is the big day." Said Iruka as he walks into the classroom as he looked at the fighting fan girls. His head took on a larger from as he yelled. "SHUT THE HELL UP AND TAKE YOUR SITS YOUR LITTLE BRATS!" He yelled frighten the girls as they ran to their seats.

Iruka walked around the room handing out the test as Mizuki sat at their desk and was looking over a clipboard. 'I'll get Sasuke and Naruto and take them to Master Orochimaru.' He thought to himself with a mental smirk to himself.

After an hour all the students handed in their test papers and sat back chatting as Iruka took his time grading all the papers. He smiled as the clan heirs had does so well. Even the lazy Nara heir did a lot better than expected. It appears that Naruto and Sasuke might be tying for Rookie of the Year.

"Alright kitties let head outside and get the taijutsu part of the exam over with." Said Iruka as he led them out the training field behind the academy.

Inside the Hokage's office all the Jonin sensei's stood around the Hokage's crystal ball watching all the kids and seeing who worked best together and who to keep away from each other.

Back to the training field where Kurama was woken up by Naruto dropping down next to him. "Hey Rama."

Kurama open his eye and looks over at Naruto and his friends who all sat around him. "Hey kids." He said with a large yawn.

Iruka looked over at Naruto's lazy uncle who was always 5 steps behind the young boy. "Hello Kurama-san. Are you here to watch how well young Naruto will do today?" He asked the redheaded man.

Kurama looked over at the teacher with lazy eyes. "Nah. I just fell asleep after dropping the brats all off." He told Iruka who just sweat dropped at the man before him.

"Alright brats listen up. You will be facing off against Mizuki. You must last 5 minutes in the ring with him or knock him out of it. If you are knocked out of the ring you will only get half of 30 points and if you knock him out or KO, you will get 20 bonus points." Said Iruka as he looked at all his students.

Naruto smirk along with Sasuke who was sitting in the tree away from his rabid fangirls. Maze and Trixie had long ago scared Naruto's fangirls from fallowing him home and trying to kidnap him. But that was a memory for another time. Naruto snapped out of his thoughts as he looked Mizuki over. 'Yeah I really don't want him touching me in our spar.' He told Kurama as he looked over at his Uncle.

'I'll see what I can do when it comes to your turn.' Said Kurama with a glare and oddly evil smirk mixed together. Naruto just nodded his head and relaxed back against the tree.

Ino, Shikamaru and Hinata just shared a look. They had always found it week how those two could talk without saying a word or really look at each other. The three girls just sighed at their antics and shook their heads and turned back to the spars going on before them.

Many of the civilian girls went flying out of the ring within 30 seconds of entering the ring. At least he as doing his job and showing them that they need to get stronger to make it out in the field or just would be stains in the background to those who will making it in the real world.

So far for all the clan children had gotten their full points. For they stood their own against the chunin. After that night they had been return home. Their parents had gone overboard in training them and pushing them to over their limits and made sure by time they left the academy they all would be low chunin or high genin just depend on what skills the kids needed to learn from their clans.

This had also frightened Jiraiya who had the boy sign the Toad contract the second he returns to the village from his mission. Along with the Toad contract Naruto also got his mother's contract with Artic wolf pack and Dire wolf pack. Holding these three contracts helped the boy enter sage mode by the time he was 12 years old for each summons. He spent more time with the wolf summons for they helped in training in tracking and hunting. While he spent time with the Toads to hear stories about his father and learn several sealing and several other things. But on his 15th birthday Naruto had gotten into a drinking contest with all three-boss summons and to the displeasure of Kurama. Naruto had won but Kurama made him pay for it for about three days. He learned the next day that hangovers were a bitch and wouldn't drink again until he was much older and Kurama has fun reminding him each time when the three-bosses wanting rematches.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." Called Iruka.

Naruto looked over at Kurama. As Kurama stood up from where he was laying down at. "I'll take Mizuki's place. He must be tried from dealing with all those brats." He said with a smirk.

Mizuki just nodded his head. The clan kids had given him a good work out and he didn't really want to go up against Naruto and Hinata had left him feeling sore for her attacks.

"Alright kit. No holding back." Said Kurama with a smirk.

Naruto nodded his head to the man. "Alright Rama." He said with his own foxy grin.

Both vanished before everyone as their fist met as they stood in the middle of the ring. Iruka and Mizuki watched with wide eyes. They had moved so quickly they couldn't even fallow their movement.

'This might be a little harder than I first thought. Sasuke will be putting up a good fight if I try taking him and Naruto. I don't even want to try to get that boy.' He thought to himself with fear in his eyes.

Five minutes later as the buzzer went off Naruto went flying out two seconds later hitting the tree behind him. Iruka ran over to the boy making sure he was okay. "Naruto!? Are you alright?" he asked.

Naruto jumped back up and ran at Kurama ready to keep fighting. But stopped when Kurama help up his hand stopping the boy in his tracks.

"That is enough and answer your Sensei's question." Said Kurama as he smirked seeing the boy was ticked off and wanting to keep going. But he nodded his head and turn to look at Iruka. "Yeah sensei I'm alright." He told the man before him.

Iruka just looked at the ebony hair boy with shock and fear in his eyes. "Are you sure you don't need to see the nurse or something?" He questions once more as he walked over to the boy.

"Yeah, sensei I'm alright. This was nothing. Sparing at home is a lot worst then what you saw here today. Kurama-sensei was going very easy on me." Said Naruto as he gave his teacher a foxy grin.

All Iruka could do was nod his head along with Mizuki as his plans have totally been derailed from what he just witnesses at this moment.

Kurama turned to Iruka with his own foxy grins. "If you like I can finish the sparing part of the exam with the Uchiha boy and Yamanaka girl." He offered the stunned man.

"Are you sure about that Kurama-sama?" Asked Iruka as he had the look of fear in his eyes.

"Yeah, it will be fine. I have already sparred with them in the past. So, they know what to expect from me." Explained Kurama as Sasuke walked into the sparing ring.

"Kurama-sensei just remember I'm not like you and the dope. So, don't try to kill me." Said Sasuke as he looked annoyed over at his friend and back at the crazed redhead before him.

Kurama gave him a dismissive wave as he got ready to push the boy and see where his standing was. For it has been 6 months since he could get the boy to spar with him. For last time he almost broke the boy in half last time with just a gentle ax kick. Gentle to Kurama was the term like a bull in a china shop.

"Alright you two. Go." Said Iruka with fear in his voice.

Both fighters studied each other as Sasuke made the first move. Sasuke tried a spinning ax kick. As he launched himself up in the air. He was trying to use the sun to blind Kurama. But this boy was sadly wrong as Kurama grabbed his leg and spun him to the tree that was in the ring. Sasuke's boy slammed hard as spit and blood came out of his mouth as he slowly pushed himself up off the ground as he wiped his mouth with his right arm and spit out whatever blood that was lingering in his mouth and glared at Kurama.

"Bastard. Your having fun toying with me." Growled out Sasuke as he glared at the tall man.

Kurama just chuckled at this. "Who's to say I was or not." He told the boy.

Sasuke's Fanclub screamed and yelled at the man. "YOU CHEATER! YOUR TRYING TO HURT OUT SASUKE-KUN!" They kept screaming until they began fighting with each other over who the boy belongs to.

Sasuke looked at the girls with fear as he looked over at Kurama with a look. 'Please just kill me now.' He had in his eyes. Iruka saw this and shook his head at the boy. Sasuke also saw this but just sign. Slowly nodding his head. Yeah, he couldn't take the easy way out. He really needs a girlfriend or something. Maybe then they would leave him alone. But hell, who was he kidding? That would never happen.

The fight went on and Sasuke lasted the full five minutes. But he was limping out of the ring. For Kurama wasn't going to allow the boy to get away unhurt.

Ino smiled at Kurama. He knew that smile and he would have to move quick before she tried entering his mind again. She has tried several times. But luckily, he always got away from her. "Don't you even think about little girl." He growled out at her as his eyes flash giving her a warning.

Ino swallow hard and nodded her head. Iruka looked at them both puzzled and voiced himself. "What is going on here?"

"I was planning to take over his mind. But I haven't been able yet. But he has warned me if I try and I do get in he will lead me to the pits of hell and scare me to death." Said Ino as she looked away.

Iruka just nodded his head. "Okay you two. Go." He told them.

Ino went in with a reverse spin kick to Kurama's head. But he caught her leg and pushed her away as she went spinning to the other side of the field.

Ino smirked as she ran at him with a raised fist. Which Kurama caught with his left hand as he held her right hand. "You are getting better little girl. But you still have a lot more to work on. I think you will need to come and spar with Trixie after you are placed on your team." He told her.

"Yeah, I saw Trixie this morning and she told me the same thing. She even said bring Shika with me as well for she kept saying that the future wife of Naruto needs to be able to fight like a demon to protect herself and their future children." Said Ino with a wink and a smirk at her two friends who were both blushing up a storm and looking away from each other as their group of friend's laughing at the two young love birds.

Kurama just smirked at this. "That is true. She goes need to get stronger." He said as he winked at Shika.

Naruto grumbled to himself. "Ero-kitsune." Looking away as he blushed even brighter.

The fight finished with Ino flying out as the buzzer went off. She was caught by Naruto as he glared at Kurama. "Man, you know you need to go easier on the girls. Or I'm telling Maze on you again." Kurama just rolled his eyes as he walked over to the tree and sat down.

Iruka cleared his throat and looked everyone over and smiled. "Well done everyone. Let's go inside to finish the last part with the ninjutsu's." He ordered them in.

Everyone went back inside as Kurama return to his nap and ignored his jailer yelling at him mentally. 'Jerk why did you have to put us in the spotlight. You do know my Fanclub is going to go after her now. I don't want one of my friends hurt because of those crazy girls and several guys.' Naruto was always scared after he found out guys even wanted him. That wasn't his cup of tea. Maybe he could send them to Sasuke. For no one knows if he likes girls or boys.

After they all entered the classroom and took their seats Iruka went down the list and Naruto just closed his eyes for a nap as he knew he was going to be next to last for this part and didn't care to listen. But he awoke from time to time as he heard one of his or Sasuke's Fanclub members coming out crying for they didn't pass or when one would scream and yell about the power of love that they are meant for one of the two boys.

Both boys knew they just wanted to keep the hell away from those crazed girls/boys scared them. True stalkers and the little pieces of paper they had severed on many of them have proved to do little to nothing to save them. Maybe now with them becoming shinobi there was more laws on stalkers to help keep them safe. They could only hope.

It was finally Naruto's turn as he walked into the classroom as he could feel someone pumping charka his way. Kurama open a lazy eye and smirked as he was going to fuck with this white hair man. Kurama pumped his charka back into Mizuki locking him in a hell fire inferno genjutsu making the man screaming from his seat next to Iruka. Iruka looked at Mizuki puzzled as to what the hell was going on.

Mizuki fell to the ground foaming at the mouth for Kurama had locked him into the genjutsu. Iruka looked on with fear.

"I think the sun must have gotten to him or something." Said Naruto as he created two shadow clones to take the man to the nurses office.

Kurama smirked making sure none of this would never come back on Naruto. Only that Mizuki had a mental snap and all the stuff he had planned was pushed forward for when a Yamanaka would mind walk him to find why he snapped. He made it look like something like a timed trigger from Orochimaru.

"That is what the bastard gets." Said Kurama as he opens his eye from his shady tree.

Iruka was shocked that Naruto could make the solid clones. "When did you learn the shadow clone Naruto?" He questions.

"Auntie Maze taught me after she checked my chakra levels and at the time, I was already at High Jonin. But now I'm at Kage or Sannin levels now. So, I will never be able to form the normal clone we learn here." Explain Naruto.

"Oh. Well okay you pass on that one. Now the other two." Said Iruka.

Naruto replayed himself with Kurama who was annoyed that he lost the warm sun on his face and cool breeze in his hair. Then Naruto appeared next to him and made himself look like his father.

"Well done. You pass." Said Iruka as he handed Naruto his forehead protector. Naruto smirked as he showed it to Kurama. Who padded the boy on his head as Naruto went back to the classroom and tried it to his left bicep and sat down next to Shika as Kurama just smirked even more.

After everyone had finished with their exam. Iruka walked back into the room and looked at everyone. "For all of you who passed I will see you here tomorrow morning for team assignment." He told them as everyone got up and left. All the Clan heirs ran up to their families showing them they had passed, and the civilian parents just glared at Naruto for many different things. Some for he wouldn't give their daughters the time of day and others who found out what was inside of Naruto. But mostly for the ladder for the boy was going to hold a lot of power once he came to age and as he was Royalty because of his mother being the Princess of the Land of Wave and his father being Hokage. He was the Prince of the village.

Hokage office

Both Trixie and Maze smirked as they saw their boy had passed and with flying colors. "Looks like our boy got Rookie of the year for that little move." Said Maze to Trixie who just nodded her head and giggled.

"What do you all think of your future student's" Said Sarutobi as he took of poof of his pipe.

Maze smirked. "If I get the team I want. Then they did very well." She told the old man before her.

"Yeah I just want to be the co-captain with Maze for I know she is like Anko who needs to have fun in T&I or on missions." Said Trixie as she giggled.

Anko who was behind the girl just grinned. "What can I saw. Its always more fun with Maze." She said with a wink to Maze.

Maze just grinned and all the men drooled at the two woman and stepped away in fear as well. For they never knew if the two were dating or just having fun with them and then attack them when they don't even know what was going on around them. Dropping your guard with those two was very deadly.

Kakashi glares at Maze. "I want Naruto and Sasuke." He growled out at the man.

She blew him a kiss. "Not on your life buddy. They will be mine." She told him with an evil glint in her eyes.

Kakashi looked over at the Hokage hoping for some type of help form their leader. "I'm sorry Kakashi but you will not be getting Naruto. For it was a deal I worked out with Maze and Kurama. They both wanted family with the boy, and they believe you would favor Sasuke more for the promise you made his late brother." Said Sarutobi as he sighed.

"But Hokage-sama! I wouldn't do that. Naruto was my sensei's son and it should be me training him." Kakashi whine.

"Hell no! said Maze as she glared at him. "He is my nephew and you would be too damn lazy to train him right. Your always late and never take anything serious when it comes to training and other things and that is something, we are unable to allow to happen." She told him as Kakashi was in the corner sulking in the corning drawing small circles on the floor as everyone looked on with shock. No one has ever talked to him in that way. Until today.

After that tongue lashing that was given to Kakashi. All the future sensei's left the office looking over the files of their student's and hopeful future Genin of their village.


Lucifer sighed as he saw his son passed and what happen with Mizuki. "That bastard really tried, didn't he?" He asked his wife as Kushina as having fun stabbing Danzo repeatedly.

Danzo screamed in pain as he glazed at the King of Hell. "You bastard. I-I knew there was something wrong with you." Said Danzo between screams as he is panting. "You, you damn woman. I always knew you were a demon." He told Kushina.

But Kushina smirked at him as white Angelic wings came from her back. "To be truthful I am an Angel. But I wanted to stay with the man I love and married those years ago." She told Danzo as his single eye widen with horror at the sight before him.

"Are you going to tell me now what happens you had with Orochimaru and Madara?" Question Lucifer as he looked away from his son and his friends.

"What do you care what happens to that God forsaken village. You're here in Hell." Said Danzo as he glared.

Lucifer smirked at the old cyclops. "I matters to me for my son is in that Village and I do hold a little love for it." He said as Kushina smirked as she stabbed the man once more.

"Orochimaru wants to bath the village in hell fire so it can be remade in my image of what a shinobi should truly be." Said Danzo as he smirked to himself.

Lucifer just laughs. "Do you honestly believe he would allow you to rule over a village he burns to the ground, probably killing all that live in the village and those that you had hidden in your Root bases wouldn't had been enough to rebuild the ruins of that village." He told the old fool.

Danzo looked at him with shock. 'Would Orochimaru double cross him?'

Kushina looked at him with a knowing look. "You know he would have. How foolish were you? Were you so drunk in your self-claim power?" He questions him.

Danzo never said a word just glaring at the two before him.

"You damn old fool. I came believe you bought in on that damn Snake's lies." Said Lucifer as he slammed his fist on his desk. This made Danzo jump a little for he wasn't this reaction from the man before him. Kushina walked over to her love and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It will all be fine. Just send the Hellhounds to Sakumo with a message about the attack during the Chunin Exams and how the Suna are foolishly taking part with Oto." Said Kushina as she looked at Danzo as he turned away from them. He knew he failed. His lust for the Hat had led him to the downfall of his home the place he said he would protect from anything and anyone. For he had done down a very dark path that day Sarutobi who was chosen to be Hokage by their sensei.

"You damn old fool you have no idea what you have done to that Village you have claim to love oh so much. You have doomed them. I only hope this message gets to them soon and the old man listens to Sakumo." Said Lucifer as he was growing tried of all this bullshit.

"I do not know nothing about Madara. The one you would need to speak with would be Orochimaru for he was part of that little fan club that is hunting for all the tail beast." Said Danzo. For he knew he had already given them everything he knew and was no use to them anymore. So, he believed.

"Tell me the plan of entry that damn snake and his men would be taking to get in." Said Lucifer. He wanted to know everything he could get. Anything to keep his son safe anyway he can from Hell.

Danzo looked at him with shock. "How do you know I even know anything about his plan of attack?" He asked.

Lucifer looked at him as if he was a moron. "Come on Danzo. Do you take me for a fool? I know you know how he was going to get in and his plan of attack."

Danzo sighed and began telling Lucifer everything as a demon wrote it all down. After Danzo was finish another demon came and took him away as Lucifer ordered for that information to be sent to Sakumo and as soon as possible.


Sakumo sat in the backyard in one of the many gardens. He was quietly meditating mixing his chakra with his demonic energy. This would make his attack much deadlier and he shifts to only take less then a second to happen.

But he was pulled from his meditation as his Hell hound Ruby came running to him. She held a scroll in her mouth, and he saw Lucifer's seal on it. So, he knew something big was going to be happening for Ruby to be in a solid form from her shadow form.

"What does he send me girl?" Sakumo asked her.

Ruby dropped the scroll before her masters. "Master has information on that snake. He will be attack in about 6 or 7 months from now. In that Chunin exam thing they hold here every so often." She informed him.

Sakumo nodded his head as he stood up and open the scroll. He wanted to make sure there wasn't anything in there just for him before he would go to the Hokage and Jonin Commander and Dragon on this information. He saw nothing for him and how one of his spies caught one of Danzo's men and he sang like a bird. For the curse seal on his tongue was now gone.

Quickly getting to his feet Sakumo walked back to the main house and grabbed his Jonin vest and put it on and out the door where he saw Maze and Trixie coming his way. They both saw the scroll in his head. They both knew Lucifer had sent a message and for Sakumo to be leaving the compound it met it was something dealing with the village. They both figured that Danzo must have finally sang and told them everything about the snake and Madara.

"There isn't anything about Madara. The old mummy knew nothing about him." Said Sakumo as he shook his head and walked past the two. He made a beeline to the Tower where he saw Naruto and Sasuke both running away from their fan clubs. But the girls/boys appeared to be foaming at the mouth as they chased them.

Naruto saw his Uncle and ran to the werewolf demon and hid behind the man as Sasuke fallow suit. "Please save us. They have gone mad for they didn't make it into the shinobi program." Cried Naruto as Kurama was sitting on a rooftop laughing his ass off at the scene before him.

Sakumo shook his head at what was happing before him. The rabid teens before him. "You best be heading home for you wouldn't like me when I'm mad." He said as his eyes flash amber. But they didn't care. They wanted their prizes and this man wouldn't be standing in their way. Several made the mistake of attacking Sakumo as he transformed into his werewolf form. He let out a blood chilling howl. This stopped the rabid teens in their spots. Finally snapping out of whatever trance they had been in. before them was a huge demon beast. Many screamed and ran away as other wet and shat themselves as they passed out where they stood.

Anbu appeared and wrinkled their noses behind their masks. "Really? You had to scare them this bad?" Asked Neko as she looked at the werewolf shifting shinobi before her.

Sakumo shrugged his shoulders at the woman. "They were going after the boys again and I feared they might hurt them this time." He said as he took a step to the left to show Naruto and Sasuke all wide eye with fear.

Neko looked at the two boys and those that were passed out on the ground and back at the frighten boys and let out a sigh. "I'll let it side this one time." She told them as she the other took their respected teenager and return them back to their homes. Giving the parents a warning about their children need to stop their stalking of two of Leaf's newest Genin.

Naruto looked up at his Uncle finally being snapped out of his fear. "Thank you for saving us again." He said sheepishly.

Sasuke just nodded his head in agreement.

"You two need to learn to frighten them away or something. Maybe get some girlfriends or something." Said Sakumo as he looked at the two teens.

Sasuke smirked at the man before him. "Naruto already has a girlfriend." He said with a laugh.

"Shut up teme." Said Naruto with a stutter.

Sakumo raise an eyebrow to this and on que Kurama appeared before the man. "His little girlfriend is Shikamaru Nara." He said with a huge shit eating grin on his face.

Naruto glared at him with murder in his eyes. "Bastard." He mumbled to himself as this made Kurama laugh harder along with Sakumo.

"She is very smart. I don't know what she sees in this little shit." Said Sakumo as he laughs harder as Naruto's eyes widen in shock and then turn to anger at the man before him.

"You know you two are jackasses." Said Naruto as he turned and walked away. Or more like stomped away from the two laughing men. Sasuke just smirks and rans after his friend.

"So, Ruby brought you something important?" Asked Kurama as he eyed the scroll in the man's hand.

"Yeah. But it is mostly on that damn Snake. Nothing on the other bastard." Said Sakumo as Kurama nodded his head to this.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to your mission and go watch over the boys." Said Kurama as he goes up in flames.

Sakumo just smirks and finally makes his way to the Tower. Where he saw Shikaku walking into the building. He ran up to the man. "A man that I was hoping to find." He said to Shikaku.

Said Nara looked over at the man next to him. Lazily raising an eyebrow at him. "Why would you want to be looking for me?" He questions as he stopped the scroll in the mans hand and let out a long and lazy sigh. "You got word on something that will impact the village and has put Jiraiya's own spy network to shame." He said as they both made their way up the stairs to the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi sighed as he glared at his paperwork. Part of him wanted to set it on fire. But soon his replacement would be ready and then he would be done with this all. He was pulled his muse as there was a knock at his door. "Come in." He called to who ever was on the other side.

In walked both Sakumo and Shikaku. He raises any eyebrow to this. "What brings you two here?" He asked them.

"I just got word from my summons Ruby from my spy network and I believe Dragon should be here for this." Said Sakumo as Dragon appeared right next to them.

"What do you have for us?" Asked Dragon.