
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

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59 Chs

The Perfect Act I

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Chapter 4: The Perfect Act I


"I was not a hypocrite, with one real face and several false ones. I had several faces because I was young and didn't know who I was or wanted to be." ~ Milan Kundera

Isaac is young... Only in body. In mind, he is a full-grown man, yet even men struggle with finding who they want to be. That's not Isaac though... He is a hypocrite.

"If you observe my movement closely, you'll notice the stages of my throwing technique which may not necessarily be the best for you," Said Isaac as he held a shuriken in his hand, showcasing his technique.

"As you see, I hold it firmly between my thumb and my index finger, and throw it forward while also using my wrist to add some force to it. My fingers are the guidance by which I give it some rotation."

Hearing his words, Rin and Obito both seriously nodded as they tried to mimic his movement, first slowly then they performed it, sending their shuriken towards their targets.

Indeed, Isaac was guiding them in the school's training ground as today was one of those rare practical lessons.

The teachers usually guide students one by one after performing a few demonstrations although they leave the talented ones alone, those being Isaac and Kakashi.

The two were left to do their own thing, which in Kakashi's case was training on his own in contrast to Isaac who usually didn't mind helping his classmates.

"I did it!" Obito cheerfully jumped as his shuriken accurately landed on the target multiple times in a row.

"Not bad," Isaac nodded with a smile, "However, you are pursuing accuracy too much, sacrificing power in the process. An accurate shuriken without much force is just as useless as a powerful shuriken that misses. What you need is to pursue a perfect balance."

"Like him?" Rin pointed out to Might Guy as she giggled.

"Umm, no," Isaac's mouth twitched as he watched Guy through numerous shurikens, the majority of which missed, yet the ones that hit nearly destroyed the target dummy in its entirety.

"Isaac! I want to challenge you!" Kakashi who has been secretly watching from the side while training, finally couldn't help himself and said aloud. He has been waiting for Isaac to demonstrate his improvement but he never did, simply demonstrating some simple techniques.

"Again?" Isaac's mouth twitched yet again. It certainly wasn't the first time Kakashi challenged him.

It's been a month since he came back to school, reclaiming his position as the best in class when it comes to hypothetical tests, so Kakashi naturally wanted to prove himself better when it comes to the practical tests.

At first, Kakashi almost succeeded, coming to a draw with Isaac. The problem was the following challenges as Isaac slowly but surely left him behind.

Kakashi wasn't gonna take a no for an answer as he started his demonstration, four shurikens appearing in his hands, two of which were thrown by him towards the same target dummy before he sidestepped and threw the two remaining shurikens with much greater force.

The collusion of the four shurikens created a beautiful performance as they all changed directions, each hitting a specific target dummy.

"OHHH! So cool!" The first and loudest reaction was none other than Guy, followed by the clapping of the rest of the students, pretty much used to Isaac and Kakashi's rivalry.

"Amazing," Isaac nodded appreciatively as he eyed the somewhat tense yet proud Kakashi. He would've been smug if this was the first challenge but he knew better as he awaited Isaac's move.

"You realized it too, the weakness of such tools in practical situations," Isaac's voice was loud, attracting everyone's attention as he took the role of the teacher, leaving the latter speechless.

'Weakness?' Kakashi was confused as he just thought of the most difficult and coolest move he could make.

"In a life and death situation, a ninja won't simply stand there, waiting to die. They'll either evade, block, or hide behind cover, thus we have to think of a countermeasure left it's too late," Isaac stated.

He then took out a shuriken, rotating it in his hand before grasping it by the tip, "Although Kakashi's method is amazing, it's too difficult for most ninjas and too inefficient I've thought of an easier and more efficient way."

Isaac crouched ever so slightly, using the force of his wrist to give the shuriken force then his fingers to give it much greater rotation force than before, sending it to the sky.

The shuriken did move towards the sky at first, only to curve, changing its direction widely to fall right on the head of the target dummy.

And then there was silence, a long silence before his classmates erupted into a cheer, "So cool!!!" "Amazing!! Teach me please!" "Teach me too please!" "That was awesome!!"

Isaac did teach them that day, not minding helping his classmates improve. It's after all part of the character, the same as he's been doing for the past month.

Soon class ended and Isaac headed home along with Obito. Well, it was more so a race as the two ran through alleyways, then jumping from building to building and nimbly avoiding obstacles.

That was another form of training Isaac set for Obito. However, could it truly be called a race when all Obito could see was Isaac's shadow as he seemingly vanished from his sight?

Isaac finally reached the Uchiha compound, walking among his compatriots. They were laughing, chatting, children running, and playing around, just like any normal individual.

'The curse of hatred, huh?' Isaac mused, 'Is it real? Does it only affect those who awakened Sharingan and its advanced forms? That seems more likely, so why don't I feel any change in myself at all?'

Isaac awakened Sharingan due to extreme emotions though not necessarily hatred, and he always self-reflects on himself, yet noticed no change in his demeanor or emotions.

'In the end, it all comes back to my ignorance. I'm still young and I need time to grow and amass knowledge,' However, 'Times wait for no one in this godforsaken world.'

So Isaac quickly went back home, finding another Isaac, sitting quietly to the side and reading a book, "Ohh? It's done?" Isaac's eyes brightened.

The clone nodded and Isaac joined him, picking up another book to read, letting out a sigh in the process, 'Aghh, dealing with people is exhausting. I really envy the ones downstairs.'

The Isaac who just came back from school. Well, he was also a clone. Isaac never left. In fact, since Isaac learned shadow clone jutsu, he tried no leave the proximity of the Uchiha compound.

There is, after all, great danger in Konoha, especially for those of the Uchiha, none other than Danzo.

In fact, Isaac doesn't even trust the Uchiha, thus why he prioritized learning Earth techniques, specifically, a ninjutsu called Hiding in surface technique which allows one to phase through their surroundings.

That combined with another Earth technique used to manipulate the ground allowed Isaac to create his second home, a more private home more than a hundred meters beneath his house.

The said home was a simple large room in which dozens of clones converged, all sitting before Isaac in deep thought.

"I don't see any solution to the problem that we can come to anytime soon," One of the clones finally said.

"I remember a few ways to change chakra natures, but they're all out of our reach right now," Another clone nodded.

"The chakra natures most suitable for us would've been Lightning and Earth instead of Fire and Lightning. It's unfortunate."

"However, we have to find a way to change that. Do you not find it ridiculous that it took thirty of us a month to learn a few Earth techniques? Aren't we garbage just like the rest of them?"

"We certainly aren't garbage," A different clone shook his head, "We're worse than garbage."

"I don't see that," A different clone disagreed, "What we've achieved already set us far higher than the rest. You aren't expecting us to have the talent of a God, right?"

"Yes." "Yes." "Yeah." "Exactly."

Isaac's mouth twitched strangely as he eyed his clones bicker among themselves, finally letting free. Neither he nor his clones were able to truly speak their mind before now.

'How should I say it?' Isaac mused, 'It's quite the strange experience to see yourself argue with yourself from an outside perspective.'

However, something Isaac noticed is that some personality traits of his appear more pronounced in the clones. They can be a lot more egoistic, cautious, and especially a lot more of perfectionists.

Most importantly, their intelligence is lower than his, although not by much, so he finally spoke, "There may not be a solution yet, but there is a workaround... Shadow Clone Jutsu, a more perfected one."



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