
Naruto RPG To be a legend

Dez_Burns · Khác
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15 Chs

Using stocked up boosters

See all the ninjutsu he can pick, he decided to go with a couple of the lightning ones a few water jutsu and maybe two or three Earth's one's

[Hidden mist technique, Water puddle technique, water puddle transportation, water pellet, water breathing technique, Lightning ball, Lightning magnet, static force, Electric skin, Lightning Instantaneous, mud weights, Tremor sensing technique, Stone Shuriken]


[Ryo cost:200,350]

[Ryo remaining:599,703]

The necessary information went directly to his head about every technique, and how to use it although the process was extremely painful since this time was a lot more information because of how many techniques he purchased at the same time.

Took him a little to a hour to comprehend the knowledge, and to shake off the pain once that was done, and he calm down started to take out his stat boosters that he's been purchasing and saving up throughout the months from his inventory.

He had a total of 8 of strength/stamina booster, speed/dexterity, knowledge, awareness, and 6 chakra juice, boosters.

He also had eight blood transfusions boosters that would increase all the stats by five which he was only able to purchase because he had the ability test subject that allowed him to purchase them which will cause a mutation in his body to increase his stats.

Deciding now is a good time to take all of his boosters to increase his strength even more because he's never gonna know when he's going to run into a bad mission where the client lies about the details of their mission. Just like what happened to Naruto's first C rank mission with The bridge builder.

Taking all the boosters as well as the chakra juices, as well as hooking up, the blood transfusions to his body into his bloodstream, began a very painful process of his stats increasing. Normally he would be fine if he took them one at a time throughout the week, but instead like an idiot, he took them all at once, but from his point of view, he needed strength badly.

dezumas body started to wiggle and twitch rapidly beyond his control as blood spews from his eyes and mouth. As this process began he felt more pain from this than from the knowledge he gained from purchasing his new ninjutsus.

He could do nothing but cry and whimper loudly as the process ran its course slowly, but surely more muscle increased his body as well as his density in them and his bones became stronger than normal, as well as his self-awareness increase beyond normal human parameters in his capacity for knowledge vastly increased as well.

In order to have more strength, he is more than willing to put himself through this torture again, and again ever meant his survival and independence.

No price too small for him not to be fully exploited in this world of mad crazy, murderers, hypocritical, old men and idiots with God complexes.

The moment he was coming to this world, the deck was stacked against him. No matter which village he chose to be in for each one had their own downsides, at least in the sound of village. He could accumulate his skills and strength for the time before being discovered by that time, hopefully he'll be seen as a good resource to maintain in use.

After all the sound village is very poor and low, one battle strength they would not throw away a strong ninja within the ranks so easily.

[din!!! din!!! din!!!!]

[Massive stack increase detected]

[Revealing new status update]

with the sound of his RPG System given him an update, made his suffering was not in vain, and the pain started to subside, indicating the process has stopped, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief as he slowly crawls to the bathroom to clean himself up.

As he's doing that his is system showing him his new update, in stats and a new window to him.

[name: Dezuma



[Village: sound

[abilities: test subject, curse mark[Stage one]

[Skills: projectile throwing skill: mid-Chuunin level, Seal creation: elite apprentice level, refined chakra control: jounin level, businessman: mid-apprentice level]

[Bloodline: Half-Uzumaki: progression57%

[Level:8, 3037/4038XP






[Ryo: 599,703

Truly, his suffering was not in vain as he is very happy with the results His stats have increased massively. His chakra reserves have increased as well, and now that the pain is almost gone and washing the blood off his clothes the best he can.

To test himself it's time for him to ask for tougher missions, although he's not sure how the older ninjas of the village will feel about him, taking them to them it will be the same as an upstart, trying to steal that job.

The village had very few sources of money,the money that did come through the country came from merchants, ninja missions and selling rice. His seal creation and selling job cannot be counted as such since it's such a small business in Black market.

Although he is not blind, how successful his seals have been sooner leader, people demand more of it within the village it's only a matter of time.

Dezuma just has to prepare himself for that time as best you can but for now he's stressed. He's extremely tired from taking all those boosters.

So, after cleaning himself off, he proceeds to go to bed and rest for the next coming days. Will be a trying time for him first time to fully test himself as a ninja on extremely hard missions if there are any of them available.