
Naruto RPG To be a legend

Dez_Burns · Others
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15 Chs

New jutsus

POV: dezuma

Kin returned from the mission. I gave her which gave me the much-needed supplies to continue making seals although I could purchase the materials I needed from the game market, but that had two downsides.

The first one is an obvious one, because if I continue doing this business, and if people do not see me receive resources or the much-needed materials to do those seals in any shape way or form they will be suspicious where I get the supplies.

The second one is that my game market only has a quantity of two of every item and I had to wait one month for to refill for all the items in the game market.

Which is why I buy the resources I needed from other people within the land of sound such as ink, paper, and other essentials for my business.

With her mission completed, I gave her her reward, which was a training vest with weight seals on it I even explained how to use it to her, which she eagerly accepted.

Hell, I even started my own mission board at my black market shop. I'm getting the supplies I needed when I needed it which made it easy for ninjas the complete missions to earn money and the sale of my new training vests.

Upon returning home, I started to think about my lack of jutsus so my only option is to go to the game market and buy some since I haven't done that since I purchased the Academy a level ones on my first mission.

[Game market: jutsus

[Lightning element:Lightning magnet: creates clouds within the nearby area that attracts and distorts metal can be used to create fact against large number of projectiles that are made of metal.

[static force: user create static lightning with their hands, in order to levitate objects to the user, or repel them.

[Lightning Instantaneous: The user disappears in wisp of electricity. The maximum range A user can reach is 1 mile from where they're standing, however, a user must stand perfectly steel to use the technique.

[Lightning ball: User can create spheres of lightning to throw at the enemy from all ranges this technique can also be fired multiple times to fire multiple lightning balls at once. Also, this technique will make contact with the enemy. You can throw them back.

[Electric skin technique: user can make electricity travel through the body to empower jutsus further.]

[Earth Element: earth trimmer sense technique: my place in the users hand on the ground they can sense tremors or vibrations from movement within a 1 mile radius from them selves.

[mud weights: through this technique to use can shoot mud from their mouths to attach onto enemies through the use of chakra, making the mud Weight 1/2 ton useful to slow down chuunin and jounin.

[Earth stone shuriken skill: users able to create shuriken with dirt from the ground and confusing it with chakra.

[quicksand skill: The user is able to create traps with the skill with the soles of the feet, but infusing chakra into the ground, softening the Earth, the crate quicksand.

[Earth, creation breast plate: user able to create, stonelike armor by infusing dirt out with chakra towards the mid and lower section of their chest.]

[Water element: waterpellet: fires a projectile of water from the users, mouth to inflict damage.

[Water puddle technique: user, able to shape the body into a puddle of water to set up ambushes, or to get rid of inexperienced trackers.

[water shield technique: user is able to make a shield of dentist water to block physical attacks.

[water puddle, transportation: Description: The normal water puddle technique must be learned before you can use this technique, since it requires Mizutamari to be used in conjunction with it. If a user uses the technique while standing on top of a lake or river or any other water source, he/she can materialize himself/herself back anywhere he/she wants within the area of the water source (maximum range, 1/2 a mile.) That way the user can surprise the enemy from behind or even from below.

[Hidden mist technique: A highly effective cover technique which blankets an area in a thick mist, confusing the senses of the enemy. Unless the user is trained to fight without the use of his vision, or has learned the technique to see through the mist, this doesn't not provide a significant combat advantage. The mist swirls about, confusing vision and distorting sound. Visibility is cut down to three feet. It is important to note that this mist is non-natural, and obstructs the view of even those using low level techniques to attempt to see through it.

[breathing underwater technique: The art of breathing underwater using chakra to remove oxygen from water has been a long handed down secret of the Mist. The length of time and the depth that the diver can go under depends on the ability of the user. This technique typically activates whenever the shinobi breathes in water and requires no handseals.]

I am glad that there's so many new jutsus to get but i have to choose what suits me best after all, I cannot have too many techniques, because I need time to train in them, and get used to them in order to use the affectively.

So the question is which one should I choose or should I just buy them all and work on them at a later date and focus on the ones I needs immediately.