
Naruto: Reincarnated as Sasuke and Dominate Elemental Nation

A guy died and given the option to chose his re-birth by god. He choose to become Sasuke in Naruto-verse. He got his memory of previous life at the night of Uchiha massacre. With his knowledge of naruto-world he embarks the journey of getting powerful and get revenge on everyone involve in his family's death. He become the most powerful person ever lived and unites the whole elemental nation, crushing everyone who stands in his way.

akhtar_007 · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs


Sasuke wanted two things from Tsunade, first was to declare Danzo as traitor to the village revealing his collaboration with Orochimaru. Telling the village about third Hokage's actions or more like inaction would bring lots of unrest in village since they all see him as hero and he died fighting Orochimaru, so he let the matter of third Hokage go. Second thing Sasuke wanted was to reveal Naruto as hero and son of fourth Hokage who saved the village by containing nine tails inside him. Tsunade agreed and said that she would announce it herself officially.

After the meeting was over Sasuke left Hokage Office with Jiraya. They were discussing few things, Jiraya was very interested in vanishing rasengan.

JIRAYA: "Come on kid, show me your vanishing rasengan."

SASUKE: "I will show you later, I am sure Naruto will bother me for long time to teach him this jutsu.

Anyway Jiraya sensei, I want to learn senjutsu and also teach me every chakra nature. I have good command on fire and lightning nature, I already mixed lightning nature with rasengan, I am working on fire nature rasengan. I want your help with wind, earth and water nature control. I will create five different type of rasengan."

Jiraya has notice that Sasuke usually call him 'old man' or 'pervert' or 'pervy Sage' like Naruto, but when he want something from him then he would call him 'Jiraya Sensei'.

JIRAYA: "I will teach you those three nature chakra control but senjutsu is not easy. Besides it was decided that you and Naruto will learn it together, wait till Naruto can control more of nine-tail chakra, then I will take both of you to Mount Myoboku."

SASUKE: "Come on old man, after I did such a huge favor for the village, you are still stalling me. Don't worry about Naruto, I will make him perfect jinchuriki."

JIRAYA: "What favor are you talking about? And how can you make Naruto a perfect jinchuriki?"

SASUKE: "I cure your beloved Tsunade of hemophobia. We can't have a Hokage with such huge weakness, so I did a favor to village."

JIRAYA: "When did you cure her?"

SASUKE: "In the Hokage office, just now. When I showed the Shisui's eye, I wasn't trying to show my power, I casted Kotoamatsukami on Tsunade, now she is cured of her hemophobia."

JIRAYA: "When did you cast Kotoamatsukami on Tsunade, we were all there we didn't notice anything."

SASUKE: "It isn't called ultimate genjutsu for nothing, it can be cast without anyone knowing except the caster of this jutsu. Tsunade will never know that she was under genjutsu. Kotoamatsukami can change even the personality of a person, I can even make Kage of other village, loyal to me with it and they would never notice that they are in genjutsu. This is one of the most overpowered jutsu in ninja world, its only drawback is that it can be casted only once in three years, other than that it has no weakness."

Sasuke programmed Shisui's eye before entering the Hokage office, the moment he bring out the crow, Kotoamatsukami was already casted.

JIRAYA: "That is indeed one of the most dangerous jutsu I ever heard of, it is like taking free will of a person. With it you can really make "Hashirama and Madara your bitch". Anyway, thank you for helping Tsunade."

SASUKE: "Well she is Hokage now, we can't have our Hokage compromised, can we?

If you want I can make her fall in love with you in three years. You are clearly in love with her, what do you say old man, want me to make your dream come true?"

JIRAYA: "No..no..no, that would be wrong, you can't do something like that. It is wrong on so many levels."

SASUKE: "I am just kidding, I won't do something like that. Although I will lose face because of a pathetic sensei like you but don't worry I am actually the protagonist, so I can't do immoral acts."

JIRAYA: "I am the legendary Sanin, famous toad sage, and you are calling me pathetic! You are lucky to be my student, not the other way around. How can you say that you lose face because of me?"

SASUKE: "Do you know how many girls have crush on me, when I was in academy, girls use to fight just to sit next to me. Ino and Sakura were best friends, they saw me one time and they become rivals trying to win my affection. You know the Uzumaki girl Karin, who was taken in by our village few months ago on my insistence, it was love at first sight for her when she saw me.

I make girls fall in love with me with just one look, and you, my sensei, you fall in love with a girl and she would rather be single for life and die alone than be with you. In front of me you clearly are pathetic."

JIRAYA: "I travelled a lot and have met many women, you don't know but the number of women who fall in love with me is huge. But it was me who rejected them."

SASUKE: "Whatever old man, I don't think a sexy woman like Tsunade will fall for a pervert like you in this life. But don't worry you won't be alone in your old age. Since I am the last Uchiha and I have to revive my clan. It is my duty to have a harem of beautiful sexy girls, and I will perform my duty very sincerely. I will make sacrifices for my clan and marry many women. When I have a lot of children, I will grant you the honor of babysitting them. You can also tell them stories of their father's greatness. This way you will be around a lot of grandchildren during old age. You lived a useless life till now but babysitting my children in future would at least give some meaning to your life."

At this point Jiraya wanted to strangle Sasuke. The way Sasuke said that he is going to have a harem of beautiful sexy girls, and made it sound like such a huge burden placed on his shoulder, he was using words like duty to have harem. Jiraya was shameless guy himself but he has to admit that Sasuke has surpassed him in shamelessness.

JIRAYA: "You really have a talent for pissing people off. Tell me, how are you going to make Naruto a perfect Jinchuriki?"

SASUKE: "By talking. Don't worry about that, I will make Naruto a perfect jinchuriki in a month, so how about we start senjutsu training in a month time?"

JIRAYA: "If you can make Naruto a perfect jinchuriki in a month time then I will personally take you two to Mount Myoboku and oversee your training."



Sasuke return to Uchiha compound and decided it was time to have a conversation with Yang-half of Kurama. For Naruto to become a perfect jinchuriki, both Naruto and Kurama need to work together. They need to understand each other. Understanding Kurama is not that tough, he never wanted to attack leaf village or fight against first Hokage, both times he was put under genjutsu. If not for genjutsu, he would have run away instead of attacking leaf village 12 years ago. Although he hated humans but his desire for freedom was more than his hatred for humans.

Sasuke made the deal with yin-half by showing him that he understands him and he would give him his freedom at the end of his human life. There was also threat of Akatsuki and Rinnegan so Kurama decided to put his trust in him. Sasuke was confident that he can negotiate with yang-half of Kurama.