
Naruto: Hero's Fist

A Man awakens in the Land of Rain with the body of Monkey D. Garp and the Devil Fruits that belong to the High Ranking Marines. Read Chapters Ahead on www.p@treon.com/KillerDJ2023

Kingkillerdj2023 · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

The pre-dawn light filtered through the perpetual rain of Amegakure, casting a soft glow on the modest house Garp shared with his three adopted grandchildren. Inside, the air buzzed with excitement and the sounds of last-minute preparations.

"Oi, you brats! Are you ready yet?" Garp's booming voice echoed through the house. "We've got a long journey ahead of us!"

Yahiko was the first to appear, his orange hair sticking up in all directions and a wide grin on his face. "Ready and raring to go, Gramps!" he exclaimed, hefting a backpack that seemed almost as big as he was.

Garp couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's enthusiasm. "Bwahahahahahaha! That's the spirit, my boy! But remember, this isn't just a vacation. Keep your eyes open and your wits sharp. Konoha's a different world from Ame. That's what I want you three to experience."

Yahiko nodded seriously, though the excitement in his eyes didn't dim. "Don't worry, Gramps. I'll protect everyone!"

Garp ruffled Yahiko's hair affectionately. "I know you will, kid. You've got the makings of a true leader."

Next came Konan, her movements graceful and composed even at this early hour. She carried a small, neatly packed bag, and a paper flower adorned her blue hair.

"Good morning, Grandfather." she said softly, a small smile on her face. "I've packed extra supplies for everyone, just in case."

Garp's expression softened as he looked at Konan. "Always thinking ahead, aren't you? You're the heart of this family, Konan. Don't ever forget that."

Konan's cheeks colored slightly at the praise, and she nodded, her smile growing a bit wider.

Finally, Nagato emerged from his room, his Rinnegan eyes scanning the area as if checking for any potential threats.

"Nagato, my boy!" Garp called out. "No need to be so serious. We're going on an adventure!"

Nagato relaxed slightly, offering a small smile. "I just want to make sure we're prepared, Grandfather. Konoha is... complicated."

'Looks like the memory of Konoha Ninja attacking his family is still in his mind. I've healed his trauma as best as I could, but him going to the place where those Shinobi are from can likely finish him coming to terms with it. It's the main reason I agreed to go on this trip.' Garp thought to himself.

Garp placed a gentle hand on Nagato's shoulder, his voice taking on a rare serious tone. "You're right, it is. But remember, you three have powers beyond what most shinobi could dream of. And more importantly, you have each other, and you have me. We'll face whatever comes together."

The three children nodded, drawing closer to Garp and to each other. At that moment, they truly looked like a family - not by blood, but by something deeper, forged through unwavering love.

"Now then." Garp said, his usual grin returning, "Let's hit the road! The last one to the border is a rotten egg!"

With shrieks of laughter (and a fond eye-roll from Konan), the family burst out of the house. They raced through the empty and hollow ground that was the Land of Rain, with each step being a reminder of how the Nation was used as a battleground. Garp deliberately slowed his pace to let the children keep up, though he made a show of huffing and puffing.

As they reached the village gates, Garp scooped all three children into his massive arms, ignoring their playful protests.

"Look at you three." he said, his voice filled with pride. "Two years ago, you were scrawny little things, barely surviving. Now look at you - strong, confident, and ready to take on the world!"

Yahiko puffed out his chest. "It's all thanks to you, Gramps!"

Konan nodded in agreement. "You've given us so much, Grandfather."

Nagato, usually the quietest, spoke up. "We won't let you down. We'll make you proud."

Garp felt a lump form in his throat, memories of another lifetime - of Ace, Luffy, and Sabo - overlapping with the present. "You already have, kids. You already have."

Setting them down gently, Garp straightened up, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Alright, family! Konoha awaits!"

As they traveled further out, the rain of their Nation gave way to clearer skies. They traveled for most of the day, Garp regaling the children with tales of his adventures (carefully edited to fit this world), and the children practicing their abilities along the way.

As the sun began to set, they approached the designated meeting point at the border of the Fire Country. In the distance, two figures came into view - a blonde woman with a diamond mark on her forehead, and a man with long, pale blue hair.

"Ah, there they are!" Garp announced. "Tsunade and Dan, if I'm not mistaken. Remember, kids, best behavior. But if anyone tries anything funny..." He left the sentence hanging, but the glint in his eye said everything.

The three children nodded, unconsciously moving into a protective formation around Garp, an action Garp found amusing. As they approached Tsunade and Dan, the atmosphere tensed slightly, the two groups meeting on neutral ground.

Tsunade stepped forward, a diplomatic smile on her face. "Garp, welcome. I see you've brought your grandchildren. I've heard a lot about you three."

Garp's grin widened as he placed his hands on the children's shoulders. "That's right! Tsunade, Dan, meet Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato. Kids, say hello to the nice Konoha shinobi!"

As the children greeted Tsunade and Dan with varying degrees of enthusiasm and caution, Garp's eyes met Tsunade's. In that brief moment, an understanding passed between them. 

"Well then." Garp boomed, breaking the tension, "Shall we get going? I heard something about the best ramen in the Fire Country, and I'm starving!"

With that, the unusual group set off toward Konoha.


In the highest tower of Amegakure, Hanzo the Salamander stood by a rain-streaked window, his eyes scanning the dreary landscape of his domain. The constant patter of rain against glass was interrupted by a soft knock at the door.

"Enter." Hanzo commanded, his voice muffled by his ever-present respirator.

A shinobi entered, bowing low before presenting a sealed scroll. "Lord Hanzo, a message has arrived via our most secure channel. It's from... Garp."

Hanzo's eyes narrowed behind his mask. He took the scroll, dismissing the messenger with a wave of his hand. Once alone, he broke the seal and began to read:

"Yo, Hanzo!

Hope this finds you well. Thought you'd like to know I ran into a bit of excitement on my supply run. Stumbled upon a skirmish between Iwa and Konoha forces. You know me, couldn't help but lend a hand. Let's just say those Iwa boys won't be bothering anyone for a while! Ha!

Now, listen up. This little incident got me thinking. Konoha's probably feeling pretty grateful right about now. Might be a good time to extend an olive branch, if you catch my drift. A peace treaty could be just what you need. Think about it – you could focus on dealing with Sand and Stone without worrying about your flank. Pretty smart, eh?

Anyway, just food for thought. Take care, and try not to work too hard!

Your pal, Garp"

Hanzo found himself nodding as he read. The old man's reasoning was sound. A treaty with Konoha could indeed prove advantageous. A rare smile began to form behind his mask as he contemplated the possibilities.

However, his eyes then fell on a postscript at the bottom of the scroll:

"P.S. Oh, by the way, I'm heading to Konoha for a bit. Thought I'd play ambassador and smooth things over. Don't worry, I'll put in a good word for you! Back in a jiffy!"

The scroll crumpled in Hanzo's tightening grip. Veins bulged on his forehead as the implications of Garp's words sank in. The smile vanished, replaced by a look of utter exasperation.

"GARP!!!!" Hanzo's bellow echoed throughout the tower as his Chakra blasted throughout the room, startling nearby shinobi and causing a flock of birds to take flight from a neighboring building.

Hanzo stomped to his desk, furiously scribbling orders. "That meddling old fool!" he muttered. "Ambassador? He'll probably challenge their Hokage to a drinking contest or a fight!! And I don't know which is worse!!!"

As he dispatched messengers with urgent instructions to keep tabs on Garp's 'diplomatic mission', Hanzo couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and grudging amusement. Life had certainly become more... interesting since Garp's had agreed to join him in a few years. The two remained in contact, with Garp offering rare advice on matters that were (surprisingly) helpful, while Hanzo provided him with resources.

"When that bastard gets back." Hanzo grumbled, "We are going to have a long talk about the meaning of 'keeping a low profile'."

Outside, the rain continued to fall, as if nature itself was chuckling at the chaos one unpredictable old man could cause in the carefully balanced world of shinobi politics.


The Hokage's office, typically a place of quiet deliberation and paperwork, now hummed with tension. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, stood by the window, his weathered hands clasped behind his back as he gazed out over the village he had sworn to protect. The weight of leadership seemed to press down on his shoulders, made heavier by the news he had just received.

Behind him, seated around a large, ornate table, were his most trusted advisors: Danzo Shimura, Koharu Utatane, and Homura Mitokado. The four of them had been through countless battles and strategy sessions together, but this meeting felt different. There was an air of uncertainty that none of them were accustomed to.

Hiruzen turned from the window, his eyes scanning the faces of his old friends and comrades. "I've called you here today because we face an... unusual situation." he began, his voice grave. "I've received a message from Tsunade. She's invited a man named Garp to visit Konoha, using her authority as the head of the Senju clan."

Danzo's visible eye narrowed at this information. "Garp? The same man who appeared in Amegakure when the Sannin were crowned two years ago? I thought those fools were delirious."

Hiruzen nodded, taking his seat at the head of the table. "The very same. According to Tsunade's report, he single-handedly defeated a platoon of Iwa's elite forces, saving both her and Dan Kato in the process."

This news sent a ripple of unease through the room. Koharu was the first to speak up, her shrewd mind already calculating the potential economic impacts. "If this man is truly as powerful as Tsunade claims, his presence in Konoha could be... significant. We must consider how this might affect our standing with other nations, particularly Iwa. Pushing them any further could lead to them dispatching a Jinchuriki, consequences be damned."

Homura nodded in agreement, stroking his goatee thoughtfully. "Indeed. If word spreads that we're harboring someone who so easily defeated their forces, it could escalate tensions. On the other hand, it might make our enemies think twice before attacking us if we have a useful ally."

Danzo leaned forward, his hands folded on the table, with his mind already thinking of which contingency he should use for the man who took down one of his elite squads. "We cannot ignore the potential threat this man poses. Someone of his power, with unknown allegiances, could be devastating if turned against us."

Hiruzen sighed, feeling the familiar weight of difficult decisions pressing down on him. "All valid points. But we must also consider the opportunity this presents. If Garp is truly as powerful as reported, having him as an ally could significantly tip the scales in this war."

At the mention of the war, a shadow seemed to pass over Hiruzen's face. The others noticed it, each reacting in their own way. Homura's expression softened slightly, understanding his old friend's aversion to conflict. Koharu's lips thinned, her mind already working on ways to minimize the economic strain of prolonged warfare. Danzo, however, straightened in his seat, a glint of determination in his eye.

"This war is necessary, Hiruzen," Danzo said, his voice firm. "For the protection and supremacy of Konoha. If this Garp can help us end it quickly, all the better."

Hiruzen met Danzo's gaze, a flicker of old disagreements passing between them. "Ending the war swiftly is indeed a priority, old friend. But at what cost? We must be cautious not to become that which we fight against."

Koharu cleared her throat, bringing the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Perhaps we should discuss what we actually know about this Garp. Hiruzen, did Tsunade's message provide any details about his background or abilities?"

The Hokage shook his head. "Very little, I'm afraid. She mentioned that he uses no recognizable Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, yet possesses strength and speed beyond that of most Jōnin. And apparently, he has three adopted grandchildren he's bringing with him."

This last piece of information caught everyone's attention. Homura leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "Children? That complicates matters. We must consider how their presence might affect village dynamics, especially if they interact with our own young shinobi."

Danzo's eye narrowed further. "Or it could be a ploy. These 'children' could be highly trained operatives, meant to infiltrate our ranks."

Hiruzen couldn't help but chuckle at this. "Always the suspicious one, eh, Danzo? But we can't discount the possibility. We'll need to keep a close eye on them, without being overtly hostile."

Koharu nodded, her mind working through scenarios. "We should arrange for them to stay in a secure location, under the guise of hospitality. Perhaps the Senju compound, given Tsunade's involvement?"

"A sound suggestion." Hiruzen agreed. "It would give us a measure of control over their movements without arousing suspicion."

Homura stroked his goatee again, a habit he'd developed over years of strategic planning. "We should also consider how to occupy their time during their stay. Supervised tours of the village, perhaps? It would allow us to showcase our strengths while also keeping them under observation."

Danzo scoffed lightly. "Parading them around the village? We might as well hand over our tactical information directly."

"Not necessarily." Homura countered. "We can control what they see. And sometimes, what you choose to show can be just as misleading as what you hide."

Hiruzen nodded approvingly. "Well said, Homura. We'll need to strike a delicate balance between hospitality and caution."

The room fell silent for a moment as each of them contemplated the situation. It was Koharu who broke the silence, her voice thoughtful. "There's another aspect we should consider. If this Garp is truly as powerful as reported, other villages will be watching our interaction with him closely. How we handle this could significantly impact our diplomatic standing."

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, considering her words. "You're right, of course. We need to appear strong, but not aggressive. Welcoming, but not desperate for allies."

Danzo's lips thinned, clearly not entirely on board with this approach. "And if he proves to be a threat? We cannot afford to appear weak, Hiruzen. Konoha's strength must be absolute."

The Hokage met his old friend's gaze steadily. "Our strength lies not just in our military might, Danzo, but in our unity and our principles. We will be prepared for any eventuality, but we will not compromise who we are out of fear."

A tense silence fell over the room, the old ideological divide between Hiruzen and Danzo manifesting once again. Homura and Koharu exchanged glances, sensing the need to redirect the conversation.

"Perhaps." Homura suggested, "We should discuss specific security measures for Garp's visit. We need to ensure the village's safety without making our guests feel unwelcome."

Koharu nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we should also consider how to leverage this visit economically. If word spreads of a powerful ally visiting Konoha, it could boost confidence in our village's stability, potentially attracting more clients for missions."

As the conversation turned to more practical matters, Hiruzen felt a familiar mixture of gratitude and weariness. These three, with all their differing viewpoints and priorities, had been his pillars of support through the darkest times. Yet, as he listened to them debate security protocols and economic strategies, he couldn't shake a feeling of unease.

His mind wandered to the reports of Garp's power, of the ease with which he had defeated Iwa's elite forces. Such strength could indeed turn the tide of the war, potentially saving countless Konoha lives. But at what cost? Would aligning with such a powerful individual only escalate the conflict further? Could Kumo potentially enter the War? Kiri? 

And what of these children Garp was bringing? Hiruzen thought of his own students - Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru - and how they had been shaped by war. Could he in good conscience expose more young lives to the harsh realities of the shinobi world?

As the meeting continued, plans being made and contingencies discussed, Hiruzen found himself hoping that this Garp might bring not just power, but perhaps a new perspective. If he was truly as powerful as Tsunade said, then there may be a chance he could be swayed to Konoha.

"Very well." Hiruzen said finally, bringing the discussion to a close. "We'll proceed with caution, but also with an open mind. Danzo, I want you to discreetly enhance village security. Koharu, please work with the Senju clan to prepare accommodations. Homura, draft an itinerary for our guests that showcases our village without revealing sensitive information."

The three advisors nodded, each already mentally preparing for their tasks.

"And what will you do, Hiruzen?" Danzo asked, a hint of challenge in his voice.

Hiruzen stood, once again moving to the window to gaze out over his beloved village. "I will meet with this Garp myself. I'll take his measure, not just as a potential ally or threat, but as a person. Sometimes, old friend, the best way to understand someone's intentions is to look them in the eye and simply talk."

As the meeting adjourned and his advisors filed out, each lost in their own thoughts and plans, Hiruzen remained by the window. The sun was setting over Konoha, casting long shadows across the village. In those deepening shadows, Hiruzen saw the challenges that lay ahead, the potential for both great opportunity and great danger.

"Well, Garp." he murmured to himself, "Let's see what kind of waves you'll make in our little pond."

With that thought, the God of Shinobi turned back to his desk, ready to prepare for whatever storms might be on the horizon.

[AN: GARP >>>>> Shanks D. Snitch!!!]