
Naruto: Fujitora Template

A man had Luckly reincarnated into Naruto as an Uchiha when he died!....Sadly he was blind. Thankfully that doesn't matter to him as he has the Template system with Fujitora! *This is a translation and not my own fanfic, but I'm heavily editing it and changing the story a lot. This used to be a harem, but I'm cutting all of that trash out*

TomTucker777 · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Ch. 26 Training

Collapse on the ground, Koizumi eyes were wide open and blood red as Chiba went over and checked in her.

"Thank you for doing this for me, I'll owe you one" Taking out a handkerchief, Chiba wiped the blood from her eyes.

"From the information you've told me, this simple act is nothing compared to that....but are you sure about this?" Fugaku said in a mild disdain.

In order to awaken the Sharingan, one needed to experience intense emotions. These emotions could be anything ranging from love, hatred or even excitment, the emotion just had to be intense. The intense emotions created a chakra unique to the Uchiha, and flowed into their eyes creating the sharingan.

That means that they either needed to experience the Pits of Hell or Heaven on Earth in order to awaken the Sharingan, but in a world of constant violence and and death, 99.99% of Sharingan users awaken through negative emotions and those awakened by positive emotions very rarely get past the first tomoe.

The Uchiha clan is the clan of love, and the idea of subjecting their loved ones to traumatizing and near mind breaking genjtusu that it conjured up strong enough emotions to awaken the sharingan, absolutely disgusted them.

The one casting the Genjutsu also needed to be an exceptional Master in order to make their Genjutsu chakra to not interfere with the Sharingan's awakening. This was a tricky feat as both the genjtusu's and the Sharingan's chakra were going into the eyes of the target, meaning one had to avoid clashing their Genjutsu chakra with Sharingan chakra.

Aside from how skillfull the Genjutsu user had to be and how horrible it was to do to someone, the Uchiha took pride in their eyes and awakening the sharingan through Genjutsu was considered highly disrespectful and honorless.

Imagine going through the most traumatizing and mind breaking situation and after somehow surviving the terrible ordeal, you get a tangible reward by awakening the sharingan. Now imagine how you'd feel if a child who hadn't even experienced the death of a pet suddenly awakened the sharingan through a shortcut.

Despite these common beliefs, Chiba still went ahead and did it without asking her. He already knew that she desperately craved revenge, and he was not going to let a childs pride get in the way of her survival if she protested.

Picking Koizumi up, Chiba gave Fugaku a nod as he walked back home.


'Now that she has awakened the sharingans first tomoe, she'll be able to see Genjutsu's and realizes they are fake, making this impossible to do this again.....' carrying the limp Koizumi though the compound, Chiba was brainstorming how to make her awaken her Sharingan even further.

'....Back on earth, there was a strain of hallucinogenic mushroom that guaranteed absolutely terrifying hallucinations and made a large percentage of users go schizophrenic, a psychopath in the prison I stayed at was arrested for selling those to people at burning man. This world surely has something similar and If she eats those, then she could experience intense emotions without having to actually experience something horrific, I just need to find a chemist that can engineer it to be safe for her'

Chiba felt like the Uchiha were too prideful for his liking, they thought the idea of purposely inducing the sharingan was beneath them and let themselves awaken naturally. They were limiting themselves by their honor and pride, but Chiba wouldn't allow that for his sister

Taking her into the back yard, Chiba put her on the floor and sent a pulse of Chakra into her, awakening her from the Genjutsu.

The moment she woke up, Koizumi saw a fist coming at her in slow motion as she rolled out of the way. Looking at her attacker in a defensive stance, Koizumi's face of sadness and rage was overcome with relief.

"Onii-chan your aliv-" "Stop!" Placing his hand Infront if himself, Chiba stopped Koizumi from hugging him as he spoke

" From this moment on, when I'm training you, you will not call me brother as I am you sensei and expect to be treated as such. I have awoken your Sharingan, training begins now!"

'Even if I could magical grant her powers akin to that of a Kage, her naive mentally could still cause her to lose against Ao. If she wanted to survive and get revenge against a high level Jonin, I'll need to knock her naivety out immediately!' Koizumi may be determined but she wasn't disciplined.

After a second of shock, Koizumi had a rough expression at being told Chiba purposely put her under that Genjutsu, but she slowly nodded her head begrudgingly.

"Yes sensei!" Koizumi said as she immediately bow

"Good. Your sharingan is currently activated which is perfect. For as long as your chakra allows, I will be performing all of my sword techniques and you will watch them! After a while, you'll be able to copy my sword style with some training"

Without letting her answer, Chiba went inside and pulled out a dull training sword and started going through his stances and sword techniques. Chiba knew Koizumi was going to need more than just a one tomoe sharingan to kill Ao, and he thought of a way that he and Koizumi's could increase their strength.

It was only after he had perfomed 1/3 of his swordmanship when Koizumi's scarlet sharingan turned back into her hazel brown eyes.

"Now when the memories are fresh in your mind, train them until it becomes instinctual." Chiba said as he started leaving.

"Wait where are you going?!"

"This sharingan alone won't cut it, you need something more in order to kill the Jonin named Ao. I'll be back to check on your progress within a few hours. Bye"

"Bye bro,-Sensei!"

Walking down the street, Chiba arrived at a park and sipped on a can of cola as he enjoyed the breeze and planned.

'I am an Uchiha, my body is slight above average but even if I worked out to the limits, I'll be stuck at a Jonin.

While working out did strengthen the body which increased chakra, there was a natural limit to how much chakra a person can gain from training, just look at Might Guy.

Even though he trains his body obsessively and reached the peak physical strength of humans in this world, he only had the chakra of a Jonin. It was only when Guy used the forbidden eight gate jutsu and uses up 100% of his chakra that he transcends above Kage level! Chiba could only imagined how powerful a Kage could be if they too could unlock 100% of their chakra rather than just a Jonin like Might Guy.

Chiba was confident that he could reach Jonin level of chakra as he was an Uchiha but that would not be enough to use his his abilities to it's full potential.

Chiba needed at the bare minimum kage level chakra in order to start using his ability to their full potential, and he knew a few ways of doing so.

Chiba planned on bartering with orochimaru in order to get limb transplants with Hashirama cell for him and Koizumi. Chiba was confident that his knowledge of how Orochimaru will perfect his cursed seal technique and immortality jutsu was worth a few limbs that Orochimaru could easily clone and his observation Haki would allow him to know if Orochimaru was trying to trick him.

While this act did revolt Chiba as he despised Orochimaru and felt like Hashirama cells were once again another shortcut, it was the only available oath he could pursue.

Chiba was planning on sending a shadow clone to negotiate with orochimaru and sense if he would genuinely trade his knowledge for Hashirama cells or if he was just lying to kill when he noticed something.

Making a deal with orochimaru was bound to become trouble, but Chiba knew that once he obtained the power of Hashirama cell, he could take care of Orochimaru.

Chiba was walking through the villages trying to sense the snake sanin, when he suddenly sensed a woman silently stalking him from behind!

The moment his observation Haki washed over her, she seemed to immediately realized it and stopped hiding to Chiba's shocked expression.

After using this technique on multiple kage level ninja, she was the first to every spot him! Turning around, Chiba was met face to face with a red haired woman who had a determined face.

"Do you need anything from me, Fuinjutsu Master, Kushina Uzumaki...."

(I'm NOT dropping, I've still got a couple chapters in the back log and will also use this time to write more, I'll probably post again in March 2024)