
Naruto: Founding Hogwarts in the Ninja World

[Naruto Fan-Fic] [Light System] [Kingdom-Building] [Small Harem] [Harry Potter Power System] Noctus Gaunt transmigrated to the world of Naruto on the eve of the Second Ninja World War. He was originally an earthling before he was isekai'd to the HP world, but before he could graduate from Hogwarts, he traveled again. He discovered that his magic powers were strengthened to use the Natural Energy of the Ninja World and with the help of an unreliable system, he will recreate the glory of wizardkind in this world. Decades later when the Otsutsuki clan came to invade and wanted to plant a tree, legions of wizards and witches rose their wands against the invading Momoshiki, and Noctus, with a smile on his face, simply uttered: "Avada Kedavra!" ______________ Note: This is strictly a Naruto fanfiction. There is a light system but it only serves to introduce the magic powers of the HP universe into the Naruto world. There is a small harem (5 planned) but the MC is not harem-seeking. This is written on a whim and I will try my best to finish it, please don't mention my other fics. If you have any ideas or spells you want to see appear in the Naruto world, leave them in the comments. I am using the timeline created by Seelentau but the timeline of Naruto is messy so I can only do my best to stick to canon lore. Please enjoy and have fun.

xancia · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - Those Who Live Without Love (Violence Warning)

After a strange ding and nonsensical words sounded in his mind, Noctus paused his thoughts with a strained smile on his face.

'Speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Whatever, I don't care anymore. System, tell me your functions.'


[Host, it's my duty to help you establish the glory of wizardkind in the world of Naruto. As your influence grows and more people recognize the power of magic, you will receive gifts that will aid you in your journey.]

At this time, Noctus' strained smile has fully evolved into an ugly smile.

'System, you must be kidding me. What do you expect me to do with the power of one person in a place where aliens are trying to plant trees to destroy the world? I haven't even graduated from Hogwarts. Do you expect me to magically teach these muggles how to use magic?'


[Host, please don't be discouraged! The system has determined that the Natural Energy in the world of Naruto is fully capable of being a conductor of magic. To encourage the host, the system has thoughtfully prepared a gift package for the host, please receive it.]


[Congratulations! The host's body has been adapted to absorb Natural Energy without harm.]


[Congratulations! The host receives three bottles of 'Magic Gene Adaptation Potion'. Drinking this will allow the recipient to obtain a body that can absorb Natural Energy and use magic.]

Noctus had a strange look on his face upon hearing the system's messages and then he felt a warm current run through his body and three potions appeared in his trench coat pocket. Soon, he could feel an energy slowly absorbing into his body every second. Although slow, he could feel that his magic powers were growing.

At this time, Uzumaki Hachi could no longer stand the silence and spoke up.

"Um, sir? Is there anything else you need?"

Noctus broke from his daze and then focused back on the three Uzumaki clan members in front of him once more. 

"Hm. Apologies for the wait. If you don't mind, could you move all the surrounding ninjas for me to one location? You don't have to be worried, they can't move."

"Ah, okay. No problem, sir."

Guessing that Noctus Gaunt wanted to solve these ninjas, Uzumaki Hachi agreed, after all, this is a cruel world and these ninjas just tried to kill him and his family.

Mobilizing his Adamantine Sealing Chains once more, he started rounding up the mist ninjas.

Noctus nodded satisfyingly at Hachi's actions and then dove into his thoughts once more.

'Three bottles? Quite a coincidental number, don't you think, system?'


[Host, the system assures you that the gift package prepared for the host is purely coincidental and has no other meaning.]

'Tch, sure. Introduce me to your other functions, system.'

Noctus rolled his eyes at the system's blatant lies.


[Host, the system has no other features.]

'...So what's the use of you then?'


[As the host's influence grows and the indigenous population of the world recognizes your prestige and the glory of wizardkind, the system will provide gifts to aid the host.]

'Yes, right, I get that, but how is that determined? How do I know when I have enough 'influence' and 'prestige'?'


[Please don't worry, host! The system is created by a benevolent creator god and is equipped with a complex algorithm that can determine when the host has enough influence to receive the next gift.]

Noctus was speechless for several seconds after hearing the system's explanation. 

'Right, great, you can bugger off now. Thank you.'


[You're welcome, host! Please let the system know if you have any other questions. (^▽^)]

Noctus shut off the system messages in his mind and decided to ignore his useless system from now on.

Calming down the anger in his heart, Noctus refocused his attention on the Uzumaki family in front of him. At this time, Uzumaki Haru was comforting her daughter and taking her to rest on a nearby bench, seemingly wanting to shield her daughter's gaze from the growing pile of mist ninjas that her husband Uzumaki Hachi was preparing.

Noctus ignored the weird thoughts in the young woman's mind and moved to the petrified ninja who questioned him before, Kaguya Arimoto.

In front of the curious gazes of the family of three who were trying to mind their own business, Noctus raised his wand and pointed it at Kaguya Arimoto.


With the cast of his spell, countless memories appeared in Noctus' mind, memories of the man in front of him. Even though he had read the manga and watched the anime of Naruto before, it was a lifetime ago and he needed to figure out the reality of the current world and what time period this was.

After a few short seconds, Noctus lowered his wand with a slight frown on his face.

'I arrived so early. The protagonist hasn't even been conceived yet, and the Second Ninja World War hasn't yet begun. But thinking another way, it means I have much more time to prepare before the aliens arrive.'

Comforting himself, Noctus started to plan in his mind on what his next steps should be, grasping at one of the 'Magic Gene Adaptation Potion' in his trench coat pocket and examining it.

He could not determine what manner of magic was contained in the tiny vial and shook his head before storing it back in his pocket. 

Noctus glanced at the three Uzumaki clan members once more, wondering if he should indulge in the system's not-so-subtle suggestion. 

After a few more short moments, Uzumaki Hachi finished his work.

"Sir, I've done what you asked. All the mist ninjas have been moved here, including the three you knocked out before. The only one missing is the Kaguya Elder by your side, do you want me to move him as well?"

Noctus pondered for a few more moments and then nodded.

Seeing Noctus' approval, Uzumaki Hachi also used his Adamantine Sealing Chains to finish his coolie work. 

"Sir, do you need my help to…you know."

Noctus frowned upon hearing Uzumaki Hachi's words. At this time he clearly understood what the other party meant.

"One moment, let me think. Also, you don't need to call me sir. Just call me by my name."

"Okay, Gaunt-sama."

Noctus was momentarily stunned upon hearing himself being addressed this way but then shook his head to ignore it. After all, he was in a different world now.

'That's right, I'm in a different world now. Although I can't say Hogwarts was exactly danger-free, at least I never had to consider something like this.'

Noctus battled with himself for several more minutes as Hachi rejoined his family to comfort his daughter, wondering what his savior was thinking about.

'Yes, I'm in a new world now. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If I'm soft-hearted at this time, it will only be detrimental to myself and my future plans. If I want to survive in the future against the invading aliens, I need to grow stronger with the help of the so-called system gift packages. I could hide away and wait for the protagonists to solve the issue, but then, what would the point be of me coming here? Am I just going to sit around and wait until I become bored to death?'

Noctus took in a few deep breaths, steeling himself, and then raised his head in the direction of the Uzumaki family of three.

"Uzumaki…Hachi, was it? If you don't mind, could you move your family further away and wait for me? I have something I wish to discuss with you after. I can assure you in my family name that it's something that will be beneficial to you and your family."

Uzumaki Hachi was slightly stunned upon hearing this and then quickly nodded his head.

"Yes, of course! We'll wait for you down by the pier, just ten minutes of walking, that way."

Uzumaki Hachi pointed in a direction and then gathered his family together to bow to Noctus before heading off.

After watching the family of three walk away for a period of time and making sure that they had disappeared into the distance, Noctus then focused his attention back on the pile of mist ninjas in front of him.

'There seems to be a way to gain information from corpses in the Naruto world, although I believe mind reading was exclusive to the Yamanaka clan in Konoha, from Kaguya Arimoto's memories it seems every ninja village has a way to extract information from the dead. Unlikely as it may be, I don't want to be exposed this early. Although the system's goal is for me to recreate the glory of Wizardkind and expand my influence and prestige, this doesn't mean I have to be known to the whole world. As long as I gather enough loyal subordinates and train them, that should count too…right, system?'


[Host, you are correct! Please have faith in the complex algorithm of the system to determine the host's influence and prestige!]

Noctus rolled his eyes once more at the system's nonsense and shut off the messages. 

Having decided in his heart and taking deep breaths in his mind, Noctus raised his wand and pointed at the pile of mist ninjas.

'Don't hide, face it head-on. This is a cruel world, if I can't do this, how can I face what's to come?'

Noctus couldn't help my smile wryly at his hypocrisy.

'I have no right to make excuses, a life is a life, pretty as the words may be. I do this not for the world, but for myself. My actions and the path I take may lead to further death...directly or indirectly on my part. Is it my fault that things came to this? Or the world?'

Noctus sighed and continued his actions.

"First, I need to erase their memories. Obliviate."

A light shone on his wand as Noctus erased the ninjas' memories of what occurred tonight to guard against potential memory reading from the dead.

"Next, to avoid things getting messy… Protego. Quietus."

Noctus cast the shield charm once more, creating a transparent blue shield around him, and also cast a quietening charm to isolate the sound in the area.

Then, he took deep breaths and raised his wand at the pile of ninjas.

'Just because I'm resolved, it doesn't mean I have to be cruel. In a world full of killing, if I want things to change I need to protect myself and grow. There can be no mistake, with so many schemers hiding in this world, one mistake could cost me my life. What was taken today, I will pay back to the living in the future.'

"Sorry, I wish you gentlemen the best in your next life. In order to ensure that your bodies don't leave any traces that could lead back to me, I have to do this. Bombarda…Maxima."


A large explosion occurred in the middle of the pile of mist ninjas, causing charred body parts to fly around, one even bouncing off of Noctus' transparent shield. However, even though there was a huge explosion, no sound could actually be heard, causing an eerie scene to take place, extreme violence contrasted with extreme silence.

Moments later, Noctus retched and puked out almost everything he ate that day, even his morning pumpkin juice. 

Taking a few more moments to calm down, he steeled himself to look at the consequences of his actions, hoping to sear this moment into his mind.

'Don't run, don't hide, face your fears. Don't make excuses, and don't blame yourself.'

Noctus sighed and then bowed towards the pile of charred corpses.

"Farewell, gentlemen. May you find happiness and glory in death, as much as you suffered in life. I promise that I will never be so messy again."

Noctus wasn't sure whether he was making a promise to the dead men or himself, but only time can tell.

At this time, Noctus could not help but remember a quote.

"Do not pity the dead, pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love."

Sorry for the graphic violence in this chapter. I want to establish the MC's mentality and force him to develop a stronger character for the cruel world of Naruto. There will definitely be more killing in the future, but I want the MC to have the mentality of avoiding killing if not necessary. He needs to take the world seriously and plan ahead if he doesn't want to be put in this kind of position where he has to make tough choices. Also, the reason why it was so violent wasn't only to erase his traces, but also to sear the moment into his mind to steel his resolve further.

xanciacreators' thoughts