
Naruto: Escape From Konoha

This a Naruto AU. Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had transmigrated to a new world he has no knowledge of, he only knew he was in the village of Konoha. Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book he had picked up “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in cracks. The whole book was written with two words – Pyramid Scheme. Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a iwhile, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this brainwashing organization called Konoha. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or this fic.

Chizihn · Tranh châm biếm
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241 Chs

168: Kazuhime

Merry Christmas 🎄


This new year's eve was, without a doubt, the worst for Shiraishi. His thoughts revolved around one significant reason, Ruri giving birth to their daughter.

It had been nearly two months since their birth, and now it was new year's eve, a night of celebration. However, Shiraishi had chosen to remain in the boring lab rather than partake in the lively festivities outside. In the lab, he had his daughter locked within a chakra metal cage, subjecting her to experimental observations.

Ruri and Ayane who had returned from the Land of Earth, were there with him. Ruri was concerned, and Ayane's presence was required because of her Byakugan abilities. Additionally, there were Jonin from the Uchiha and Uzumaki clans present, as their insights were necessary for certain matters.

The girl, confined within the chakra metal cage, gripped the metal pillar with her chubby little hands, and her eyes emitted a red light, which was the Sharingan. But it was no ordinary Sharingan; it was a three tomoe Sharingan, evolved to the highest limits of a typical Sharingan.

Her innocent yet wicked smile as she clung to the metal pillar gave an eerie and ferocious visage. She screamed like a wild beast while her hands clung to the metal, behaving more like a beast than a child. There seemed to be a distinct lack of rationality in her eyes, yet, for some inexplicable reason, she was consumed by an abnormal madness.

Ayane activated her Byakugan and began examining the her chakra pathways with a grave expression.

"This chakra isn't something a child should have. It surpasses the chakra levels of even a seasoned Jonin. It's almost at the level of a newborn tailed beast."

Ayane offered her evaluation. She had personally observed tailed beasts, including the Fourth Raikage, who possessed tailed beast level chakra. She had fought them several times in the past half year. This led her to conclude that the girl's chakra levels were unprecedented and beyond the norms of ninja.

The child before her wasn't a tailed Blbeast, she was a girl of fewer than two months. For the first time in her life, Ayane felt as if she had lived in ignorance for her twenty years. As much as she wanted to deny it, this girl had more chakra than she did. It was a weird situation that felt more like a tale from a storybook.

The Uzumaki Jonin, who was present, used sensory ninjutsu to test the girl's chakra also noted, "Not only is her chakra powerful, but its characteristics are the strangest I've ever encountered. It doesn't just feel menacing; it's a pure, chaotic disarray. In the case of such chaotic chakra, it would typically burst out uncontrollably from the ninja's body and disperse into the air."

This was like a ninja absorbing tailed beast chakra but failing to control it. When there was too much uncontrollable power, it would erupt from the ninja's body, diffusing into the surroundings and releasing the built-up pressure.

However, Chiba Kazuhime was different. She possessed an extraordinarily chaotic chakra within her, but it didn't escape her body as one would expect. Instead, she used a violent method to compress this turbulent chakra further.

This approach puzzled the Uzumaki ninja, who was seeing this for the first time and couldn't find an explanation for this confusing situation.

This abnormal three tomoe Sharingan was also believed to be the product of rhe unknown mutation stemming from this state of chaotic rage.

"Have there been similar occurrences in the Uchiha clan's history?" Shiraishi frowned as he asked Ruri

Ruri, her gaze fixed on her daughter inside the metal cage, shook her head and replied, "To the best of my knowledge, there haven't been any such abnormalities in newborns in our clan."

The fact that a girl under two months of age could awaken a three-tomoe Sharingan on her own was incredibly astounding.

Furthermore, her chakra had been growing at an abnormal rate each day since her birth. While the current chakra accumulation couldn't yet rival that of a Tailed Beast, if this exponential rate continued, she would eventually surpass a Tailed Beast.

Ruri was more concerned than joyful because she was worried about the troubles this abnormal state might bring her daughter in the future.

Shiraishi, however, had no clear solution for addressing this situation. After the birth of his daughter Kazuhime, her chakra rapidly accumulated with each passing day, and her temperament grew increasingly irritable.

Initially, Shiraishi dismissed it, believing it to be a sign of her natural talent. However, a few days ago, her three tomoe Sharingan suddenly manifested, and her chakra surged abnormally. This development was a jolt to Shiraishi.

In an effort to prevent harm to his daughter, Shiraishi struggled to control her. However, simply restraining her physical actions proved ineffective.

One thing was certain: Kazuhime possessed an extraordinary talent that surpassed ordinary people. This rapid and abnormal growth raised significant concerns for both Shiraishi and Ruri.

Shiraishi sighed, acknowledging the challenge. "We might need to use medication and sealing jutsu to temporarily restrain her. As she grows older and more sensible, we can guide her in controlling this unique power within her."

This approach, however, seemed daunting. Given Kazuhime's current physical and mental state, she was incapable of self-control. Her semi-crazed condition was likely linked to the unusual power residing within her, a mystery Shiraishi couldn't unravel.

Despite employing various jutsus such as the Uzumaki sensory ninjutsu and Byakugan, Shiraishi could only conclude that Kazuhime's condition resulted from her inability to control the immense power within her. At present, forcibly suppressing this power was the only way to maintain her semblance of a normal life.

For guidance on controlling her extraordinary abilities, she would require extensive training when she grew older.

Shiraishi left the room briefly to prepare a calming medicine on the experimental floor. After ten minutes, he had the powder ready and brewed it in a feeding bottle.

Returning to the metal cage, he faced the ferocious three tomoe Sharingan, feeling his heart race not due to their intimidation, but because of what the natural Sharingan represented.

Compared to the chakra releases of Ruri and Ayane, Kazuhime's chakra was only at a novice level. It may appear powerful, but it didn't have the deterrence needed to affect Jonin level ninja. The metal cage's sealing effect further reduced her threat when her chakra was suppressed.

Though Kazuhime lacked the mature thinking to understand what Shiraishi was about to do, her instinctual response was to crawl away, seeking refuge from the impending danger.

Shiraishi sighed and summoned countless shadow ropes that extended toward the cage. He manipulated Kazuhime's movements, using a shadow to deliver the bottle of medicinal powder to her lips. With her movements restricted, she drank the medicine.

Soon, the fierceness in her eyes began to recede. Her eyelids grew heavy, and though she tried to keep them open, they closed with exhaustion.

Kazuhime no longer screamed wildly or glared with the ferocious Sharingan. She lay quietly, seemingly at sweet sleep.

Shiraishi wiped away an imaginary bead of sweat, feeling unprepared for his own daughter to become a subject of experimentation at the start of the year.

As for how to manage the aftermath, it was a pressing issue. A chakra level nearly equivalent to a Tailed Beast and natural three tomoe Sharingan were both shocking revelations.

Shiraishi unlocked the cage and carried the sleeping Kazuhime out. Ruri rushed over to take her from him, cradling her with care.

"Don't worry, she's fine. The medicine has simply put her to sleep temporarily, and she'll be back to her usual self in a few days." Shiraishi reassured Ruri.

Ruri's response was stern. "I know. It's a good thing it's temporary. Otherwise, you would be in serious trouble."

Shiraishi remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

"By the way, this is extremely important. Remember, do not divulge it to anyone." Shiraishi cautioned the laboratory team.

"Understood." They all affirmed.

In less than two months, the child had chakra levels rivaling a tailed beast, and possessed a three tomoe Sharingan that even many Uchihas couldn't attain. Regardless of whether they admitted it, her future achievements seemed boundless


A week later.

The living room resounded with the cries of the two children. The villa's impressive sound insulation seals made sure their distress stayed within the walls, causing no disturbance to the outside.

Despite the turmoil, Ruri calmly comforted the crying boy in her arms. At this moment, only he was the source of the uproar. Nearby, the girl lay in her cradle, holding a large feeding bottle and gently sucking on her pacifier. Her blinking eyes remained fixed on Ruri without blinking.

After a week, Kazuhime's mood was finally stabilized, her chakra growth steadied, and her modd was calm compared to the fiery state a week earlier. The three tomoe Sharingan in her eyes had also disappeared. The chakra sealing technique applied to her was effective, rendering her no different from any typical baby.

As time ticked by, Ruri alternated between comforting the boy in her arms and gently rocking Kazuhime in her cradle. Occasionally, the boy and Kazuhime would swap places, and whenever th boy's cries grew loud, Ruri would instantly return him to her arms to soothe him.

Noticing the time, Ruri recalled that there were things to attend to, so she placed both children together and hurried upstairs.

When Ruri came down the stairs, the boy's cries had grown even louder. Taking a closer look, she found Kazuhime clutching two feeding bottles in her arms, with pacifiers in her mouth. After noticing Ruri by the cradle, her eyes fixed on her with an innocent look.


Ruri retrieved one of the pacifiers from Kazuhime's grasp and gave it back to the boy. His cries stopped, replaced by the sound of pacifier sucking.

Kazuhime noticed that her 'prize' had been taken away, she grabbed the edge of the cradle, shaking it violently as if attempting to break it. As she did, her black and white eyes remained fixed on Ruri.

The boy coughed, likely due to the cradle's violent motion disrupting his feeding.

Once more, the boy's cries filled the room.

Ruri couldn't help but acknowledge the absence of any sibling understanding between them.

"Kazuhime, don't bully your brother. You're the younger sister, so you should learn to be considerate."

Ruri softly whispered as she cradled the rocking crib, stroking Kazuhime's small head. Although she knew Kazuhime couldn't understand the words, Ruri still had to comfort her.

Kazuhime eventually stopped her agitation. She held her bottle, her restless eyes scanning around as if she was searching for something, a 'prey' that would interest her.

Ruri sighed, exhausted by the day's events.

She found herself worn out. Tasked with caring for two babies, it felt more taxing than her previous missions when she managed on only two hours of sleep each day.

To make matters worse, Kazuhime's temperament was exceptionally demanding. She had a habit of waking her up in the middle of the night whenever she needed to pee.

Rather than gently crying, she would vigorously wake her brother from his sleep who would cry out loudly, alerting the adults with the cry in the process she wanted to pee.

Ruri hurriedly ate ger lunch, and asked Ameyu to remain at home to care for the two babies while she go out for a quick training, returning promptly at six o'clock in the evening.

Throughout this past year, raising her children left her with minimal time for training, and now, her training time each day was squeezed from her busy schedule.

At times, the two babies made so much noise that she had to giveup6 her training in the afternoons, focusing on taking care of them.


"I'm jealous."

In the laboratory, Ayane spoke up.

Shiraishi, occupied with a test tube, turned his head in confusion. "Of what?"

"That child has a great future ahead." Ayane said with certainty

After a moment of thought, Shiraishi understood whom Ayane referred to.

"There's nothing to be jealo6 of. I, in fact, hope that Kazuhime's potential is more ordinary. Great abilities come with greater responsibilities. Her extraordinary potential leaves me unable to predict how far she'll go with my current knowledge. The burden she'll bear in the future is unimaginable."

Shiraishi shook his head.

Ruri and Ayane were already deemed top-notch geniuses in his understanding, each possessing unique bloodline abilities in the world. But even in their youth, their potential hadn't been as remarkable as Kazuhime's.

Ruri and Ayane's current chakra levels, while significant, still fell short of tailed beasts. Ruri had only attained her Three Tomoe Sharingan after turning twelve, and she began practicing Sage Mode at fifteen.

Kazuhime, on the other hand, was exceptional. At less than two months old, she possessed chakra approaching tailed beast levels, along with the rare natural Three tomoe Sharingan. Her potential, particularly if she pursued the Sage Arts, was an unpredictable and interesting prospect. However, it also meant a heavy burden for Kazuhime.

Regarding this, Shiraishi was entirely certain.

"What is the root cause of Kazuhime's abnormal situation?" Ayane still confused asked

Shiraishi shook his head as he had done before and said, "How would I know? From a scientific perspective, it appears to be a rare, sudden mutation. In the realm of science, unreasonable pure-chakra beings like tailed beasts can be born, and once in a while, humans defy common sense."

The reason he hadn't delved into this further was not due to a lack of curiosity but rather the absence of any promising starting point or evidence.

With no leads to follow, Shiraishi had no choice but to let the situation develop naturally and observe the outcomes. Thanks to the dual restraints of sealing jutsu and medication, there was no immediate concern about Kazuhime going on a rampage.

Shiraishi picked up a sheet with ratios and began preparing a new medicine, all the while deep in thought. Then something soft pressed against his back.

"Ayane, what are you doing?" Shiraishi asked, sensing his body's natural physiological response to the touch.

"Wait, I'm not finished with my research..."

"Then come study my body instead, as you've done before." Ayane teased from behind, her voice laced with laughter.

Unable to resist the temptation, Shiraishi set aside the test tube in his hand. "Let's go to the break room."

Aware that his physiological reaction was beyond his control, Shiraishi concluded that his research would have to wait.

"Um…" Ayane agreed with a nod.

So, the two kissed and shared gentle, tender caresses before slowly making their way to the laboratory's lounge. Shiraishi had originally prepared the room to keep himself from becoming too tired during research.

Ayane, breathless, lay on the bed with flushed cheeks, seductive eyes, and a half-dressed appearance that only added to her charm. Shiraishi was more reserved, covering his body.

Shiraishi reached for her bag, strapped to her thigh, and began searching within.

"What are you doing?"

Shiraishi remained silent and retrieved her forehead protector with the logo of the Purple Rose engraved upon it from her bag. Since she needed to maintain her official identity secret, Ayane typically kept the forehead protector in her bag.

"What are you doing with my protector?"

Ayane asked, now even more baffled. Still, Shiraishi didn't respond with words. Instead, he took the forehead protector and used it to cover Ayane's eyes.

"You b*stard…" Ayane protested, realizing his intentions a moment too late.

In complete darkness, Ayane understood that the events from this point on would be dominated by this man she both loved and hated.

Unprecedented feelings of shame welled up within her. This man, who existed as both her love and her source of frustration. If only he could belong to one person and not toy with the affections of other women.


On a celestial body located 380,000 kilometers above the Earth's surface, known as the Moon, a desolate landscape stretched, almost like a forbidden realm avoided by living beings.

A streak of white light resembled a meteor as it pierced the moon's darkness, radiating a few beams of light. Eventually, this meteoric white light came to a stop in the Moon's dark hinterland.

There, another white light was present, as if awaiting its arrival.

"Hamura." a voice called out, and from the white light, the figure transformed into the soul-like phantom of an old man.

"Why are you here, brother?" inquired the old man named Hamura, his pure white eyes fixed on the newcomer.

"I've been feeling restless lately. I have this feeling that the seal we placed on our mother here is weakening. I came to check in with you regarding the situation." The other man responded with concern.

In the face of his brother's unease, Hamura replied, "Brother, I believe your concerns are merely a result of your anxiousness for the ninja world. The seal remains intact, and everything is proceeding as Gamamaru's prophecy foretold. After all, the world regards you as the Sage of the Six Paths. There's no need to worry."

"It's not just unwarranted anxiety. Our mother's power is overwhelming, and we should remain vigilant." The old man Hamira called the 'Sage of the Six Paths' replied.

With Sage of the Six Paths still not at ease, Hamura reassured him, "With me personally guarding this place, no one can approach our mother's sealed location without my permission. Rest assured."

The Sage of the Six Paths found solace in Hamura's repeated affirmations. "Thank you for your watchfulness, brother."

Convinced that the seal remained secure, the Sage of the Six Paths prepared to depart when Hamura raised a new concern. "Brother."


"Have you truly made your decision?" Hamura inquired.

Fully comprehending Hamura's question, the Sage of the Six Paths responded, "Indeed, I have. This is a destiny set in motion thousands of years ago. The blue-eyed child of this era will earn the approval of all tailed beasts, usher in genuine peace, and lead the ninja world forward. The curse that has plagued the ninja world will soon be broken by the hands of those destined for it."

In light of the Sage of the Six Paths' resolute words, Hamura nodded in understanding. "I see."

The Sage of the Six Paths nodded in return and then disappeared from Hamura's presence.

Hamura gazed in the direction his brother who had left, letting out a sigh. "Was the destiny set in motion thousands of years ago truly a benevolent one? What meaning do the countless joys, sorrows, glories, and shames experienced by humanity over the past thousand years hold? How do these myriad human lives differ from 'White zetau,' who was raised by his mother long ago? Are the lives and existence of these individuals merely to validate a prophecy made thousands of years prior? What a pitiful existence!"

This was but another cycle of sorrow, a new beginning bound by fate. With a somber gaze, Hamura observed the astral landscape before him.


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