
Naruto: Escape From Konoha

This a Naruto AU. Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had transmigrated to a new world he has no knowledge of, he only knew he was in the village of Konoha. Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book he had picked up “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in cracks. The whole book was written with two words – Pyramid Scheme. Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a iwhile, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this brainwashing organization called Konoha. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or this fic.

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

169: Undercurrent (2)

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Konoha Year 45, Mid-july.

The ninja war had escalated significantly.

Small countries like the Land of Rain, often serving as battlegrounds for war between major powers, suffered the most as victims of this war.

Among these wars, the battle in the Land of Rain was the most intense and drew considerable attention. Orochimaru, one of Konoha's legendary Sannin, had teamed up with Hanzo, the leader of Ame, aiming to swiftly neutralize the Suna threat.

However, high-ranking officials in Sunagakure, led by Chiyo, recognized that the rise of Ame was partly their own doing, but they couldn't afford to play the blame game at this critical juncture.

Their primary goal was to execute their war strategy, even if it meant delaying their time by a year or two. They analyzed the situation and concluded that, while Konoha had sent reinforcements to the front line, Ame required a significant amount of supplies to maintain its alliance with Konoha.

Therefore, even if the situation appeared unfavorable to Suna now, they believed that by stalling and disrupting Konoha's supplies to Ame, the alliance would ultimately crumble, allowing Suna to revert to the situation that existed at the start of the war.

To achieve this goal, Suna had to maintain its combat capabilities until Konoha could no longer sustain Ame's supplies. If they failed to do so, even the disbandment of the Konoha-Rain alliance wouldn't allow Suna to invade the Fire Country.

As the frontline war grew more intense, even Konoha, situated far within the Land of Fire, faced its own turmoil. The ever-changing circumstances in the Land of Rain meant that Konoha had to bear a huge monthly material burden.

Konoha couldn't abandon its ally, Ame. Losing Ame's support would leave the Konoha forces in the Land of Rain vulnerable to Suna's overwhelming numbers, leading to a devastating defeat with even more serious consequences.

Amid the backdrop of these challenges, a letter arrived in Konoha from the Land of Fire's capital.

The Third Hokage received this letter one day later, sent by the Land of Fire's daimyo. The ninja under the daimyo's direct command had delivered it.

Upon receiving the daimyo's letter, Hirizan promptly dispatched Anbu agents to summon advisors Koharu and Homura for an urgent high-level meeting.

"Hiruzen, why have you called us here at this time?"

The two Konoha advisors, responsible for the procurement of materials and logistical work, appeared exhausted. The material shortage had taken a toll on them since the start of the year, depriving them of proper rest.

Their faces had grown more wrinkled, and their dark circles had deepened.

Hiruzen, observing the pair's toil, noted their significant weight loss. "It's been a while since I've seen you. I've asked you to come here because of this letter."

Hiruzen handed the letter to them, urging them to read the content of the letter.

After going through the daimyo's letter, the two advisors displayed slight furrows on their brows, suggesting they found the contents of the letter challenging.

"The daimyo is urging us to end the war as soon as possible. What are your thoughts?"

Hiruzen picked up his pipe and took a puff, exhaled a circle of smoke, as he asked the duo of them their opinions.

"Honestly speaking, this appears somewhat unrealistic. Setting aside the war with Suna and Iwa, we must also keep an eye on Kumo. Also, a portion of our forces is needed to monitor Kumo's movements. At the moment, we don't have a enough number of support troops, and without the support for the Land of Rain, it is unlikely we can secure a quick victory, no matter how much we may desire it." Homura spoke honestly.

The truth stung but needed to be acknowledged. Konoha had essentially deployed most of its available ninja forces.

The village needed to retain a certain number of ninja for protecting the village itself, or it risked repeating the disastrous large-scale defection incident from two years ago.

Currently, Konoha exercised strict control over the movement of people in and out of the village, even banning non-combatants from doing so.

They imposed thorough scrutiny on foreign business travelers during this wartime. Anyone who couldn't provide adequate proof of identity faced deportation or even compulsory imprisonment in severe cases.

"I think so too, but the daimyo hopes that we end the war as soon as possible, particularly regarding the Land of Rain, and we can't drag it any longer," Hiruzen responded with a serious expression.

As Hokage, he was acutely aware of the significance of the battlefront in the Land of Rain. However, this only heightened his unease concerning the matter.

Suna had amassed nearly 7,000 ninja in the Land of Rain, a number they publicly claimed to be 10,000, significantly threatening the Land of Fire's national defense. The daimyo's concerns likely centered around this precarious situation.

Moreover, the free financial support to Ame might have incurred the displeasure of the Land Of Fire's nobility, with the daimyo at their helm.

To be honest, Hiruzen didn't want to provide free subsidies to Ame, but Ame was entirely without the funds needed to purchase supplies, and Konoha couldn't afford to lose an ally like Ame. So, he reluctantly provided financial support at no cost.

As a result, throughout the year, the Land of Rain remained a financial drain. Hiruzen was ready for a protracted war, as the Land of Fire could bear that burden, but it was only with the huge support from the daimyo that he was qualified to continue the prolonged war with Suna in the Land of Rain.

If the daimyo decided to adjust the support provided to Konoha, it would leave Konoha with no option but to comply.

"Indeed, the Land of Rain is consuming more resources than the Land of Grass. However, the daimyo's letter gives us a strict three-month deadline. At the very latest, by year's end, we must eliminate the threat posed by Suna in the Land of Rain... Is this not a bit hasty? You know, the threat from Iwagakure hasn't been dealt with."

Homura expressed his reservations.

"Speaking of the Iwa, Jiraiya recently brought me some good news a few days ago."

Hiruzen had a contented smile on his face.

"Good news?"

Homura and Koharu couldn't discern what good news Hiruzen was referring to.

Hiruzen set down his tobacco pipe, retrieved a scroll from his drawer, and asked the two opposite him to read its contents.

"This is…"

Seeing the scroll's contents, Homura and Koharu immediately showed surprise.

According to information from Jiraiya, just four days ago, Namikaze Minato single-handedly destroyed two Iwagakure supply points in the Land of Grass, eliminating more than 500 Iwa ninjas without sustaining any injuries.

From the beginning to the end of the mission, Minato remained unscathed. His remarkable exploits earned him the moniker 'Yellow Flash,' a name that struck fear into Iwagakure's ninja.

"That young man is truly powerful."

Homura inhaled deeply, his shock still evident in his eyes.

Destroying Iwa's supply points and wiping out 500 Iwa ninjas singlehandedly, all without sustaining any injuries, was a feat that left people speechless.

While the Flying Thunder God Jutsu played a significant role, Minato's ability to master such a challenging S-rank space-time ninjutsu demonstrated his exceptional talent. After all, no one in Konoha had managed to master the Flying Thunder God jutsu since the death of their sensei.

"I didn't expect him to progress so quickly. I recall that he has a close association with the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

Koharu had a point to make.

"Individual strength doesn't necessarily mean he can be a good Hokage. Minato is also very young and may lack the experience to deal with complicated matters. In my opinion, Orochimaru might be better suited for the position of Hokage."

Homura shook his head; he understood Koharu's perspective. Elevating a twenty-year-old into the position of Hokage, even in comparison to the feats of the White Fang in the past, seemed somewhat extreme.

He recognized Minato's strength but also understood that being Hokage required more than just power. Balancing the various factions within the village to foster healthy growth would take another ten years.

"Let's set aside the Fourth Hokage matter for now, but Minato should be included on the list of potential candidates."

After careful consideration, Hiruzen decided to list Minato as a potential candidate for the Fourth Hokage.

Minato possessed an exceptional character, outstanding abilities, a clean background, an unwavering Will of Fire, and a friendly connection with the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Additionally, he had achieved remarkable success during the war, rendering him a strong candidate for the position.

The two advisors voiced no objections..Minato was only being considered as a candidate for the Fourth Hokage. Selections and deliberations would follow to determine the rightful Fourth Hokage.

"Since the situation in the Land of Grass has been mostly resolved, I believe it's plausible to transfer Minato to the Land of Rain for action against Suna."

Koharu put forward her viewpoint.

Hiruzen didn't immediately agree. Instead, he took out a map and pointed at it.

"While we have made some significant progress in the Land of Grass, I'm concerned that Minato's aggressive actions might make Onoki to deploy Hyuga Ayane to the Land of Grass again."

Hiruzen expressed his worries.

A heavy silence lingered in the Hokage's office.

"Hiruzen, do you believe Minato's strength is sufficient to handle her?" Homura wasn't too confident.

Recently, if there was a famous rebel in the ninja world, it had to be Konoha's S-class rebel, Hyuga Ayane.

Though she only operated secretly, she had flourished openly on the battlefields of all five major nations, a feat unmatched by anyone else.

Rumor had it that she singlehandedly suppressed Kumo's forces on the Iwa-Kumo battlefield, including the Fourth Raikage, who had the ninjutsu inherited from the previous Third Raikage, thus disturbing Kumo's peace.

Her power surpassed even that of the Konoha Sannin.

"I can't tell;, we willl have to assess Minato's performance. With the Flying Thunder God Jutsu under his command, he holds a unique advantage in attacking and retreating as he pleases, making him unmatched in terms of maneuverability. In contrast, Hyuga Ayane is known for her unusual Taijutsu and defensive tactics, along with her troublesome Byakugan. Minato has claimed that his nerve response time is slightly faster than hers, but her Byakugan compensates for any such gap."

Hiruzen was uncertain if the current Minato was capable of handling Hyuga Ayane.

However, dealing with ninjas of her caliber required deploying ninjas of similar strength to minimize losses.

So, from Hiruzen's perspective, as long as they can restrain a powerful ninja like Hyuga Ayane and prevent her from running amok, it would be a significant accomplishment.

"It still appears impossible to support the Land of Rain. The three months granted by the daimyo is truly too tight," Homura sighed.

"I will send an order to Orochimaru, urging him to come up with a solution as soon as possible. If he can't eliminate the threat from Suna in the Land of Rain within the next three months, I may have to take action myself," Hiruzen stated with a determined glint in his eyes.

"Hiruzen, are you serious?"

The news that Hiruzen intended to head to the battlefield himself caught the two advisors off guard.

A sitting Hokage personally going to the battlefield meant that the enemy had reached Konoha's last line of defense.

Hiruzen nodded and explained, "Not only is the daimyo concerned, but I'm also worried that further delays in the Land of Rain could lead to unforeseen consequences. Ending this war as swiftly as possible will free Konoha from danger earlier."

Hiruzen was growing tires of the precarious nature of this battle, it was like walking on thin ice.

Seeing Hiruzen's unwavering decision, the two advisors had no choice but to agree.

"In that case, let's proceed as you've said."


The sea area in the northern part of the Land of Earth was engulfed in war.

Wrapped in an exceptionally thick lightning armor, the Fourth Raikage became a streak of blue lightning racing across the sea.

Before him, a figure stopped his advance.

Their palms met, and the sea's waves were disrupted and scattered in all directions.

The Fourth Raikage clenched his fists, channeling all the strength in his body. The veins on his arms bulged, but he couldn't take a step forward.

"Damn woman!" He cursed as his lightning eyes glared at the white-eyed woman standing before him. Gritting his teeth, every blocked attack by this woman only fueled his rage.

"You're better than before, but still worse Raikage-sama,"

Ayane teased the Fourth Raikage. Her ability to remain composed amidst this fierce battle further inflamed his anger.

He was helpless against Ayane. His speed surpassed hers, but her Byakugan provided her with an unobstructed field of vision. She anticipated his attacks, be they direct or sneaky, always prepared to either deflect or evade.

The Fourth Raikage had already suffered significant losses. Though furious, he promptly retreated if an attack failed, never giving Ayane an opportunity to unleash her Gentle Fist on him.

Being struck by that jutsu was truly troublesome, causing internal damage and blocking his chakra flow. The Fourth Raikage's reliance on chakra to maintain the Lightning Armor made him especially vulnerable to Ayane's jutsu, which fundamentally made them bad match ups.

It should be said that ninjas who rely on chakra for Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu all hated the Hyuga's Gentle Fist so much. Because once their chakra pathways was blocked, it was equivalent to a death sentence

Ayane observed the Fourth Raikage's increasing caution, it was a natural response following his earlier recklessness. Their countless battles in the past year, whether in direct confrontation or unexpected encounters, had allowed each to discern the other's general capabilities.

The Fourth Raikage had grown cautious since the initial rampage, and he was absolutely sure about when to dodge. This was the psychological shadow of being struck by Ayane's gentle fist.

As long as Ayane was present, the Raikage became useless, he would undoubtedly be intercepted by her. Hence, the confrontation with Iwagakure can be described as less victorious and more defeated.

The outcome of his battle with Ayane was even more pitiful. So far, he hasn't emerged victorious in a single duel. The battle wouldn't be over until the sun sinks below the western horizon.

Both parties withdrew from the sea and returned to their respective encampments.

"The Fourth Raikage is becoming more and more difficult to handle, and his strength is growing rapidly," Ayane conveyed to Onoki upon returning to Iwagakure's camp.

"Of course, that brat Raikage is still under 30 years now, and his body is in a phase of significant development," Onoki responded.

To Onoki, the Fourth Raikage seemed inexperienced in every way except his strength. Yet this trait only made Onoki feel envious.

His envy didn't stem from the Fourth Raikage himself but from the knowledge that Kumo had potential successors.

Accumulating experience could take time, but a ninja's innate talent was irreplaceable. A ninja's talents were determined from birth, and those who achieved greatness purely through hard work were extremely rare.

In Onoki's view, the Fourth Raikage was a ninja born with exceptional talents, boasting chakra levels rivaling tailed beasts and flawlessly inheriting the Third Raikage's impressive qualities. Such a ninja was already fit to be the Raikage.

Reflecting on Iwa's current situation, it might seem prosperous, but should they lose the him the Tsuchikage, Onoki wasn't sure how they would cope.

"If you want to end the battle here quickly, you will need to engage in a decisive battle with a large force," Ayane proposed.

Such measured battles, in Ayane's view, only restrained Kumo's combat capabilities without genuinely eliminating them.

"Impossible. That would result in a significant sacrifice on Iwa's part," Onoki replied, his expression giving nothing away, leaving his thoughts a mystery.

A decisive battle with Kumo, even with Ayane's assistance, results in an unpredictable outcome. Onoki has a nagging suspicion that Ayane's intentions for aiding Iwa wasn't entirely pure.

"Well, I don't have much of a choice. After all, the Fourth Raikage has a younger brother, Killer Bee, who seems to be the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki. If he joins the battlefield, I can't handle two powerful opponents at once. Don't forget they also have a Two-Tails Jinchuriki,".


Onoki affirmed Ayane's concerns.

"Since you don't wish to fight Kumo directly, it might be a good strategy to surrender the Third Raikage's body and the Sage of Six Paths' Artifact. After all this seems to be Kumo's primary objective for starting this war."

Ayane made a convincing argument.

However, given that she had already stolen the artifact and couldn't recover it for Iwa, the only contribution they could make to Kumo was the Third Raikage's body.

"Even if we surrender the Third Raikage's body, there's no guarantee Kumo will definitely withdraw. The peace treaty we sign may also be as worthless as scrap paper. It will change Iwa's strategic position significantly," Onoki pointed out.

Ayane raised an eyebrow, perplexed by this new information.

"You will head to the Land of Grass to support Kitsuchi. I need you to deal with Konoha's recently famous 'Yellow Flash', Namikaze Minato,"

Onoki had obtained information regarding the supply point in the Land of Grass being raided by a yellow-haired Konoha ninja.

During the raid, Iwa ninjas stationed there suffered heavy casualties, while the intruder emerged unscathed. This had infuriated Onoki, and he couldn't overlook it.

However, he was now concerned about this yellow flash, who, rumors claimed, could end a battle against any opponent, even experienced and formidable Jonin, within just two moves. The legacy of his swift victories left a fleeting yellow light, earning him the moniker 'yellow flash.'

"Since it is the request of Tsuchikage-sama, as a bounty hunter, I naturally have to obey the order. But i can't guarantee i can deal with Minato, after all he must have refined his space-time ninjutsu further since our last encounter," Ayane said with a smile.

"Of course i know. Your primary objective is to restrict him," .

"It's easier said than done. He's no pushover and I hate dealing with speed ninjas," Ayane grumbled as she walked out of the tent where Onoki was located.

Shortly after Ayane's departure, a shadowy figure landed beside Onoki, an Iwa Anbu.

"Tsuchikage-sama," the Anbu greeted him.

"Notify Kitsuchi to be cautious around this woman; her intentions in assisting us might not be entirely pure," Onoki instructed.


With the Anbu's departure, Onoki released a heavy sigh.


Outside the forest, the atmosphere was stifling as the hottest summer of the year prevailed. As September approached, the energy of the ninjas in the Land of Grass seemed to wane under the scorching sun.

Kakashi stood by a crystal-clear river that runs through the Grassland's forest. The breeze from afar, infused with the river's cool moisture, offered a refreshing sensation when it brushed against the body.

Finding a wet stone by the river, Kakashi took a seat to relax. He unpacked kunai, shuriken, and other ninja tools, alongside a small whetstone to remove rust from the blades. While minor rust might not affect killing an enemy, it could lead to a slight deviation, allowing a target to escape a fatal blow.

Once in a while, Kakashi maintained his gear. Though he rarely relied on kunai and shuriken, ensuring their sharpness was adequate.

His sword, White Fang, was a valuable inheritance from his father, Sakumo Hatake, and it was his first choice when engaging in combat. Kakashi was no professional gear repairman, but he knew how to keep his tools in good condition.

First, he applied a special cleaning agent to the ninja tools, meticulously covering every crevice. He then submerged them in clean water, using the whetstone to remove rust from each one.

"So you are here, Kakashi." A voice came from behind him.

A boy of similar age to Kakashi, Obito Uchiha, appeared wearing goggles. He was a member of Team Minato, an elite Uchiha from Konoha's prestigious clan. Though Kakashi didn't consider him an elite Uchiha, Obito had become a Chunin at the age of eleven, which was a commendable achievement.

Kakashi glanced back at him, asking, "What's going on?"

Obito, with his hands in his jacket pockets, appeared reluctant as he answered, "Minato-sensei has something to tell you, he wants you to come over right away."

Obito snorted.

"Really? I'll go there after I clean my tools."

Kakashi nodded, understanding that, as a member of Team Minato, he had to follow their captain's orders without question.

As they were ninja, such discipline was a cornerstone of their code.

"Kakashi, hurry up; it seems Minato-sensei has something urgent," Obito urged Kakashi again.

"Got it. didn't you see me cleaning my grar. Or you reason for rushing is because you want to see Rin sooner?" Kakashi replied unhurriedly.

Obito blushed, retorting loudly, "Hey, Bakashi don't twist it around like that!"

Kakashi wasn't convinced, "No, you just want to get back quickly so you can see Rin. You can't hide it."

"Quit blabbering! You're such a pain."

"To each other, neither of us sees you as an Uchiha elite," Kakashi and Obito bantered back and forth.


Obito turned his face away, clearly avoiding the sight of Kakashi's disgusting face.

He believed Kakashi loved ridiculing him, an elite ninja of the Uchiha clan.

For Obito, Kakashi was the type of genius ninja who garnered admiration from many girls, a trait that Obito despised most.

Every class reunion inevitably featured Kakashi as the center of attention for girls.

Despite his belief that he was the true elite, Obito remained clueless about awakening the Sharingan.

Whenever he asked about it with his grandmother, she responded with silence, followed by a head pat and a smile, telling him, "You'll find out soon."

This constant avoidance only increased Obito's frustration.

He didn't know why his grandmother wouldn't explain the process of awakening the Sharingan. It felt like she was intentionally evading the topic.

Other Uchiha elders showed no interest in telling him about it either.

"Alright, my tools are cleaned; let's go,".

"It's so boring, Kakashi. You accuse me of procrastinating, yet you're doing the same," Obito retorted with a laugh.

"Didn't Minato-sensei specify the time for me to join him? My timing is reasonable."

Obito huffed, but Kakashi remained as composed as ever.

"Alright, let's hurry up. You're just so eager to see Rin," Kakashi teased.

Obito suddenly became furious again..

"I've said it before; it's Minato-sensei who's calling you, not Rin!"

Obito followed Kakashi back on the trail.

Suddenly, Obito turned around, quickly forming hand seals, gathering chakra in his mouth, and then releasing the jutsu.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

A massive fireball hurtled toward the nearby bushes, followed by the.sound of howling wind.

A figure leaped out of the bushes, narrowly evading the fireball, but the figure's relief was short-lived.

The moonlit blade of White Fang pierced through the ninja from Iwagakure, plunging from his back through to his chest.

"Already... that was fast..."

The Iwagakure ninja, now pierced by Kakashi's sword, wore the village's attire and was stunned that he had been attacked by a mere kid from behind without realizing it.

Kakashi withdrew White Fang as the Iwagakure ninja fell to the ground, lifeless.

"Kakashi, how was my cooperation? Were you surprised by my jutsu? Whenever i want to, I can perform at this level. So next time, don't call me a slacker," Obito proudly smiled.

Obito was genuinely delighted to have cooperated with Kakashi.

"So- So-. I just blinked to let you deal with it. I could've handled that guy on my own."

"You're still lying, acting like you weren't impressed by my abilities," Obito said smugly.

"Enough chitchat... aren't you coming out yet?" Kakashi's eyes remained fixed on a shaded tree untouched by the sunlight.

"Kakashi, did we let one slip through?" Obito finally realized the situation and stood alongside Kakashi, ready for any challenge.

Kakashi kept silent, gripping White Fang with a serious expression.

Clap! Clap!

The sound of clappinng resounded from behind the tree.

Obito couldn't help but swallow, inexplicably he felt a dangerous aura approaching him.

A woman dressed in white emerged from behind the tree, it was Ayane.

"It's been a while, Kakashi. You've grown a lot in these past years. And this guy is a formidable Iwa Chunin," Ayane said, smiling warmly at Kakashi.

"Hey, Kakashi, is she a friend of yours?" Obito thought Ayane appeared familiar but couldn't pinpoint where he had seen her.

Judging from the tone of the other party, it seemed like she was familiar with Kakashi.

"Are you an idiot?"

A bead of cold sweat trickled down Kakashi's forehead.

"Stop calling me that!" Obito protested, glaring at Kakashi.

"Listen closely; I don't have time to explain right now. Find Minato-sensei quickly; she's not someone we can handle,"

Obito saw Kakashi's quivering hand as he held White Fang, a mix of fear and nervousness. For the first time, Obito saw Kakashi showing fear towards an enemy.

"Hurry!" Kakashi's sense of urgency was palpable, and Obito understood that this woman wasn't easy to deal with.

Obito retrieved kunai from his pouch and said confidently, "Kakashi, I'm an elite Uchiha ninja, and I never abandon my comrades. If you need to escape, go ahead; I'll stall her for you."

So, Obito clutched the kunai tightly, charging Ayane without hesitation.


Facing Obito's self-destructive intent, Kakashi tightened his grip on his sword and swiftly moved toward Ayane, intercepting Obito.

Before fighting Ayane, he had to stop Obito.

Ayane smiled and began gathering chakra in her palms.

A sudden feeling of unease washed over Obito, a crushing pressure that seemed to strangle his throat, leaving his face pale.

He immediately realized that the woman before him was an opponent far beyond his capabilities.

Certain death loomed.

Retreating was no longer an option.


His body was flung backward.

Blood spattered upon him.

Obito stood in stunned silence as Kakashi, who had taken the brunt of the attack meant for him, stood between them.

"Ka... Kakashi!"

Obito had never expected this turn of events.

His body trembled, not with anger or fear, but with a realization of his own incompetence.

The desire to protect his comrades only magnified his realization of his own limitations.

Feelings of impotence, frustration, and the loss of his own strength swirled in his mind, reflecting in his eyes.

As Obito stared deep into his own eyes, it felt as though something within him had awakened.

A fiery, potent energy surged into his eyes.

Chakra pulsed throughout his body, and Obito could sense a significant increase in chakra reserve.

His eyes turned red, each now bearing two spinning tomoe, exuding a mesmerizing yet bewitching radiance.

"Things just got more complicated. Your talent for awakening your eyes seems remarkable. I should deal eith you ad soon as possible... In any case, Konoha won't miss you."

Ayane murmured softly.

Obito ignored Ayane's words, but stared at her with his Sharingan, which now bore double tomoe.

His vision experienced unprecedented clarity. His dynamic vision had been greatly enhanced.

'Is this the power of the Sharingan?' Obito didn't discern know if he felt joy or sorrow currently. He hadn't expected to awaken his eyes in such dire circumstances.

Obito vaguely understood why his grandmother had refrained from discussing the Sharingan with him.

Ayane observed Obito's every move. She expected him to strike again, but Obito instead hoisted Kakashi onto his back, retreated swiftly, and disappeared in an instant.

"He's not a fool,"

After awakening his Sharingan, Obito had come to understand the vast gap that existed between him and his enemy. His awakening of Sharingan, though powerful, couldn't bridge such a gap.

Obito had initially assumed he might meet his end here, but he had a duty to ensure Kakashi's safe return. So, he could only escape.

A fierce wind swept from behind, and Obito knew Ayane was closing in on him.

With Kakashi on his back, even if he set traps, it was too late.

The inevitable conclusion was that escape wasn't easy, given the immense gap in strength.

Not even a ninja like Kakashi could withstand a single attack and Obito was yet to master his Sharingan. If only it could evolve further...

Obito shivered, rejecting the thought.

This power, obtained at the cost of his comrades' suffering, was excessively dark.

Depending entirely on breeding darkness to enhance his strength might ultimately fail to protect his comrades. It could even lead to their harm.

Harming Kakashi, hurting Rin, and others. Hence, his desire for power had to be restrained. But to back down now would mean certain death, and Kakashi would die with him.

The sounds of footsteps drawing nearer were relentless.

'Still, no escape?' Obito took a deep breath; if he couldn't flee, he would fight to the death.

Even if it meant his own death, he would inflict damage upon the enemy, refusing to let the Uchiha's strength be underestimated.

'Sorry..... Kakashi, Rin, and Minato-sensei...'

Obito turned around with the unconscious Kakashi on his back, brandishing a kunai, ready to confront Ayane head-on.

A handful of kunai flew from deep within the forest.

Ayane recognized them immediately as kunai specifically inscribed with Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Attached to them was a razor-sharp wind attribute chakra, maintaining its power even after penetrating a tree. The kunai flew faster than before, its wind attribute chakra enhancing its lethal force.


In an instant, an explosion of golden-yellow light shattered the earth.

The debris obscured the view and separated Obito from Ayane.


Obito displayed a shocked expression at Minato's arrival.

"Sorry, I'm late, Obito. Take Kakashi and get out of here; I'll handle things here."


Obito realized that his presence along with Kakashi would only complicate the situation for Minato, and thus, he promptly carried Kakashi and fled back to the Konoha camp.

"It won't be that easy to escape," Ayane declared.

Ayane's figure flickered as she launched an attack from the front.

Minato didn't hesitate, releasing a large number of tri-pronged kunai that scattered in all directions.

With a single tri-pronged kunai in hand, he flashed towards Ayane.

Ayane swiftly sidestepped as Kunai whizzed by, bathed in golden light. In the blink of an eye, Minato appeared behind her, his hand grasping a tri-pronged Kunai imbued with wind attribute chakra, which he thrust toward Ayane's vest with a swift backhand motion.

Her body tilted slightly, and with just a few millimeters to spare, the tri-pronged Kunai missed her, swishing past.

Ayane remained unfazed by Minato's sudden appearance and his choice of attack. Her Byakugan allowed her to perceive any threat, regardless of its speed or direction, granting her a clear view of her surroundings.

Besides, having fought ge Fourth Raikage several times, she had adapted to high-speed combat, enabling her to evade with clever agility.

While Ayane retreated, one of the tri-pronged Kunai that Minato had scattered earlier fell from the sky and lodged into Ayane's back.

Minato's held a condensed blue chakra sphere with a razor-sharp wind blade revolving around it.

'Well... let's stop here' Ayane decided to stop here.

Minato before her vanished, and the chakra ball infused with the wind blade struck her back.

At the same time, Ayane turned around at that moment, forcefully extending her palm.

"Air God Strike!"

In the forest, a violent tornado erupted, followed by a deafening explosion.

The wind pressure, highly concentrated and turbulent, produced sharp and harsh sounds, while an overpowering chakra shockwave resonated in tandem.

The two vortexes collided, generating an intense burst of blinding white light, obscuring the field of vision, making it impossible to keep one's eyes open.

In the center of the forest, a massive crater appeared, consuming trees and earth in its path.

Obito, who had already retreated from the battle, still felt the explosion's shockwaves, causing him to turn instinctively and catch sight of Minato rushing towards him from behind.

"Minato-sensei? Have you dealt with the enemy?"

Obito came to a stop, waiting for Minato to approach.

As Minato reached Obito, the younger ninja noticed that his right arm was severely injured, blood streaming from the wound. Minato's appearance seemed disheveled and battered.

Obito was surprised, this was the first time he had seen Minato sustain such a grave injury. Since joining Team Minato, he had seen Minato deal with enemies instantly, his mere presence enough to deter any threat.

In response to Obito's question, Minato shook his head and replied, "No, I can only say that I'm somewhat better, but with my current strength, it's extremely difficult to kill her. I will need the assistance of other jonin."

Minato turned to look into the depths of the forest, where their enemy was retreating at high speed.

Analyzing the situation, he speculated that Ayane would be called to confront him as the balance tilted in their favor. This latest attack on his two students was likely a ruse to draw him into a trap.

"So, you mean that woman will come back?"

Obito was quite worried.

"No, she won't be able to fight with Konoha for a while," Minato assured him.

Obito was still confused..

"Okay, don't worry. Sensei is here, and no one will harm you."

Minato chose not to explain but instead smiled warmly and patted Obito's head in a reassuring gesture.


"Congratulations, Obito. You have awakened your Sharingan. The gap between you and Kakashi will reduce over time. However, don't become too addicted to this power. The most important thing is to remain true to your own heart."

When Minato said these words, his expression was serious.

Obito understood exactly what Minato meant. At the moment he awakened the Sharingan, despite his nervousness, he had understood the process for awakening it.

Therefore, he listened to Minato's warning.


"What? Are you leaving at this time?"

At the Land of Grass, within Iwagakure's camp, Kitsuchi stared at Ayane in disbelief. She had only been present for a few days and was already leaving. Wasn't this a breach of their agreement?

Ayane coughed, her complexion pale, clearly injured.

"I have no other choice. I don't want to do this, but the next time I encounter the Yellow Flash well-prepared, I won't be able to evade his attack."

Her statement left Kitsuchi confused. They had invited Ayane here at a high price, but her words seemed to ve increasing the morale of their enemies.

In response to Kitsuichi's dissatisfaction, Ayane rolled up her sleeves to reveal her wrists, which had a distinct black mark.

Kitsuchi expression changed drastically, taking a step back subconsciously, assuming a defensive stance against Ayane. He recognized the mark, which was synonymous with Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Jutsu, a mark that signaled the inescapable pursuit of the Yellow Flash.

Even if someone briefly evaded Minato's grasp, they couldn't remain hidden for long. All Iwagakure ninjas bearing this mark were killed without exception.

"You were marked with the thing...and you survived?" Kitsuchi stammered as he asked.

"It's best not to underestimate me. After all, this mark only serves to transport through time and space and holds no offensive capabilities. Moreover, as long as I leave Minato's field of vision immediately, even if I carry this mark, he won't take immediate action."

Ayane's explanation clarified the situation which Kitsuchi understood. Some Iwa ninjas had also been marked in the past, and they had returned to the camp without worry. It took a while before Minato figured out the situation and killed them.

Being planted with this imprint, staying away from Namikaze Minato's field of vision for the first time would be the safe period.

Not to mention a ninja like Ayane with the Byakugan.

However, Kitsuchi still felt something was wrong.

Of course, there was another crucial point Ayane failed to mention. Minato had fallen into Shiraishi's trap in the past and died on the spot, later revived with the aid of the Sage Seal from Mount Myōboku. This history remained fresh in Minato's memory.

For those who knrw Shiraishi, they never acted recklessly unless they were absolutely certain. This was precisely why Minato refrained from taking immediate action after marking her with the Flying Thunder God mark.


Kitsuchi sighed, nodding in agreement. Ayane was correct.

Although her safety was ensured for the time being, the next encounter with Namakaze Minato would undoubtedly be different. Minato would come prepared with enough trump cards, and Ayane's chances of survival would significantly be reduced.

In essence, they were merely rogue ninjas, and they would withdraw from the battlefield the moment their lives were in danrlger. Kitsuchi found no reason to compel Ayane to stay any longer.

"This mission can be deemed a failure. I won't accept the deposit or the rewards. I'll return them to you in full once I have the Flying Thunder God mark removed from my hand. Carrying it around constantly is making me uneasy."

Ayane extracted a scroll containing the funds, placed it on the table, and exited the tent.

Kitsuchi picked up the scroll Ayane had left behind while frowning. His father, Onoki, had cautioned him to remain vigilant regarding Ayane's motives for assisting Iwagakure, but Ayane's sudden decision to stop cooperation was puzzling.

What could her objective be? Had she achieved her goal through her cooperation with Iwa?

Kitsuchi, grappling with these questions, realized one thing. With the loss of Ayane, a powerful ninja, who would Iwagakure in the Land of Grass employ to limiit the Yellow Flash?

Even if his father, Onoki, intervened personally, it was doubtful they could restrain Namikaze Minato, who used the extraordinary Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

"Pass down the order. If they encounter Namikaze Minato, they can abandon the mission without facing punishment. We don't want to risk unnecessary casualties."

Kitsuchi reluctantly relayed this order to the Jonin by his side. Regrettably, Iwa remained powerless against the remarkable Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

This situation brought to mind Konoha's White Fang, but compared to him, Namikaze Minato, a master of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, was even more terrifying.

In recent times, Iwa ninjas on his side had been plagued by fear of the Yellow Flash alone. Encounters with him on the battlefield often resulted in sudden and unexpected deaths, a level of deterrence even more intimidating than Konoha's White Fang.

"Yes," the Jonin replied and withdrew to carry out Kitsuchi's orders.


Ayane, who had left the Iwagakure camp, did not immediately return to the Land of Demons. Given the Flying Thunder God mark on her hand, she possessed remarkable positional awareness. Returning to the Land of Demons would undoubtedly alert Minato to her presence.

She made her way to an abandoned cave in the Land of Grass, where a man and a woman were patiently waiting.

The man, in his twenties, donned a white coat, exuding the faint scent of chemicals. He appeared quite handsome. The woman, much younger, was dressed in a dark ninja attire with a fiery round fan on her back, wearing an cold expression.

These two figures were Shiraishi and Ruri. Both had been awaiting Ayane's arrival for some time.

"The mission is complete, but Madara's plans remains unclear," Ayane reported upon arrival.

"No matter. Your mission was to eliminate the White Zetsu surrounding Obito. Compared to the Five Great Nations, Madara poses a far greater threat. According to the available information, his goal likely revolves around becoming the Ten Tails Jinchuriki and releasing the Infinite Tsukuyomi upon the world. Enshrouding everyone in a genjutsu of nothingness, much like Otsutsuki Kaguya did before."

Shiraishi sighed deeply, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"Escape from reality? The old man is sure obsessed with peace."

"So, while he's weak now, we must deliver a fatal blow and prevent him from carrying out his plans."

"But now he's an old man. Becoming the Ten Tails Jinchuriki...something about it doesn't sit right with me."

"Who knows? Perhaps becoming the Ten Tails Jinchuriki will introduce unexpected changes. The arrangements in place with Obito are contingencies. Depending on Madara's choices, we'll decide how to proceed. It's the only way to get close to him again."

Ayane paid no attention to Shiraishi's ponderings, instead rolling up her sleeves to reveal her white arms, displaying the Flying Thunder God mark on her wrist.

"We will attend to Madara's matters later. For now, please remove this mark. I don't want to live in fear all day."

"No need to be so nervous. The mark served as a good excuse for your exit from the Iwa battlefield. Besides, this seal like to the caged bird seal. It operates based on chakra, which means it's relatively easy to crack."

Shiraishi smiled with confidence in his ability to eliminate the Flying Thunder God mark.


In a dark, undisclosed cave, White Zetsu reported to Madara.

"Madara-sama, the other oarty has started eliminating the White Zetsu near Obito."

"Have all those special white zetsus been killed?"

Madara, who sat in a chair, was aged and frail. He awoke from drowsiness, his red Sharingan flaring to life. His long, white hair hung disheveled.

His vitality was getting weaker, as though he might pass away at any moment.


"Today's young ninjas are not to be underestimated."

Madara agreed, nodding. "Indeed. The enemy assisted Iwagakure, but it wasn't merely to eliminate the White Zetsu around Obito. It's a test of my response and a veiled attack on Konoha."

"Yes. The other party assisted Iwagakure, most likely to eliminate the White zetsu beside Obito."

"There is a meaning to their actions but it should be more than for this purpose. If it was just to eliminate White zetsu around Obito, they should have done that long ago. The other party is testing my reaction, or.to target Konoha."

Madara's aged voice retained its undeniable authority.

"What do we do next Madara-sama?"

White Zetsu couldn't guess Madara's intentions.

"The net has been cast. Let's deal with those brats once and for all. My time is running out, and I can't afford to wait any longer."

In the darkness, the Sharingan's crimson glow radiated. Madara's lips curled into a ferocious smile, sending shivers down the spines of those who saw it.

"Finally, in this world of endless cause and effect, love and hatred entangled...I shall dance once more..."


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