
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Tranh châm biếm
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277 Chs

Chapter 64: Karin: Pops! Thank you!!!

Oh my God! What's going on with this little devil from the Uzumaki clan?

 Can't she see that this giant gentleman was just joking? She actually agreed?

 It's over!

 By doing so, this little devil wouldn't anger the giant right?

"Could this potentially impact me as well?"

 Karin's word

 Scared the Kusagakure Anbu so much that his lips were trembling, he kept blinking, giving Karin secret signals.


 He overestimated a child's ability to "read faces".

 Karin didn't notice him at all.

 "Pops! I... I called you pops, can you take me... to see my mom?"

 Karin pleaded with a small face.

 The Kusagakure Anbu quickly cast his gaze on Whitebeard's face. He was shocked to find that the smile on Whitebeard's face gradually faded.

 Such a change in expression.

 Made him shudder!

 "Gurarararara" However, Whitebeard laughed even more heartily, happier, and more heroic in the next moment: "Naruto, that stupid son, hesitated for quite a while. Kakashi, that white-haired brat, even refused me more than a dozen times, each time with a different reason."

 "Unexpectedly, you little brat, are so decisive." Whitebeard picked her up under Karin's terrified expression.

 But Karin's terrified expression quickly turned into astonishment.

 Because Whitebeard didn't do anything to her.

 Instead, he put her petite body on his shoulder and let her sit on his sturdy shoulder

 "Little brat! In the Whitebeard Pirates, once you shout 'Pops', you can't regret it!"

 Whitebeard grinned and said: "I've heard your name from your mother. Karin, right? Gurarararara! From today on, you are my first daughter in the ninja world!"

 "Karin, the 'Pops' you just called means 'father'! Gurarararaa!"

 "Pops... Father..."

 Karin's little face was stunned.

 Her little brain didn't turn around for a moment: "I... am going to have a father?!"

 She was stunned.

 Her small brain overload.

 "Does your arm still hurt?" Whitebeard turned his head and asked Karin.

 "...Umm." Karin nodded her head.

 Being bitten through the skin and flesh by teeth, for a child not crying out loud is already much stronger than her peers.

 "Brat, do you know medical ninjutsu?" Whitebeard's gaze glanced at the dumbfounded Kusagakure Anbu.

 "No, not very proficient..."

 The Kusagakure Anbu was scared by Whitebeard's eyes and immediately changed his words: "But I can try!!"

 The medical ninjutsu of this Kusagakure Anbu is indeed terrible.

 He had exhausted all his strength and was sweating profusely.

 As a result, he could only heal Karin's arm wound, but he couldn't eliminate the scar after healing her.

 Karin looked at her still faintly painful wound.

 And then she looked at the concern on Whitebeard's face.

 For some reason

 Scenes of her and her mother being bullied by the ninjas in the Kusagakure flashed through her mind.

 During the time she grew up in Kusagakure, apart from her mother who cared for her, no one else had ever cared for her so much.

 Even if Whitebeard just asked how her wound felt, a warm current surged in Karin's heart.

 She actually lacks love and care.

 Otherwise, in the future, she wouldn't suddenly be devoted to a certain person because of an accidental life-saving favor.

 Whitebeard saved her, Whitebeard defeated the bad guy in her heart, Whitebeard could take her to see her mother,


Whitebeard cared about the injury on her arm...

 These little things in the eyes of outsiders.

 In Karin's world.

 They are all big deals

 "Pops..." Karin sincerely said, "Thank you! My mother once said that she wanted me to be a person who knows how to be grateful. In the future... if you get hurt, you can directly bite me, so that you can recover... Ow!"

 Karin had just finished saying a sentence of gratitude that seemed normal to her.

 She covered her head with both hands and cried out in pain

 It was Whitebeard who gave her a flick of his finger.

 The sense of pain and the incomprehension of being wronged made Karin's eyes teary.

 She looked at Whitebeard quite puzzledly

 "Fool!" Whitebeard said, "This is your body. No one in the ninja world has the right to use your body for healing. Your body should not be so abused."

 "Huh?" Karin weakly said, "But the ninjas in the village treat my mother like this, right? My blood is exactly the same as my mother's, and it can also cure diseases..."

 "Karin, do you like this?" Whitebeard put away his reprimand and asked seriously.

 Karin was taken aback.

 The faintly painful wound on her forearm made her shiver.

 "I don't like it." She sniffed hard, her eyes were a little red, and she was very wronged: "But if I don't do this the village will abandon me and my mother."

 "Since you called me 'Pops', then from today on," Whitebeard said, "No one can use your body for healing. No one can force your will."

 "From now on this village is no longer your home. Your new home in the future will be the Whitebeard Pirates!"

 "I guarantee these words with the name of 'Whitebeard'!"

 Whitebeard's lofty spirit directly rushed into the sky. Every word he said fell into Karin's ears and was deafening.

 Children in the ninja world are generally precocious.

 Even if Karin is not very old, she can still understand what Whitebeard means by these words.

 The innate "Kagura Mind's Eye".

 It also allows Karin to perceive that there is no lie in Whitebeard's breath.

 Everything he said...

 They are all true!

 In an instant...

 Karin's eyes could no longer hold back the tears, her little face was wet with the hot tears that flowed out, she had never felt such warmth in her heart before.

 This was clearly her first encounter with Whitebeard.

 She had only timidly called him "Pops".

 Yet he gave her indescribable care.



 New home...


 Karin had no idea where this impulse came from.

 All she knew was that she desperately wanted to shout out the two words she most wanted to say.

 So, she shouted out: "POPS!!!!"

 and added a sentence.

 "Thank... thank you!!!"

 "Gurararararara!" Whitebeard's serious face immediately relaxed, turning into a very cheerful and heroic laugh: "Silly daughter! Don't stutter when you speak! Louder! Say it again!!"

 Karin took a deep breath, her little face flushed, and she shouted with all her might: "POPS! THANK YOU!!!"


 This scene of recognizing a daughter and a father.

 Left the Kusagakure Anbu next to them stunned.


 Pleasing this giant is so simple?

 If he calls him "Pops"...

 Can I get a chance...?

 But somehow, he felt that if he dared to shout out these two words, he would definitely be beaten to death.



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