
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Tranh châm biếm
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284 Chs

Chapter 167: Whitebeard's 100% recovery treatment plan! Naruto and Lee!

"993....994....995..." Lee held the back of his head, his whole body bounced forward like a big frog.

His forehead was already covered with layers of sweat, and his face was very tired but unwilling to rest.

"There's only one hour left before class, I absolutely can't give up! I must jump to the ninja school within an hour!"

This is also a kind of exercise Lee does for himself every morning.

He, who has a very poor Ninjutsu talent, can only use this method to slowly become stronger.

Although he doesn't know if he can become a ninja by doing this? Can he improve his Ninjutsu talent?

But Lee understands that if a person is not even willing to try, he will never have a chance in his life.

"996....997...." Suddenly a strange voice sounded from behind, making Lee stunned.

Who is counting next to him?!

Startled, Lee accidentally tripped over his right foot with his left.

He fell headlong to the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah!!!!"

"It hurts!!!"

Lee quickly got up, covering his nose with his hand.

He accidentally hit his nose in the ground.

Fortunately, it wasn't a big deal, just very sore.

So sore that tears were about to flow out.

He turned his head back with a bewildered expression.

A person with yellow hair appeared in front of Lee.

Lee saw that the other party was bound by two extremely thick ropes, and a huge iron lump tied by the thick ropes was carried on the other party's back.

The size of the iron lump was even bigger than the whole person.

".....Who are you?" Lee was dumbfounded, is this really something a person can carry?

He couldn't help but touch the few lead blocks tied to his arm.

Lee actually also has weights on his body.

But his weight is not very heavy.

All the lead blocks on his body add up to about ten to 10 kg.

This is already his current limit.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto!" Naruto smiled at Lee: "You look very powerful! You actually jumped nearly 1000 times in a frog jump! And you have something tied to your body, it looks quite heavy."

The praise from Naruto made Lee feel at a loss.

Because even in the ninja school, most of what Lee received were some cold taunts.

Because his Ninjutsu talent is too low, no matter what Ninjutsu he can't learn, even the Ninjutsu seals are very poor.

When other students in the ninja school practice seals, they can probably seal nine in ten or so seconds.

But Lee's seals, he needs a full minute for nine seals!

And these nine seals may still be wrong.

Or halfway through, his fingers are almost knotted.

It is precisely because of this reason that even the teacher Mizuki bluntly said: He is not suitable to be a ninja.

Mizuki also once "advised" Lee to go home as soon as possible.

The ninja school is not a place for people like him.

No matter how long Lee has been in the ninja school, he has been ridiculed.

But he has gotten used to those ridicules.

He also learned not to care about their ridicule.


Suddenly one day, a peer who suddenly met did not ridicule him, but praised him. This behavior directly broke Lee's "habit".

It made Lee a little bit unable to cope.

"I.....my name is Rock Lee!" Lee sniffed.

Just now, his nose accidentally fell, and now his nose is still a bit red.

But fortunately, it didn't bleed.

"I, I'm not powerful at all." Lee scratched his head, very embarrassed: "I just want to use this way to prevent me from becoming the weakest in the class."

"But...." Lee was disappointed: "But my ninja talent is too bad no matter how hard I try, I'm still the weakest."


Naruto suddenly realized.

"You are also a student of the ninja school!"

"Eh" Lee was stunned: "You too?"

Naruto gave half of his body, allowing Lee to see Sasuke behind him, he smiled and said: "I and the one behind called Uchiha Sasuke are also students of the ninja school! But we are all freshmen in the first grade of the ninja school, our teacher is Iruka"

For the first time, he met a peer who would take the initiative to talk to him.

Lee was a little at a loss.

He hurriedly responded loudly to Naruto: "I am a second-year student of the ninja school, my teacher is Mizuki, you.....!"

"Ah! No good! I accidentally delayed half a minute."

Lee suddenly came back to his senses: "Half a minute can already jump more than a dozen frog jumps, I have to continue practicing!"

After that, he quickly squatted down and posed in a standard posture.


Lee continued to sweat his youthful sweat.

Naruto stared thoughtfully at Lee's bouncing figure.

He found this guy called "Rock Lee" quite interesting.

Because he was actually practicing Taijutsu.

"What's with this bushy brow?" Sasuke had already run over, looking at Lee, exhausted and panting.

"He's a very hardworking person!" After Naruto replied, he looked at Sasuke again, "Sasuke, why did you stop? Are you trying to be lazy in broad daylight? You still have six laps to go!"

Naruto no longer played with the Kunai, but held it in his hand.

Under the dawn light, the Kunai reflected a metallic luster.

Sasuke's face turned pale instantly, ".....wait, wait a minute!"

Unfortunately, Naruto didn't listen to him, and Naruto unhesitatingly stabbed the Kunai towards Sasuke.



Sasuke was shocked and directly opened the Sharingan. Under the super dynamic vision of the Sharingan, Sasuke could clearly see the movement trajectory of the Kunai in Naruto's hand.

He actually dodged it.

"Sharingan?" Naruto noticed Sasuke's eyes: "But why is there only one Tomoe?"

Naruto, who was muttering to himself, didn't stop the Kunai in his hand.

Sasuke had to dodge again in surprise.

"Damn it! Damn Naruto! Are you done with this?" Sasuke was startled into a cold sweat.

Without hesitation, he ran again.

"Huh?" Lee, who was on the side, took in this scene.

He was completely stunned.

"Do you want to train with us? Rock Lee!" Naruto didn't chase Sasuke for the time being, but looked down at Lee.

"Ah? Me?"

Lee was stunned.

"But...." Lee weakly said, "But, people like me, who has no ninja talent, will only drag you guys down."

"Idiot!" Naruto laughed, "A person who works so hard, how could he drag others down? You know that your Ninjutsu talent is not high, but you still insist on physical training, doesn't this just show that you don't want to be the last one?"

"This also shows that you don't want to be the one who drags people down, right? If so, why not dare to train with us? Besides, to become a qualified ninja, even if you don't know Ninjutsu, it's okay!"


"Ah?" "Huh?!"

Naruto's words made Lee's eyes widen: "Can you become a qualified ninja without knowing Ninjutsu?"


Naruto thought about it and corrected his statement: "It should be said that, even without Ninjutsu, people still can be more powerful than a ninja!"

"Because my Pops doesn't know any Ninjutsu, but my Pops is not worse than any ninja, even stronger than any ninja!"

When Naruto mentioned Whitebeard, his little face was full of pride.

In Naruto's eyes, Pops is the most powerful person in the ninja world.

Even if Pops really doesn't know any Ninjutsu.

But this does not hinder Pops' strength.

"Really, really?" Naruto's words had already made Lee's eyes shine: "Naruto, you're not lying to me, are you?"

Naruto smiled brilliantly, gave Lee a thumbs up: "Of course, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and speaking truth... is my ninja way! Under normal circumstances, I will never lie!"

Lee automatically ignored the five words "under normal circumstances".

At this moment, he was no longer hesitant.


Lee snorted out two puffs of air, his whole person was made boiling with blood by Naruto, like a calf full of vigor: "Then I will train with you!"

"Hahaha!" Naruto reached out to Lee who was squatting on the ground: "Then we are friends! Be my friend, Lee!"


Lee was stunned as if struck by lightning.

His eyes were instantly teary.

His thick eyebrows were trembling.

Lee has never had a friend in the ninja school for these two years.

Even his relationship with his classmates is not very harmonious.

Because no one would associate with loser.

Since people think that he is destined not to become a ninja, there is no need to build a network with Lee.

Isn't it better to hook up with some ninja disciples if you have the time?

This is the idea of most civilian students

Don't look at their age is generally seven or eight years old, at most eight or nine years old, but the children of the ninja world are mature very early.

It's perfectly normal to have such an idea.

As for those ninja disciples...

Without special circumstances, they are even less likely to associate with Lee, because it has no meaning to them.

This has led to Lee being alone for the past two years.

At the age of only eight, he needs to take the little relief money given by Konohagakure and support himself alone.

Go to school alone.

Go home from school alone.

Practice hard alone.

The three words "alone" are Lee's life rhythm.

It's a lie to say that you're not lonely.

It's also a lie to say that he don't want a friend.

No one wants to have a friend more than Lee.

Especially a friend of the same age.

"Wow! Naruto!" He actually hugged Naruto's thigh, and tears and snot flowed out together: "Since I came out of the orphanage, I have never had a friend, and no one wants to be friends with a person like me. Woo woo woo, Naruto you are too good! You are a good person!"

Lee is very well-behaved in the ninja school.

He never skips class.

He doesn't even be late.


Today is an exception.

He skipped class.


Time quickly came to noon.

The scorching sun was high in the sky.

Konohagakure gate.

Compared to the huge Konohagakure gate, Tsunade and Shizune's figures look a bit slender and petite. Even if Tsunade has a big chest, it depends on what it is compared with.

"That old man can really walk! He walked all the way from Konohagakure village to Konohagakure border, then ran to the Land of Grass, then ran to Land of Water, and then ran back to Konohagakure village....."

Looking up at the Konohagakure village in front of her, which is close at hand.

There are several black lines on Tsunade's face.

She and Shizune have been walking along the trajectory that Whitebeard once passed, which is equivalent to making a big circle between Land of Fire, Land of Water, and Grass Country.

"It's been a long time since I came back, why does the door seem to have changed? I remember... the door used to be not this color."

Tsunade murmured to herself.

Shizune, who was holding the pink and chubby Tonton, quietly interjected: "Tsunade-sama, it's been a long, long time since you last returned to Konohagakure... It's almost eight years, isn't it? And the last time you came back, you ran back to borrow money to pay off your debts."

"Cough cough!" Tsunade coughed, but didn't feel embarrassed, because her face was thick enough: "Let's go in, I hope that old man is still in Konohagakure village."

During this time, Tsunade was not just wandering on the road.

She has been thinking about how to restore Whitebeard's special body to the healthiest state?

She made a lot of medical conjectures related to this.

Time and time again she refuted the conjectures that came out of her, and time and time again new conjectures came out.

In the end, she finalized three treatment plans.

This is also the final treatment plan!

If you can select the most suitable treatment plan from it and succeed in treatment... you can restore Whitebeard's body to the most peak state.

After all, Tsunade is a medical ninja.

Although she had long since stopped meddling in ninja affairs, Tsunade was still very interested in special patients with complicated diseases.

Whitebeard is such a "patient".

It made her hard to resist the temptation.

After all... Whitebeard is a pirate, not a ninja.

Yes, that's right!

No problem!

"Let's disguise ourselves, I don't want to meet the higher-ups of Konohagakure. Those guys are so annoying, every time they want me to stay in Konohagakure village for the rest of my life, and they keep talking about the Will of Fire, it makes me want to vomit."

After saying a few words to Shizune, Tsunade suddenly "bang," and her whole body shrank significantly.

From the image of a mature and intellectual sister.

She turned into a little girl in her early teens.

From a busty figure to a flat chest.

With a youthful aura of a young girl.

"Transformation Jutsu!" Shizune had to obediently follow suit, she turned into a girl with an ordinary appearance, such an appearance has no memory, thrown on the street no one would take a second look.

"Let's go! Back to the village!" Tsunade, who had turned into a young girl, walked in the front with a swagger, her two ponytails swaying behind her.

"You two!" The two elite Chunin guarding the gate of Konohagakure immediately stopped Tsunade and Shizune: "Who are you? Where are you from? What are you doing in Konohagakure?"

Just as Shizune was about to explain.

Tsunade suddenly clapped her hands.

"Genjutsu, Mirror Moon Illusion!"

Even though she is not particularly proficient in Genjutsu, one of the three great ninjas can easily deal with two Chunin.

The two Chunin of Konohagakure were stunned on the spot.

It wasn't until the next second that they came back to their senses.

"Huh?" Even though Tsunade and Shizune were standing right in front of them, they were looking left and right as if they couldn't see anything: "Where did these two people go? Where are the two little girls just now?"

Shizune was dumbfounded.

Tsunade smiled slyly, with a little smugness: "That old man, arranged two gatekeepers that are not so good! Any ninja can sneak in casually."

"...That's because you are one of the Sannin!" Shizune, holding Tonton, complained helplessly: "We could have just explained....."

"Don't worry!"

Tsunade's face was full of carelessness: "Anyway, this Genjutsu won't cause them any harm."

The two of them swaggered into Konohagakure.

"Shizune, you go and find out where Whitebeard is, it's not easy to get back to the village, I'll go for a little stroll."

Looking at Konohagakure in front of her, Tsunade felt a bit emotional.

Konohagakure has become somewhat different from what she remembered.

But it's normal, after all, it's been so long since she left.

"Oh!" Just as Shizune was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly thought of something and quickly reminded Tsunade: "Tsunade-sama, we only have fifty thousand left, this is the money we use for food, drink, and travel these days, you can't... huh? Tsunade-sama? Ah... ah this... where is she?"

Shizune was just about to remind Tsunade not to go to the casino in Konohagakure.

But when she turned her head, she found that Tsunade-sama was gone.

Shizune's face changed suddenly, and she quickly reached for her wallet.

Found that the wallet had disappeared.



"Hehehehe...." Tsunade played with the wallet in her hand: "I'm a bit hungry, I'll go and eat something casually to fill my stomach. Then, I'll use the rest of the money to make a good comeback! I must win back all the money I lost outside!"

Although it has been many years since she returned to Konohagakure, Tsunade is well aware of the locations of the casinos in Konohagakure village.

Even with her eyes closed, she might not be able to return to her old home in Konohagakure, but she can definitely find every casino accurately.

Tsunade thought for a while and decided to go to the barbecue shop of the Akimichi clan.

She, with her light steps, walked through the streets of Konohagakure.

She noticed that something seemed to have happened in Konohagakure recently.

"There are so many cracks on the ground... and some buildings also have cracks." Tsunade muttered doubtfully, "Could there have been an earthquake?"

But Tsunade didn't think much about it.

The residential area of Konohagakure is not large.

Before long.

Tsunade arrived at her destination.

"Ha! It's still the shop I remember!" The familiar Akimichi clan barbecue shop came into view. Not knowing what memory it evoked, the smile on Tsunade's face slightly faded, and she touched the pendant on her neck.

"Huh..." Tsunade, who had swept away the bad memories, let out a soft sigh.

Just as she was about to walk in, she suddenly heard a noise behind her, as if a heavy object was constantly falling on the ground.

It seemed that the ground was trembling slightly.

Tsunade turned her head back in surprise, first saw the iron lump rising and falling, and then she found that someone was carrying that huge iron lump.

A very familiar face made Tsunade's pupils shrink slightly.


Wait, that's not right!





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