
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Tranh châm biếm
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284 Chs

Chapter 159: Shocking Konohagakure! Kamui's Weakness!


Whitebeard keenly noticed an unusual movement under his feet.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Suddenly, a large number of trees broke through the ground beneath him.

The trees that broke through the ground were covered with sharp thorns, which wrapped around Whitebeard's legs in an instant, and the sturdy trees continued to spiral upwards.

Like several giant pythons wanting to strangle Whitebeard!

In less than two seconds, Whitebeard was completely wrapped in it, and each tree was contracting forcefully.

Even some of the tougher spirit beasts.

They would probably be crushed into blood foam by this move!

"Got it!" Obito, hidden under the shell of White Zetsu, hooked the corner of his mouth slightly: "His power just a brute force, and that strange vibration power, plus immunity to Genjutsu, that's all!"

"This is Wood Release Ninjutsu! Senju Hashirama, who founded Konohagakure village back in the day, was famous in the ninja world for his powerful Wood Release Ninjutsu, and was hailed as the God of the Ninja World!"

"No! 'Madara-sama', I didn't smell any blood, that Whitebeard didn't die, he wasn't even injured!"

At this time, Tobi's voice suddenly sounded.

Obito's face changed: "What?!"


With a muffled sound, Whitebeard's muscular arm pierced the tree that was tightly wrapped around him.

Whitebeard even ignored those thorns and directly grabbed a tree. The thorns of the tree came into contact with his skin, but they couldn't pierce his skin at all.

Whitebeard pulled slightly with force.


Under Obito's wide-eyed gaze, Whitebeard actually tore his Wood Release Ninjutsu apart with one hand.

He even found that Whitebeard's big cloak was not broken.

The clothes are intact!

"Brat!" Whitebeard raised Murakumogiri, his eyes showing a bit of contempt:

 "Is this... the so-called Uchiha Madara? If you borrow someone else's name, don't use such weak and pitiful power to defame others' names!....


Whitebeard casually slashed out his sword and rolled up a shocking slash.

The slash passed through Obito's body, fell on the large buildings behind, and instantly cut that piece of building in half!

Like cutting tofu.

No resistance at all.

But even with such a sword, Obito was unscathed.

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hmph!" Obito felt that his face was a bit unbearable, he jumped back tens of meters violently, and during the jump, his hands had already completed the seal: "Just now, I was just testing you!"

"Wood Release: Great Tree Burial!"

Obito slapped the ground fiercely with both palms. With the blessing of White Zetsu, the force was so great that even the ground was slapped with several cracks.

In the ruins of a hundred meters radius, suddenly one tree after another drilled out of the ground, and each tree was constantly swelling.

Looking around, there are more than a dozen trees with a diameter of ten meters.

Their tree crowns are all aimed at Whitebeard.

What is particularly eye-catching is... among the leaves of the tree crown, there is a lot of black smoke overflowing.

Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the inside was actually covered with Explosive Tags!

Under Obito's control, a dozen or so giant trees charged straight towards Whitebeard!

"Watch out! There's the smell of burning Explosive Tags! Pops, be careful, those burning papers will explode!" Shisui, behind Whitebeard, smelled something strange. He was taken aback and hurriedly shouted a warning to Whitebeard.

But the next second, Shisui found himself being grabbed by Whietbeard. Whitebeard's huge palm could envelop his body with just one hand.

And at that moment, the Explosive Tags exploded!

Boom, boom, boom...

Shisui could only feel the intense explosion causing his eardrums to ache, but because of Whitebeard's protection, the successive explosions of the Explosive Tags did not harm him.

Moreover... Shisui found that Whitebeard seemed to be in a normal state.

He was not injured by the successive explosions.

Those Explosive Tags couldn't hurt Pops.

"Kid, are you using these crappy papers to light birthday candles?"

Whitebeard, bathed in the explosion, smiled and blew a breath towards the front.

Suddenly, a violent wind blew!

The Explosive Tags that had not yet been detonated were blown into the sky by Whitebeard's breath, and the burning leaves were also blown all over the sky by Whitebeard.

At first glance, it looked as if countless sky lanterns had been lit in the sky above the Uchiha clan's residence.

The remaining Explosive Tags that were blown away all exploded in the air.

The sound of the explosion echoed throughout Konohagakure.

"'Madara-sama', this guy's physical strength is even more outrageous than mine!" Tobi was a bit shocked. So many Explosive Tags exploding, even his White Zetsu could be blown to pieces, how could that mortal Whitebeard withstand it?

"Gurararararara!" Whitebeard laughed out loud, he directly threw Shisui onto his shoulder, took two steps forward, and without hesitation, he swung his sword.

Obito's hands hung down.

He didn't dodge or avoid.

The huge blade of Murakumogiri pierced through his body, but he was not injured, and he directly jumped onto the hilt of Murakumogiri and quickly approached Whitebeard's palm.

Obito's hands pressed on Whitebeard's back of the hand.

"Wood Release: Piercing Branch!"

The sharp branches that flowed out of Obito's hands could shatter stones, but at this moment, he found that Whitebeard's skin was as hard as steel.

What broke continuously with "bang bang" was not Whitebeard's flesh and blood, but his "Wood Release: Piercing Branch".

Whitebeard, like slapping mosquito.

He slapped Obito with one palm.

Obito still didn't dodge or avoid, this palm passed through his body, as if it was fanning on a non-existent phantom.

Obito frowned and jumped to the bottom of Whitebeard.

He looked up at Whitebeard: "You can't hit me, I can't hurt you. Tsk, it seems we're at a stalemate!"

"Is that so?" Whitebeard's smile grew wider: "Kid, you shouldn't have used that move just now."

Obito was stunned.

He hadn't reacted yet, what Whitebeard meant, when he found that Whitebeard's right fist was already wrapped in vibrating light waves.

"Vibration Power!" Obito's pupils shrank, he knew very well the horror of Whitebeard's weird ability.

He saw Whitebeard had already punched out into the air.


The violently vibrating air set off a series of shocks that rushed towards Obito, and also affected the entire Uchiha clan's residence, and even the entire Konohagakure could feel the sense of tremor.

Cracks appeared in the atmosphere above, and the ground beneath was shaken into very exaggerated cracks.

Even the dark clouds in the sky were dispersed by Whitebeard's punch.

A sight of a natural disaster as far as the eye can see!

It leaves everyone dumbfounded!


"This is....." The clearly visible cracks in the atmosphere made Danzo, who was always watching the Uchiha residence from a distance, widen his eyes and exclaim incredulously: "Whitebeard's vibration power?"

Danzo's expression suddenly became extremely ugly: "What on earth is Itachi doing? Why did he attract Whitebeard? And why did Whitebeard take action there?"

It can be seen that Danzo's forehead has already sweated a lot.

Whitebeard, this man, left him with a very serious psychological shadow.

The lower half of his body was shattered by Whitebeard.

Danzo still remembers the battle back then.

He had already run hundreds to thousands of meters at that time, but Whitebeard's strike still shattered half of his body.

As a result, he still has to sit in a wheelchair now.

Because he hasn't contacted Orochimaru yet.

"Damn Whitebeard!" Danzo's expression fluctuated, and his body seemed to be aching everywhere: "He has already ruined my good deeds once, is he going to ruin my second good deed? Is this bastard against me?"

He sent quite a few root ninjas to infiltrate the Uchiha clan's residence to collect those Sharingans.

Since the battle with Whitebeard, Danzo has increasingly felt that the more Sharingan he has, the less he fears people like Whitebeard.

Because, as long as he releases Izanagi infinitely.....

Then even if he can't beat Whitebeard.

He can also take the opportunity to run away!

"If it weren't for Whitebeard's intervention, this operation should have been perfectly carried out. But this guy inexplicably intervened, can I smoothly get those Sharingan?"

Danzo's expression was ugly.

Just at this moment, a root ninja rushed from a distance. When he appeared in front of Danzo, he immediately knelt on one knee.

This root ninja came to report the situation: "Danzo-sama, when we were observing the outskirts of the Uchiha clan's residence, we found that Whitebeard suddenly appeared!"

The root members are divided into two batches, one batch is to sneak in to dig out the eyes, and the other batch is to observe the situation outside.

Danzo had a dark face: "Do you think I'm blind? Such a big movement, the whole Konohagakure can see it, do you think I can't see it?!"

Danzo felt that he had raised a bunch of rice buckets.

But there was no way, the elite root ninjas were almost killed by Whitebeard some time ago.

The rest are just making up the numbers.

It's already very good to be able to use.

"Have the people who dug the Sharingan inside come out? Have they brought out the Sharingan?" Danzo is more concerned about this.

"Not yet." The root member answered honestly with his head down.

Danzo's face got darker.


"This is? Whitebeard?" Itachi carried Sasuke, who was unconscious due to excessive mental stimulation, on his shoulder.

In order for Sasuke to live with hatred, he gave Sasuke a very extreme Genjutsu, allowing Sasuke to witness with his own eyes the scene of him killing his parents with his own hands.

Moreover, it is played in Sasuke's mind countless times.

Sasuke, who was only seven years old, collapsed mentally on the spot.

At this moment.....Itachi looked at the atmospheric cracks not far away, feeling the strong vibration of the ground, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

He could clearly see that a visible vibration wave was rushing in one direction.

Wherever it passed, everything shattered!

Itachi found it hard to imagine how terrifying a level of Ninjutsu this was?

Was this the man who defeated Hokage-sama?

Why did he appear here?

And who was he fighting with?

"Uchiha Madara?"

The name suddenly popped into Itachi's mind, because in the Uchiha residence, the only person who could be Whitebeard's opponent was the masked man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara.

"Those two guys... are they fighting with Whitebeard? But it's none of my business, my goal has been achieved, and I don't need to go help them."

Itachi thought for a moment, he felt it was a bit dangerous to leave Sasuke in the Uchiha residence, so he wanted to leave Sasuke outside.

"Please forgive me, Sasuke..."

Itachi murmured: "I have to do this, if I don't, Konohagakure will fall into an endless civil war."

He gently stroked the unconscious Sasuke's head.

His blood-stained face showed a slight smile.


Meanwhile, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was leading a group of Anbu members, very "anxiously" rushing towards the Uchiha clan.

Because Kakashi's ninja dog had already run to notify Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Under these circumstances, as the Third Hokage, if he still didn't move, it would obviously be a bit unreasonable.

And on the way to the Uchiha residence.

He and a group of Anbu ninjas also witnessed the big scene in the distance.

Even in the dark night, that picture was so clear.

It was shocking!

"Hokage-sama! It's Whitebeard's vibration power, and the location is exactly in the Uchiha residence!" An Anbu ninja next to Sarutobi Hiruzen hurriedly said.

"Yes! I saw it." Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a deep voice.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen had known long ago that the Uchiha clan was going to launch a coup today. After all, the various actions of the Uchiha clan... were simply impossible to hide in the eyes of the Konohagakure high-level.

The reason why he didn't send ninjas to suppress the Uchiha clan was because of the existence of Uchiha Itachi.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's imagination, Uchiha Itachi would assassinate some of the radicals in their clan tonight.

To end this coup tonight.

He was already prepared for at least hundreds of Uchiha clan members to die, and he also thought about how to appease the remaining Uchiha.

This coup would cease because of Uchiha Itachi's action.

But then, a Whitebeard suddenly appeared...

It made Sarutobi Hiruzen frown.

It also made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel that things were a bit beyond his control.

He also had the same doubt as Uchiha Itachi and Shimura Danzo... Who was Whitebeard fighting against in Uchiha?

With Fugaku?

Or Itachi?


Uchiha Izumi, standing on a rooftop, was stunned at the moment.

From her position, she could see a group of vibrating light waves charging and smashing, shaking out a huge trench in the Uchiha residence, exaggerated to the point of being like a small canyon.

She found it hard to imagine that if the Uchiha clan hadn't experienced this bloody massacre tonight...

With Whitebeard's punch, how many people would die?

At least half of the Uchiha clan could be wiped out, right?


Uchiha Izumi swallowed a mouthful of saliva in the dark.

She finally understood why big brother Shisui was so persistent, to make her run and notify Whitebeard.

This strength is a bit terrifying, isn't it?

Whitebeard's tall and burly figure, even standing in this position, she could see clearly.

She could see even more, the large cloak behind Whitebeard fluttering in the wind, the pirate group's symbol dancing with the wind.

In Uchiha Izumi's eyes.

Whitebeard is like a god!


At the same time.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow! What a terrifying power!" Tobi's screams of surprise kept ringing in Obito's ears: "So scary! The power that can destroy the world is probably not much more than this!"

Tobi's tone is not sarcastic.

Although the tone of his speech is very strange, he is serious about this sentence.

The power that Whitebeard is showing now makes Tobi dumbfounded!

"It's very exaggerated. But, it's of no use!"

Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan is surrounded by a faint red glow, he surged a vine under his feet, lifting his whole person high up, allowing him to look at Whitebeard on an equal footing: "Whitebeard, you don't understand the power of Mangekyou Sharingan at all"

No matter how terrifying Whitebeard's attack is.

Obito can cope with it calmly.

Because his divine power can make him invincible for five minutes.

Even if it was used to deal with a group of Uchiha ninjas before and wasted a minute or two, there are still more than three minutes left!

"Are you shocked? Whitebeard! The power you are proud of can shake a tailed beast to death, but it has no effect on me!"

Obito hooked the corner of his mouth, the Mangekyou Sharingan slowly rotated.

Both hands have already made several seals.

"Fire Release..."

"Windstorm Dance!!!"

The power of the divine power twisted the space around Obito.

The Fire Release Ninjutsu sprayed from his mouth is like a fire whirlpool, sweeping towards Whitebeard.

With the blessing of "Tobi", the "Windstorm Dance" used by Obito this time is several times more powerful than before.

"Wood Release. Art of the Wooden Men!!"

Obito did not stop making seals, the whole earth began to shake violently, a giant wooden man in the form of a Buddha rose from the ground.

The wooden man Buddha is tens of meters high, and there are hundreds of Buddha hands behind him, each of which is ridiculously huge.

There are five smaller Buddha head reliefs on the top of the Buddha's head.

At first glance, the visual impact is faintly above Whitebeard.

Obito is also standing straight on the top of this Buddha.

The cold wind at night blows the robe to dance.

Obito shouted loudly: "Witness the power of Uchiha Madara! Whitebeard!!!"

As Whitebeard casually slashed Obito's Fire Release with a knife, Obito held his wrist with one hand and pushed forward with the other hand.

"True Hundred Hands!!!"

Just see, the hundreds of Buddha hands behind the wooden man Buddha immediately clenched into fists, with the speed of lightning, and like a sudden rain, they rushed towards Whitebeard in front.

"It's not over yet!"

The five Buddha head reliefs on the top of the Buddha's head opened their mouths one after another, 

and the rolling chakra poured into the Buddha under Obito's feet from Obito's body

Fire Release.

Water Release.

Wind Release.

Lightning Release.

Earth Release.

Five completely different types of Ninjutsu were gathering in the mouth of the Buddha's head sculpture.

The entire Uchiha residence was filled with a sense of destruction.

Even though Obito had been implanted with Hashirama's cells, and Tobi was attached to him, this move still drained half of his chakra.

This is a mixed Ninjutsu that can level the entire Uchiha residence. Once used, even the nearby Hyuga residence will be severely affected, and its power is extremely astonishing.

Obito and Tobi's voices rang out together, and both of them shouted in unison: "Ninjutsu..."


It was also at the moment when he finished his seal.

Whitebeard moved!

Watching one Buddha's fist after another attacking him, Whitebeard suddenly smiled, he swept his sword horizontally, and the sharp slash raised by Murakumogiri spanned hundreds of meters.

One after another, the hands of the wooden man were all cut open by his sword.


The ground under Whitebeard's feet shattered in an instant. Clearly, Whitebeard's physique was much larger and taller than ordinary people. Logically speaking, the larger the creature, the slower its speed.

But Whitebeard's speed...

It was so fast that even Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan couldn't react!

"What?!" Obito was suddenly shocked.

He found that Whitebeard was gone.

Not until Tobi's anxious voice rang out: "Ob... Madara-sama! Above!


Obito then found a shadow covering him.

The pupils of Mangekyou Sharingan contracted.

At this moment, Whitebeard had already appeared in the sky above Obito, and the vibrating light waves were lingering on the tightly held Murakumogiri.

The vibrating light waves covering the blade of Murakumogiri were shaking the air.

Let Obito hear a sharp buzzing sound like a bee.

"Brat... you can't 'elementalize' when you use Ninjutsu, right?"

A short sentence, like a death knell in Obito's ears, made Obito's face suddenly stiff.

Damn it!

Could it be that "Piercing Branch" technique that made Whitebeard aware of the weakness of the single-eyed "Kamui"?

Obito reacted instantly.

But Whitebeard's fierce sword had already fallen from the sky!


The air shattered!

The dense air cracks, like roaring dragons, rushed towards the Buddha of the wooden man below.

The wooden man of tens of meters high directly exploded!

The whole Konohagakure was shaking!

The high-level five-element Ninjutsu of the Great Buddha was even more triggered by a shocking explosion!

Boom, boom, boom!!




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